Page 1: Hot, Flat, and Crowded Thomas L. Friedman Why we need a green revolution and how it can renew America

Hot, Flat, and Crowded

Thomas L. Friedman

Why we need a green revolution and how it can renew America.

Page 2: Hot, Flat, and Crowded Thomas L. Friedman Why we need a green revolution and how it can renew America


America has a problem and the world has a problem. America’s problem is that it has lost its way in recent years-partly because of 9/11 and partly because of the bad habits that have weakened our society’s ability and willingness to take on big challenges.

The author also talks about the world getting too hot, too flat, and too crowded. The global warming, the rise of middle classes, and the rapid population growth.

The author about maintaining our technological, economic, and moral leadership. The author also says that things will have to change fast.

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