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Програма 2018-2020 Хоризонт 2020

ИКТ Конкурси

Мариана Дамова, PhD Национално контактно лице ИКТ

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Типове конкурси

Научно-изследователски проекти

научни и иновативни проекти – research and innovation action

иновативни проекти – innovation action

координиране и подкрепа – coordination and support action

Европейски научно-изсредователски съвет

високи научни постижения

млади учени

Инструмент за малки и средни предприятия

Обучение и мобилност

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Вход за участие

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Participant Portal inside

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Информация за конкурси


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Цикъл на подготовка на проектопредложение

Около две години


Избор на тема/идея

Формиране на консорциум

Подготовка на проектопредложението

Копоненти на текста на предложението

- Excellence, innovation capacity

- State of the art

- Impact

- Work Packages

- Governance

- Horizontal aspects – иновации, МСП, 3 О-та, равенство на половете


- Еxcellence

- Impact

- Work programmme

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Конкурси по ИКТ 2018-2020

Основни теми на конкурсите

• Дигитализиране на Европейската индустрия -

• HPC и инфрастуктури от данни

• Бъдещи и възникващи технологии

• Иновации

• Ново поколение интернет и 5G

• Социални предизвикателства

Отговорен отдел към ЕК

Directorate general – Connect

DG Connect

Communications Networks, Content and Technology

The Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology is the

Commission department responsible to develop a digital single market to generate

smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in Europe.

Индикативен бюджет

2018 – €806 млн

2019 – €932 млн

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Конкурси по ИКТ 2018-2020

Основни теми на конкурсите

• Дигитализиране на Европейската индустрия

• HPC и инфрастуктури от данни

• Бъдещи и възникващи технологии

• Иновации

• Ново поколение интернет и 5G

• Социални предизвикателства

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Дигитализиране на европейската индустрия

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Topic Budget (EUR) - Year

: 2018

Budget (EUR) - Year

: 2019

Stages Opening date


DT-ICT-06-2018 - CSA Coordination and support action

1,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

DT-ICT-02-2018 - CSA Coordination and support action

2,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

DT-ICT-02-2018 - IA Innovation action 64,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

DT-ICT-07-2018-2019 - IA Innovation action

48,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

DT-ICT-11-2019 - IA Innovation action 15,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 2-Apr-19

DT-ICT-01-2019 - IA Innovation action 48,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 2-Apr-19

DT-ICT-07-2018-2019 - IA Innovation action

45,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 2-Apr-19

DT-ICT-01-2019 - CSA Coordination and support action

1,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 2-Apr-19

DT-ICT-07-2018-2019 - CSA Coordination and support action

2,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 2-Apr-19

DT-ICT-10-2018-19 - IA Innovation action

15,000,000 15,000,000 single-stage 26-Jul-18 14-Nov-18

DT-ICT-08-2019 - IA Innovation action 15,000,000 single-stage 26-Jul-18 14-Nov-18

DT-ICT-13-2019 - CSA Coordination and support action

4,000,000 single-stage 26-Jul-18 14-Nov-18

Дигитализиране на европейската индустрия

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Дигитализиране на европейската индустрия

Robotics - Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) - DT-ICT-02-2018, DT-ICT-06-2018

Отворен на 31 October 2017 00:34 срок на подаване 17 April 2018 17:00:00

Предизвикателството е да се създаде устойчива екосистема на заинтересовани

страни на роботиката, които покриват цялата стойностна мрежа, за да се

подппомогне и ускори широко внедряване и интеграция на роботични технологии и

да подпомогне дигитализацията на индустрията чрез роботиката.

Innovation actions

Проектопредложенията трябва да се отнасят да създаването на мрежа от

Дигитални Иновационни Центрове (DIH) в 4 приоритетни области на

приложение – здравеопазване, инспекция и поддръжка на инфрастктура,

земеделие и храни, agile производство.


Цетрализиран дигитаен иновационен център по роботика, за позпомагане и

сътрудничество с проекти на приоритетните области, да помагат за тяхното

свързване, да координират техните дейности и да развият синергии между тях.

Повече информация:



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Дигитализиране на европейската индустрия

Digital Manufacturing Platforms for Connected Smart Factories


CSA и RIA - Отворен на 16 October 2018 срок на подаване 02 April 2019 17:00:00

RIA - Отворен на 31 October 2017 срок на подаване 17 April 2018 17:00:00

- инициативи, подпомагащи изградащи дигитални индустриални плаформи на бъдещето

- референтни архитектури и протоколи за взаимодействие с потенциал за създаване на нови пазари и

пазарни възможности, водещи до нови екосистеми и стандарти

- следващо поколение дигитални платформи, надграждане на съществуващи платформи, пилотни

сайтове, тестови пространства, експериментални среди

- значителна стъпка напред в изграждането на платформи, оперативната съвместимост на платформи,

интеграция на релевантни дигитални техноогии като интернет на нещата, изкуствен интелект, фотоника,

роботика, облачни технологии, големи данни и валидиране през пилоти и експериментални съоръжения

Повече информация:



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Дигитализиране на европейската индустрия

Повече информация:


Innovation Action

- Развитие и установяване на платформми за свързани интелигентни

производствени съоръжения на бъдещето, което включва техните вериги за

доставка, ръководени от европейски дейци и съхраняващи европейския интерес в

крючови области на европейската икономика

- Предложенията трябва да се отнасят до най-малко два индустриални сектора с

по няколко примера за използване (use cases) в поне едно предизвикателство от:

1. Agile Value Networks: lot-size one (2018 call)

2. Excellence in manufacturing: zero-defect processes and products (2018 call)

3. The human factor: human competences in synergy with technological

progress (2019 call)

4. Sustainable Value Networks: manufacturing in a circular economy (2019 call)


Да се свържат и съживят общности на индустриалните платформи, които да ппредоставят

по-лесно внедряване на дигитални технологии от изследователски проекти до реални

приложения и подпомагане на трансфера на умения между академия и индустрии

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Дигитализиране на европейската индустрия

Agricultural digital integration platforms - DT-ICT-08-2019

отворен 26.07.2018 срок 14.11.2018

Internet of Things - ICT-27-2018-2020 отворен 31.10.2017 срок 17.04.2018

Digital Platforms/Pilots Horizontal Activities - DT-ICT-13-2019

отворен 26.07.2018 срок 14.11.2018

RI в областта на земеделието

- напрежение върху естествените ресурси и приходите на фермерите

- създаване на знание и достъпни информационни системи и инструменти за

наблюдение, събиране, трансформиране и споделяне на жизненоважна

информация между основни заинтересовани лица може дапомогне тозисектор да

стане по-устойчив

- силни социални, екологичиски и икономически последствия

Един голям пилотен проект в областта на интелигентното фермерство, особено

- как една платформа за интернет на нещата може да поддържа оперативна съвместимост

между фермерски приложения

- как фермерите се включват в пилотни проекти, които затварят demand-and-supply side на

дигиталните технологии

Повече информация:


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Дигитализиране на европейската индустрия

Smart and healthy living at home - DT-TDS-01-2019

Голямо внедряване на интегрирани дигитални решения, които ще донесат

подобрено качество на живот на граждани като в същото време демонстрира

значителни печалби в здравето издравеопазването в Европа

Две теми:

- Интелигентни и персонализирани дигитални решения за поддържане и

разширяване на здравословен и независим начин на живот

- Персонализирано ранно откриване на рискове и взимане на мерки за тях

Home comfort and Smart Energy – DT-ICT-10-

Интернет на нещата прави възможно невидимата интеграция на домашни прибори

със свързани с домашно удобство и изграждането на автоматизирани услуги, които

позволяват да се свържат потребителски преживявания с управлението на

разпределена енергия из грида.

Повече информация:


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Дигитализиране на европейската индустрия

Flexible and wearable electronics - ICT-02-2018 отворен 31.10.2017 срок 17.04.2018

- създаване на леки, гъвкави, принтирани многофункционални електронни


- да се надскочат технологичи бариери и да се стигне да нови и възникващи пазари

Research and Innovation action

Smart Anything Everywhere - DT-ICT-01-2019 отворен 16.10.2018 срок 17.04.2018

- да се ускори дизайн, развитие и внедряване на дигитални технологии и продукти,

компоненти, софтуер и системи

- специален акцент върху малки и средни предприятия

Innovation action

Electronic Smart Systems (ESS) - ICT-07-2018 отворен 31.10.2017 срок 17.04.2018

- създаване на ново поколение електронни интелигентни системи

- хардуерна интегация на сензори, actuating, обработка и безична трансмисия

- валидиране на електронни интелигентни системи чрез демонстратори

Research and Innovation Action, Innovation action, CSA

Повече информация:


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Дигитализиране на европейската индустрия

Photonics Manufacturing Pilot Lines for Photonic Components and Devices


отворен 31.10.2017 срок 17.04.2018

отворен 16.10.2018 срок 28.03.2019

Photonics based manufacturing, access to photonics, datacom photonics and

connected lighting - ICT-04-2018

отворен 31.10.2017 срок 17.04.2018

Тази част от работната прогама се финансира под договорното Публично-частно

партньорство (cPPP) по фотоника

Photonics 21 -

Повече информация:


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HPC и инфрастуктури от данни

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HPC и инфрастуктури от данни

Topic Budget (EUR) - Year : 2018

Budget (EUR) - Year : 2019

Stages Opening date Deadline

ICT-24-2018-2019 - RIA Research and Innovation action

21,500,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-04-2018 - RIA Research and Innovation action

30,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-13-2018-2019 - CSA Coordination and support action

3,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-16-2018 - RIA Research and Innovation action

10,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-12-2018-2020 - RIA Research and Innovation action

30,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-29-2018 - RIA Research and Innovation action

18,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-02-2018 - RIA Research and Innovation action

30,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-03-2018-2019 - IA Innovation action 30,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-12-2018-2020 - CSA Coordination and support action

1,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-16-2018 - CSA Coordination and support action

1,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-13-2018-2019 - RIA Research and Innovation action

10,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-16-2018 - IA Innovation action 9,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-18-2018 - IA Innovation action 50,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

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HPC и инфрастуктури от данни

Topic Budget (EUR) - Year : 2018

Budget (EUR) - Year : 2019

Stages Opening date Deadline

ICT-25-2018-2020 - CSA Coordination and support action

3,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-24-2018-2019 - CSA Coordination and support action

7,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-35-2018 - CSA Coordination and support action

2,500,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-21-2018 - CSA Coordination and support action

2,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-28-2018 - RIA Research and Innovation action

10,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-31-2018-2019 - CSA Coordination and support action

2,500,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-04-2018 - IA Innovation action 25,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-26-2018-2020 - RIA Research and Innovation action

20,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-32-2018 - RIA Research and Innovation action

8,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-32-2018 - CSA Coordination and support action

1,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-07-2018 - RIA Research and Innovation action

39,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-29-2018 - IA Innovation action 7,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-27-2018-2020 - CSA Coordination and support action

1,500,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-28-2018 - CSA Coordination and support action

1,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-07-2018 - CSA Coordination and support action

1,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-11-2018-2019 - IA Innovation action 50,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-34-2018-2019 - PCP Pre-Commercial Procurement

6,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-28-2018 - IA Innovation action 10,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-07-2018 - IA Innovation action 8,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

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HPC и инфрастуктури от данни

Topic Budget (EUR) - Year : 2018

Budget (EUR) - Year : 2019

Stages Opening date Deadline

ICT-23-2019 - RIA Research and Innovation action

4,000,000 single-stage 5-Sep-18 15-Jan-19

ICT-25-2018-2020 - RIA Research and Innovation action

20,000,000 single-stage 26-Jul-18 14-Nov-18

ICT-11-2018-2019 - IA Innovation action 40,000,000 single-stage 26-Jul-18 14-Nov-18

ICT-19-2019 - CSA Coordination and support action

2,000,000 single-stage 26-Jul-18 14-Nov-18

ICT-19-2019 - RIA Research and Innovation action

90,000,000 single-stage 26-Jul-18 14-Nov-18

ICT-14-2019 - RIA Research and Innovation action

80,000,000 single-stage 26-Jul-18 14-Nov-18

ICT-06-2019 - RIA Research and Innovation action

30,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-31-2018-2019 - RIA Research and Innovation action

3,500,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-13-2018-2019 - IA Innovation action 48,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-01-2019 - CSA Coordination and support action

2,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-24-2018-2019 - RIA Research and Innovation action

21,500,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-09-2019-2020 - CSA Coordination and support action

2,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-20-2019-2020 - RIA Research and Innovation action

44,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-30-2019-2020 - IA Innovation action 7,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-10-2019-2020 - RIA Research and Innovation action

42,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-05-2019 - RIA Research and Innovation action

45,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-33-2019 - IA Innovation action 10,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-08-2019 - RIA Research and Innovation action

11,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

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HPC и инфрастуктури от данни

Topic Budget (EUR) - Year : 2018

Budget (EUR) - Year : 2019

Stages Opening date Deadline

ICT-34-2018-2019 - PCP Pre-Commercial Procurement

6,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-03-2018-2019 - IA Innovation action 30,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-30-2019-2020 - CSA Coordination and support action

1,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-33-2019 - CSA Coordination and support action

1,500,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-01-2019 - RIA Research and Innovation action

38,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-15-2019-2020 - RIA Research and Innovation action

28,500,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-15-2019-2020 - CSA Coordination and support action

1,500,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-09-2019-2020 - IA Innovation action 28,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-05-2019 - IA Innovation action 30,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-05-2019 - CSA Coordination and support action

1,500,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-09-2019-2020 - RIA Research and Innovation action

20,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-22-2018 - RIA Research and Innovation action

6,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 31-Jan-18

ICT-17-2018 - RIA Research and Innovation action

60,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 31-Jan-18

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HPC и инфрастуктури от данни

Advanced technologies (Security/Cloud/IoT/BigData) for a hyper-connected

society in the context of Smart City - EUJ-01-2018

отворен 31.10.2017 срок 31.01.2018

5G and beyond - EUJ-02-2018

отворен 31.10.2017 срок 31.01.2018

Сътрудничество с Япония, Южна Корея в областта на 5G, сигурност, облачни

технологии, интернет на нещата, големи данни и изкуствен интелект

Повече информация:


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HPC и инфрастуктури от данни

European Data Infrastructure: HPC

Политики за данни и иновации Отдел G1 и High Performance Computing и Квантова

технология Отдел C2

HPC and Big Data enabled Large-scale Test-beds and Applications


отворен 10.2017 срок 17.04.2018 (ICT-11 a)

отворен 07.2018 срок 14.11.2018 (ICT-11 b)

ICT-11 a) Innovation Actions (IA), насочени към развитието на големи

експериментални индустриални пилоти с HPC, които поддържат приложения и

услуги на големи данни

Ict-11 b) Innovation Actions (IA), насочени към развитието на големи индустриални

пилоти с IoT/Cloud-enabled за приложения с големи данни

Повече информация:


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HPC и инфрастуктури от данни

European Data Infrastructure: Big Data

Big Data Technologies and extreme-scale analytics


отворен 31.10.2017 срок 17.04.2018

Research and Innovation action

Бързо растящи количества разнообразни данни от разпределени източници

създават предизвикателства за извличане на ценни знания и пазарна стойност от

данни. Това изисква нови методи, подходи и проектиране на парадигми в областта

на анализ и управление на данните.


Координация между отделните дейности в областта на HPC/големи данни/облачни

технологии, което включва Публично-частни партньорства, дигитални иновативни

центрове, релевантни национални и регионални инициативи, особено

Европейската мрежа и национални центрове за върхови постижения в областта на

големите данни

Повече информация:


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HPC и инфрастуктури от данни

European Data Infrastructure: Big Data

Supporting the emergence of data markets and data economy

Innovation Actions


отворен 16.10.2018 срок 28.03.2019

отворен 31.10.2017 срок 17.04.2018 Настройване и опериране на платформи за сигурно и контролирано споделяне на “затворени данни”

(частни и/или лични данни). Проектите трябва да сасвързани с необходимите технически, организационни,

легални и комерсиални аспекти на споделяне на данни/брокераж/търгуване и надграждане върху

съществуващи платформи.

Research and innovation actions

- Предоставяне на сигурни, уважаващи поверителността операции за индустриални и честни платформи за


- Уверяване на доставчиците на данни да участват в механизми засподеляне на данни

- Предоставяне на гаранции за поверителност на гражданите

- Правене на платформите за индустриални/лични данни, съвместии с GDPR


Поддръжка за възнокването на икономиката на данните за включване на МСП, подпомагане на

предприемачеството, изграждане на доверие, обръщане на внимание на нуждата от изграждане на умения

за работа с данни, стандартизация

Повече информация:


Page 29: Horizon 2020 ICT 2018-2020 open calls

HPC и инфрастуктури от данни

eInfrastructures and European Open Science Cloud

Access to commercial services through the EOSC hub

INFRAEOSC-01-2018 отворен 05.12.2017 срок 22.03.2018

Research and Innovation Action

настройка на легален и технически механизъм за интегиране на тези

допълнителни комерсиални услуги в центъра на EOSC, за да се предоставят те на


Prototyping new innovative services

INFRAEOSC-02-2019 отворен 16.10.2018 срок 29.01.2019

Research and Innovation Action

Развитие на гъвкаво, целенасочено и устойчиво решение, което е достъпно през

центъра на EOSC, което може за удовлетвори увеличаващите се нужди на

научната общност чрез стимулиране на проектирането и прототипирането на

иновативни дигитални услуги


CSA отворен 05.12.2017 срок 22.03.2018; отворен 14.11.2018 срок 20.03.2019

засилване на връзката в European Research Infrastructure Consortia, срещи, външно

представителство; международна видимост на изследователските инфраструктури

Повече информация:


Page 30: Horizon 2020 ICT 2018-2020 open calls

HPC и инфрастуктури от данни

HPC - European High-Performance Computing strategy

HPC PPP - Centres of Excellence on HPC

INFRAEDI-02-2018 отворен 05.12.2017 срок 22.03.2018 Поддържане на Центрове за свръхпостижения, които насърчават използването на

съоръжения с HPC; Обръщане на внимание на фрагментираните дейности за отличност на

HPC приложения и насърчаване на разширяване на използването на HPC кодове в ЕС –

консултанти и умения

Support to the governance of High Performance Computing Infrastructures

INFRAEDI-03-2018 отворен 05.12.2017 срок 22.03.2018 Подпомагане на инфраструктурита за HPC и координиране на релевантни публични и частни

заинтересовани страни

International Cooperation on HPC (Mexico & Brazil)

FETHPC-01-2018 отворен 01.02.2018 срок 15.05.2018 Стратегическо партньорство, което подпомага напредъка на работа по приложения на HPC в

области от общ интерес

Pan-European High Performance Computing infrastructure and services (PRACE)

INFRAEDI-01-2018 отворен 01.02.2018 срок 15.05.201 Създаване на пан-Европейска HPC инфраструктура на световно ниво и предоставяне на

state-of-the-art услуги, достъпни от потребители независимо от тяхното местоположение

H2020 and CEF coordination Повече информация:


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HPC и инфрастуктури от данни

Софтуерни технологии

- широкоразпространена технология

- иноватилни и генерични методи на софтуерното инженерство и инструменти,

които са прилагат спрямо различни области

Софтуерни технологии

ICT-16-2018 отворен 31.10.2017 срок 17.04.2018

- Въздействието на софтуера се дефинира във виртуални инфраструктури в

развитие на софтуерни и управленски процеси

- Преход от традиционните процеси на разработка на софтуер към нови

парадигми, които третират софтуера, данните и изчислителните ресурси като

абстрактни елементи

- Позволява данните да протичат свободно през хетерогенни инфраструктури в

мащабируем, разпределен и по разбираем от хората начин.

- Увеличена нужда от преизползваеми код и софтуерни компоненти

Повече информация:


Page 32: Horizon 2020 ICT 2018-2020 open calls

HPC и инфрастуктури от данни

Software technologies - ICT-16-2018

Research & Innovation Actions (RIA)

Интегрирани модели за програмиране и техники за експлоатация на потенциала за

виртуализирани и дефинирани от софтуер инфраструктури

Innovation Actions (IA)

Софтуерни екосистеми, които експлоатират потенциала на съществуващи базиот


Coordination & Support Actions (CSA)

a. Координиране на заинтересовани страни, проекти и разпространение на

проектни резултати, пътни карти на R&I

b. Подпомагане на проектите да установят софтуерни екосистеми и да

трансформират техниет резултати в експлоатируеми и жизнеспособни решения.

Повече информация:


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STARTS - The Arts stimulating innovation

ICT-32-2018 отворен 31.10.2017 срок 17.04.2018

Непрекъснато повишаващата се роля на технологията в ежедневния живот

предлага голям потенциал за принадена стойност за нашето общество. Хората на

изкуството могат да помогнат да се открюи този потенциал. Те могат за помогнат

да се оформи по-добра връзка между технологията и хората и да се стимулира

ориентирана към хората иновации чрез техните трансверсални компетенции и

нетрадиционно мислене.

Research and Innovation Actions

Pilot 1 Вдъхновени от изкуството интерактивни ориентирани към хората среди,

създадени от дигитални обекти и иновативни (социални) медии за градове и


Pilot 2 Вдъхновени от изкуството градски производствени децентрализирани

дигитализирани производствени системи и създаването им в градски среди

Повече информация:


Page 35: Horizon 2020 ICT 2018-2020 open calls

Бъдещи и възникващи технологии

Page 36: Horizon 2020 ICT 2018-2020 open calls

Topic Budget (EUR) - Year : 2018

Stages Opening date Deadline

FETFLAG-02-2018 - ERA-NET-Cofund ERA-NET Cofund

10,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

FETFLAG-03-2018 - RIA Research and Innovation action

130,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 20-Feb-18

FETFLAG-03-2018 - CSA Coordination and support action

2,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 20-Feb-18

FETFLAG-01-2018 - CSA Coordination and support action

6,000,000 two-stage 31-Oct-17 20-Feb-18


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Бъдещи и възникващи технологии

Preparatory Actions for new FET Flagships - FETFLAG-01-2018


FET Flagship on Quantum Technologies - FETFLAG-03-2018


Flagships are visionary, science-driven, large-scale research initiatives

addressing grand Scientific and Technological (S&T) challenges. They are

long-term initiatives bringing together excellent research teams across

various disciplines, sharing a unifying goal and an ambitious research

roadmap on how to achieve it.

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Бъдещи и възникващи технологии

FET-Open Challenging Current Thinking - FETOPEN-01-2018-2019-2020


FET-Open Coordination and Support Actions - FETOPEN-02-2018


FET Innovation Launchpad - FETOPEN-03-2018-2019-2020


FET Open supports the early-stages of the science and technology research and

innovation around new ideas towards radically new future technologies. It also funds

coordination and support actions for such high-risk forward looking research to prosper

in Europe, and FET Innovation Launchpad Actions aiming at turning results from FET-

funded projects into genuine societal or economic innovations.

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Бъдещи и възникващи технологии

FET Proactive: emerging paradigms and communities - FETPROACT-01-2018


Community building in Neuromorphic Computing Technologies - FETPROACT-02-



FET Proactive aims to identify the future and emerging technological paradigms with

highest potential for Europe's economy and society. For each of them, it looks to

establish a broad and solid European basis in terms of knowledge, key technological

building blocks and interdisciplinary communities. By reaching out well beyond the

research world, it ensures that Europe has the best 'first mover' position to capitalise

rapidly and effectively on emerging societal and industrial opportunities.

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Ново поколение интернет и 5G

Page 41: Horizon 2020 ICT 2018-2020 open calls

Ново поколение интернет и 5G

Topic Budget (EUR) - Year : 2018

Budget (EUR) - Year : 2019

Stages Opening date Deadline

TRANSFORMATIONS-08-2019 - RIA Research and Innovation action

9,000,000 single-stage 06 November 2018 14 March 2019

TRANSFORMATIONS-04-2019-2020 - RIA Research and Innovation action

9,000,000 single-stage 06 November 2018 14 March 2019

DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-07-2019 - RIA Research and Innovation action

9,000,000 single-stage 06 November 2018 14 March 2019

TRANSFORMATIONS-13-2019 - RIA Research and Innovation action

1,900,000 single-stage 06 November 2018 14 March 2019

DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-11-2019 - RIA Research and Innovation action

12,000,000 single-stage 06 November 2018 14 March 2019

DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-07-2019 - CSA Coordination and support action

1,500,000 single-stage 06 November 2018 14 March 2019

DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-02-2018-2019-2020 - RIA Research and Innovation action

7,000,000 single-stage 06 November 2018 14 March 2019

TRANSFORMATIONS-03-2018-2019 - RIA Research and Innovation action

6,000,000 single-stage 06 November 2018 14 March 2019

TRANSFORMATIONS-01-2018 - RIA Research and Innovation action

9,000,000 single-stage 07 November 2017 13 March 2018

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Ново поколение интернет и 5G

Topic Budget (EUR) - Year : 2018

Budget (EUR) - Year :


Stages Opening date Deadline

DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-12-2018-2020 - IA Innovation action

10,000,000 single-stage 07 November 2017 13 March 2018

SU-TRANSFORMATIONS-09-2018 - CSA Coordination and support action

1,500,000 single-stage 07 November 2017 13 March 2018

TRANSFORMATIONS-05-2018 - CSA Coordination and support action

1,000,000 single-stage 07 November 2017 13 March 2018

DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-02-2018-2019-2020 - RIA Research and Innovation action

9,000,000 single-stage 07 November 2017 13 March 2018

TRANSFORMATIONS-03-2018-2019 - CSA Coordination and support action

1,500,000 single-stage 07 November 2017 13 March 2018

TRANSFORMATIONS-14-2018 - RIA Research and Innovation action

9,000,000 single-stage 07 November 2017 13 March 2018

TRANSFORMATIONS-06-2018 - RIA Research and Innovation action

7,500,000 single-stage 07 November 2017 13 March 2018

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Ново поколение интернет и 5G

Topic Budget (EUR) - Year : 2018

Budget (EUR) - Year : 2019

Stages Opening date Deadline

ICT-24-2018-2019 - RIA Research and Innovation action

21,500,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-04-2018 - RIA Research and Innovation action

30,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-13-2018-2019 - CSA Coordination and support action

3,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-16-2018 - RIA Research and Innovation action

10,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-12-2018-2020 - RIA Research and Innovation action

30,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-29-2018 - RIA Research and Innovation action

18,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-02-2018 - RIA Research and Innovation action

30,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-03-2018-2019 - IA Innovation action 30,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-12-2018-2020 - CSA Coordination and support action

1,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-16-2018 - CSA Coordination and support action

1,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-13-2018-2019 - RIA Research and Innovation action

10,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-16-2018 - IA Innovation action 9,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-18-2018 - IA Innovation action 50,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-25-2018-2020 - CSA Coordination and support action

3,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-24-2018-2019 - CSA Coordination and support action

7,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-35-2018 - CSA Coordination and support action

2,500,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

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Ново поколение интернет и 5G

Topic Budget (EUR) - Year : 2018

Budget (EUR) - Year : 2019

Stages Opening date Deadline

ICT-21-2018 - CSA Coordination and support action

2,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-28-2018 - RIA Research and Innovation action

10,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-31-2018-2019 - CSA Coordination and support action

2,500,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-04-2018 - IA Innovation action 25,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-26-2018-2020 - RIA Research and Innovation action

20,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-32-2018 - RIA Research and Innovation action

8,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-32-2018 - CSA Coordination and support action

1,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-07-2018 - RIA Research and Innovation action

39,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-29-2018 - IA Innovation action 7,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-27-2018-2020 - CSA Coordination and support action

1,500,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-28-2018 - CSA Coordination and support action

1,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-07-2018 - CSA Coordination and support action

1,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-11-2018-2019 - IA Innovation action 50,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-34-2018-2019 - PCP Pre-Commercial Procurement

6,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-28-2018 - IA Innovation action 10,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

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Ново поколение интернет и 5G

Topic Budget (EUR) - Year : 2018

Budget (EUR) - Year : 2019

Stages Opening date Deadline

ICT-07-2018 - IA Innovation action 8,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 17-Apr-18

ICT-23-2019 - RIA Research and Innovation action

4,000,000 single-stage 5-Sep-18 15-Jan-19

ICT-25-2018-2020 - RIA Research and Innovation action

20,000,000 single-stage 26-Jul-18 14-Nov-18

ICT-11-2018-2019 - IA Innovation action 40,000,000 single-stage 26-Jul-18 14-Nov-18

ICT-19-2019 - CSA Coordination and support action

2,000,000 single-stage 26-Jul-18 14-Nov-18

ICT-19-2019 - RIA Research and Innovation action

90,000,000 single-stage 26-Jul-18 14-Nov-18

ICT-14-2019 - RIA Research and Innovation action

80,000,000 single-stage 26-Jul-18 14-Nov-18

ICT-06-2019 - RIA Research and Innovation action

30,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-31-2018-2019 - RIA Research and Innovation action

3,500,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-13-2018-2019 - IA Innovation action 48,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-01-2019 - CSA Coordination and support action

2,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-24-2018-2019 - RIA Research and Innovation action

21,500,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-09-2019-2020 - CSA Coordination and support action

2,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-20-2019-2020 - RIA Research and Innovation action

44,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-30-2019-2020 - IA Innovation action 7,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

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Ново поколение интернет и 5G

Topic Budget (EUR) - Year : 2018

Budget (EUR) - Year : 2019

Stages Opening date Deadline

ICT-10-2019-2020 - RIA Research and Innovation action

42,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-05-2019 - RIA Research and Innovation action

45,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-33-2019 - IA Innovation action 10,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-08-2019 - RIA Research and Innovation action

11,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-34-2018-2019 - PCP Pre-Commercial Procurement

6,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-03-2018-2019 - IA Innovation action 30,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-30-2019-2020 - CSA Coordination and support action

1,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-33-2019 - CSA Coordination and support action

1,500,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-01-2019 - RIA Research and Innovation action

38,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-15-2019-2020 - RIA Research and Innovation action

28,500,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-15-2019-2020 - CSA Coordination and support action

1,500,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-09-2019-2020 - IA Innovation action 28,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-05-2019 - IA Innovation action 30,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-05-2019 - CSA Coordination and support action

1,500,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-09-2019-2020 - RIA Research and Innovation action

20,000,000 single-stage 16-Oct-18 28-Mar-19

ICT-22-2018 - RIA Research and Innovation action

6,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 31-Jan-18

ICT-17-2018 - RIA Research and Innovation action

60,000,000 single-stage 31-Oct-17 31-Jan-18

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Ново поколение интернет и 5G

Curation of digital assets and advanced digitisation

DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-12-2018-2020 отворен 07.11.2017 срок 13.03.2018

да се проектират решения за генериране на пълна картина на изследваните

културно-исторически обекти, хващане и пресъздаване на не само визуална и

структурна информация, но също и на истории и преживявания заедно с техния

културен, исторически и социален контекст и тяхното развитие във времето

curation and preservation of digital assets

Повече информация:


Page 48: Horizon 2020 ICT 2018-2020 open calls

Ново поколение интернет и 5G

5G End to End Facility

ICT-17-2018 отворен 31.10.2017 срок 31.01.2018 да се предостави съоръжение от край до край, което може i) да демнстрира, че ключовите KPI на 5G PPP

мрежата могат а бъдат достигнати; ii) да бъде валидирана, достъпена и използвана от вертикални

индустрии, които осъществяват изследователски експерименти на иновативни примери за потребление, за

да се валидират допълнително основните KPIs за 5G в контекста на конкурентно потребление на повече

потребители Повече информация:

5G for cooperative, connected and automated mobility (CCAM)

ICT-18-2018 отворен 31.10.2017 срок 17.04.2018 качествено 5G като основна инфраструктура за свързаност, за да обърнат внимание на превозно-средство-

към-всичко (V2X), както от технологична, така и от бизнес перспектива, за по-високи нива на

автоматизация (4, 5) дефинирани от автомобилната индустрия (SAE) и за нови услуги за придвижване.

Демонстриране на преимуществата на свързаността 5G трябва да поддържа иновативни бизнес модели

като “генератори на приходи” Повече информация:

Advanced 5G validation trials across multiple vertical industries

ICT-19-2019 отворен 26.07.2018 срок 14.11.2018 get the European 5G Vision of "5G empowering vertical industries[1]" closer to deployment with innovative digital

use cases involving cross industry partnerships. It requires technological and business validation of 5G end to end

connectivity and associated management from two perspectives: i) within the set of requirements specific from

one application domain; ii) across all sets of heterogeneous requirements stemming from concurrent usages of

network resources by different vertical domains. Повече информация:

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Ново поколение интернет и 5G

EU-US Collaboration for advanced wireless platforms

ICT-21-2018 отворен 31.10.2017 срок 17.04.2018

Both the EU and the NSF address the challenges of advanced wireless research beyond

5G focusing on game changing technologies for wireless communications, capitalizing

on existing testbeds and projects, to reach further connectivity frontiers. Повече информация:

EU-China 5G Collaboration

ICT-22-2018 отворен 31.10.2017 срок 31.01.2018

The next phase of 5G activities running during the 2018-20 period is expected to cover,

both in EU and in China, technologies and systems demonstrations and trials. The

challenge is hence to demonstrate technologies and system interoperability for a

number of core applications of interest in the two regions. Повече информация:

EU-Taiwan 5G Collaboration

ICT-23-2018 отворен 01.09.2018 срок 15.01.2019

integrated end-to-end network for 5G trials, is to test 5G systems for specific

applications and it follows up on the first targeted opening call with Taiwan in which 5G

research and demonstration facilities offered by Taiwan towards collaborative 5G

research with the EU. Повече информация:

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Ново поколение интернет и 5G

Next Generation Internet - An Open Internet Initiative

ICT-24-2018-2019 developing a more human-centric Internet supporting values of openness, cooperation across borders,

decentralisation, inclusiveness and protection of privacy; giving the control back to the users. It should provide

more transparent services, more intelligence, greater involvement and participation.

RIA отворен 16.10.2018 срок 28.03.2019 i) Privacy and trust enhancing technologies: develop robust and easy to use technologies to help users increase

trust and achieve greater control when sharing their personal data, attributes and information

ii) Decentralized data governance: leveraging on distributed open hardware and software ecosystems based on

blockchains, distributed ledger technology, open data and peer-to-peer technologies. Attention should be paid to

ethical, legal and privacy issues, autonomy, data sovereignty and ownership, values and regulations.

iii) Discovery and identification technologies: to search and access large heterogeneous data sources, services,

objects and sensors, devices, multi-media content.

CSA отворен 31.10.2017 срок 17.04.2018 - Technology Strategy & Policy: will engage leading-edge Internet stakeholders and will identify emerging research

trends and policy needs, through a continuous public online consultation, open stakeholder engagement, fora

and debates, and data analysis.

- Technology Harvest & Transfer: will support 'R&I Actions' and their third parties in ensuring the best use of the

outcomes created by delivering specific exploitation strategies, including follow-up investment opportunities,

industry relations, IPR/knowledge transfers, tech-transfer services to digital innovation hubs, mentoring services

-Outreach Office: will execute the programme communication strategy, branding and marketing activities,

including extensive online and social media presence and events, establishing a positive brand image

Повече информация:

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Ново поколение интернет и 5G

Interactive Technologies

ICT-25-2018-2020 to forge a competitive and sustainable ecosystem of European technology providers in interactive technologies.

Interactive technologies such as Augmented (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are set to transform the ways in which

people communicate, interact and share information on the internet and beyond. This will directly impact a largе

range of industries such as cultural and creative industries, manufacturing, robotic and healthcare to education,

entertainment and media


отворен 26.08.2018 срок 14.11.2018 Future interaction - multi-user interactions, researching and developing technologies augmenting human

interaction in groups within both professional and private contexts; higher quality experiences, for instance

through systems which are mobile, support additional senses, have higher accuracy or incorporate bio or

environmental sensors


отворен 31.10.2017 срок 17.04.2018 Interactive Community Building - elaborating a common research agenda and a technology transfer strategy;

building a platform to gather and share knowledge; providing broad access and technical support for the platform;

supporting research and development teams in the integration of their tools into the platform

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Ново поколение интернет и 5G

Artificial Intelligence

ICT-26-2018-2020 отворен 31.10.2017 срок 17.04.2018

European AI-on-demand platform mobilising the European AI community to support

businesses and sectors in accessing expertise, knowledge, algorithms and tools to

successfully apply AI thereby generating market impact.

European AI ecosystem bringing together the knowledge, algorithms, tools and

resources available and making it a compelling solution for users, especially from non-

tech sectors. The action should build on and link to existing relevant initiatives, including

for instance existing platforms, data repositories, cloud computing, HPC.

Повече информация:

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Ново поколение интернет и 5G

Future Hyper-connected Sociality

ICT-28-2018 mobilise a positive vision as to the role that Social Media will increasingly play in all these areas, and to overcome

today's critical issues about trust and governance through democratic reputation mechanisms, and user


CSA отворен 31.10.2017 срок 17.04.2018 Support of Social Media ecosystem community building between different Social Media actors such as

developers, designers, users of all ages, artists, entrepreneurs, researchers, at European and national level, also

linking to important international initiatives. dynamic app-based tool for community-mapping

IA отворен 31.10.2017 срок 17.04.2018 Trustful and Secure Data Ecosystem for Social Media and Media. Content verification - Development of

intermediary-free solutions addressing information veracity for Social Media. Secure Data Ecosystem - Creation of

media and social media data business and innovation ecosystem to ensure privacy and secure sharing, as well as

fair trade of federated media relevant data produced by media, social media and operators from other industrial

sectors across Europe. RIA отворен 31.10.2017 срок 17.04.2018 Support of new Social Media initiatives, and transition to peer-to-peer federated social networks based on

smart decentralised architectures. creation of an open decentralised platform exploiting the added value derived

from data aggregation and data analytics, exploring possible applications of blockchain technologies and enabling

the development of innovative services and novel forms of distribution of media content

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Ново поколение интернет и 5G

A multilingual Next Generation Internet


support technology-enabled multilingualism for an inclusive Digital Single Market

IA отворен 31.10.2017 срок 17.04.2018 A European Language Grid - develop the architecture and components for a public, open and interoperable grid

connecting resources and tools, sharing and combining resources to support effective development and

deployment of language technologies (software and services) across Europe; coordinate the work of the

European Language grid and all actions supported under this topic and address the interoperability issues; pilot

the European Language Grid in specific sectors of high commercial and/or societal impact, through small scale

demonstrators geared towards an innovative integration of language technologies in specific operating

processes/operations; establish competence centres

RIA отворен 31.10.2017 срок 17.04.2018 Domain-specific/challenge-oriented Human Language Technology - Advance the state of art in Human Language

Technologies through well-identified mission-oriented challenges involving researchers and industrial users of

language technologies.

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Ново поколение интернет и 5G

EU-US collaboration on NGI

ICT-31-2018-2019 Building upon the EU-US collaboration in previous work programmes in the area of research

experimentation, twinning with entities participating in projects funded by the US to exchange

knowledge and experience and exploit synergies

RIA отворен 16.10.2018 срок 28.03.2019 Common experiments by EU/US teams on emerging topics for the Next Generation Internet /

Tomorrow's Internet programmes on top of EU/US experimental platforms.

CSA отворен 31.10.2017 срок 17.04.2018 Organise workshops and other support activities: to facilitate the coordination of research and

innovation initiatives in the EU and US, and to promote collaboration between the research groups;

Fellowship programme: support 3 to 6 months fellowships for Internet researchers notably from hi-

tech startups, SMEs, mid-caps, research centres or academia to broaden the understanding of

different approaches, perspectives and values, in view to then contribute to concrete NGI services

and products 'Made in Europe‘

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Социални предизвикателства

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Социални предизвикателства




































управление, градска среда, земеделие, енергетика, здравеопазване,

сиберсигурност, grid, вода, море, наблюдние на земята, суровини

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Социални предизвикателства

Demonstrating systemic urban development for circular and regenerative cities

CE-SC5-03-2018 (two-stage) отворен 07.11.2017 срок 27.02.2018, 04.09.2018 demonstrate how cities can be transformed into centres of circular innovation and stimulate regenerative practices

in both urban and peri-urban areas Повече информация:

New forms of delivering public goods and inclusive public services

DT-GOVERNANCE-05-2018-2019-2020 06.08.18 - 14.03.19, 07.11.17 - 13.03.18 enhance the evidence base and provide sound policy and technological options in order to develop adapted

governance structures at various relevant levels in key constitutional and institutional areas Повече информация:

Addressing the challenge of migrant integration through ICT-enabled solutions

DT-MIGRATION-06-2018-2019 07.11.17 – 13.03.2018, 06.11.2018 – 14.03.2019 ICT-enabled solutions and toolkits for the implementation of inclusion policies by public administrations may

facilitate the management of the integration of migrants, improve autonomy and inclusion and therefore Повече информация:

ICT Innovation for agriculture – Digital Innovation Hubs for Agriculture

DT-RUR-12-2018 отворен 31.10.2017 срок 13.02.2018 ICT innovations across Europe designed to create more productive and sustainable agricultural systems Повече информация:

Transformative impact of disruptive technologies in public services

DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-02-2018-2019-2020 06.11.18 - 14.03.19, 07.11.17 – 13.03.18 assess the potential benefits and risks of using disruptive technologies in public administrations as well as the

social impact, including the impact on public servants, of using them for government processes and governance

(block-chain, big data analytics, Internet of Things, virtual reality, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, etc.) Повече информация:

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Социални предизвикателства

Partnering for viability assessments of innovative solutions for markets outside Europe

GOVERNANCE-08-2018 отворен 07.11.2017 срок 13.03.2018 enhance the evidence base for EU R&I policy through in-depth analyses of the outcomes, experiences and

impacts of a critical number of viability assessment projects of innovative solutions for markets outside Europe Повече информация:

Seamless authentication for all H2020-OnlineSecurityPrize-2017 28.09.17– 27.09.18 significantly improve citizen's overall experience related to online authentication and consequently foster the

widespread adoption of services and products Повече информация:

Fintech: Support to experimentation frameworks and regulatory compliance

ICT-35-2018 отворен 31.10.2017 срок 17.04.2018 increase the role Europe play in Fintech so that EU startups can better scale-up across Europe and at global level Повече информация:

Consumer engagement and demand response LC-SC3-EC-3-2020 24.01.19-03.09.19 Achieving climate neutrality in the energy sector – while ensuring at the same time a more efficient energy use, a

secure supply of energy, affordable prices and low environmental impact Повече информация:

Upgrading smartness of existing buildings through innovations for legacy equipment

LC-SC3-EE-4-2019-2020 отворен 24.01.2019 срок 03.09.2019 enable smart buildings to interact with their occupants and the grid in real time and to manage themselves

efficiently, so as to become an active element of the energy system Повече информация:

Flexibility and retail market options for the distribution grid

LC-SC3-ES-1-2019 отворен 05.09.2018 срок 05.02.2019 develop and demonstrate integrated solutions which will allow the distribution grid to function in a secure and

stable manner with large shares of variable renewables Повече информация:

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Социални предизвикателства

Innovative applications of drones for ensuring safety in transport

MG-2-8-2019 (two-stage) отворен 05.09.2018 срок 16.01.2019, 12.09.2019 Develop and test technologies, operational and business models for the application of drones or drone swarms;

Explore and develop innovative technologies and sustainable business models for pilot services, such as large

vehicles/vessels/aircraft inspections, transport management (including emergencies), etc.

Unmanned and autonomous survey activities at sea

MG-BG-01-2018 отворен 31.10.2017 срок 04.04.2018 Surveying the sea floor; develop and demonstrate to TRL5 an autonomous sea bed survey vehicle, Energy and

prolusion systems, Minimising deep sea deployment and recovery costs, Robust and secure data transmission,

Compatible survey equipment

Socio-economic impacts of digitisation of agriculture and rural areas

RUR-02-2018 (two-stage) отворен 31.10.2017 срок 13.02.2018, 11.09.2018 analyse the social and economic impacts of digitisation on agriculture and rural areas, looking into costs, benefits

and possible trade-offs

Enabling the farm advisor community to prepare farmers for the digital age

RUR-13-2018 отворен 31.10.2017 срок 13.02.2018 collect best practice ICT applications and share them in a network of independent advisors, leverage the

information and day-to-day knowledge generation on farms

Digital solutions and e-tools to modernise the Common Agricultural Policy

RUR-14-2018 отворен 31.10.2017 срок 13.02.2018 support the further development of the IACS, promoting extensive data and information flows between Member

States, the European Commission and various other stakeholders, ensure that appropriate and relevant data

collected at the source become a reliable additional input for processes of payment and performance monitoring

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Социални предизвикателства

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN HEALTH AND CARE,topics=callIdentifier/t/H2020-SC1-DTH-2018-2020/1/1/1/default-


Adaptive smart working and living environments supporting active and healthy ageing

SC1-DTH-03-2018 отворен 07.11.2017 срок 24.04.2018 develop and validate digitally enabled adaptive services and solutions leading to smart work environments for

older adults, supporting them to remain actively involved in professional life, helping them to sustain and renew

their work and personal life related skills and support independent active and healthy lifestyles

Exploiting the full potential of in-silico medicine research for personalised diagnostics and

therapies in cloud-based environments

SC1-DTH-07-2018 отворен 07.11.2017 срок 24.04.2018 develop and validate software tools and devices for diagnostic or treatment based on computational modelling and

simulation applied in biology and physiology

Prototyping a European interoperable Electronic Health Record (EHR) exchange

SC1-DTH-08-2018 отворен 07.11.2017 срок 24.04.2018 developing and testing an extensible, secure and interoperable platform in compliance with the General Data

Protection Regulation and the Network and Information Systems directive. The work should include the

development of a European prototype implementation with embedded security and large scale testing and

validation in a set of use cases

Digital health and care services

SC1-DTH-10-2019-2020 отворен 26.07.2018 срок 14.11.2018 Support the health and care service provider to procure the development, testing and implementation of digital

services and communication concepts that can facilitate the transition to integrated care models across health and

social services and country-specific cross-institutional set-ups

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Социални предизвикателства

Supporting investment in smart living environments for ageing well through certification

SC1-HCC-01-2018 отворен 07.11.2017 срок 24.04.2018 need to facilitate the development of community-based services and to stimulate the emergence of "age-friendly

home" conversions, consolidate knowledge from related projects and initiatives to identify the most appropriate

scheme for harmonisation, certification, approval labelling or other forms or reliable identification of adequate

smart living environments for ageing well

Support to further development of international cooperation in digital transformation of

health and care SC1-HCC-03-2018 отворен 07.11.2017 срок 24.04.2018 citizens in ageing populations wish to stay in their homes for as long as possible; develop and deliver a roadmap

for international cooperation which outlines key relevant research and innovation areas in digital solutions and

services for active and healthy ageing

Digital health and care services - support for strategy and (early) adoption

SC1-HCC-04-2018 отворен 07.11.2017 срок 24.04.2018 support cross-border cooperation in preparation of procurement of research and innovative digital solutions,

including on how to balance innovation risks with improved outcomes; create favourable framework conditions for

cross-border Communities of Practise (CoP) and create a network for health & care research and innovation

Support to a Digital Health and Care Innovation initiative in the context of Digital Single

Market strategy SC1-HCC-05-2018 отворен 07.11.2017 срок 24.04.2018 priorities on digital transformation of health and care (DTHC): citizens' access to their data; data infrastructure;

aligning the efforts of many relevant players across Europe

Повече информация:

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Социални предизвикателства

New solutions for the sustainable production of raw materials

SC5-09-2018-2019 (two-stage) 07.11.17-27.02.18,04.09.18; 14.11.18-19.02.19,04.09.19 Securing sustainable access to raw materials, including metals, industrial minerals and construction raw materials,

and particularly Critical Raw Materials (CRM); Breakthrough concepts and solutions for sustainable exploration,

mining and/or processing (2018); Digital mine (2019); Recovery of metals and minerals from sea resources (2019)

Digital solutions for water: linking the physical and digital world for water

solutions SC5-11-2018 (two-stage) 07.11.2017 - 27.02.2018,04.09.2018 Changes in water availability, the frequency of floods and droughts due to climate and other environmental

changes, pollution trends, increased competition in water use including for industry, energy, agriculture and food

production; transformative potential of digital technologies

Strengthening the benefits for Europe of the Global Earth Observation System of

Systems (GEOSS) - establishing 'EuroGEOSS'

SC5-15-2018 (two-stage) 07.11.2017 - 27.02.2018,04.09.2018 The Commission, together with the European GEO nations, is committed to implementing GEOSS in line with the

new GEO Strategic Plan 2016-2025 and to developing an approach towards GEOSS for the European region;

collaboration with the Copernicus programme, to develop new mass-market applications for businesses, citizens

and public authorities; implementing EU space policy and to international agreements such as the 2030 Agenda

for Sustainable Development,

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Социални предизвикателства




Cybersecurity preparedness - cyber range, simulation and economics

SU-DS01-2018 отворен 15.03.2018 срок 23.08.2018 The digital infrastructure must be resilient and trustworthy, and must remain secure, deliver extended capabilities

of cyber ranges, test and validate highly customizable dynamic simulators

Digital security, privacy, data protection and accountability in critical sectors

SU-DS04-2018-2020 отворен 15.03.2018 срок 23.08.2018 The Electrical Power and Energy System (EPES) is of key importance to the economy, demonstrate how the

actual EPES can be made resilient to growing and more sophisticated cyber and privacy attacks and data

breaches (including personal data breaches) taking into account the developments of the grid

Digital security, privacy, data protection and accountability in critical sectors

SU-DS05-2018-2019 15.03.2018 - 23.08.2018, 14.03.2019 – 22.08.2019 identifying common threats and attacks, and by developing proof of concepts for managing cybersecurity and

privacy risks, treat specific aspects for sectors transport, healthcare or finance, by identifying vulnerabilities,

propagation effects and counter measures, by developing and testing cyber solutions and validating them

Dynamic countering of cyber-attacks

SU-ICT-01-2018 отворен 15.03.2018 срок 28.08.2018 The prevention of and the protection against attacks that target modern ICT components, complex ICT

infrastructures and emerging technologies, Cyber-attacks management - advanced assurance and

protection, Cyber-attacks management – advanced response and recovery

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Социални предизвикателства

Quantum Key Distribution testbed

SU-ICT-04-2019 отворен 15.03.2018 срок 28.08.2018 Building an experimental platform to test and validate the concept of end-to-end security, providing quantum key

distribution as a service

Toolkit for assessing and reducing cyber risks in hospitals and care centres to

protect privacy/data/infrastructures

SU-TDS-02-2018 отворен 07.11.2017 срок 24.04.2018 Healthcare ICT infrastructures are now considered to be part of the Critical Information Infrastructure.

Cyberattacks are a potential danger to the safety of patients and to the privacy of sensitive health data.

Development and implementation of innovative methods, tools, guidelines or best practices addressing the need

for cybersecurity in hospitals including remote care and homecare settings

Raising awareness and developing training schemes on cybersecurity in


SU-TDS-03-2018 отворен 07.11.2017 срок 24.04.2018 ICT infrastructures and data have become critical for the functioning of the hospitals and care systems. Due to

increasing connectivity, the exposure to risks of cyber-crime is constantly increasing. Awareness raising of staff

working in healthcare settings on security and data privacy is important to reduce cybersecurity vulnerabilities and


Повече информация:

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Информационни сесии

Smart Agrifood Summit

Next Generation Internet

Digitising European Industry Stakeholder Forum 2018


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Програма Хоризонт 2020 – 2018-2020





Полезни линкове:

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Благодаря за вниманието


Мариана Дамова, PhD

НКЛ, ИКТ - Хоризонт 2020

[email protected]


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