
Holy Spirit Catholic School Newsletter -- September 29, 2017

The Mission of Holy Spirit Catholic School is to develop independent, life-long learners who

can and will live for Christ!

Catholic WOW (Word of the Week)

Free Will

—- The ability to make choices

without being forced. Free will

is a gift from God, one of the

ways that we are made in God’s

likeness. Those who use free

will as God intends will be re-

warded in eternity.—-

“ And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them,

‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’ ” -- John 20:22

“Each child is a masterpiece

of God created with precision

for a specific purpose."

Thank you to all those who contributed to the canned food

drive! The school collected 3,214 cans! These cans will be

given to the Red Cross– Hurricane Relief Fund. Thank you to

Alexandra H., Grace K., and Halle M. who organized this

drive as a Service Project for their 8th grade Confirmation.

Congratulations to

Mrs. Michels’ 4th Grade

for bringing in 431 cans,

the highest donation

from all the class-

rooms. They will re-

ceive a pizza party for

their efforts!

Español News 1st Quarter—Senora Woolf

Welcome to another school year. This year, the full day PreK students are getting some Spanish. I have decided to follow a different book for each grade level. Topics are more on line with the cur-riculum each grade should be learning. Remember, each student has a Spanish notebook where all vocabulary and activities are pasted, including PK. Lower grades, PK-2, you should be seeing it at least every two weeks to keep you updated in your child’s learning. Grades 3rd -6th should be taking their notebooks home every week to practice the material learned in class and to do their homework. We will be constantly quizzing over the material. Notebooks should go home, and they are to come back to school the day your child has Spanish class. For your reference, the days each class has Spanish class are listed below. In addition, please check my page in Educonnect un-der “About Us”. All homework, quizzes and prayers due are listed on my webpage.

Monday- KM, 5M, PK Brown Tuesday- 6G, 6L, 1H, 1O & 3S

Wednesday- 2T, 5B, KR Thursday- 4M, 2C & 3B

Friday- 4Z Please contact me via e-mail if you have any questions or concerns at [email protected].

Lunch Menu


Parents of all Holy Spirit children are cordially in-vited to attend "Families of Character 2.0", pre-

sented in person by Founder and CEO, Steve Markel. Steve will be coming in from Denver, CO on Wednesday, October 11th to present his pro-

gram to us at 4:30 & 6:30 p.m. in the Main Church. Refreshments will be available.

Families of Character 2.0 is an improved program offered to Holy Spirit families on behalf of the Parish to Be the family that God made you to

be. "If you want to change the world, go home and

love your family." - St. Teresa of Calcutta

THANK YOU! for your participation in the last HSPA

Restaurant Night at Sonic. With your help, we raised

over $165 for HSPA. Join us for our next Restaurant

Night on October 17th at Dairy Queen. Yum!

PE Class News 1st Quarter—Mrs. Jacobs

Welcome back to a new school year! The classes have made a great transition from the relaxing days of summer to P.E. class. It is great to have them all back! Not much time has passed, but everyone is already into a routine. All classes do some stretches and jog before we start our activities. I do realize that jogging is not a great favorite of many of the students, but I believe that improving their cardiovascular endurance is very important. I stress improvement (trying to go just a little further before they feel the need to walk), as opposed to seeing who is finishing first/last. It is never made into a race. Grades 4-8 do participate in the Presidential Physi-cal Fitness test in the spring where a distance run is required.

KINDERGARTEN NEWS: The Kindergarteners will be working this quarter on body aware-ness, body-part identification, movement of specific body parts, and controlled movement of the body as a unit. They will also be learning/mastering large motor skills (which will continue all year.) Many of the activities will involve using beanbags either individually or with a partner.

FIRST AND SECOND GRADES: These grades will be also working on large motor skills by playing various games and activities. For most of the children, this will be a review, but I do want to make sure all students are performing these basic skills. We will eventually move into movement explo-ration (moving your body at various speeds, levels, and body parts creatively) with and without partners. Mixed in with all of this will be different games to play.

THIRD GRADE: They will be reviewing gross motor skills, but more rapidly. They will move into a simpler version of team handball using nerf soccer balls. This will reinforce a team concept and the use of eye-hand coordination. Simple games will also be played, with them learning Capture the Cone.

FOURTH AND FIFTH GRADES: These grades also play team handball, but the fifth graders will use a football, which will lead them into play football a bit later. Fourth graders will be playing modi-fied versions of football also. Eventually, we will be covering eye/foot skills by playing different types of soccer games. This will be accomplished both inside and out. Different tag games are also mixed in.

SIXTH GRADE: We will be reviewing football rules and some will become reacquainted with throwing and catching. Then, it will be time to move on to using our feet by playing soccer. Many times weather will determine exactly where we are and what game is played for the class.

ELECTIVES: General Fitness

All students are required to take one quarter of Physical Education. During general fitness the stu-dents will play many team sports (hockey, football, volleyball, etc.) plus individual activities. The Presidential Fitness test is also required during this time. A Jazzercise class is taught once a week by a qualified instructor. Emphasis during the quarter is placed on achieving a strong “cardio” workout while having fun demonstrating Catholic values through responsible personal and social

behavior and respecting the differences among people in physical activities and settings.

Second Grade had a visit

from Mad Science!

Join us in praying for:

Jillian Blackhall -- Alumni

Jessica Satterfield—Alumni

Cabrina Magee—Parent

Walk to School Day is Coming!!

Join us Thursday, October 5th, for our annual Walk to School Day! Those in-

terested in walking (parents are welcome to join us, too!) gather at Bluejack-

et Pool and walk to school together as a group.

Every participating child must have a signed permission slip.

Please do not drop children off before 7:20 am.

The permission slip is found below and is in your child’s backpack this week-

end. It contains all the information needed. Please complete the permission

slip and have your child return it to school by Monday, Oct. 2.

If there is inclement weather, this event will be canceled.

Thank you to all who contributed to the

HSPA collection of items to fill the teach-

ers’ emergency backpacks. Your generosi-

ty in helping to equip our teachers with

necessary supplies is greatly appreciated.

The teachers are happy to know the emer-

gency backpacks are coming to their class-

rooms soon, but hope that they never, ev-

er need to use them! Thank you for always

helping us keep the children safe.

Box Tops for Education

It is time for Box Top collection and contest. Last year we earned $1,700 from

Box Tops. This year, we hope to earn $2,500. From October 2 through October 13,

we will have a contest. The grades who bring in the most Box Tops will earn an extra

recess. If the school brings in at least 6,000 Box Tops, the entire school will earn an

out of uniform day. Students need to bring their Box Tops to their homeroom teach-

er any time during those weeks. If you have multiple children in your family, please

divide your Box Tops into separate bags. This way, each student can turn in Box

Tops to his/her teacher.

There is a new way to earn Box Tops for our school using the new Box Tops

App. See flyer for more details.

For a list of participating products, coupons, and to track the school’s pro-

gress, go to If you have any questions please contact

Marsha Delantonas at [email protected] or 913-307-0220.

Congratulations to our middle school

Quiz Bowl team: Alex P., Thomas W., Han-

nah H., Audrey M., Blake A., Ahkil D. , and

Henry H. for taking 1st place at the St.

James Academy competition this week.

Quiz Bowl competitions are chock full of

questions ranging from social studies to

math, religion to current events, geogra-

phy to literature and even more! Think

Jeopardy for tweens! The team has been

preparing diligently and will continue to

prep for the upcoming competitions at

both Saint Thomas Aquinas and Bishop

Miege. We are so proud of you!!!

BOX TOPS BONUS APP Earn even more cash to help your school get what it needs through the Box Tops

for Education® Bonus App. Turn your everyday receipts into cash for your school.

It’s free and as easy as 1-2-3. Here’s how it works:

Now with new and improved geolocation so it's easier to find Box

Tops offers at stores near you! PLUS, the latest Bonus App up-

dates enable you to:

- Edit the school you're supporting

- Track your school's earnings progress

- See your school's Clip Board

Try it for yourself! You can earn Bonus Box Tops in the Box Tops

Bonus App in combination with the on-pack Box Tops clip and any

other coupon, discount, store program or promotion.

You can earn Bonus Box Tops in the Box Tops Bonus App in com-

bination with the on-pack Box Tops clip and any other coupon, dis-

count, store program or promotion.


Technology News 1st Quarter —Mrs. Follis Practice, practice, practice is the name of the game in computer lab this quarter! K-2 has been practicing mouse control, keyboarding, and learning what each parts and functions of the computer. Third grade students are working on keyboarding skills and Word documents. They were excited to use their jump drives for the first time! Fourth grade is creating word documents, changing fonts, adding borders and learning to use editing tools to help their writing. Fifth grade is also creating Word documents. They completed a 20 question worksheet to help practice using the various tools on the tool bar. Sixth graders are working on different aspects of Microsoft Word. They have been prac-ticing their use of drawing tools and shortcut keys. Grades K-6 are continuing with our Keyboarding Without Tears program. They use this program to help improve their keyboarding skills. Remind your children to keep their fin-gers on the home row when they are typing! Video Creations Elective middle school students are busy creating all sorts of video pro-jects using programs such as iMovie and Movie Maker as well as a Stop Motion Animation app. The middle schoolers are also in charge of creating power points that are displayed on the television located outside the school office and have been working on a coding pro-gram.

Art News 1st QUARTER —Mrs. Lloyd-Rosell This is the first year a Preschool class has gone to the art room for art class. The full

day PreK has been making sheep masks, origami Noah’s arks, and painting all the colors of the rainbow. Kindergarten is learning about Kandinsky’s concentric circles and oil pas-tels. First graders are using basic shapes, cool colors, and wax resist painting to help them create an underwater world.

Second and third graders have started off the year with symmetry and reflec-tions. Second graders created alien insects by cutting out their names on a folded piece of paper creating a perfectly symmetrical insect body. After finishing the bugs, we have moved on to creating rosary collages with the most perfectly symmetrical shape of all: the cir-cle! Third graders used oil pastels, burnishing, and paint monoprinting to form a symmetrical autumn reflection. Third graders have just started creating a symmetrical “face or vase?” with an interesting radial design.

Fourth graders are looking at the different ways paper has been used to create art throughout time and are currently studying illuminated manuscripts. Each fourth grader has selected a Bible verse or prayer to illustrate and decorate. Fifth grade dove into Op Art with a couple of projects that fool the eyes. They have focused on using dark and light values along with straight and bumpy lines to form an illusion of depth.

Sixth grade has been working on mastering the difficult technique of one point per-spective. They created their names in perspective and now are working on landscapes. The Drawing and Painting elective for seventh and eighth graders has started the quarter with observational drawing and creating the illusion of depth in an artwork. They have been focusing on adding a variety of values in both charcoal still life and graphite portraiture artworks. They have just started the painting section of the class and are working on mix-ing many different colors in their artwork, using only the primaries and neutrals.

First Grade took a field trip to the American Royal this week!

How can you help??

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