Download - Heroic Dog

  • 7/29/2019 Heroic Dog


    Heroic/Villainous Dog (Grade 1)The Heroic/Villainous Dog is unlike the animals available for Animal Handling. He is a character unto himsel

    He sniffs out trouble, leaps into action, and almost never leaves a fallen comrade. Because the model is a Grad

    you do not need to take Animal Handling in order to use him. He is also part of the Neutral Groups and so can

    taken by either Heroes or Villains.

    Also, unlike the Animals in the main rulebook, the Heroic/Villainous Dog can check out Encounter Markers. H

    can determine if something is a trap or a clue, however he cannot do anything with the clue other than get his

    owners attention.

    Location (Die Roll) Base DR Wound Level

    Head (1) BR=2 4 BR=2 Killed

    Torso (2-4) BW=3


    4 BW=3







    Front Legs (5-7) SH=3 4 SH=3 SH=3 SH=2 SH=1 No attacks

    Cannot carry

    Back Legs (8-10) DG=4


    4 DG=4








    Crawl only


    Close Combat Short Medium Long

    Range TH WS Range TH WS Range TH WS Range TH WS

    Bite 0 +1BW+1

    -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

    Available Attributes: 4

    Combat Skill Max. >>> 3

    Ferocious (1)

    High Strength +1 (1)

    Leap Attack (1)

    Multiple Attacks +1 (1)

    Predator +2 (1 per +1)

    Quick +2 (1 per +1)

    Other Skills Max. >>> 3

    Camouflage (1)

    Devotion (1)

    Keen Senses +2 (1 per +1)

    Leap (1)

    Nerves of Steel +1 (1)

    Nimble (1)

    Sprint +2 (1 per +1)

    Undying Loyalty (1)

    New Skills


    Leap Attack: Models with this ability leap at their target when charging into close combat. If a model

    is charging into combat, they can choose this attack instead of a normal attack. The attack is rolled

    normally, but instead of damage being calculated, the models take a comparative BW test. If the

  • 7/29/2019 Heroic Dog


    attacking model wins this test, then the defender is moved back 2 and placed on the ground Prone. If

    the defending model wins this test, it is only moved back 1. The attacker can, in either case, choose

    whether to go back into base contact with the defender after it has been moved.

    Predator (+X): Similar to Martial Arts and Pugilist, this skill gives animals a higher Shiv score.

    Other Skills:

    Keen Senses (+X): This skill is similar to Streetwise in that it allows models with it to determinewhether an encounter marker is a clue, a dud, or a trap. However, it also has an additional feature. It

    raises the BR for the model by the increment purchased for any test to determine what an encounter

    marker is.

    Designers Note

    The purpose of the Heroic/Villainous Dog is to recreate, in game terms, the dogs often used in pulp

    novels and movie serials. In order to achieve balance, no dog will exactly mimic is fictional counterpa

    Just as Doc Savage cant be modeled exactly for a game, neither can Asta or Rin Tin Tin. Get them asclose as possible so that you are happy with the results and leave the rest to chance. Remember, its pu

    even the dead dont stay that way for long.

    All material here is copyright 2005 Rattrap Productions LLC.

    Be sure to check out our website at

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