Page 1: How Can We Make a Difference

How Can We Make a Difference?

We take a look back at some of the progress and regression in the last decade and ask ourselves this: How can we make a difference? How can we help fellow man? We see how one group has risen to the challenge in a creative way.

The last decade has brought changes upon America no one predicted. From technology to medicine to economics to politics, it seems that everything has changed. Some changes have been good, while others have been devastating.

Medical advances in the 00's have helped everyone from pre-mature babies to cancer patients to AIDS victims. New diseases have also set us back. Bird flue and mad cow disease, while not new, have certainly made headlines more often in the last ten years. West Nile Virus and H1N1 have also both taken a horrifying toll on our population's health and pocket books.

This decade has brought both fun and functional advances in cell phone technology. Ten years ago some people were still driving around with bag phones in their cars. Now our cell phones can talk to us, direct us, check our email and even instant message. Not to mention play videos and send pictures. These advances have been both good and bad for our nation.

The economy and politics is certainly an area that has gone to extremes this last decade. In 2000 we had a budget surplus. Times were great for the economy. No one thought that in ten years we would be in the mess we are in now. Because of bad political leadership, our country has fallen on some of the hardest times in the last century. Because our country has been run into the ground, our political parties have polarized. Now, it is up to our fearless leader to get the country back into shape.

Barak Obama gave us all a push to do more for fellow man during his inaugural address last year. While everyone interpreted his speech differently, one group of people came up with a brilliant plan to rise to the call to action. Blanket America charitable organization, founded my Mesh Gelman, created the Patchwork Heritage collection as a buy one, give one program to help those in need. With each sale of the Patchwork Heritage quilts, shams and pillows, a like item is donated to charity. To learn more about how Blanket America is rising to the call of duty, or to support the cause, visit them at

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