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Healthy Aging Community Education Event: March 14, 2012

Speaker: Lorie Eber, JD

Gerontologist, NASM Certified Personal Trainer

Gerontology Instructor, Coastline Community College

YOU Decide How You Will Age •30% genes

•70% lifestyle

(Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation)


•Healthy Diet

•Physical Exercise

•Brain Exercise

How much do you know about Healthy Aging?

What is the most important lifestyle change you can make?

1. Eat blueberries every day

2. Exercise

3. Take a Gingko biloba supplement

4. Stay out of the sun


Healthy Diet

Benefits of a Healthy Diet

•Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease

•Reduced risk of cancer

•You feel better every day

New USDA Food Plate

Food Plate Messages

•One-half of your plate should be fruits and vegetables

•The other half should be grains and protein

•Eat a small amount of dairy

Specific Guidelines

•Make at least ½ of your grains whole grains

•Eat lean protein

•Eat low-fat or non-fat dairy products

Tufts University

Important Vitamins/Minerals

Vitamin/Mineral Good Sources

Vitamin D

Fatty fish, fortified milk and cereal, sunshine

Vitamin B6

Fortified cereal, whole grains, liver

Vitamin B12

Meat, fish, poultry, milk, fortified cereal


Dark-green leafy vegetables, beans, peas, oranges, fortified foods

Calcium for Strong Bones

Good Sources

Milk and milk products, tofu, dark leafy greens, soybeans, sardines, salmon, fortified foods

Limit Sodium Recommended

Maximum Ages 51+

Common Sources Tips

1,500 mg Only ≈ 2/3 tsp.

●Chips/pretzels ●Bread (eat less) ●Bacon/sausage ●Pizza ●French fries ●Frozen dinners ●Canned soups

“low sodium” “salt free” Make your own meals Ditch the salt shaker

How to Keep Costs Down

•Meals on Wheels

•Eat lunch at a senior center

•Buy in bulk

•Clip coupons

•Buy store brands

•Move into Freedom Village

Suggestion: Eat Like a Greek

• A Mediterranean diet reduces your risk of Alzheimer’s disease by 34-48%

• Lots of fruits & vegetables, whole grains, olive oil, beans, fish and poultry

7 Heart-Smart foods


Eating beans 4 times a week lowers your risk of heart disease by 22%


Berries contain phytochemicals and flavonoids which help prevent cancer


Broccoli decreases your risk of colon cancer

Extra-Virgin Olive Oil

Olive oil contains mono and unsaturated fats which lower bad (LDL) cholesterol


Nuts contain mono and polyunsaturated fats, which lower bad (LDL) cholesterol


Oatmeal is high in soluble fiber, which decreases bad (LDL) cholesterol


Oily fish are high in heart-protective omega-3 fatty acids

3 Healthy Diet Tips

•Enjoy what you eat, just eat less of it.

•Save half of your plate for fruits and vegetables.

•Snack wisely.

Physical Exercise

Benefits of Exercise

•Fall Prevention

•Improved Circulation

•Disease Prevention

•Increased Strength

•Keeps Body Flexible

How Much Exercise?

30 minutes a day

4 Types of Exercise





Endurance Exercises

Aerobic activities that increase your breathing and heart rate

•Brisk walking

•Yard work



Why Endurance Exercises?

•More stamina to enjoy life

•Able to walk up the stairs

•Enjoy your grandchildren

Strength Exercises

Using weight to improve your muscle strength

•Lifting weights

•Using a resistance band

•Using your body weight

Why Strength Exercises?

•Lift your groceries

•Carry your laundry

•Open jars

Balance Exercises

Ways of challenging your body to maintain its equilibrium

•Standing on one foot

•Heel-to-Toe walk

•Tai Chi

Why Balance Exercises?

•Reduce risk of falls

•Walk up and down stairs safely

•Navigate uneven sidewalks

Flexibility Exercises

Stretching so that your joints go move through a full range of motion


•Calf stretch

•Shoulder and arm stretch

Why Flexibility Exercises?

•Able to turn your head when driving

•Bend over to put on your shoes

•Make your bed

Exercise: Just Do It!

•Reduces dementia risk 30-40%

•Prevents hippocampus from shrinking

•Triggers growth of new nerve cells

Let’s Exercise

•Leg Strengthening

•Chair Stand

Leg Strengthening

EXERCISE • Slowly extend leg

• Flex foot

• Hold for 1 second

• Repeat with other leg

BENEFITS • Strengthens thighs • stretches your calf


Chair Stand

EXERCISE • Scoot to the front of

chair • Keep feet on floor,

shoulder width apart

• Extend arms in front of you, parallel to the floor

Chair Stand

EXERCISE (continued) • Slowly stand up • Sit down • Repeat

BENEFITS • Strengthens abdomen • Strengthens thighs

Motivational Tips

•Do what you enjoy

•Get a buddy

•Set a goal

•Reward yourself

•Make exercise an appointment

Mental Health

•Many older adults suffer from untreated depression

•Depression is an independent risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease

Brain Exercise

Brain Exercise

•“Use it or Lose it”

•Constantly challenge your mind

Benefits of Brain Exercise

•Reduces risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

•Increases blood flow to the brain

•May increase your IQ

Brain Exercises

•Learn another language

•Use your non-dominant hand

•Learn to play an instrument

•Play brain fitness games

•Learn something, anything, new

5 Ways to Stay Mentally Sharp

1. Seek out New Skills Learning prompts the growth of new

brain cells

2. Say “Omm” Meditation reduces harmful stress


3. Get a Social Life Social networks help lower the risk of


4. Reduce Your Risks Avoiding chronic health conditions

(obesity, diabetes and hypertension) lowers your risk of dementia

5. Sleep a Lot During sleep your brain continues to

process memories, which helps recall

Healthy Aging Take-Aways

•Eat a variety of healthy foods

•Move your body more

•Challenge your mind

Thank You! Best in health

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