Page 1: Health and fitness 11

You are feeling Sleepy…

According to a 2013 study published in Nature, Sleep Deprivation motivates people to eat, and blunts their ability to make good food choices.

Here are some tips for getting a good night’s rest:

Keep a regular sleep schedule—set a regular bed time, wake up at the same time every day

Naturally regulate your sleep-wake cycle by increasing light exposure during the day and mela-tonin production at night

Create a relaxing bedtime routine

Remember, whole body health is a holistic process, and that is not just limited to diet and exercise. We’ve seen some good challenges arise that were not directly related to diet and exercise that were still very important to whole body health. One stand out was Amanda’s “Spend five minutes a day with the cats” which inspired some of my own goals following.

This health initiative is about so much more than losing weight or eating less. It’s about re-learning how to take care of ourselves from the ground up. Its about making sustainable changes, reasona-ble choices, and doing what we need for our entire health. And with these, we will see a difference over time.

And the most important thing, in my opinion, is that we are doing this together. Some of us may be beginners (and I’m pointing directly at myself here) but we are all moving forward, each at our own speed.

Here are this week’s goals:

Tammy– Planning activities around non-food events, Taking walks with Steve and Sasha, and Maintaining fitness analysis and food chart

Jenny– Week two of no deep fried foods, 175 minutes of exercise

Amanda– Workout 5 days, Eat between 1500-2000 calories a day

Cecilia– Sleep at least 7 hours a night

David– 2500 calories or less per day 


Sweet dreams!




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