  • 8/13/2019 "Home Shooting: Make Money With Your Videocamera"


  • 8/13/2019 "Home Shooting: Make Money With Your Videocamera"


    Rest lnsuieCYou may be a perfectly nice person, but you may be guiltyof equipment abuse. Consumer-gear warranties generally in-terpret the word "abuse" to include commercial use of thegear, which'voids the warranty. If your nights-and-weekendssideline starts to take off, you'd do well to consider buying aservice contract. Try to choose a repair shop that'll bearound for the length of the contract (no "lifetime" deals),and that stocks spare parts or can get them quickly.Service contracts aren't the same as insurance, though.Homeowner's or tenant's insurance generally doesn't cover

    business-related propeonly of damage to youtapes. You'll need a "fparticular items againsportantly, you'll need protect yourself if somto tape down, but alsoand you wind up withAll this coverage" for pen pals (tape pals?). You couldtape walking tours to cities, or bicycletours of country roads. Video depositionshave become almost a courtroom staple(although lawyers tend to shoot thesethemselves). While video willsper se aren'tconsidered valid, a taped record of thesi[ning often saves witnesses' having to flyin to testify later orr.

    test thing going in a world of Andy War-hol's "15 minutes of fame." Suppose youwere the parent of an Olympic attrlete, forinstance. Wouldn't you want someone totape sports coverage and news items aboutyour son or daughter? Local businessesappear on local news shows; every daypeople win awards, comment on localissues, and chat on talk shows. Moreover,


  • 8/13/2019 "Home Shooting: Make Money With Your Videocamera"


    take two hours.Gillum asked the comic tmission from the student uthere, and to make sure tiersafe, convenient spot for thLarge-scale video services g

  • 8/13/2019 "Home Shooting: Make Money With Your Videocamera"


    - oPrRox, tNc.:l P.O. 8,ox752.268 Norih Broadway:l Hicksville, NY 11801il (516) 822.5675Sf Please rush me your Tele/Wide5l Conversion Lens(es) checked below.Ef lf not 1i0% satisf ied, I may return5f them within 10 days for ref und.S1 TELELENS'Only$134.95F: wtDELENS.onty$134.9s: sAvE$2o.oo Borhonry$249.90E Please add 53.00 shipping & handling.

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    IIIIIIddress;l (NY residenrs add appropriate sales tax.) City-State- ZIPq.TI " I..'-I'I II.I'II'III-IIIII II -150 Vldoo Dealer lnquiries lnviled. Call or Write lor lnlormation


  • 8/13/2019 "Home Shooting: Make Money With Your Videocamera"


    something you need.The absolute minimumcharge is what it would costequipment if your own gear ubroke down. As a benchmawedding shoot in New York, eages $350 to $500. Newspapefrom around the country show

  • 8/13/2019 "Home Shooting: Make Money With Your Videocamera"


    NO FRANCHISE FEE(vrDEo SoFMARE BUSTNESS)Avoid ccslly mistokes ond unnecesscn/ fees Cur expertswill show you how to successfully open your own V DECBusinessl Telephone Mr. Adoms, toll-free (800) 251-1638.ln TN. coll (800) 342-5014.ilioLrrcc Vdco s on oLrliror zecJCrstrrbL rtor for o l,1016r Strrri osPre Recorcjcrl Topes & DrscsB onk Toocs -\ccessorres ' VldeoDtsrPtSurloN co., tNc.'"I{I BEIIT FONESf, CINCIINASHVlLla, rrr.37221

    Fot additional infomation. circle No. 84 on Readet SeNice Cad.


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