
Healthy food at Childcare

Encouraging Healthy Eating

Healthy Food at Childcare

Munch & Move Service, providing

•Healthy breakfast / morning tea / afternoon tea •Support for families to provide healthy lunchboxes •A supportive environment for healthy eating•Regular nutrition information for families

Water is encouraged throughout the day

Breakfast• provides energy and nutrition for the morning• helps with healthy body weight• helps learning and concentration• helps get in the habit of eating in the morning

What is a healthy breakfast?

Some examples…

• Wholegrain cereal, reduced fat milk and fruit• Wholegrain toast, spread and glass of reduced fat


Childcare Lunchboxes

Children can eat up to half of their daily food intake at childcare

It is important to pack nutritious food to help your child to:• have energy to play • concentrate and learn• grow and develop

Childcare Lunchbox Tips

•Keep it simple (not too much choice)•Ensure foods can be opened and eaten easily •Pack foods that travel well•Pack food in labelled reusable containers rather than buying small pre packaged snacks•Keep lunchboxes cold with icepacks or frozen water.

What to include in a Lunchbox A good helping of fruit and vegetables

Fresh fruit is easy to pack, or a tub of canned fruit. Raw vegies such as carrot sticks, cherry tomatoes, cucumber or capsicum strips.

Starchy food•bread, rice, potatoes and pasta (wholegrain, wholemeal or high fibre breads, rolls, Lebanese bread, pita, lavash, bagels; brown and white rice; or pasta)

Lean protein•tuna or salmon (fresh or canned in spring water or canola, sunflower or olive oil); boiled eggs; beans; lean beef or chicken

Reduced fat dairy food•reduced fat yoghurt, reduced fat cheese or reduced fat milk

A bottle of tap waterFreeze on hot days to keep the lunch box cool.

Healthy food initiatives at Childcare

• Planned and unplanned teaching, e.g. about “everyday” and “sometimes” food

• Special occasions – healthy food and drinks encouraged

• Caring for the environment – composting, worm farm, vegetable garden, waste free lunch days

• Rewards – non food items such as stickers, stamps, pencils

• Healthy fundraisers

Food allergies

• Our Service has a (*insert allergen*) free policy

• If your child has a severe allergic reaction to food - please notify service.

Food at School‘Nutrition in Schools Policy’

-based on the Fresh tastes @ School healthy canteen strategy

-covers a ‘whole of school’ approach to healthy eating, including :

•School canteen

•School functions


•Food as rewards

•Vending machines

Crunch & Sip break – for children to eat fruit, vegetables and water

More information

• Central Coast Health Promotion website

• Healthy Kids website – host site for Munch & Move

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