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Lower back pain is one of the common diseases that an individual suffers from. Due to lower back pain often a working professional sometime has to miss the job. It is common in every household around the world especially with the working professional or with the student who has to carry heavy weighted bags. Often this kind pain act as a night mare for people as people fails to move their body and back as they groan in pain. Sometime this pain is regarded as chronic and progressive by nature. People often have to avail adequate medication in order to avoid this kind of pain. This type of pain takes place due to several reasons among which falls the improper posture, awkward movement, muscle spasm, and due to excessive stress and strain. In order to get rid of this type of problem one need to take aid of natural and Herbal Medicine which comes in the form of ointment, capsule, and oil. This pain can also be removed with a continuous physiotherapy of two to four weeks. Some of the methods which are often followed to remove this pain are availability of heat therapy, ultrasound message, and physical therapy. The cause for which this back pain occurs is that the muscles of the spinal column fail to act and suffers massive injury due to which there is development of lumber multifidi and transversus abdominus. Physical exercises tend to remove this back pain and make the spinal muscles flexible and strong.

On the other hand one can treat harmful diseases like Mouth Ulcer with the help of natural or herbal medicine. Before treating this kind of diseases one needs to

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know the cause for which this kind of disease takes place some of them are as follows first following of wrong diet often leads to diseases like mouth ulcer, digestive problems like constipation often causes this kind of disease, hormonal imbalance also one of the reason for happening of this disease. Last but not the least anemia and constant stress leads to a disease like mouth ulcer. In order to treat a disease like Mouth Ulcer one need to take help of wide range of herbs among which banyan is one of the common herbs . Often decoction of the bark of banyan reduces the pain of mouth ulcer. Unlike Banyan another useful herb is the leaf of fenugreek which often reduces problems of ulcer. Last but not the least is the use of Henna leaf which is one of the cooling herbs which offer a soothing affect on the ulcer.

About the author: The author of this article is a leading physician who has extensive knowledge regarding the field of medicine.

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