Download - History of cinema


The film camera was introduced in the late 1880s. Moving image were produced on revoling drums and disks in the 1830s with independent invention The first picture was photographed in real time also the motion picture camera was invented by a Frenchman Louis le prince in the 1880s however he was also working in Leeds later on he would used his camera to shot trams and the horse -drawn and he used pedestrians traffic in Leeds he was

While the lumiere films were films were actualities shot outdoors on location Edison films featured cirus or vaudeville acts that were shot in a small studios before a stationary camera in both cases the films were composed of a single unedited shot with little or no narrative content’s by 1895 the brothers had invented their own device combining camera with printer and projectors had and called it cinematography patenting

Technology used in films

The history of film began in the 1890s, with the invention of the first motion pictures cameras .the films they made back then were a minute long until 1927 the first studios were built 1897. Special effects were introduced the first rotating camera for taking planning shot was built in 1897.the first

time they used animation in movies was in 1910 American films had a large share of the market in all of European countries dw Griffith had the highest standing amongst American director’s the first years of motion pictures shows the movies moving towards establishing large scale in the industry

Early history of film

History of film

Early studios had to turn out large numbers of films to meet the demand the studios of the early 1900s were appropriately called film factories at the time they ere primarily located in new york and new jersey . as films got more popular and longer the vaudeville acts disappeared from the nicklodeons and the motion pictures theater was born if you can call a small room with wooden benches a motion picture theater as their popularity grew , films had to be change often . in the illustration on left an illusion of motion is created even when pictures are presented at a slow rate

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