
How can I create a Locally Managed SYSTEM Tablespace?When you specify the EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL clause in the CREATE DATABASE statement you cause O!acle to c!eate a locally mana"e# S$STEM ta%lespace &he!ein O!acle#ete!mines e'tent si(es) The COM*AT+BLE initiali(ation pa!amete! must %e set to ,)- o! hi"he! fo! this statement to %e successful) +f you #o not specify the EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL clause the #efault is to c!eate a #ictiona!y.mana"e# S$STEM ta%lespace)Locally mana"e# ta%lespaces p!o/i#e %ette! pe!fo!mance an# "!eate! ease of mana"ement o/e! #ictiona!y.mana"e# ta%lespaces) A locally mana"e# S$STEM ta%lespace is c!eate# A0TOALLOCATE %y #efault meanin" that it is system mana"e# &ith e'tent si(es #ete!mine#an# cont!olle# %y O!acle) $ou may notice an inc!ease in the initial si(e of o%1ects c!eate# in a locally mana"e# S$STEM ta%lespace %ecause of the autoallocate policy) +t is not possi%le to c!eate a locally mana"e# S$STEM ta%lespace an# specify 0N+2ORM e'tent si(e)When you c!eate you! #ata%ase &ith a locally mana"e# S$STEM ta%lespace ensu!e the follo&in" con#itions a!e met3The!e must %e a #efault tempo!a!y ta%lespace an# that ta%lespace cannot %e the S$STEM ta%lespace)$ou must not c!eate !oll%ac4 se"ments in #ictiona!y.mana"e# ta%lespaces) Attemptin" to c!eate a !oll%ac4 se"ment in a #ictiona!y.mana"e# ta%lespace &ill fail if the S$STEM ta%lespace is locally mana"e#)To meet the fi!st con#ition you can specify the DE2A0LT TEM*ORAR$ TABLES*ACE clause inthe CREATE DATABASE statement o! you cannot inclu#e the clause an# allo& O!acle to c!eate the ta%lespace fo! you usin" a #efault name an# in a #efault location)2o! fulfillin" the secon# con#ition O!acle !ecommen#s that instea# of usin" !oll%ac4 se"ments to mana"e the #ata%ase5s un#o !eco!#s that you use automatic un#o mana"ement) $ou can inclu#e the 0NDO TABLES*ACE clause in the CREATE DATABASE statement to c!eate a specific un#o ta%lespace o! if you #o not inclu#e the clause O!acle c!eates a locally mana"e# un#o ta%lespace fo! you usin" the #efault name an# in a #efault location)How Oracle Manages Diagnostic Traces and Statistics?O!acle t!aces /a!ious types of #ia"nostic an# statistical info!mation useful to the use!s an# suppo!t "!oups)67) 2o! the Data%ase O!acle maintains Ale!t Lo" 2ile &ith an a%ility to the use! to set &hich e/ents a!e to %e t!ace# an# &hich a!e not to) To i#entify c!itical e!!o!s an# t!acin" the e!!o!sthe use! is ena%le# to #efine #estinations fo! #epositin" the t!ace files %y O!acle) They a!e "ene!ally calle# #ump #estinations)Bac4"!oun# #ump #estination0se! #ump #estinationCo!e #ump #estination6-) Net&o!4 #ia"nostic t!ace files a!e "ene!ate# at the #efault #estinations un#e! ORACLE89OME:net&o!4:lo"Settin" a##itional e/ents to t!ac4 the e!!o!s an# #ia"nose the !easons use! has the a%ility toset e/ents at session system an# #ata%ase le/el) Depen#in" upon the natu!e of the e/ent an# the le/el of t!ace some e/ents can %e set at the session le/el some at system le/el an#some at #ata%ase le/el)The +nitiali(ation *a!amete!s that impact the O!acle t!ace "ene!ation;7< ORACLE8TRACE8COLLECT+ON8S+=EORACLE8TRACE8COLLECT+ON8S+=E specifies ;in %ytes< the ma'imum si(e of the O!acle T!ace collection file ;)#at!#%ms>a#min>utl'plan)sDl )) fo! W+NDOWS platfo!msWhen the plan ta%le is populate# then use this Due!y to fetch the #ata fo!matte#) So thatyou un#e!stan# ho& o!acle is plannin" #ata access pathsselect P f!om ta%le;#%ms8'plan)#isplay

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