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Heroin Addiction Hotline

Heroin is combined from the seeds of a poppy (genus Papaver) plant. This drug is absolutely

illegal substance, therefore the production of this drug is furnished by unauthorized entities,

that conduct their business without any monitoring or ruling. So the quality, purity and texture

of this drug is effected depending where it is supplied from. The short-term effects of heroin

abuse present themselves shortly after a single dose is ingested. Many users have reported:

Experiencing the feeling of euphoria (“extreme happiness”)

Shortness of breath

Dry mouth

sleepiness and nodding off

constipation, nausea, vomiting,

Sudden changes in behavior or actions

Disorientation, mood swings

Impaired night vision

Heroin withdrawal, also known as Opiate withdrawal, is defined as a vast varieties of symptoms

derived post decreasing the dosage or stopping it all completely. The devastating effects on the

human body impacts person’s respiratory system, circulatory, and central nervous systems, and

physiological state of mind. The toll that heroin abuse takes on a human lungs, heart, and brain

can result in death. Heroin Addiction Hotline help 24/7.

As it stated by NIDA (National Institute On Drug Abuse)

According to the 2003 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, which may actually

underestimate illicit opiate (heroin) use, an estimated 3.7 million people had used heroin at

some time in their lives, and over 119,000 of them reported using it within the month

preceding the survey. An estimated 314,000 Americans used heroin in the past year, and the

group that represented the highest number of those users were 26 or older. The survey

reported that, from 1995 through 2002, the annual number of new heroin users ranged from

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121,000 to 164,000. During this period, most new users were age 18 or older (on average, 75

percent) and most were male. In 2003, 57.4 percent of past year heroin users were classified

with dependence on or abuse of heroin, and an estimated 281,000 persons received treatment

for heroin abuse.

So contact Addiction Hot Line today!

Our professional staff is certified and highly skilled. Many of the counselors can truly relate to

your heroin addiction hotline, as many of them are formerly addicts, who are recovered and are

ready to listen and find you help that is tailored to your personal needs.

For immediate help call : (855) 829-9148


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