Download - Heir Conditioning



(M SHANmughalinga



• Grand dad did you breathebefore air cons were invented?was it hard stayingalive without modern inventions?Grandma weren't you flusteredas you fluttered with paper fans?Could you communicate beforefaxes and long distance callsbecame basic necessities?


• The grandchild asked the grandfather how they lived without modern technology like air-conditioners. Then, he asked the grandmother whether she was troubled when she used paper fans. He also asked how they communicated with people far away before the use of faxes and other related equipment for long-distance communication. These are now basic necessities.


• Grandchild we livedbefore your age. Becauseof our ignorance,we did not knowpollution, stress, traffic jamsdestruction of forests, streams andhillswe feared God and naturenow nature fears you andmoney is your new God.


• The grandparents answered that they lived in a different age from his and life was simple. As they were not advanced and did not have the modern equipment used today, there was no pollution and traffic jams and the accompanying stress. Forests, hill and streams were not destroyed. They were god-fearing and appreciated nature. Now, nature fears man as man allowed money to control him.


• The poem is a dialogue through which the grandson and his grandparents talk about the differences in their generations and ways of life. The poet offers two different views from two different generations through the dialogue. The grandson asked about living without modern inventions like air conditioners and fax machines. One would have found it difficult to keep cool with a paper fan or not have long distance communication. He feels that life must have been difficult. The grandfather replies that they were ignorant of such inventions and life was simpler. They did not have the modern inventions with the accompanying problems of physical and emotional problems and destruction of nature. They were God fearing and loved nature while the present generation is feared by nature and money is their God. People living in the grandchild’s time are more materialistic and they have to pay the price for progress.


• Structure

• The poem is written in free verse. It does not have a fixed rhyme scheme and there are two stanzas.

• Style and language

• The poem is written in the form of a dialogue between the grandparents and their grandchild. They talk about

• the differences in their ways of life in simple language. It is easy for the reader to understand.

• Setting

• Present day

• The personas’ house

• Point of view

• The point of view is the first person and there are two personas – the grandfather and the grandchild.

• Mood and atmosphere

• The personas sound serious as they refer to the differences in their ways of life. Both personas feel that their

• individual way of life is better than the other. The grandfather appears to be taken aback by the attitude of

• the young people towards materialism.

• Tone

• The tone is matter-of-fact as the personas ask directly and give truthful expressions of the other’s way of life.

• The grandchild is concerned that life must be difficult without modern inventions. The grandfather is unhappy

• with the present generation as they have become more materialistic in life and their values have changed.

• Theme

• • Price of progress

• • Development and quality of life

• • The younger generation and challenges in life

• • Needs of the younger generation

• • Challenges in the present world

• • Greed and materialistic ways

• Moral values

• We must be grateful with what we have.

• Do not take things for granted but be prepared to face changes.

• Progress brings about advantages and disadvantages.

• Present-day values are different from yesteryears and the young must be prepared to accept the challenges.

• Greed can lead to destruction.

• The younger generation and the older generation have different values.

• We should preserve the environment.

• The younger generation should not be too materialistic.

• We must pay a high price for development.


• Alliteration

• e.g. ‘Grandma weren’t you flustered as you fluttered with paper fans?’

• Imagery of the senses

• Sight: e.g. ‘traffic jams’, ‘destruction of forest, streams, and hills’, ‘ grandmother fluttering her fan’

• Sound: e.g. ‘long distance call’

• Smell: e.g. ‘pollution’

• Pun

• e.g. The title ‘Heir Conditioning’ is a pun on the word ‘air conditioning’.

• Diction

• e.g. ‘ignorance’, ‘breathe’, ‘communicate’

• Symbol

• e.g. Use of the word ‘heir’ – the younger generation are heirs of the older generation but they have not

• adopted the latter’s ways

• Metaphor

• e.g. ‘Money is your new God’

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