Page 1: Healthcare Risk Consultancy 2016 CPD Prospectus Helen Loudon

Helen Loudon © 2016 Rev 6. All content is generic and based upon international standards, clinical practice guidelines & legislative requirements. Page 1 of 7 Content and costs may be subject to change where necessary. Commercial products are not promoted or endorsed for ethical reasons.


Helen Loudon 0836414319 [email protected]

T/a Healthcare Risk Consultancy & Training (est. 2009)

Nature of the business A consultancy-based resource specialising in healthcare quality assurance and risk related matters.

Theoretical and skills related content is generic and client-centred; the core objective being to promote a culture of continuous improvement through the application of current internationally accepted standards and legislative standards.

Mission To be a valued, reliable scientific and practical resource, available to health care professionals and related industries

who provide patient care services and/or health worker education, in any setting, for the public, private and/or NGO sectors. My business credo underpins my approach which is Quality Assurance integrated throughout.

Protect your customers and empower your people! This document outlines examples of the continuing education and skills updates I offer for healthcare personnel.

Please note: � More detailed content on the “Master Class Series” (on a variety of topical issues) is contained in a separate programme outline. � CPD accreditation unless specified, is an ‘optional extra’ (as per the current HPCSA accreditation fee schedule) � Enquiries are most welcome – programme content is flexible, and can be tailored to meet your individual requirements and training budget.

For ease of reference, the different Quality and Clinical areas have been listed on separate pages, demarcated by the symbols indicated below:

Infection Prevention & Control Pages 2 - 4

Quality Mx & Risk related Page 5 - 7

Clinical Nursing Practice Pages 4 - 5

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Page 2: Healthcare Risk Consultancy 2016 CPD Prospectus Helen Loudon

Helen Loudon © 2016 Rev 6. All content is generic and based upon international standards, clinical practice guidelines & legislative requirements. Page 2 of 7 Content and costs may be subject to change where necessary. Commercial products are not promoted or endorsed for ethical reasons.


Core Content

(Cost per person or group rates are available upon request)

Target Group

Format & approx duration of

courses / workshops



Popular topics include:

1. ‘Top 10 Killers’: Common Healthcare Pathogens 2. Tuberculosis crisis in KZN - the facts 3. Occupationally Acquired Infections 4. Interpreting Laboratory Culture Results 5. ‘Bad Bugs – no drugs’: Principles of Antimicrobial Stewardship 6. Lower Limb and Diabetic Foot Ulcer Management 7. The critical “do’s and don’ts” of using chemical disinfectants correctly and safely 8. MRSA, Clostridium difficile and Carbapenemase resistance 9. Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI’s) and the ‘Best Care-Always’ Bundles for

infection prevention (SSI, CAUTI, VAP and CLBSI) 10. Comprehensive Pressure Ulcer management 11. Oncology Nursing Update: cytotoxic chemotherapy 12. Terminal Nursing Care Update

Quality Assurance & Unit Managers, Link Nurses, OT and ICU nursing staff, students, Clinical Teachers, Infection Prevention Co-ordinators. Private Nurse Practitioners, Doctors, Pharmacists, Physiotherapists, Orthotists, Podiatrists, haemodialysis and Palliative care personnel.

Two (2) hours

Short course/s in Infection Prevention & Control The aim is to provide a sound foundation in infection prevention and control, as well as equip supporting personnel with insight and essential knowledge.

• Requirements for an IPC Programme, key role players and their functions

• Legal & occupational health & safety aspects of I,P & Control, including HBA risk assessment, and HCRW management

• Needlestick/splash prevention, management & follow up

• Basic microbiology, microbial classification, structure & virulence factors

• Human flora vs pathogenic micro-organisms, sources of infection, routes of transmission, drug resistant pathogens.

• In depth hand hygiene and glove use

• Prevention of cross infection, healthcare associated infections (HAI), National Core Standards, ‘Best Care Always’ & other quality/best practice strategies

• Notifiable diseases & management of special pathogens

• Infection Control in the OT, ICU, IV therapy and in wound management

• Antibiotic stewardship, trends in drug resistance

• Isolation precautions: MRSA, ESBL+, TB, septic vs. protective measures

• Correct collection & safe handling of laboratory specimens

• Surveillance, data collection and essential reporting aspects

• Prevention, recognition, investigation & control of outbreaks

• Sterilization vs disinfection methods: including the classification, appropriate selection & use of cleaning agents, antiseptics & disinfectants

• Principles of policy/protocol formulation and document control

Standards/ Quality Assurance Managers, Nursing Managers, Unit Managers, Link Nurses/ IPC ‘Champions’, Clinical Teaching personnel, Infection Prevention & Control Co-ordinators; Health & Safety Officers, Pharmacists.

Two (2) day Basic course IPP’s, Link Nurses/ IPC Champions’, Clinical Teaching Specialists (CTS) Unit Managers, QA Managers. MCQ test included.

Three (3) day Comprehensive course Core competencies for IPP’s and Quality Assurance Managers. (Includes a visit to the main Microbiology Laboratory & MCQ test) (Maximum ten (10) participants for 2 and 3 day courses please)

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Helen Loudon © 2016 Rev 6. All content is generic and based upon international standards, clinical practice guidelines & legislative requirements. Page 3 of 7 Content and costs may be subject to change where necessary. Commercial products are not promoted or endorsed for ethical reasons.


Core Content

(Cost per person or group rates are available upon request)

Target Group

Format & approx duration of

course / workshop

‘Managing Man, Microbe & the Environment’ Strategies for reducing the incidence of HAI’s through the implementation of evidence based strategies for effective prevention & control at unit level

• The local & international burden of healthcare associated infection (HAI)

• Sources of potential infection in healthcare settings

• Common hospital pathogens, infections caused & important virulence factors which negatively affect patient outcomes

• International (CDC) guidelines for identification & reporting specific infections

• Using patient & laboratory resources wisely – specimen collection for culture, interpretation of results

• SA National Core Standards and ‘Best Care - Always’: reducing the incidence of HAI’s using proven quality initiatives and ‘care bundles’

• Case investigation - determining the root cause & contributory risk factors

• Implementing & maintaining corrective actions for a safer environment

Unit Managers, Link Nurses, post basic nursing students (eg. ICU, OT Tech), Clinical Teaching personnel.

Lecture Room setting Relevant clinical equipment Five (5) hour workshop


Full (1) day workshop Includes an interactive session on correct collection of specimens & interpretation of laboratory culture results


Core Content

(Cost per person or group rates are available upon request)

Target Group

Format & approx duration of

course / workshop

‘Handle with Care’ An in depth update on - all aspects of hand

hygiene - correct glove

selection & use - selection and

appropriate use of hand hygiene products

• The concept of hand hygiene

• Basic microbiology, microbial classification, structure & virulence factors

• Human flora vs pathogenic micro-organisms

• Sources of infection, routes of transmission

• Concepts of contamination, colonisation and infection

• Provisions of the Occ. Health & Safety Act and ‘standard precautions’

• CDC guidelines for hand hygiene & glove use

• Selecting & evaluating products for hand hygiene: soaps & hand rubs

• Mechanisms of action at epithelial level

• Social vs aseptic hand washing techniques

• Factors influencing staff compliance with hand hygiene

• Selecting the appropriate glove for different clinical applications

• Occupational Health & Safety considerations and precautions

• Glove vs. latex allergy: causes, recognition, investigation and management

All categories of healthcare worker and related industries.

IPP’s, Operating Theatre, ICU personnel, Standards Managers, Pharmacists

Lecture Room setting Relevant clinical PPE/ samples Three (3) hour workshop Includes a practical demonstration and audiovisual programmes if venue facilities permit.

Advanced (5) hour workshop

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Helen Loudon © 2016 Rev 6. All content is generic and based upon international standards, clinical practice guidelines & legislative requirements. Page 4 of 7 Content and costs may be subject to change where necessary. Commercial products are not promoted or endorsed for ethical reasons.


Core Content

(Cost per person or group rates are available upon request)

Target Group

Format & approx duration of

course / workshop

‘Back to Basics’- an integrated short course in Wound Management & Infection Control – As applied to the full spectrum of acute and chronic wounds.

• Key terms and concepts in wound management

• Anatomical factors & physiology of healing

• CDC guidelines for the classification of post operative wound infections

• Preventing surgical site infection: ‘Best care always’ care bundle

• Objectives of modern wound management

• Wound assessment & ‘wound bed preparation’

• Factors affecting healing

• The principles & practice of appropriate product selection

• Pressure ulcers: international grading methods, aetiology & reporting

• Measuring & photographing wounds

• Burns: classification, calculation & care objectives

• Leg & Diabetic Foot ulcers: vital assessment principles for safe & effective care

• Taking wound swabs & specimens for culture – the role of the Laboratory

• Wound infection & drug resistant microbes - integrating wound care with infection prevention & control

• Complications in wound management - sinuses & fistulae

Private Nursing Practitioners, Wound Clinics, Unit Managers, Professional and Enrolled Nurses, nursing students, Clinical Training Specialists, IPP’s, Product Specialists.

Lecture Room setting Space for interactive product display and discussion. Full day workshop 2 day workshop Includes MCQ test (Maximum fifteen (15) participants)


Core Content

(Cost per person or group rates are available upon request)

Target Group

Format & approx duration of

course / workshop

“The Iceberg Effect”- The prevention & management of Pressure ulcers


Diabetic foot care & ulcer management (Clinical tutorial & demonstration recommended)

• Nursing accountability and the concept of ‘negligence’

• The impact of pressure ulcers

• Aetiology and 1° preventive measures

• Determining root cause/s - pathophysiology, the role of moisture associated skin damage (MASD), shear forces and the concept of ‘interface pressures’

• Principles of lifting and handling - demonstration

• Patient risk assessment – intrinsic vs extrinsic causative factors

• International risk assessment tools & PU classification systems

• Quality and documentation requirements

• Infection prevention and control, management of drug resistant pathogens

• Clinical case studies: selecting appropriate wound management products

• Diabetic foot ulcers – aetiology, risk factors and pathophysiology

• The Multidisciplinary Team & long term management goals

All categories of nursing staff, nursing students, Nursing Standards Managers, CTS, QSSS/IP & Control, Case Managers. Frail Aged, Wound and/or Out Patient Clinic personnel

Lecture Room Hospital bed available for demonstration if possible Three (3) hour workshop. Maximum twenty (20) participants Two (2) hour theory workshop or one (1) hour clinical tutorial & demonstration (maximum 5 participants for the latter please)

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Helen Loudon © 2016 Rev 6. All content is generic and based upon international standards, clinical practice guidelines & legislative requirements. Page 5 of 7 Content and costs may be subject to change where necessary. Commercial products are not promoted or endorsed for ethical reasons.


Core Content

(Cost per person or group rates are available upon request)

Target Group

Format & approx duration of

course / workshop

SHEQ Update

Ie. Single lectures or

workshops on any/related topics can be accommodated as


• Key components & objectives of an integrated SHEQ programme

• The Occupational Health & Safety Act (No.85 of 1993)

• Personal protective equipment (PPE)

• Unit specific risk assessment and checklists

• Causes of accidents

• Provisions of the COID Act

• Classification of injuries on duty

• Reporting procedure

• Incident reports, determining root cause/s and implementing corrective actions

• Claiming against Workman’s Compensation

• Accidental exposure to blood, body fluids, chemicals

• Hepatitis B immunization

• Principles of lifting and handling – practical exercise

IPP’s, Quality & Safety Support Specialists, Nursing, Hospital & Maintenance Managers, Health & Safety Reps, nursing students.

Lecture Room setting Four (4) hour workshop. Full (1) day workshop for new H & S Representatives (Maximum 15 participants)


Core Content

(Cost per person or group rates are available upon request)

Target Group

Format & approx duration of

course / workshop

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment


• Statutory requirements for managing risk in the workplace – legal Registers

• Elements of an integrated SHE and Quality management programme

• Management functions & the four (4) T’s of risk management

• The role of health & safety representatives

• Principles of undertaking a baseline vs continuous risk assessment

• Prioritising hazards in the workplace & implementing preventive actions

• Documentation – interactive, practical exercise

IPP’s, Quality & Safety Support Specialists, Nursing, Hospital & Maintenance Managers, Pharmacists, Health & Safety Representatives

Lecture room setting Five (5) hour workshop (Maximum 15 participants)

Incident Investigation & Root Cause

Analysis (RCA)

• Managing risk – responsibilities vs management functions

• The four (4) T’s of risk management

• Classification of incidents

• Relevant terms, concepts and definitions

• Sources and basic causes of accidents & incidents

• Determining root cause/s

• The ‘Causal Tree’, ‘domino sequence’, ‘hazard ratio triangle’ and ‘iceberg’ concepts

• The incident investigation process

• Reasons why accidents and incidents may not be reported

• Writing incident reports – practical exercise

IPP’s, Quality & Safety Support Specialists, Nursing, Hospital & Maintenance Managers, Pharmacists, Health & Safety Representatives, nursing students.

Lecture Room setting Five (5) hour workshop (Maximum 15 participants)

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Helen Loudon © 2016 Rev 6. All content is generic and based upon international standards, clinical practice guidelines & legislative requirements. Page 6 of 7 Content and costs may be subject to change where necessary. Commercial products are not promoted or endorsed for ethical reasons.


Core Content

(Cost per person or group rates are available upon request)

Target Group

Format & approx duration of

course / workshop

Oncology Update An overview of cancer types, diagnosis and therapeutic options. Comprises four (4) theory Modules and clinical accompaniment/ assessment if required Oncology Update Continued…

Module 1: A – Z glossary of symbols, oncological terms and definitions Module 2: what is “Cancer?”

• Embryological origins of cancer

• General features of malignancy

• Mechanisms & routes of spread

• Incidence & etiological factors influencing one’s risk of developing cancer

• Intrinsic (internal) factors influencing one’s risk of developing cancer

• Extrinsic (external) and lifestyle factors

• Early warning signs of cancer Module 3: Making a Diagnosis – treatment modalities & goals

• Commonly used diagnostic investigations

• An overview of treatment options and goals

• Radiation workers - occupational health & safety aspects of radiation therapy &/or brachytherapy

Module 4: Cytotoxic chemotherapy

• How does chemotherapy work?

• Other types of chemotherapy

• Adverse effects of cytotoxic agents & medical emergencies

• Patient precautions during the administration of cytotoxic chemotherapy

• Guidelines for the safe handling of cytotoxic drugs

• Do’s and don’ts for the administration of peripheral IV chemotherapy

• Administration of chemotherapy via a central catheter (eg: ‘Groshong’ catheter) or a totally implantable intravascular device (ie: TID or ‘port’)

RN & Enrolled Nurses, nursing students, Unit Managers, Clinical Training Specialists

Lecture Room setting Relevant clinical equipment for demonstration. PART 1: Full (1) Day workshop PART 2 (optional) administration of cytotoxic chemotherapy -clinical accompaniment & assessment

Page 7: Healthcare Risk Consultancy 2016 CPD Prospectus Helen Loudon

Helen Loudon © 2016 Rev 6. All content is generic and based upon international standards, clinical practice guidelines & legislative requirements. Page 7 of 7 Content and costs may be subject to change where necessary. Commercial products are not promoted or endorsed for ethical reasons.

HELEN LOUDON RN. Dip.N. Education (UKZN) CIC (Univ. P.E). Independent Infection Prevention, Safety and Quality Management Specialist Adv. Wound & Lower Limb Ulcer Management (Univ. Hertfordshire, UK) Cell: 0836414319 Email: [email protected] SANC reference: 12022117 Affiliated with APIC (International Association for Professionals in Infection Control) FIDSSA and ICSSA (Federation of Infectious Diseases Society of Southern Africa and Infection Control Society of South Africa) S.A. FPNL Forum for Professional Nurse Leaders WHASA (Wound Healing Association of Southern Africa) Society of Pvt. Nurse Practitioners

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