Page 1: Holy Week at St Cuthbert NOTE · Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” 1 Peter 1:3

St Cuthbert with St Matthias CE School Newsletter 29 March 2018



Easter holiday starts

on 30 March

Inset day Monday 16


Summer term 1 starts

on 17 April

17 - 20 April -

Registration week for

After school Clubs

Year 6’s Blog

During Holy Week, Year 6 has been working hard to re-enact the Gos-

pel telling of the Cruci-

fixion of Jesus. Every-

one played a part in the re-enactment. We had nar-

rators for each scene, the main characters were, Je-

sus, Pilate, Peter, the servant, the crowds and the

soldiers (they were all in costume). We rehearsed

many times in order for it to be perfect and the best.


What a busy week we have had: writing; comprehension and maths! We are now getting very

used to putting in a great amount of effort in order to improve our results in all of the above.


In Maths we have been focusing on Decimals, the whole class rounded, divided, added, subtract-

ed and multiplied. We divided by 10/100/1000. That pesky, cheeky little decimal point can cause

all sorts of trouble if we do not know how to handle it. We concluded that the decimal point is like

the sun: it never moves and the digits are like the planets orbiting (moving/or not moving) to dif-

ferent place value columns.


We are all looking forward to our Easter holiday, but spare a thought for the super hard-working

Year 6 who have to come to school on their holiday so they can have a last learning push before

the SATs- the last exams before secondary school. By Amina, Edi and Layann

This week’s King and Queen

of Year 3 are Sabeer and

Lara for always doing the

right thing by following the

4C code.

Holy Week at St Cuthbert

Myrian YN, “I made

my Easter bonnet with

the help of my Mum.”

Christian YR, “We made

chocolate Easter buns and

took home to eat. ”

This week we have been

very busy celebrating Palm

Sunday, enacting Jesus

washing his disciples’ feet

and the Last Supper. Our

school choir also raised

£122.51 by singing beauti-

fully at Tesco.

Page 2: Holy Week at St Cuthbert NOTE · Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” 1 Peter 1:3

Dear St Cuthbert children and parents,

As I write my newsletter this evening

(unusually on a Wednesday evening), I will

start by mentioning that grey skies and drizzle

had me worried for much of today. However, I

am feeling quite heartened this evening: I have

just spotted the only rays of sunshine for the

remainder of the week residing in tomorrow’s

forecast box on the BBC weather page! Our

Easter bonnet parade may yet take place out in (mild) spring sun-

shine. But, judging by the colourful, decorative and skilfully-

designed Easter bonnets that have been sneaking into school this

week - some even hiding in plastic bags in an effort to escape

spring raindrops - we will not be needing basketfuls of bright sun-

shine for our parade; it seems our beautiful bonnets will light up

any grey and cloudy day! I have seen blossoms, bunnies, chicks,

and eggs adorning incredible and fantastic creations in so many

classes and I would like to thank our children for designing such

glorious Easter bonnets. We hope you will enjoy parading them

tomorrow for all to admire.

Many visitors to our school this week have been admiring Dina,

our delightful dinosaur, as she has been busy greeting all visitors

with her charmingly large eyes and special smile - thank you Re-

ception children for allowing us to borrow Dina for our foyer. Our

guests have also been marvelling at your superb home-learning

projects which are showing us that you have been learning so many

new and fascinating facts over the past weeks. All the dinosaur talk

recently even inspired me to do some research, and I discovered

that at present over 700 different species of dinosaurs have been

identified and named, however, paleontologists believe that there

are many more new and different dinosaur species still to be dis-

covered! Closer to home, 108 species of dinosaurs have been dis-

covered in Britain. So thank you Reception children for inspiring

me to learn some new and fascinating facts too!

I am aware that we have a bumper collection of photographs to

share with you in our newsletter this week, so I need to be careful

not to ramble on and take up precious newsletter territory with my

letter - but just before signing off I would like say a Thank-you and


Thank-you to our St Cuthbert families who have so generously re-

sponded to our request letter regarding donations for the British

Heart Foundation charity. We are very appreciative of your gener-


I would also like to take the opportunity to say good-bye and thank

you to Mr Burt who will not be with us after Easter. Mr Burt will be

moving abroad and we wish him every success in his new ventures.

We are sad to see him leave us, but know that he has exciting op-

portunities ahead!

Finally, I would like to wish our families who are

celebrating Easter a blessed Holy Week and a Hap-

py Easter weekend. We look forward to seeing our

children back with us after the holiday on Tuesday

17th April (Monday 16th April is a staff training


With best wishes,

Gill Putterill and the St Cuthbert Teaching Team

PTA Announcement

Come join us for coffee mornings which take place

between 9-10am, fortnightly on Thursdays and are held in St Matthias

House. Next meeting is on April 20 at 9 am.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” 1 Peter 1:3



Year 5’s Blog

This week in Y5 we have been doing our

assessments. We did a Maths, a Gram-

mar and a Spelling assessment.

In RE we have been learning about the Garden of Geth-

semane and enacted the Last Supper with the disciples

and Jesus. We acted out and wrote what happen in the

Garden of Gethsemane. Three people were chose to read

out their stories about different part of it. There were the

guards, Judas, Jesus and the disciples.

In Science we have been learning about chicken. We had

a experiment. We squashed an egg but, it did not crack,

but when we crack it and it cracked. We noticed that

there was white skin on the shell, the white skin actually

stopped the bacteria from coming into the embryo. Did

you know that there are 17,000 air holes in an egg. We

had to label a diagram about the egg. The yolk provides

fat for the chick and is the main nutrition for the chick.

In Topic we have been leaning about the Mayan civilisa-

tion. Twins were considered the best at their ball games

and the death gods tests them. If they failed the test and

the death gods choppes one of the twins head and put it

on a tree for all of the people to see. By Chantal Y5

Ike Y1, “I borrowed an origami book

from the library and made my penguins

with Mrs Maria.”

Frankie Y2, “We learnt

about Eater Sunday that

Jesus showed us love

and care.”

Jood Y3,

“This week

we did lots

of Easter


the most fun

one was

where we made chocolate

Easter Eggs.”

Page 3: Holy Week at St Cuthbert NOTE · Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” 1 Peter 1:3

N Sophia For recounting the story of ‘The Three Little

Pigs’, using and story language.

R Lillymae For doing fantastic listening all week.

1 Khadija For being very enthusiastic about all her learn-

ing and trying her best.

2 Frankie For settling well and making such an effort

with his class.

3 Ryan For trying really hard to put up his hand before

he speaks.

4 Mariig For her fantastic progress and commitment in

her assessment.

5 Marcus For a positive attitude towards his learning.

6 Nora For making great effort for assessments.


Congratulations to all of you!

Year 4’s Blog

This week we have been doing

our assessments and showing

the character traits of resili-

ence and concentration!

Sadly, on Monday it was our last day at the V&A so

we had to finish our light boxes. We made our light

boxes by using stencils, tracing paper, printer paper

and PVA glue. We used the plans from our sketch

books to make and cut out our four layers/levels for

the boxes. We added detail such as trees, stars, stair-

cases, lamps and chandeliers! The designs were all

inspired by the light and architecture in the V&A, as

well as our amazing in-house artist, Dan. We also

did print-making using paint and patterned rollers

which will decorate the outside of our boxes. When

we finally finished our light boxes, Dan stacked

them in a dark room and we saw a sneak preview of

the light boxes with the light shining through from

the back. By Anaheed and Ellias. Year 4’s amazing dramatic light boxes inspired by their

visit to the V&A this week.

St Cuthbert’s Children

showed off their amazing

creativity at our Easter

Bonnet parade. Beautiful

and colourful hats were on


Page 4: Holy Week at St Cuthbert NOTE · Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” 1 Peter 1:3






Originally founded as a choir school for St Matthias Church, our school has a rich heritage of education within the context of a Christian framework.

Our school can look back at over a century of providing an excellent education for the children of our community. We have the highest expecta-tions of each one of our children and we work to ensure that every child leaves our school having gained all the important skills and knowledge that will help them become successful in their future life.

St Cuthbert with St

Matthias CE School

Warwick Road

Earl’s Court



Phone: 020 7373 8225

Fax: 020 7460 0424

E-mail: info@st-

Class Attend

Y5 98.4%

Y4 96.0%

YN 92.9%

Y1 92.5%

Y6 90.5%

YR 89.1%

Y2 87.5%

Y3 81.8%

Total 91.0%

This Week’s Attendance

Puzzle Time

Answer for last puzzle

There will be exciting prizes, for the right answer this week’s puzzle

handed in on Thursday. Please write your name and answer on a sepa-

rate piece of paper. Good luck!

We raised £268.00

for the British

Heart Foundation

by having a skip- a

-ton on last Friday


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