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  • Basic Hebrew Vocabulary 500 Siegfried Kreuzer 1990/2004/2011/2015 Basic Hebrew Vocabulary 500 Siegfried Kreuzer 1990/2004/2011/2015 1

    500 Basic Hebrew Words

    (See also German version: Hebrisch Grundwortschatz)

    Siegfried Kreuzer

    (This list contains the 500 most frequent and most important words of the

    Old Testament / Hebrew Bible and is intended to help you keeping up your

    Hebrew. The transcription follows the rules of ZAW).

    bf) b father

    db) bd Q. perish; Pi., Hi. ruin hb) bh be willing }ebe) bn stone }owdf) dn master, lord yfnodA) adny lord {fdf) dm man, mankind, people

    hfmfdA) adm (arable) soil b"hf) hb like, love leho) ohl tent wo) or

    row) r shine, light up rw) r light tow) t sign zf) z then


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    re$A) ar relative clause t") et together with, along with t") et accusative particle

    hfTa) att you (sg.) {eTa) attm you (pl.)

    :B be in, at, because of, by way of

    degeB bgd garment, covering daB/dab:l bad/lebad part/apart, alone, only hfm"h:B behm cattle, animals )owb b Q. enter, come to

    Hi bring (conduct, lead) in rowB br cistern, water pit rxb br choose, elect x+b b be reliant, trust }yb byn Q., Hi. to understand }y"B ben between tiyaB bayit house hkb bkh weep rok:B bekor first-born

    yiT:liB/yil:B bel/bilt without hfmfB bm hill, high-place, place of

    worship }"B ben son

    hnb bnh build da(ab baad for, for the benefit of rfqfB bqr cattle reqoB boqr morning $qb bq seek )rb br create (god exclusively) tyir:B bert covenant, arrangement \rb brk Pi. bless

    hfkfr:B berk blessing rf&fB br flesh taB bat daughter

    l)g gl redeem Hbg gbh be high/tall, be exalted lUb:G gebl boundary, territory rowBiG gibbr hero, fighter lowdfG gdl great ldg gdl be, become great/strong yowg gy people, nation

    ):yaG/)y"G gaj/g valley {aG gam also r"G gr sojourner

    $rg gr drive out

    qbd dbq cling, cleave to rbd dbr speak rfbfD dbr word, matter, affair $ab:D deba honey rowD dr generation {fD dm blood

    \ereD drk way, road $rd dr seek, inquire of

    ah h- the (definite article) Ah ha- interrogative particle

    )Uh h he )yih h she hyh hyh occur, happen lfky"h hkl palace, temple \lh hlk go

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    llh hll Pi. praise {"h/hfM"h hem(m) they h"Nih/}"h hen/hinne behold!

    rah har mountain(s) grh hrg kill hrh hrh be, become pregnant

    :w we and

    to)z zt this (sg. f.) xbz zb to sacrifice, slaughter xb;z, zba (communion) sacrifice hz< z this (sg. m.)

    bh'z" zhb gold rkz zkr remember, call to mind hnz znh be unfaithful, commit

    fornication q(c/q(z zq/q cry out, call for help

    !qez; zqn/zqn be old, grow old [r;z< zra seed, descendant(s)

    gax/gfx g/ag feast ^$fdfx d new

    $edox od (new) moon, month hwx wh (cf. yh) Hit. honor, adore

    hfmowx m wall jUx outside, street hzx zh see, behold qzx zq Q. grow strong, firm

    Hi. seize, take hold of qz"x' zq firm, strong )+x miss, offend, commit a sin

    t)f=ax/):+"x e/at offence, sin yax ay alive, living

    hyx yh be alive {yiYax ayyim life liyax ayil faculty, power {kx km be wise {fkfx km wise

    hfm:kfx km wisdom {owlAx alm dream {lx lm to dream hfm"x m rage, wrath


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    hdy ydh Hi. praise (dy yd (get to) know {owy ym day }iyay yayin wine lky ykl be able, have it in ones power dly yld Q. bear, Hi. procreate deley yld child {fy ym sea

    }yimfy ymn right hand, the right side vsy ysf Q., Hi. add, continue j(y y advise, give an advise )cy y Q. go out, come forth

    Hi. cause to go forth, bring

    forth qcy yq pour out rcy yr form, shape )"rfy yr to fear

    hf):riy yir fear, reverence dry yrd descend, go down $ry yr Q. take possession of, inherit

    Hi. drive away $"y y existence, there is, it exists b$y yb sit, dwell

    h(U$:y yesa (acts of) help ($y y help, save rf$fy yr straight, right, upright rty ytr Ni. remain, Hi. leave over

    :K ke as

    d"bfk kbd Q. be heavy, weighty Pi. honour

    dowbfK kbd splendour &ebeK kb lamb, young ram

    hoK ko thus }"hoK kohn priest }UK kn Ni. be firm, be established

    Hi. make ready, prepare axoK koa strength, power yiK k therefore, because

    -lfK/loK kol/kl the whole, all hlk klh Q. be completed, cease

    Pi. bring to an end, finish yil:K kel vessel }"K ken thus vfnfK knf wing )"SiK kiss throne hsk ksh Pi. cover veseK ksf silver (the metal) vaK kaf palm, flat of the hand

    rpk kpr Pi. make expiation trk krt Q. cut off, make a covenant

    Hi. cut off, destroy btk ktb write

    :l le for, concerning

    )ol l not bfb"l/b"l lb/lbb heart

    {xl lm Ni. fight {exel lm bread hfl:yal layl night dkl lkd catch, seize dml lmd learn }aa(am:l lemaan with regard to, for the sake of xql lq take }ow$fl ln tongue, language

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    do):M meod very hf)"m me hundred s)m ms reject, despise }"gfm mgn shield

    $fr:gim migr pasture-ground rfB:dim midbr wilderness

    hfm m what? d"(owm mod appointed time tUm mt Q. die, Hi. kill tewfm mawt death

    ax"b:zim mizbea altar rowm:zim mizmr song, psalm henAxam maan encampment he=am ma staff, rod, tribe yim m who?

    {iyam mayim water, waters rkm mkr sell

    )"lfM ml be full, be accomplished |f):lam malk messenger, angel hfk)fl:m melk sending, labour, work hfmfx:lim milm fight, battle


    ml/pl Ni. save oneself, escape Pi. save

    |lm mlk be king, to reign |elem mlk king

    tUk:lam malkt royal power, reign hfkfl:mam mamlk kingdom, dominion

    }im min from, off hfx:nim min gift, present rfp:sim mispr number +a(:m mea few, a little la(am maal on the top of, above

    }a(am maan for the sake of, in order that he&A(am maa deed )cm m find hfCam ma unleavened bread hfw:cim miw commandment(s) {owqfm mqm place he):ram mar appearance )f>am ma burden, utterance x$m m anoint axyi$fm ma anointed }fk:$im mikn dwelling-place l$m ml rule lf$fm ml proverbial saying

    hfxfP:$im mip (larger) family, clan +fP:$im mipa (legal) decision, justice

    )fn na now! come!

    {u):n neum utterance (of god) v)n nf commit adultery )yibfn nb prophet begen ngb south, the south-country dgn ngd Hi. make known, report, tell degen ngd in front of (gn ng touch, hurt a person $gn ng Q., Ni. draw near, approach

    Hi. bring, bring near rdn ndr vow rfhfn nhr river axUn na rest sUn ns flee laxan naal wadi, torrent

    hflAxan naal hereditary property

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    Un:xan nan we te$ox:n neot copper, bronze h+n nh Q. extend, incline

    Hi. recline, bend hkn nkh strike, smite hsn nsh Pi. test, try (sn ns set out, journey ra(an naar lad, young boy, servant

    hfrA(an naar young girl, maid ^lpn nfl fall $epen nf soul, living being, person lcn nl Hi. tear away, deliver )&n n bear, carry )yi&fn n deputy, chief q#n nq kiss }tn ntn give jtn nt tear down, destroy

    bbs sbb turn, be round about, march

    around byibfs sbb all around sUs ss horse rUs sr Q. turn side, Hi. remove rps sfr Q. count, Ni. be counted

    Pi. tell rep"s sefr book

    db( bd serve, work debe( bd servant, slave

    hfdobA( abd work, labour, service rb( br pass by, go over reb"( ebr the region beyond/opposite yir:bi( ibr Hebrew

    da( ad until d"( d witness

    hfd"( d gathering, congregation dow( d still, once more, again

    {flow( lm eternity }owf( wn sin, guilt Vow( of fly Vow( of flying creatures, bird zo( oz power, strength bz( zb leave, abandon }iya( ayin eye, spring ryi( r town, city -la( al upon, above, against hl( lh Q. go up, ascend, Hi. bring,

    lead up, offer sacrifices hflo( l (whole burnt-) offering }owy:le( lyn the upper, the highest {a( am people {i( im (together) with

    dm( md stand dUMa( ammd pillar, column

    I hn( nh answer, hear, grant II hn( nh Q. be downcast, afflicted

    Pi. humiliate, do violence yinf( ni poor, humble yinF( on poverty, affliction }fnf( nn cloud rfpf( fr dust j"( tree(s) {ece( m bone, being bere( rb evening h&( h make, manufacture

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    hfrf&A(/ree&e( r/ar ten {yir::&e( rm twenty

    t"( t time hfTa( att now

    hdp pdh buy (off), ransom, redeem hep p mouth

    +lm /+lp plt/mlt Q. escape, Pi. save llp pll Hitp. pray }eP pn lest

    hnp Pnh turn toward a direction {yinfP pnm face, surface l(p pl make, do {a(aP paam step, occurrence, time Dqp pqd go to see, take care of raP par young bull Yir:P per fruit ($p p rebel, revolt against (a$eP pa rebellion, revolt, xtp pt open XateP pta opening, entrance

    })oc n small cattle )fbfc b host qyiDac addq righteous qdc dq be in the right, be just

    hfqfd:c /qedec dq/edq righteousness hwc wh Pi. to command rUc r rock q(c q cry, call (to aid) }owpfc fn north }pc fn hide

    jbq qb Q., Pi. collect, assemble rbq qbr bury $owdfq qd holy {edeq qdm in front, bygone days, east $dq qd Q. be holy, Pi., Hi. consecrate $edoq qod holiness, holy place lhq qhl Ni. assemble, Hi. call together lfhfq qhl assembly, convocation of the

    people hwq qwh Pi. hope, wait for lowq ql sound, voice {Uq qm arise, last

    }O+fq/}+q qn/qaon be insignificant, small r+q qr Pi. send sacrifices up in smoke llq qll Q. be slight, Pi. curse hnq qnh acquire, buy, create ryicfq qr harvest of grains )rq qr call brq qrb Q. approach, Hi. offer bereq qrb the inward part (of body), in

    the midst }fB:rfq qrbn offering, gift hrq qrh meet, occur bowrfq qrb near te$eq qt bow

    h)r rh Q. see, Ni. be seen, show

    oneself, appear, Hi. show $)or r head, summit, upper end

    }ow$)ir rn the first (position) tyi$)"r rt beginning, the first, choicest

    bar rab much, many

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    bor rob multitude bbr rbb be, become many, much hbr rbh Q. become many

    Hi. make many leger rgl foot vdr rdf pursue, persecute axUr ra wind, breath, spirit {Ur rm be high above, be exalted baxor roab breadth {xr rm Pi. have compassion qxr rq be far, become far byr rb dispute, conduct a (legal) case byir rib dispute, case of law, lawsuit beker rkb vehicle, chariot (ar ra bad, evil a("r rea fellow, companion, friend

    bf(fffr rb hunger, famine h(r rh pasture, tend hf(fr r evil, misery, trouble ((r r be bad, do evil qar raq only

    ($r r be, become guilty, act wickedly

    (f$fr r being wrong, guilty, impious

    hedf& d open field {yi& m set, put, put down lk& kl Hi. understand, have success,

    prosper l)om:> eml the left side, left xm& m rejoice

    hfx:mi& im joy, gladness )"nf& n/n hate

    hfpf& f lip, shore, bank ra& ar official, chief, leader Vr& rf burn

    e$ relative particle

    l)$ l ask, inquire low):$ el underworld, realm of dead

    hf(:bi$/(abe$ ba/ib seven {yi(:bi$ ibm seventy +eb"$ eb rod, staff (b$ b Ni. swear rb$ br break (in pieces) tfBa$ abbt Sabbath bU$ b Q. turn back, turn around

    Hi. bring back row$ r bull, ox, steer +x$ slaughter tx$ t Hi. spoil, ruin ryi$ r sing ryi$ r song bk$ kb lie down xk$ k forget }k$ kn settle down to abide, live in

    {owlf$ lm peace xl$ l send }fx:lu$ uln table |l$ lk Hi. throw {l$ lm intact, complete

    hf$l:$/$lf$ l/el three yi$l:$ eli the third

    {yi$l:$ elim thirty {"$ m name

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    {f$ m there dm$ md Hi. exterminate, Ni. be

    destroyed, exterminated hfMa$ amm thither, (as far as) there {iyamf$ mayim heaven }eme$ mn oil (of olives)

    hfnom:$/henom:$ emon/emon eight (m$ m hear rm$ mr keep, watch over, retain $eme$ m sun }"$ en tooth

    hfnf$ n year yin"$ n the second

    {iyan:$/{iyaT:$ etayim/enayim two ra(a$ aar gate

    hfx:pi$ if maid-servant +p$ f judge |p$ fk pour out leqe$ ql shekel reqe$ qr lie, deception


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