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Surya Suresh Horticultural Therapist ArtyPlantz

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Distraction is when you are dragged away from your tasks or from your worries.

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Healthy Distraction When you are dragged away from your worries, p a i n o r a n y o t h e r negative thoughts and allow you to direct your attention to any other activity, it 's healthy distraction.

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It can also be a pleasant break. Forgetting your worries help you feel relaxed and de-stressed. Therefore distraction can be a form of relaxation.

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Mental distraction is a technique that has been used effectively for a number of physical and mental health issues.

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Connecting to nature and plants can help you to control your mind and body. Distraction through plants relieve your stress and tension

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“In every gardener there is a child who believes in The Seed Fairy.” ~Robert Brault

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Horticultural Therapy(HT) can help people to manage their life through connecting with nature through a series of gardening and garden related activities.

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Distraction through HT activities, is not a diversion from reality, but helps to raise coping skills.

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Removing Negative Thoughts

Specific HT activities that require more concentration and so which help to fades away the negative thoughts easily. All HT activities are also fun-filled and therefore everybody, from children to older population will love participating in these act ivi t ies . Hence dragging their concentration to the acitivity becomes very simple and easy.

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Reduce worries Color and fragrance of nature can make much more impact on human emotions and so in HT there are many related activities used to control our emotions, but they are very specific to each individual.

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Help to relieve pain Many HT activities that involve focusing helps to forget your pain, and enjoy the activity you are doing. Focusing on specific nature friendly activities help you to forget about what you were thinking and make you focus only on the activity. Hence practicing this activities will help you to concentrate on a particular work whenever you want to, without any other thoughts disturbing you.

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General gardening activities like weeding, harvesting, watering and planting also lessens the buildup of anxiety and stress.

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“Learn to be an observer in all seasons. Every single day, your garden has something new and wonderful to show you.”

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To know more about Horticultural Therapy, log on to or mail to [email protected]

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