Page 1: Holy smoke - project in English · lungotevere delle navi 19 – 00196 – roma – italy t. +39.06.3215514 – f. +39.06.64520220 @. 1 Holy smoke a project

lungotevere delle navi 19 – 00196 – roma – italy

t. +39.06.3215514 – f. +39.06.64520220 @. [email protected]


Holy smoke

a project for a series of 6 documentaries of 52’

Author: Giuseppe Buccia rel l i (q ua o97@ya

Producer: SD C inema togra fica (www.sdcinema togra fica . i t )

(rob erto.da l la ngelo@sdcinema togra fica . i t )

Running t ime: 6x52’ min

Shoot ing Forma t: HDca m & HDV

Screen Ra t io Forma t: 16:9

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lungotevere delle navi 19 – 00196 – roma – italy

t. +39.06.3215514 – f. +39.06.64520220 @. [email protected]



Voodoo, shamans, witches, div in ing … An int r iguing and shock ing

journey through the magic and the myster ies of t radit ional t r ibal r ituals

and beliefs all around the planet . Fo llow the host while he t r ies to find a

way through a for t ress of ret icence into a wor ld of idols, sacr ifices,

myths and pot ions. He will take par t h imself in some of these r ituals to

figure out the actual capabilit ies of wise men and women, why humans

need magic, how much of it is actually beyond our knowledge and the

ro le of our cultural environment in creat ing myths and legends. And he

will also discover that somet imes ceremonies flow into darkness...

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lungotevere delle navi 19 – 00196 – roma – italy

t. +39.06.3215514 – f. +39.06.64520220 @. [email protected]


st ructure of the documentary

The a i r i s ful l of the dense a nd pungent smel l of b urning wood. Bla des of l ight cut

the sha dows l i k e ra zors, tea r ing into the da rk ness of a la rge room ma de of pa lm

lea ves a nd mud. Two men a re sta nd ing in front of one a nother, hold ing ea ch other’ s

shoulders a nd contort ing thei r fa ces into sa rdonic smi les l i k e cla y ma sk s. Thei r eyes

a re fla shing l i k e l ightning whi le the sound of thei r g runt ing voices i s tumb l ing in the

a i r l i k e stones fa l l ing from a cl i ff. A l l of a sudden they g rowl , ra i se thei r a rms a nd

g ra b b ing a ma chete in a pa roxysm of exci tement b eg in sl icing v iciously a t inv i sib le

p resences. Once in a whi le they shoot a b i t of yel lowish powder in the nose of the

pa rtner using a short b lowgun. Vomi t ing fol lows a lmost insta nt l y . Then they sha k e

ea ch other, spea k in turn a nd wa i t for a rep ly… They a re not a lone. Other men a re

there performing the sa me r i tua l . Outside the ent ra nce of the room, the b ruta l force

of the t rop ica l sun fla t tens the sha de of the sma l l Ya noma mi v i l la ge a nd… BUT…


guy doing there? Ma n! He ha s a b lowgun stuck in hi s nose… b ut hey ! He look s

every thing b ut… loca l !

Yes indeed ! Hi there! My na me i s Giuseppe Buccia rel l i , 39, a nd I ha ve just sta r ted a

fi rst -ha nd journey through the ma g ic a nd the myster ies of t ra d i t iona l t r ib a l r i tua l s

a nd b el iefs a l l a round the p la net . I a m a b iolog ist wi th long resea rch exper ience

b ehind me, a n exper ienced t ra veler in t rop ica l reg ions a nd a fi lmma k er. When I wa s

a k id my pa rents a ccepted the help of a ‘wi se woma n’ who hea led my flu through

a mixture of pa ga n r i tua l s. I ma y b e one of the la st I ta l ia ns who exper ienced fi rst -

ha nd a once common b ody of t ra d i t ions sink ing thei r roots into a fa r a nd p re-

Chr i st ia n pa st . Tha t memory never left me a nd now I ha ve decided to exp lore the

immense ga la xy of fa d ing t r ib a l cul ts a nd b el iefs in which once even our western

wor ld wa s emb edded.

My goa l i s to invest iga te the a ctua l ca pa b i l i t ies of ‘wi se’ men a nd women, why

huma ns need ma g ic, how much of i t i s a ctua l l y b eyond our k nowledge a nd the role

of our cul tura l env i ronment in crea t ing myths a nd legends.

My a pproa ch? Wel l , i t wi l l b e… d i rect a t lea st ! I wi l l pa rta k e in d i fferent k inds of

t ra d i t iona l t r ib a l ceremonies wi th the guida nce of loca l sha ma ns a nd med icine

men. I wi l l b e hypnot i zed , my i l lnesses wi l l b e t ra d i t iona l l y t rea ted ; I wi l l d r ink

pot ions, communica te wi th the a ncest ra l sp i r i t s a nd p red ict the resul ts of a hunt ing

t r ip . Coming from the western wor ld I wi l l not b e influenced b y a cul tura l b ia s a nd

my scient i fic b a ck g round wi l l help me to g ive a n ob ject i ve perspect i ve to ea ch of

my exper iences. I wi l l report wi th the b est possib le a ccura cy wha t I ha ve seen a nd

fel t a nd I wi l l t ry to d ra w a l ine b etween sel f-suggest ion a nd ha rd fa cts. Through

b oth my d i rect persona l journeys a nd the everyda y l i fe test imonies of the loca l

peop le I wi l l a l so invest iga te the rea sons why some r i tua l s evolved only wi thin certa in

na tura l a nd cul tura l env i ronments a nd why others a re lock ed to certa in l i festy les.

My dest ina t ions wi l l b e ei ther the downtown b ui ld ings of a ci ty or the deepest pa rt of

a t rop ica l forest ; ei ther the fla t la nds of S ib er ia or the hot , ra g ing deserts of

Aust ra l ia .

Once in the field , I wi l l ha ve to move a round very ca reful l y , t ry ing to find a wa y

through a for t ress of d i ffidence a nd ret icence p revent ing st ra ngers from coming into

the secrets of t ra d i t iona l holy r i tua l s. I t wi l l ta k e t ime a nd pa t ience b ut my effor ts wi l l

b e rewa rded b y a wor ld of idol s, sa cr i fices, pot ions a nd myths.

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t. +39.06.3215514 – f. +39.06.64520220 @. [email protected]


Fol low me through the upper Or inoco reg ions of the Venezuela n t rop ica l ra in forest

a nd meet the elusi ve Ya noma mi peop les dur ing thei r endo-ca nnib a l i st ic funera l

p ra ct ices a nd d i scover the myst ici sm of Yiopo, a sha ma nic powder used b y

Med icine Men to conta ct the sp i r i t s of the forest hidden in a ny l i v ing crea ture.

Let ’ s b e a guinea p ig for a da y in the ha nds of a Phi l ipp ine b a re-ha nd surgeon who

wi l l use hi s powerful fa i th in God to opera te in my a b domina l ca v i ty wi thout the a id

of a ny tool s, a nesthet ic or a nt i sep t ic to get r id of a ny k idney stones or hidden

tumors. . .

Sta rt a t ra d i t iona l Wa lk a b out journey wi th a n Aust ra l ia n a b or ig ine sha ma n a nd find

your wa y a long the la b y r inth of inv i sib le ‘ Song l ines’ mea nder ing a l l over Aust ra l ia in

sea rch of the t ra ck s of the totemic b eing who sa ng out the na me of every thing a nd

so b rought the wor ld into ex i stence.

Be there whi le a Mongol ia n sha ma n tea ches me the use of the Tuva n overtone

throa t sing ing wi th which I could meet the sp i r i t s hidden in the na tura l wor ld

through the rep roduct ion of thei r sounds a nd fol low him whi le he fa l l s into a n a l tered

sta te of consciousness to conjure a ncestors, d i scover b i r thp la ces a nd a t t ra ct good

luck for the hunters.

Let ’ s fol low a Zulu Sa ngoma , a ‘W ise Woma n’ of the south A fr ica n reg ions, in her

smok y hea l ing hut a nd wi tness her fa l l ing under the possession of my a ncestors’

sp i r i t s who wi l l int roduce me to the use of med icines wi th superna tura l signi fica nce

whose effects I wi l l t ry to surv i ve…

Thi s, a nd much more, wi l l b e my a dventure through a myster ious la b y r inth of idol s,

my th a nd pot ions. My a pproa ch to d i fferent cul tures wi l l a lwa ys b e supported b y a

t ra veler -l i k e, genuine cur iosi ty . Sha ma ns wi l l int roduce me to the secrets of a ncient

ceremonies a nd I wi l l a ct i vely ta k e pa rt in them a s i f I wa s a memb er of the

communi ty . Whi le my b ody a nd my mind a re the exper imenta l g round for thei r

psycholog ica l a nd physica l effects, I wi l l a l so t ry to understa nd the speci fic need for

a pa rt icula r r i tua l wi thin a pa rt icula r cul tura l env i ronment.

Sha ma ns, med icine men a nd wise women a re the l i v ing test imonies of tha t pa rt of

our hi story tha t should b e p reserved a s universa l her i ta ge for ma nk ind . Our

genera t ion i s p rob a b ly the la st one wi th a ccess to the secrets of those t r ib a l

ceremonies tha t helped us, a s a species, to surv i ve in a n unforg iv ing wor ld of

myster ious i l lnesses a nd fr ightening p reda tors. Wha tever the ca uses, the ext inct ion

of t r ib a l r i tua l s a nd b el iefs corresponds, on a phi losophica l level , to the ma ss

ext inct ion of a nima ls a nd p la nts. In a few yea rs from now the memor ies of sha ma ns

ma y b e k ep t only in a nthropolog ica l museums. Thi s i s our la st cha nce to d i scover

the secluded wor ld of our a ncestors.

Fol low me in thi s ext ra ord ina ry journey through a d i sa ppea r ing mosa ic of

my tholog ies a nd rel ig ions a nd get rea dy to unvei l wi th me a whole universe of

hidden secrets tha t wi l l emerge from a thick cloud of… Holy Smok e.

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t. +39.06.3215514 – f. +39.06.64520220 @. [email protected]


Curr iculum Vi ta e et Stud iorum

Giuseppe BUCCIARELLI Born in F irenze (Italy) the 5 th of Ju ly, 1969

Mailing address: v ia XXV Apr ile, 24 50014 F iesole (F I) Italy Telephone: +39-333-1082482 e-mail: [email protected]

Giuseppe i s a b iolog ist wi th more tha n ten yea rs of resea rch exper ience in

molecula r b iology , fi sh popula t ion genet ic, specia t ion, foreign species inva sion a nd

genome evolut ion b ehind him a nd l i ved on b oa rd hi s 6.7 meters ya cht “Ma ruzza ” for

three yea rs, b etween 2002 a nd 2005, sa i l ing a l l over the Med i ter ra nea n Sea , from

Corsica I sla nd to the Suez Ca na l , end ing up in the Midd le Ea st , where he spent

severa l months t ra vel l ing Sy r ia , Leb a non a nd I sra el . He spent the winter months of

these yea rs b etween North A fr ica , the Pa ci fic Ocea n, a nd the southern reg ions of

Venezuela , where he exp lored the r i vers a nd the cul tures sp rea d ing a long Or inoco

r i ver a nd Rio Negro r i ver . Those insp i r ing exper iences led him to fi lm ma k ing . As a

conseq uence he p roduced a nd d i rected a documenta ry mov ie ca l led “Ahmed a nd

the Return of the Ara b Phoenix” .

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t. +39.06.3215514 – f. +39.06.64520220 @. [email protected]


Ahmed and the Return of the Arab Phoenix Thi s fi lm wa s shot a round the Pa lmyra oa si s, Sy r ia . Desp i te i t s b a d reputa t ion, the Sy r ia n government i s involved in the effor t of p rotect ing i t s na tura l her i ta ge. Thi s i s the story of a ha ndful of v i s iona ry men who a re fight ing to p rotect wha t i s left of the b iod iversi ty of A l Ba d ia , the desert steppe st retching from the I ra q i b order to a lmost the Med i ter ra nea n coa st . Thei r effor ts wi l l b e rewa rded b y the d i scovery of the la st midd le ea stern colony of the Ba ld Ib i s (Geront icus eremi ta ) in the wi ld , one of the ra rest mig ra tory b i rds a nd a symb ol of wi sdom for the Bedouins. Broa dca sters:

- Na t iona l Geogra phic Cha nnel , I ta l y (2007) - Communi ty Telev i sion of Sa nta Cruz County , Ca l i fornia , USA, (2007) - PBS: for W i ld Chronicles, a p rog ra m of the Na t iona l Geogra phic

Society (2006) - I ta l ia ni nel Mondo Cha nnel : a fter select ion b y the I ta l ia n Foreign

Office (2006). Glob a l l y - Dist r ib uted a nd b roa dca sted a l l over the Midd le Ea stern a rea

Awa rds: - Si l ver Remi Awa rd a t Wor ld fest Houston F i lm Fest i va l , Houston, Texa s,

U.S.A (2008) - Best Newcomer p r i ze a t the 4th Annua l Monta na C INE Interna t iona l ,

Missoula , Monta na USA (2007) - Best documenta ry in “ Enda ngered species a nd Ha b i ta ts” ca tegory

a t Ea rthVision F i lm Fest i va l , Sa nta Cruz, CA USA (2007). - Meri t a wa rd for the Use of Music a t the “ Interna t iona l W i ld l i fe F i lm

Fest i va l ” , Missoula , Monta na , USA (2006). - Best Newcomer p r i ze a t the “ Interna t iona l Na ture a nd Env i ronment

F i lm Fest i va l ” (2005, Tera mo, I ta ly )

Officia l l y selected a s fina l i st a nd screened a t the fol lowing fi lm fest i va l s:

- Green Vi sion F i lm Fest i va l 2008, St Petersb urg , Russia - Green Wa ve – 21st Century , Europea n Env i ronment Fest i va l for F i lms

a nd TV Prog ra mmes, 2008. - Ha zel Wol f Env i ronmenta l F i lm Fest i va l 2008, Sea tt le, USA. - Greenda nce Env i ronmenta l F i lm Fest i va l 2008, Chico, Ca l i fornia , USA. - Interna t iona l Fest i va l on Tr ib a l A rts a nd Cul tures 2008, Indore, Ind ia . - Ek otop fi lm 2007, Bra t i s la va , Slova k Repub l i k . - Ek ofi lm F i lm Fest i va l 2007, Pra ha , Czech Repub l i k . - Ma tsa lu Na ture F i lm Fest i va l 2007, Lihula , Estonia . - CMS Va ta va ra n F i lm Fest i va l 2007, New Delhi , Ind ia . - Wi ld Ta lk A fr ica 2007, Durb a n, South A fr ica . - Aotea roa Env i ronmenta l F i lm Fest i va l 2007, Pa lmerston North, New

Zea la nd. - Env i roF i lm 2007, Ba nsk á Byst r ica , Slova k Repub l i k .

Non-compet i t i ve fi lm fest i va l s a nd screenings:

- 2008 Wor ld congress of IUCN (Wor ld Conserva t ion Union) in Ba rcelona . - Eco C inema , Tel Av iv , I sra el (2008). - Viva Ga ia !, Env i ronmenta l F i lms a nd Videos for the Thi rd Mi l lenium, Rome,

I ta l y (2007)

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lungotevere delle navi 19 – 00196 – roma – italy

t. +39.06.3215514 – f. +39.06.64520220 @. [email protected]



1992-1994 Ma ster Science in Anima l Ecology : “App l ica t ion of LOGIT models to the niche sepa ra t ion a na lysi s b etween two co-occurr ing species of Echinoderma Echinoidea (Arb a cia l i xula a nd Pa ra centrotus l i v idus)” . Universi ty of F lorence, I ta l y , cum la ude .

1989-1992 Enrol led a t the Col lege of Ma thema t ica l , Physica l a nd Na tura l

sciences (Universi ta ’ d i F i renze), Ba chelor ’ s degree in Biolog ica l sciences, ma jor ing in Ecology .

Specia l i za t ion courses

1998 Ma r ine Ecology , Universi ty of Ca l i fornia , Sa nta Cruz 1997 Kelp Forest Ecology , Universi ty of Ca l i fornia , Sa nta Cruz 1997 Ichthyology , Universi ty of Ca l i fornia , Sa nta Cruz

2. AFF I LIATIONS: 2007- p resent

Inv i ted memb er of CEC (Commission for Educa t ion a nd Communica t ion), IUCN (Wor ld Conserva t ion Union)


Feb rua ry 2005- Ma y 2008

Genome orga niza t ion, a da pta t ion a t high tempera ture a nd posi t i ve select ion on two congener ic species of Mexica n fi shes , Gi l l ichthys seta a nd Gi l l ichthys mi ra b i l i s. Sta z ione Zoolog ica “Dohrn” , Na p les, I ta l y .

Novemb er-Decemb er, 2004 Scient i fic SCUBA d iver for NRAS-Conserva t ion (Na tura l Resources

Assessment Surveys) in col la b ora t ion wi th the Col lege of the Ma rsha l l I s la nds (CMI) a nd the Ma rsha l l I s la nds Ma r ine Resources Author i ty (MIMRA) in a ccompl i shing the a nnua l b iod iversi ty cora l reef a ssessment p roject (Ma juro a nd Na mu a tol l s)

June 2002

Presenta t ion to the “Molecula r Evolut ion” meet ing (Sorrento, I ta l y ) of the study t i t led ” Inter -i s la nd genet ic d ivergence in three Ga la pa gos fi sh species. ” Gia como Berna rd i , Giuseppe Buccia rel l i a nd Nicole Cra ne

June, 2001 Presenta t ion to the 3rd Anton Dohrn Work shop "F i sh Genomics:

St ructura l a nd Funct iona l Aspects" (I schia , I ta l y ) of the study t i t led "GC-r ich i sochores in fi shes a da pted to high tempera tures. " G. Buccia rel l i , G. Berna rd i a nd G. Berna rd i .

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t. +39.06.3215514 – f. +39.06.64520220 @. [email protected]


Ma rch, 2001 Scient i fic col la b ora t ion wi th the Universi ty of Ca l i fornia Sa nta Cruz

(UCSC) on fi sh a da pta t ion a t high tempera ture (using RNA ext ra ct ion techniq ues a nd cDNA synthesi s techniq ues -a dv i sor : Prof. Gia como Berna rd i , UC Sa nta Cruz; Prof. Giorg io Berna rd i , Sta z ione Zoolog ica “A . Dohrn", Na p les, I ta l y -).

Ma y , 2000 Scient i fic col la b ora t ion wi th the Universi ty of Ca l i fornia Sa nta Cruz

(UCSC) on Ga la pa gos fi sh popula t ion genet ic a nd verteb ra tes genome orga niza t ion (using DNA a mp l i fica t ion a nd DNA seq uencing techniq ues -a dv i sor : Prof. Gia como Berna rd i , UC Sa nta Cruz; Prof. Giorg io Berna rd i , Sta z ione Zoolog ica “A . Dohrn", Na p les, I ta l y -).

1997-1998 Vi si t ing resea rcher a t the Universi ty of Ca l i fornia Sa nta Cruz, USA:

- fi sh popula t ion genet ic, using DNA a mp l i fica t ion a nd DNA seq uencing techniq ues; - fie ld a ct i v i ty tea m lea der on a Grea t Whi te Sha rk (Cha rcha rodon cha rcha r ia s) ecology p roject . F ield a ct i v i ty orga niza t ion, sha rk ra d io t ra ck ing a nd sha rk ta gg ing . - Scient i fic SCUBA d iver on Kelp Forest ecology p rojects; a lga e a nd ma r ine inverteb ra tes col lect ion. - Scient i fic SCUBA d iver on A la sk a n sta r fi sh ta xonomy p roject .

4. JOBS:

2005 (Feb rua ry) – 2008 (Ma y)

Hi red b y the Sta z ione Zoolog ica “Anton Dohrn” (Na p les, I ta l y ) a s a resea rcher on verteb ra tes genome orga niza t ion, evolut ion a nd a da pta t ion of fi sh a t high tempera ture using DNA a nd RNA ma nipula t ion techniq ues (DNA ext ra ct ion, a mp l i fica t ion, seq uencing , hyb r id i za t ion a nd p repa ra t i ve/a na l i tyca l ul t ra -centr i fuga t ion techniq ues, mRNA ext ra ct ion, cDNA p repa ra t ion a nd cloning a nd cDNA l ib ra ry screening).

2003 (Decemb er to Ma rch)

Hi red b y the Sta z ione Zoolog ica “Anton Dohrn” (Na p les, I ta l y ) a s a resea rcher on verteb ra tes genome orga niza t ion, evolut ion a nd a da pta t ion of fi sh a t high tempera ture.

1999 (Decemb er)-2002 (Ja nua ry)

Hi red b y the Sta z ione Zoolog ica “Anton Dohrn” (Na p les, I ta l y ) a s a resea rcher on verteb ra tes genome orga niza t ion a nd evolut ion using DNA ma nipula t ion techniq ues (DNA a mp l i fica t ion techniq ues, DNA seq uencing techniq ues, DNA ul t ra -centr i fuga t ion techniq ues, DNA hyb r id i za t ion techniq ues, DNA l ib ra ry screening).

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t. +39.06.3215514 – f. +39.06.64520220 @. [email protected]


1998-1999 Hi red b y BIOLINKsrl to work a s a resea rcher a t the Sta z ione Zoolog ica

“ANTON DOHRN” (Na p les, I ta l y ) on verteb ra tes genome orga niza t ion a nd evolut ion using DNA ma nipula t ion techniq ues (DNA a mp l i fica t ion techniq ues, DNA seq uencing techniq ues, DNA ul t ra -centr i fuga t ion techniq ues, DNA hyb r id i za t ion techniq ues, DNA l ib ra ry screening).

1998-2002 (Feb rua ry)

Ed i tor ia l Assi sta nt for the Journa l of Molecula r Evolut ion (Sp r inger-Ver la g New York , Inc. ).


1997 Universi ta ’ deg l i Stud i d i F i renze, I ta l y , 12,000 US dol la rs


Giuseppe BUCCIARELLI , Domenico COSTAGLIOLA, Mi r ia m De F I L I PPO, Gia como BERNARDI a nd Giorg io BERNARDI “ Env i ronmenta l genomics: a ta le of two fi shes” Sub mı t ted to MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION a nd a ccepted a fter minor rev i sions. Ernesto AZZURRO, Da niel GOLANI , Giuseppe BUCCIARELLI , Gia como BERNARDI “Genet ics of the ea r l y sta ges of inva sion of the Lessepsia n ra b b i t fi sh Siga nus lur idus” JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MARINE BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY; 2006; vol . 333, pp 190-201 Vera S. DOMINGUES, Giuseppe BUCCIARELLI , Vi tor C . ALMADA a nd Gia como BERNARDI “Hi stor ica l coloni za t ion a nd demogra phy of the Med i ter ra nea n da msel fi sh, Chromis chromis” MOLECULAR ECOLOGY; 2005, vol . 14, pp 4051-4063 G. BERNARDI , G. BUCCIARELLI , D. COSTAGLIOLA, D.R. ROBERTSON, G.B. HEISER “Evolut ion of cora l reef fi sh Tha la ssoma spp . (La b r ida e). Molecula r phy logeny a nd b iogeogra phy” MARINE BIOLOGY; 2004, vol .144, pp369-375 CLAY, O. , DOUADY, C . , CARELS, N. , HUGHES, S. , BUCCIARELLI , G. a nd BERNARDI , G. "Using a na ly t ica l ul t ra centr i fuga t ion to study composi t iona l va r ia t ion in verteb ra te genomes. " EUROPEAN BIOPHYSICS JOURNAL;2003, vol . 32, pp 418-426 Giul ia na de LUCA d i ROSETO, Giuseppe BUCCIARELLI , Giorg io BERNARDI “An a na lysi s of the genome of Ciona intest ina l i s” GENE; 2002, vol 295, pp 311-316 Giuseppe BUCCIARELLI , Gia como BERNARDI , Giorg io BERNARDI “An ul t ra centr i fuga t ion a na lysi s of two hundred fi sh genomes” GENE; 2002, vol . 295, pp153-162 Giuseppe BUCCIARELLI , Da niel GOLANI a nd Gia como BERNARDI “Genet ic cryp t ic species a s b iolog ica l inva ders: the ca se of a Lessepsia n fi sh mig ra nt , the ha rdyhea d si l verside Ather inomorus la cunosus”

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t. +39.06.3215514 – f. +39.06.64520220 @. [email protected]


JOURNAL of EXPERIMENTAL MARINE BIOLOGY a nd ECOLOGY; 2002, vol . 273, pp143-149 Ast r id TERRY, Giuseppe BUCCIARELLI a nd Gia como BERNARDI “ Rest r icted gene flow a nd incip ient specia t ion in d i sjunct Pa ci fic Ocea n a nd sea of Cortez popula t ion of a reef fi sh species, Girel la Nig r ica ns” EVOLUTION ; 2000; vol 54, pp .652-659, Gia como BERNARDI a nd Giuseppe BUCCIARELLI “Molecula r phy logeny a nd specia t ion of Sur fperches (Emb iotocida e, Pesci formes)” MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS a nd EVOLUTION; Octob er 1999, vol . 13, pp .77-81 Guido CHELAZZ I , Gia nluca SERRA a nd Giuseppe BUCCIARELLI “ Zona l recovery a fter exper imenta l d i sp la cement in two sea urchins co-occurr ing in the Med i ter ra nea n” JOURNAL of EXPERIMENTAL MARINE BIOLOGY a nd ECOLOGY; Ma y 1997,212 (1), pp .1-7


Rob erto Da l l ’ Angelo SD C inema togra fica Lungotevere del le Na v i , 19 00196 Roma I ta ly Tel : +39.06.3215114 Fa x: +39.06.64520220 ema i l : rob erto.da l la ngelo@sdcinema togra fica . i t Dr . Gia como Berna rd i Associa te Professor Dept of Ecology a nd Evolut iona ry Biology Universi ty of Ca l i fornia Sa nta Cruz Long Ma r ine La b ora tory 100 Sha ffer Roa d Sa nta Cruz, CA 95060 USA Tel : 831 459 5124 Fa x: 831 459 3383 ema i l : b erna rd i@b iology Prof. Giorg io BERNARDI President Sta z ione Zoolog ica “A . DOHRN” Vi l la Comuna le I 80121 Na pol i I ta l y Tel : +39-(081) 583 3300 Fa x: +39-(081) 7641355 e-ma i l : b erna rd i@szn. i t Prof. Guido CHELAZZ I D i rector D ipa rt imento d i Biolog ia Anima le e Genet ica "Leo Pa rd i " Via Roma na , 17 F i renze e-ma i l : la pa s@db a g.uni fi . i t

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t. +39.06.3215514 – f. +39.06.64520220 @. [email protected]


Prof. Ja mes ESTES Ad junct Professor of Biology Depa rtment of Biology , Na t .Sci .4 Universi ty of Ca l i fornia Sa nta Cruz, CA, 95064 USA Phone: (831) 459-2820 459-2357 459-4026 Fa x: (831) 459 4882 ema i l : [email protected]

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lungotevere delle navi 19 – 00196 – roma – italy

t. +39.06.3215514 – f. +39.06.64520220 @. [email protected]


the production company

SD C inema togra fica ha s b een in the a ud iov i sua l fie ld (in pa rt icula r telev i sion

p roduct ion a nd ed i t ing) since 1961. In 1981 i t b eca me a l imi ted Compa ny .

W i th F rèdèr ic Rossi f, the wel l -k nown F rench documenta ry ma k er, i t ha s p roduced

ma ny telev i sion ser ies: from "L'APOCALISSE DEGLI ANIMALI ", to "L'OPERA SELVAGGIA" to

a rt documenta r ies on MATISSE, MATHIEU, P ICASSO a nd MORANDI , fol lowing the

ed i tor ia l l ine of the mul t i -a wa rd winning “ LA VIOLENZA E LA P IETÀ” , on the restora t ion

of Michela ngelo’ s P ietà , tha t received a n Aca demy Awa rds nomina t ion

(documenta ry sect ion).

The wi ld l i fe ser ies “ PAN – Anima ls of the Med i ter ra nea n” , co-p roduced wi th RA I a nd

shot on fi lm, wa s b roa dca st in p r imet ime in I ta l y . Tha nk s to i t s high q ua l i ty a nd

scient i fic va lue, i t wa s sold to 38 countr ies.

Severa l na ture documenta r ies p roduced for RA I ’ s GEO&GEO ha ve b een entered in

interna t iona l fest i va l s a nd ha ve won ma jor p r i zes.

Recent l y SD C inema togra fica ha s p roduced two 50-minute documenta r ies for the

Na t iona l Geogra phic Cha nnels, a s wel l a s 50 fi l lers.

“ F l y ing over Everest” p roduced in 2004 a fter two yea rs of shoot ings won 18 p r i zes a t

importa nt Interna t iona l Fest i va l s a nd wa s b roa dca sted b y RA I a nd D i scovery

Cha nnel (I ta ly ), TF1 a nd ARTE (F ra nce), NHK (Ja pa n), ARD (Germa ny), RTSI a nd SF1

(Swi tzer la nd), MTV3 (F inla nd) a nd ma ny others.

W i th the recent “ The sink ing of Andrea Dor ia ” SD C inema togra fica i s p roud to

include the Amer ica n PBS a nd the Germa n ZDF in i t s l i st of interna t iona l


I t ha s a ca ta logue of a round 250 hours of p rog ra mming , includ ing over 40 fi lms, a nd

p roduct ion, ed i t ing (a na logue a nd d ig i ta l ) a nd dub b ing fa ci l i t ies. .

For severa l yea rs i t ha s a l so b een involved in telev i sion a nd home-v ideo d i st r ib ut ion.

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lungotevere delle navi 19 – 00196 – roma – italy

t. +39.06.3215514 – f. +39.06.64520220 @. [email protected]


Most sign if icant PRODUCTIONS of recent years


BLUE JEANS AND SHORT SKIRTS: Amer ica n Tr ieste a fter the wa r 52 min. MEDIASET / FOX




F LYING OVER EVEREST 60 min. and 2 x 45 min. BR/ARTE/RAI

- 1° prize at Chamois In te rnational Film Fe stiv al (Italy 2004)

- Prix de l'e xplo it al S t. H ilarie - Coupe Ic aro Film fe stiv al (Franc e 2004)

- 1° prize at Fe stiv al in te rnazionale de l c ine ma naturalist ic o e ambie ntale - Te ramo (Italy


- Prize “ Po lite c n ic o di Bari” at Cate llana Grotte In te rnational f i lm fe stiv al (Italy 2005)

- Prize “ Sport Extre me ” at Mosc ow Filmfe stiv al (Russia 2005)

- Prize “Be st adv e nture Film” at W ildsouth Film Award (N e w Ze e land 2005)

- Prize “ S ilv e r Sc re e n” at U S In te rnational Film e Vide o Fe stiv al (U SA 2005)

- Prize “Be st adv e nture Film” at Mountain f ilm in Te llu ride (U SA 2005)

- Spe c ial award at Ce rv ino In te rnational Film Fe stiv al (Italy 2005)

- 1° P rize “Man and Mountains” at Film Fe stiv al Te plic e nad Me tu jì (Cze c h Re public 2005)

- Spe c ial award at Jon io In te rnational Film Fe stiv al (Italy 2005)

- Spe c ial award at Fe stiv al In te rnational du f i lm d’av e nture de Dijon (Franc e 2005)

- 1° P rize at Montre al In te rnational Adv e nture Film Fe stiv al (Canada 2005)

- Spe c ial award at Sport Mov ie s & TV 2005 (Italy 2005)

- Prize “Most Inspiring Adv e nture Film” at W ild sc e nic e nv ironme ntal f i lm fe stiv al (U SA 2006)

- 1° prize “ Le ggimontagna” (Italy 2006)

- Spe c ial prize at Fe stiv al In te rnazionale de l doc ume ntario orn ito logic o (Italy 2006)

- Spe c ial prize at Fe stiv al In te rnac ional Cine de Cantabria – Santande r (Spagna 2006)


- Spe c ial award at Be rgf ilm Fe stiv al Te ge rnse e (Ge rmany 2004)

- Spe c ial award at Fe stiv al In te rnazionale de lla Le ssin ia (Italy 2004)

- Prize “Be st Italian doc ume ntary ” at Fe stiv al o f Cogne “Stambe c c o d’oro” (Italy 2005)


FOCUS IN I TALY 30 x 4 min. + 20 x 2 min. N ATION AL GEOGRAPH IC


a ) Senza l imi t i ver t ica l i

b ) Nel ma r de Pa lù

c) I l mi ra colo del fiore

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t. +39.06.3215514 – f. +39.06.64520220 @. [email protected]


d) Un cuore et rusco nel la ter ra dei b r iga nt i

e) Ci lento: a pa ra d ise of na ture - Spe c ial Award at In te rnational Fe stiv al o f Le ssin ia (Italy 2000)

- Spe c ial Award at In te rnational Fe stiv al de c ine ma Vila de Tore llò (Spain 1997)

- Prize “ Parc o N azionale de l Gran Paradiso” at Ec o Film Fe stiv al o f Canav e se (Italy 2000)

f) Le ul t ime superst i t i

g ) Mont i S ib i l l ini : ma g ica a rmonia

h) Tra incud ine e ma rtel lo - Finalist at In te rnational Fe stiv al o f Sondrio (Italy )

i ) Ri torno a l l ’omb el l ico d ’ I ta l ia

j) F ra gole e sa ngue - 2° P rize at In te rnational Fe stiv al o f Sondrio (Italy )

k ) Un pa rco scolp i to da l vento

l ) I l resp i ro del la foresta

m) La va l le dei Wa lzer

n) Domus de Ja na s

o) Mont Av ic: una monta gna d ’a cq ua

p) Rosso d i sera

q ) Ri sveg l i e p recip i z i - Finalist at In te rnational Fe stiv al o f Tre nto (Italy )

r) Lo sperone del lo st i va le

s) Yel lowstone d ’Ab ruzzo

t) Mira gg i d ’ inverno

u) Ci rceo: Na tura e ma g ia

v) Sul le t ra cce del l ’orso

w) La monta gna sa cra

x) Surp r i ses of winter - Prize “ Partha Sarathy ” at In te rnational Fe stiv al o f Sondrio (Italy 2002)

- Prize “Ce rro D’Arge nto” at In te rnational Fe stiv al o f Le ssin ia (Italy 2003)

y ) I l soffio del vulca no

z) La leggenda dei Fa nes

a a ) Sini s: a cq ua , ter ra e rosso porpora

b b ) The a rt of cl imb ing - Prize “C.O.N . I. ” at In te rnational Fe stiv al o f Tre nto (Italy 2002)

cc) Mi chia ma no Asp romonte

dd) Ma tese, ma g ico int reccio d i stor ia e na tura

ee) Ost ina ta mente a ppa ssiona t i

ff) Pier ino, i l lupo e i seg ret i del tufo





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lungotevere delle navi 19 – 00196 – roma – italy

t. +39.06.3215514 – f. +39.06.64520220 @. [email protected]










- Finalist at In te rnational Fe stiv al o f Le ssin ia (Italy 2000)



MAJELLA 30 min. + 3 da 12 min. PARCO MAJELLA











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lungotevere delle navi 19 – 00196 – roma – italy

t. +39.06.3215514 – f. +39.06.64520220 @. [email protected]


And during the years ….

SD C inema togra fica cred i ts a l so include the fol lowing ma jor I ta l ia n telev i sion

p rog ra mmes:

Feature fi lms:

LA TECNICA E I L RI TO b y Mik los Ja ncso RA I

LA SCONOSCIUTA (4 ep isodes) b y Da niele Da nza RA IUNO

Short feature fi lms:

PASSIONE MIA : EXI T b y Stefa no Rea l i RA IUNO


MI MANDA LUBRANO (11 ep isodes) b y Gino Ca mma rota RA ITRE

ULTIMO MINUTO b y Lorenzo Hendel RA ITRE

Vari ty shows:

MOVIE MOVIE 33 ep isodes x 60 min. RA IUNO






I SAURINI (The young d inos) P i lot


LA VIOLENZA E LA P IETA’ 60 Min. RA IUNO - N omination at Osc ar (U SA)

PAN – Anima ls of the Med i ter ra nea n 27 Eps. x 30 min RA IUNO - Be st Exploration Film at In te rnational Fe stiv al o f Tre nto (Italy 1987)

- Spe c ial P rize “ P roge tto N atura” at Fe stiv al o f Cogne “Stambe c c o d’oro” (Italy 1987)

- 1° P rize at In te rnational Fe stiv al o f Tre nto (Italy 1987)

QUARK Some ep isodes RA IUNO


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