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Page 2: Houdini

Harry Houdini born March 24, 1874

Was a Hungarian- Born Amagician And Es capolgist, Stunt performer, actor and film producer noted for his escape acts. Harry Houdini was born as Erik Weisz i un Budapest. Houdni was one of seven children Weisz arrived in the States on 1878

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Houdini escapes

One of Houdini’s tricks was to escape the trunk where it was tied with a rope in a sack.

He could get tree from handouts even inside a water tank

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How did he die?• Some guys hit Hodini strong in the

stomach to check the resistence.

• He was hopitalized a few days after, he dyed at the age 52.

• Hodini funeral was held at Novembre 9th-1926 New York, with more than 2,000 in attednce.

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