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How Can We Fix The Tax System?

Have we fixed it yet? Is it working any better? It is our economy I'm talking about. Our economic

structure has been pretty badly broken and some feeble attempts to fix it have been discussed by

those who claim to be our national leaders.

Not long ago the Auto Industry found themselves in a crisis and ask the government to give them a

hand in the form of a bailout. Our taxpayer paid congressional group complied to the tune of over

seven billion dollars which was squandered on executive bonuses rather than the industry.

Those bonuses are very important. Lord knows, those poor hungry executives need to be paid a

bonus before we can fix the real problem. Oh, yes, then there was a second bailout with a few

restrictions. Did we learn anything from the first one? Very little.

However, the second bailout did do something for the auto industry. Cars are rolling out and selling,

but I still wonder how much of the problem was real and how much was nothing but fluff.

Any way, we found another problem. Our country was running out of money. How could that be, we

had enough to take care of some of the problems of other countries and enough to fund wars that

were not really ours.

We had enough money to fund the rebuilding of cities bombed is the war. We have enough money to

feed the people of some destitute nation and care for earthquake stricken areas somewhere across

the oceans.

But, we are broke.

What is the solution? Why, raise the fix the debt ceiling, of course. Makes sense to me, we are

already trillions in debt so lets raise the limits we can borrow and then just jump right into more

trillions of problems.

Raise the debt ceiling, borrow more money, raise taxes, raise taxes for the rich and lower taxes for

the poor, what is the answer?

Warren Buffet (one of the richest people in the world) said it himself. He said it is time for the

millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share. That means it is time to close some of the

loopholes that were designed for use by the wealthy.

Some of the wealthiest businesses and individuals have never paid one cent in taxes. There has

always been a special loophole to cover them.

What I want to know is where are the loopholes that cover you and me, the people who are not in the

million or billion group. Where is my loophole?

I have said it before and I will say it again, the American tax system is flawed, in fact, it is damn well

screwed up. The tax system we have is an unfair system.I still believe the taxation system should be

an equal tax. I believe that everyone who makes a dollar should pay a set percentage of that dollar in


Lets say 5%, for every dollar earned a lousy little nickel would go to taxes. That is for everyone.

Anyone who earns, from the gardener to the corporate owner and operator. A flat fee of 5% tax.

If you earn $100.00 you pay $5.00 in tax. If you earn $1,000,000 you pay $100,000. Take away all the

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loopholes and special benefits and rely only on an equal flat fee system. The amount of money

collected in taxes would be astronomical. There would be enough tax money for the U.S. Government

to bailout the U.S. Government

I know there are a lot of people who disagree with me but that is their opinion and I really don't care

about it. Right now, in this article it is my opinion that counts.

After all, it's my article. If you have an opinion, write your own article. I'll read it

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