Download - House Revision 3



1. Read the text below and look at the picture.

A room of my own This is my living-room. It's where I spend most of my free time when I'm at home and where I sit with friends when they visit. In the centre of the room there's a coffee table and on it there's an ashtray . I don't smoke but some of my friends do! Under the coffee table there's a really lovely rug that I bought when I was on holiday in India a couple of years ago. Next to the rug, on the left you can see the sofa and on it there are some cushions. They have the same pattern as the sofa. I don't sit on the sofa much, I prefer the rocking chair which is on the right next to the window. I like to have lots of light in the living-room so there are two lights there's the lampstand next to the sofa and hanging from the ceiling in the centre of the room is the overhead light. I also have a choice of heating. In the centre of the far wall there is a lovely fireplace that is very nice in winter. When I'm feeling lazy and don't want to go and get the coal and wood, I use the electric fire which is next to the fireplace. Above the fireplace on the mantelpiece, there's a vase of flowers and a postcard from my brother, and on the wall there's a painting of a mountain. My living-room is also my favourite place for reading so next to the painting there are some bookshelves where I keep all my favourite books.

2. Now use the description and the picture to write the names of the numbered objects below.


HOME SWEET HOME Discuss or debate the questions below. Remember to support your answers! -Do you like your home? Please explain. -Do you like your neighborhood? Please explain. -Do you have a favorite room at home? If yes, what is it? Why do you like it so much? -Do you have a room that you dislike in your home? If yes, what is it? Why do you dislike it so much?

-Where do you live? -Why do you live where you do? Please explain. -What adjectives would you use to describe your home? Why did you choose these adjectives? Please explain. -What does "home sweet home" mean? Please explain. -What are homes typically like in your country? Please explain. -If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you want to live? Why? -What does your dream house look like? Please describe it. -Have you ever lived in a dump? How about in a dangerous place? How about in a place that was posh?

-Which is better, a small house or a large apartment? Why do you think so? -Have you ever done any DIY on your home? If yes, what did you do? -Is your home just a place to eat and sleep every day? Why/not?

-What would you like to change about your current home? Please explain. -Which is better, a place in the country or a place in the city? Why do you think so? -What is the difference between a "house," "condo," "apartment (or flat)," and "townhouse?" Please explain. -What is the last thing that you bought for your home? Why did you buy it? -What is the next thing that your want to buy for your home? Why do you want to buy it? Please explain.

Rooms in a House

AtticPeople store things in the attic.

BallroomA room in stately homes where rich people dance and concerts are held.

Box RoomA small room used for storage.

CellarUnderneath the house.

CloakroomA small room where people put their coats.

ConservatoryA greenhouse attached to a house for the display of plants.

Dining RoomA room where people eat .

Drawing RoomA room in stately homes where rich people entertain.

Games RoomA room in large houses where games are played.

HallThe entrance passage to a house.

LarderA small room used for the storage of food.

LibraryA room where books are kept.

LoungeAnother name for living room.

Music RoomA room where people play music.

OfficeA room where people work.

PantryA small room used to store kitchen and dining items.

ParlourOld fashioned word for living room.

Sitting RoomAnother name for living room.

Spare Room/Guest RoomA room where guests sleep.

ToiletA room where people go to the toilet (often known as WC)

Utility RoomA room where appliances such as washing machines are used.

Things you may find around the house

light bulb(s)plug(s)socket(s)torch(es)

ceiling light(s)lamp(s)curtain(s)lock(s)

key(s)shelf (shelves) (tele)phone(s)box(es)

plug(s)battery (batteries) photo(graph)(s)

Naturally Speaking ceiling | door | floor | wall | window

DialogueHere is a conversation between Mrs Smith (Joan) and husband Steve. It's Saturday and Joan and Steve are decorating.

JoanSteve, you missed a bit.


JoanHere, on the wall just by the window, you can see a patch of white.

SteveOh yes, I see it. It's difficult in this light.

JoanI know, well at least we have finished this room, only five more to go.

SteveAre you sure you want to put wallpaper up in the lounge?

JoanYes, but don't worry, I'm really good at wallpapering. I just wish that John would decide on what he wants his room doing in.

SteveI know, it's difficult when you're a boy. At least he's grown out of Star Wars, I keep thinking he'll ask for red and black or something equally gruesome.

JoanYes, but it is his room. I'm glad we decided not to move though. Maybe we should think about building an extension to the kitchen instead.

SteveOne thing at a time please! Lets get this decorating over and done with first.

JoanHa! Oh by the way you missed a bit by the door too!

SteveHmmm, thanks. Here's a brush.


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