  • 8/9/2019 Hometown Expl. Bangalore Existing Salary


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    PROJECT NAME: Hometown Expl. Bangalore Existing Salary


    LANGUAGE : English

    NAME OF TRANSCRIBER: Sandeep George.


    Could you tell something about yourself?

    I worked with (.name not clear ) Technologies I an a business analyst., and I recently gotmarried in 2005, and I have a two year old son who is very naughty.

    What is his name?

    Rishab , and we came to this house in 2007.

    But have u always been living in Bangalore?

    No actually my native is Mysore, but my dad was working in a bank so I have lived I a lot of

    places like Chennai and Bangalore, I have changed many schools and colleges.

    So you came to Bangalore after your studies ?

    Yeah, I did my college in Mysore, after which I got a job and settled down in Bangalore, andnow I am here for almost 8 years.

    Who else lives in the family?

    It is only the three of us, my in laws stay separately, and they visit often

    So if you have to describe your life, who will you do it, sheetal?

    Life is full of happiness; it is different experience in each of its stages, like the college days etc.

    But at this point how is it?

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    After marriage the responsibilities have increased it has become really thought you have tomanage a lot of things, the house husband and the child,

    What about you sudhir?

    Well after marriage, I have learnt to be more responsible I was not this way before marriage, itmakes me think how did my dad manage all this, I always think that how my dad manage tobuild a house and take care of our education etc, I did not know the value of things, like if he gota car, I used to just enjoy it and used to not even bother to ask the cost of it or how he managedto get it.

    So has it changed now?

    Yes totally, I now know that before we buy something we need to visit 2-3 shops and to bargainand compare before spending your money.

    This you used to not do earlier?

    No, never, I used to look at my parents they used to plan a lot before they used to buy anything,like even for a year, I thought it was a waste, now I know the reason why, but not for a yearthough.

    What would be an appropriate symbol for your life?

    A heart, and my home.

    What are you proud of in your life.

    My house because now I have my own home in Bangalore which is an achievement, actuallymaking a house is not a tough job, but buying a land in Bangalore is tough, it is very expensive,and is a very big investment.

    What does the home make you feel?

    It makes you feel proud, it provides shelter, and gives you a sense of satisfaction and sense ofsecurity, status, sometimes when I visit someone elses house I always feel like that could be inmy house, and invest more in the development of the house, unlike a rented house.

    Why is it that you dont mind spending for your own house but not for a rented house?

    We will have freedom in your house, it gives satisfaction and happiness,

    What is the point of having an up gradation?

    The first thing is comfort, and also status.

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    How does status help?

    It brings a sense of pride in the social network.

    Is that important to you?

    Yes it is very important, you feel you need what the others have, then we will buy it, but thenwhen we get bored of it after purchase, we feel that we should have waited for it, and feel thatthere was no need to make such an investment now,For example if you buy a car, it has been a year since I bought this car, now I feel I should keepthis car for another year and the later we will change it, but then whenever I see a new car onthe road I feel like selling it immediately and getting that car.

    The things you have at home, does it matter to you how someone else feels about itwhen they walk into your house?

    yes it feels good, it is a matter of pride to me and I feel happy about it, its really easy to spendmoney, but it is difficult to maintain it, you have maintain each and every thing.

    Was the situation the same 10 years back?

    At that point of time people were not into luxury, they just wanted the necessities,

    What is the need for such luxuries? Is it only for status ?

    No, it gives happiness, it feels happy to own these things, like for example my dad when he gothis maruthi car, we used to live in a small house, no AC or anything, we used to not feel the

    pinch of it, but today we cannot live without AC, AC car, and my son now cannot sleep withoutthe AC.

    Why is this change happening?

    The standard of living and lifestyle has changed, it I think is mainly due to westernization.Also the environment and the climate change, during my dads time there was very lessopportunities.For me my 1st company was HSBC, 2nd was Fidelity 3rd company was Honeywell and now the4th company, but my dad worked for the same old bank for the entire life.

    What was the recent add on ?

    We refurbished our furnitures, we got this new sofa set, and the diwan set, all was made by acarpenter, except for the sofa, also the kitchen cabinets,

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    So how do you feel now? Was this purchase recent/

    The sofa was as recent as Feb., and the carpentery work happened, in December.

    Where did all this idea begin?

    We already had the idea even before we built the house, that we need to have matching cots,and wardrobes etc, but sometimes it does not happen, due to money constrains.

    So ho will a matching cot and wardrobe help you ?

    You will have a sense of satisfaction; you will feel like a perfectionist, that everything ismatching, including the curtains and the sheets. In the beinging we did not even have a cot, welater had one and then if any guest came we will have to manage with a mattress, it was kind ofembarrassing,

    All this called for some shopping, so where all did you go, what research did you dobefore this?

    Actually we already had done a lot of window shopping even before we built the house, we werefirst worried about the building structure, we used to always notice other houses as we used totravel, and then that used to come to our mind, we used to see a lot ofAds in the news papersand we used to visit these places.

    Which places are these?

    Places like Big Bazaar, Home Dcor, Home Town, and there was this one very good shop, it

    was in Mysore.

    What was it called?

    I cant seem to remember the name, it was very nice, with imported wood, form Malaysia.

    Ok, did you talk to people about these places before visiting ?

    We used to actually click photos, for things like the kitchen cabinets, then we got it done by thecarpenter, we got him from my native. He stayed with us for a month and a half.

    Did you take the carpenter along with you o these shops?


    What else did you do?

    We got catalogues about what can be done the kitchen should be simple.

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    What about the quality etc. want were your ideas?There are many things we got from our native place, the wood there is good. The arc here is

    made of POP and we shape it up and then it is set, it takes a lot of time.

    You bought some things, and the rest you got it done by the carpenter, lets look at itmore in detail, what do you think in your mind when you started looking for readymadefurniture?

    I actually wanted to go for leather, because the child was small and the he could damage thesofa, rich black leather and it is expensive, so we thought we will get it later when the childgrows up. Whereas this cloth one is easier to maintain and is cheaper.

    When we go to shop I look more at the style and the quality part of it and she looks at it from themaintain ace perspective, because both should be there.

    But there is always there is idea that you can change, so how do you decide the point atwhich you should change>

    I feel we should keep changing it every year but then she does not agree, and tells keep I fr tenyears!!

    No I want It at least for 5 years.

    So this is for the child point of view, but you want more of look and design, why?

    Because, a lot of my friends visit my home, so it is like a matter of status.

    Was there any other compromise you had to make?

    The first thing was that I wanted to spend a lot on the interiors, I wanted to get it done by aprofessional, but then we did not go for it, we thought we were going too fast. I wanted to get amodular kitchen.

    But how does that matter to you, I can understand if it was your wife who demands it.

    Its lifestyle, so we thought lets not rush, and also had to invest on the childs education, and it isnot easy to raise a child is also expensive.

    But you did a lot for the furniture, how was the whole experience of shopping?

    It was fun, and happy, there were times when the wood work was completed when we werehappy.

    Which were the times you really enjoyed during all the shopping and purchases?

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    Most of the time we used to exclusively go for it, we used to plan and then go, we used to nevergo out just like that, we already had a strong desire to get it, no money in the account, but we

    were confident that we will buy it

    Where did you get this confidence form?

    Through Credit Card!!

    So how did you choose these products?

    By the brand name and the price.Also the offers and the discounts, we used to just rush there.

    So finally when you decided where did you buy the sofa set and others ?

    We bought the sofa from a nice shop from Gopalan Mall, there is a furniture shop, I dontremember the name of the shop.

    Where is this?

    It is on Mysore Road.

    So what all did you purchase?

    We bought this 3 piece sofa set and the Diwan Set from Gopalan Mall, and the cot form the Big

    Bazaar In banashankari.

    So how many shops did you visit before you finalized on the purchase?

    We visited quiet a lot of shops, nearly 40 shops. We used to just enter any furniture shop wesee, Infantry road is full of furniture shops, and we did not even spare the smallest of the shops,we used to always think that the small shops are cheaper that the bigger ones.

    Is there any advantage of the buying form the bigger shops?

    Yes we will get a better quality for sure, and we will have the confidence that we have boughtthe best, but we cannot bargain there, I always expect something complimentary like a small

    teapoy or something, and the smaller shops might even give it, but we cant do that in the biggerones they will not entertain you, and it is also against your status, they but also give youwarranty etc.

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    Was there any time when you did not like the shopping?

    There are times when we go shop to shop then we see something that we like, for example acabinet then we go to another shop there we a cabinet which is of poorer quality and at a moreexpensive price, so at that point we feel that there is no use in visiting so many shops.We used to sometimes feel it is a waste of time.

    So what made you choose this Gopalan Mall in the end? Was there any reason to it?

    Actually we had seen many sofa sets which was better outside but then we choose this onebecause it was in our budget, and it was simple and to our likes.

    Any other reasons ?

    It was urgent for us to get the sofa, and this place was more convenient, and my sister wascoming over from Australia so we wanted to get it before she comes,

    Why was this ?

    It was a matter of status.

    Was there some sort of discount at the place at that time ?

    No, actually we were tired of searching, then if we see an offer then next time we may see somebetter offer somewhere else, we did not wait for any offers, there was no offer whaen we bought

    it, we were in a hurry,

    Did you repent?

    Yes definitely, we should have got it when we had the offers.

    But you could have gone to some other place also, why this shop?

    That particular shop was because we had bargained a lot over there and then we got it at areasonable place.

    So what margin of discount did you get?

    Actually for the sofa the diwan set and this small table here he quoted Rs 25000. And can youbelieve it we managed to get it for 15,000.We promised that we will return to get the cot from there, but we did not that is a different story!!

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    So why did you go to Big Bazaar for the cot instead?

    Because we got good offers and also we had a friend who is working there, so we got a better

    discount through the employee discounts.

    So what was the experience in Gopalan mall?

    First we visited the shop saw the items, the designs were very good, it was a bit expensive, thenwe bargained it down to 20000.

    How many times did you visit the place?

    3-4 times, the 4th time when we went there, with a fixed mind to buy it, the sales man wasactually not interested in us!! Thinking us to be window shoppers.

    Were the other shops not open to bargaining?

    They were, especially in Shivajinagar. But we did not go there because it was far and we werein a hurry, and the cost will add to the transport.

    So did you have to pay for your transport?

    Yes that was extra.

    So what did you tell the sales man, about what you want to buy?

    We told him, that we needed a sofa and the diwan set etc.

    so every time you went there what was the questions that you were asking him?

    Firstly we asked him about the wood, he said the wood was teak wood. We wanted to know if itwas a genuine wood, we did not have an idea of the technical part of the wood; he also gave usthree years of guarantee. He also agreed to change the quality of the teapoy glass.

    Which were the other shops that could have got your business?

    There was this shop near infantry road, it was a wrought iron furniture, not wood, we liked thattoo.

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    What about the carpenter? How was he?

    The carpenter had no idea about the furniture, he knew the raw materials well, and he doesnt

    really know the prices of readymade furniture.

    Did you check with anyone else about making the furniture?

    There was this carpenter we checked with nearby where there was a construction going on, hewas a north Indian, and their wood work is really good. We asked him about the design an all,he was very confident to deliver whatever design that we wanted. But he was very expensive.

    How expensive?

    Double the price of what we saw in the shops like Big Bazaar and Home town etc, also it wastime consuming, and it is such a pain.

    How long do you think it would take?

    About one month, the wood work in the kitchen took about a month and a half.

    So why did you go far a carpenter for the cabinet?

    Because the cabinets the work is really simple and does not require much of skills, and it wasalso more economical than the modular kitchens.

    So what were your conversations like when you went to the bigger shops?

    There when we went the sales man used to show us everything, the brochures etc. we reallycould not bargain, we used to tell him that we have also visited your competitors and we havegot a better price there, then he used to tell that why dont you go there and buy if you have agood offer there,

    So what are the questions you asked about the quality?

    Quality we did not ask much, we used to just enquire if it is genuine or not.

    You visited a lot of shops, if you have to make a group, of shops that you will have to butwith?

    There are shops like Star bazaar, lifestyle, then home dcor, home town, shoppers stop.

    Was it an easy job?

    It would have been easier if we had a more flexible budget.

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    Let us quickly do an association of the shops. What does Star bazaar remind you of?

    Actually all these shops, it just reminds me of quality and higher price. The quality is better than

    those of the smaller shops.

    If you had to tell a difference between the bigger shops like star bazaar and home depotetc. what will it be?

    See places like Life style and shoppers stop are for the higher class people who have a lot ofmoney to spend. It is really not for the middle class family. Other places like big bazaar it hasprices that ranges for the people from the middle class to the high class families they havetargeted everyone.

    What is the price like in Lifestyle?

    If you want to get a good dining table it will easily cost you 35-40 thousand where as in bibbazaar you will get it for around 10,000.

    What about hometown?

    Home town has a goods collection of furniture, it is also got a wider price range targeted for themiddle and upper class families, but if you compare it to Big Bazaar and Star Bazaar it is a bitmore expensive.

    What were you telling about the collection?

    They have got a really good collection, no doubt because it is exclusive outlet, something that Ihave noticed is that is the store is an exclusive one then it has a very good collection not like BigBazaar.

    So which are the other shops that are exclusive and have a good collection?

    Home Dcor, Home Town.

    Will lifestyle come in it too?

    No. they are more diversified.

    Is there any other places that were good?

    We visited some antique shops, interior decorators, it was like a mix of traditional and themodern furniture, it was a fusion, it was really good. But it was expensive too.

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    So lifestyle and shoppers stop is meant for rich people. How would their houses be?How will their lifestyle be?

    I think it will be people like Vijay Malaya, you need to be really wealthy, like a small sofa therewas 60,0000. I asked him why it was so expensive he said it was of a very good quality, andthen I asked him if it can be kept in the living room and he said that it was not meant to be onthe living room but to be kept near the swimming pool.

    So basically home town ahs a good collection and also is target at the middle classfamily, can you think of any other such shops?

    Home dcor, star bazaar.

    Can you remember the name of the shop you mentioned that was there in Mysore?

    No, sorry.

    Ok when you hear Hometown what comes to your mind.

    The interiors the furniture, the kitchen cabinets the modular.

    How many visits did you make to the place?


    Was it like the other shops?

    No it was different, compared to big bazaar and star bazaar, it was different, the way theproducts that are displayed are different the lighting and the arrangement of the products aregood. They actually have built a whole living room. So this will give you a perfect image of howa house should be.

    Did you like that?

    Yes, very much.The lighting and the tiles of the kitchen was very new and it was vewery beautiful that I hadnever seen this before.

    Not even in Gilma?

    No, Gilma was more of kitchen modular.This was something new.

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    Anything else that you remember about Hometown?

    The sales men are very good there they have a lot of patients, and they explain all the stuff very

    well. First when we entered the shop we thought the shop will be really expansive.

    Why did you feel so?

    Because of the ambience and the design of the furniture. It looked very fancy.

    (showing the couple some brochures)What will your feeling be like when you enter ashop like this that gives you everything that furnishes, builds etc.

    The first thing that will come to our minds is the price the shop has covered everything. The onlything that comes to my mind is the price. They seem to be covering everything. It is really goodthe options the colors and the dcor, this flooring solutions are not available in the other shops.

    Why do you think people are spending so much on such things?

    People are more aware and they are influenced by the magazines etc.

    Would you really trust them with everything because it is not an exclusive one.

    Yes, we would because trust comes with a brand, if it is from a unheard of brand the we will notgo for them, but at the same time if it was TATA or some such brand then we will be moreconfident.

    The brand name is really important if you have to capture a market.

    What is your feeling and expectation about such a concept.?

    The price is really important and the other concern is if they will use the space judiciously andmak maximum use of the resources and the Vastu is also of at most importance, we will expectthem to also start something that which will be vastu friendly.

    Why would you visit this shop if it opens up?

    Mainly to see the designs, we might not go for it, but then we could see the designs and thenplan for the future.

    Also we could buy the other accessories like the covers and the bed spreads.

    Why would you want to buy that from them?

    Because it so unique, and it seems very stylish and attractive.

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    Why would you not look for furniture from here after 5 years?

    Maybe by then better shops would have come up.

    The technologies will also change.

    Suppose even they will keep upgrading.

    That will keep coming, there is nothing unique in that, every shop does that. No one will reallycome home and arrange the furniture for you.

    What makes you feel that they will arrange the furniture for you?

    looking at the picture, it says furniture carpets cots rugs and sheets, that means that they willbuild the whole thing, the whole of the interiors will be done by them.

    Is that a good idea?

    It is excellent, they will be professional and they will do it in a very good way, but the question isif it is going to be affordable. And it will make the work easier, we will not have to worry muchabout the things.

    Of all the shops you have visited do you think anyone will be coming up with this idea?

    Home town

    Why is that?

    Because when I went to hometown their setup was something similar.

    Anybody else?

    Even home Dcor.

    So when you visited the shops did anyone talk to you about such things?

    On it was just a visit, the sales people will identify maybe through their experience who theirpotential customers and the ones who are just visiting, and their approach to such people aredifferent.

    So were you identified as window shoppers?

    Yes We were !!

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