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    Methods of Receiving Ones Healing, and

    Co-operating With Life

    for all Realms of Maturity.

    Outer Court Holy Place Most Holy PlaceBorn Again Experience Responding to Fathers Holy Spirit Grown up Priest [email protected]

    Mailing: 625 S. W. 158th

    Terrace OKC, OK 73170 USA

    Dr. Roy E. Richmond

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    Mehodsof HeaingChapter one

    The subject of healing, health and strength is of major interest to every man andwoman, on planet earth. Most importantly, we have discovered that the healing ofthe mind is of the utmost importance (it is the realization of us knowing and

    accepting the fact that we have the mind of Christ); when that takes place, the

    much needed healing in mans body will take place. We need to be well versed,

    concerning the healing Word in our Bibles, because our health is important, andthere are thousands of people who need to hear the truth concerning healing, health

    and strength. By spending time meditating on the healing Word, one willexperience increase in faith for his or her physical body and health; they will have

    invested time well spent.

    Responding to the truth taught in this book that come from Fathers Word, willsave time and money, in the long run. Receiving these lessons consistently,

    believing them and applying what is learned, will add length of days and long lifeto those who heed Fathers instructions. Whether young or elderly, the revelation

    of this can add length of days to a persons life.

    Jesus was humanities great burden bearer, He bore much for and as all in thephysical realm, as well as the spiritual realm. In this chapter, we will explore

    methods through which Father God restores mans health. There are some thingswe can involve ourselves in, to restore health and healing unto us.

    Psalms 103:1 A Psalm of David. Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is

    within me, bless his holy name.

    Mans soul needs to get involved in blessing Father God; the soul is made up of the

    will, emotion, personality, intellect and thoughts. These are some of the aspectsthat serve as the expression of whom man is, however, you cannot know man, until

    you start understanding that we are spirit.

    The mind has an amazing ability. Although we have our own perception of whatFather God designed the mind of man for, which falls short of our true purpose.

    Father God gave us the ability to remember, so we could remember all that He hasdone in the work of the cross. We remember both good and bad. Unfortunately

    most people spend their time remembering the bad, rather than the good. With

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    Father, there is no bad nor good, it is simply man feeding from the wrong tree.

    When a person chooses to travel back through their past, they mostly meditate onthe wrong they have suffered, the hurt, pain, and the wounding; the things that

    have been taken from them; that is not what Father God designed mans memory


    Father designed mans memory, so that at any time we can go back and remember;if it had not been for the Lord being on our side, we would not have made it. There

    have been three or four times in my life where I would have to stop and say, it wasall God, it was not by my faith; it was grace and mercy in operation. God knew my


    Father God created mans mind, so they could think and have consciousness.Through this man can reason and function in the present. Our mind, in the Greek

    rendering includes ourkardia, which is our thoughts or feelings soul, and it alsoincludes ourpsuche, which is the rational mortal soul mental disposition. Our

    mind also consists of our dianoia, which is our deep thought, and faculty,

    including the imagination and understanding. We need to learn to function out of

    the mind of Christ that is ours today.

    1 Cor 2:16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct

    him? But we have the mind of Christ.

    The third portion of our mind was to pre-play mans future. The imagination is a

    wonderful thing, which is where Father God plants the seed of His dream formans life. Father God wants us to imagine what He imagines. He wants us to see

    what He sees, and for us to see our future as He sees it. Father says, I know what

    I think about you saith the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil; to give you

    an expected end. [Jeremiah 29:11]

    Father is looking at the end result, He is looking at the last or the end of the final

    portion, and He is saying, Ive got an expectation of your end. Your end is theChrist life in power, in the throne room that we are, because He said I am the

    Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning, and the End. Within your imagination is Fatherpre-playing your future, and it has no limitations. That is why the imagination of

    man has been so polluted because we have no limits in our imagination. We can go

    anywhere, do anything, be anybody, be with anybody; man can commit

    unbelievable acts of missing the mark (sin) with the supernatural imagination wehave been gifted with. When the imagination comes under the power of a

    quickened (made alive) spirit, which is us knowing and believing, the result will be

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    a wonderful thing this planet and the inhabitants thereof will be brought back

    into Divine order.

    Father Gods dream seeds would and will not work in a carnally minded man,

    because it takes purity for Gods dream seeds to work, thus the reason His HolySpirit wants to operate on and renew our mind. When David talked to his soul he

    said, My soul, I want you to remember, to think about and stir yourself toremember some benefits of what God has done. Oh, how badly we need to do just


    We need to remember what is in us: We have, because of our faith in the operationof God,

    1righteousness, peace and joy in our spirit. We are to recall and stir up the

    things that are within us, and out of the Resource (inChristed spirit) of what Fatherhas placed within us. We remember that Father God has forgiven all iniquity. That

    is the greatest news one can ever hear, our Father is not holding any act of missingthe mark against anyone. Father God has already punished humanity, in the person

    of Jesus, for what Adam had released in disobedience all died in Him and all

    were judged in Jesus, as the entire human race. That is a staggering thought, Father

    God has already punished all who needed to be punished, and has forgiven all,including any act of mark missing people do from the power of carnal thoughts. I

    know it is true, because before I was born, Jesus died as all. After my natural birth,I have missed the mark many times and have had and at times still do have wrong

    thoughts, even after I have accepted His Lordship. However, Jesus bore all of that,

    and He is not imputing my or your trespasses against us.

    He has forgiven us once and for all. I live in a state of unbroken communion with

    the Lord, because Jesus has dealt with all manner of sin. In First John, we are toldto confess that we do miss the mark from time to time, and if we do then He is

    faithful to put those things away from our lives; guiding us away from all acts

    of unrighteousness. If we say we do not miss the mark, and are pious in our

    defending what we do in missing the mark, then we hinder his ability to workin our lives, to bring us to perfection [1 John 1:9 RMHPV] John did not instructus to go around and confess everything we do wrong to others, but we should

    admit to our Father who knows everything already, where we are weak, and allowHim to move us away from that weakness. He will not take your friends from you,

    and often, what is an enemy in a persons life, is held onto like a dear friend.

    Father wants us to agree with Him, so that we can walk together with Him, as one.

    1 The Redemptive work of Jesus Christ Crucified, Died, Buried (the doing away with spiritual death in humanity)

    Quickened, Raised and Seated (The present position of mankind today).

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    He has already confessed that all manner of sin has been paid for and forgiven

    with Him it is non-existent. When you confess missing that mark, you stop and sayFather I just want to thank you that Jesus bore that. I agree with you, that is not

    who I am and not what I am; I agree with You that Jesus bore that. I thank you that

    I live in unbroken fellowship, and I trust You. That is the faith He desires of man.

    It is interesting to me, there is only one verse in the New Testament where we aretold to confess our sins to Father God, so Father can help move us away from

    whatever it is. The way most preachers talk about sin, the New Testament is full ofexhortations to confess sins and ask to be forgiven; it is not! There is one other

    verse that exhorts us to confess faults (sins), but this one is to confess them one toanother: Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye

    may be (healed) made whole. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous manavaileth much. (Italics mine) [James 5:16 KJV] Sadly though, there are very few

    people who would qualify as one of the one to another; because of that, peopleare not able to confess their faults for fear of being talked about and looked down

    upon. We must become ones who can be trusted then and only then, will true

    wholeness come to the body of Christ.

    Confessing acts of missing the mark without faith is nothing more than an exercise

    of a guilty conscience. There is no blessing for exercising a guilty conscience; youwould not find it in Scripture anywhere. I have missed it before; I have gotten

    angry with people, I have had other things happen, and did not feel like I could get

    up and minister to them. Every time Father reminds me that He is not imputing my

    trespasses against me, that He has already borne anger, or anything else I mighthave done. He loves me and those who I may have gotten angry with, and if I will

    agree with Father, He will move me away from all of that and then I can move in agreater anointing. This has happened many times to me.

    If you tell yourself you are unworthy and stupid, you are not moving in agreementwith your Father. You must agree with what Father says about you by saying,

    Father I believe Your Word and I agree with you that sin was already dealt with onthe cross. I thank you Father that there is an un-broken state of mercy and

    forgiveness. Your mercy cannot fail, your mercy does not fail, your blood cannotfail, I am redeemed. I thank you that I am not an angry person, I am peaceful,

    pleasant, and the fruit in my spirit (love) is governing me. That is what I believe

    and that is exercising faith. Just feeling bad about what you have done is an

    exercise of a guilty conscience and there is no blessing for doing that.

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    If we do not deal with the acts of mark-missing in faith, we really are not dealing

    with it. It takes faith to deal with sin because any other effort is a self effort ofrighteousness, which is as a filthy minstrel cloth; it is proof that we have not

    received the seed of Fathers Holy Spirit, into our fertile spirit. The more you miss

    the mark, the more you need to believe in what Jesus has done, not what He mightdo for you. Father God does not require you to make atonement for sin, He

    requires you to believe that He made atonement for sin.

    Psalms 103:2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: 3

    Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

    There are some Ways that God brings Healing to Manifestation that

    We Need to Understand

    Jeremiah 30:17 For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thywounds, saith the LORD;

    He did that when Jesus stripes were healed in His resurrection from death, hell

    and the grave of being one with the falleness of humanity. Humanity needed muchmore than just to have their individual diseases healed. They needed to be freed

    from the source of all disease and mental illness; that was to be healed of beinghuman returned to the state of being Adam (before the fall, man with Father

    Gods life in their whole being). We are now new creation beings, we are all of the

    last Adam (Jesus Christ), and now are Sons of God with all of Father Gods life in

    our spirit. Now, we need to be healed of religiously infected carnal minds, byallowing Fathers Renewing Mind (mind of Christ) to cleanse our soul of all that

    does not represent who we are, in and of Him. We can receive that promise ofhealing spoken through Jeremiah, today, because it is no longer a promise but a

    possession of all who have been inChristed, and all have (there are just some who

    need to experience being quickened in spirit). He healed all in His perfect work ofredemption.

    So, here are some methods:

    Number one, the natural systems of healing that Father put in our body. Why does

    man have an immune system; because Father God put it there? The immune

    system has been weakened because its healing source (spirit life) has been cut off

    from doing its perfect work, because of the death that illegally floods from thecarnal thinking of man. However, it still is very effective. You get an infection in

    your body; your body will begin to fight that infection. If you get a germ in your

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    body, your body will begin to fight that germ. There are natural things that Father

    God put in our body to bring about healing, health and strength. We thank God forthem. If your immune system is not working properly you experience much

    sickness. We should be thanking God every day that our immune system is being

    empowered by the Life in our spirit, that it is being restored back to its intendedoperating purpose. It swallows up all germs, disease and anything that can produce

    an adverse reaction in our body. More vital to us is our knowing Fathers lifereleased from His Spirit within us, will keep away any form of anti-life from

    coming nigh our dwelling place.

    To compliment your natural body, there is diet, exercise, and there is nutrientionand things that you can do to facilitate your immune system.

    There are nine foods that fight disease.

    Nearly twenty five hundred years ago Hippocrates is supposed to have said, "Let

    food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food." Science has since proven that

    Hippocrates was indeed onto somethingnamely, that the food we eat can prevent

    and in some cases fight disease.

    There are a tremendous variety of foods and components in foods, that our bodies

    are programmed to use, to keep us healthy, and if we are sick, to make us well

    again. If we want to stay healthy, we need to co-operate with what Father has

    given us to eat, and we have to eat these whole, nutritious foods.

    Nutritionlist have identified nine of the most powerful disease-fighting foods;

    adding these foods to your diet might just mean you spend less time in the doctor's

    office reading about these super foods and more time at home enjoying them.

    Whole grains: The new broccoli

    We have heard for years that eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can protect

    against heart disease, diabetes, and some forms of cancer. But, did you know that

    whole grains are now believed to provide just as many benefits? Whole grains havethis whole army of different phytonutrients that are doing just as much as fruits and

    veggies. (A phytonutrient is the name given to the parts of plants that have healthbenefits.) According to researchers at the University of Minnesota, eating three

    daily servings of whole grains can reduce the risk of heart disease by twenty-five

    to thirty-six percent, stroke by thirty-seven percent and type two diabetic, bytwenty-one to twenty-seven percent. Whole grains include oats, whole wheat,

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    brown rice, bulgur, and bran, among others. Pick foods whose first ingredient

    contains the word whole instead of enriched.

    Cherries: All-natural pain reliever

    Scientists studying the link between diet and disease often look for a marker in the

    blood called C-reactive protein (CRP). CRP is produced by the body in response toacute inflammation, like that experienced by arthritis sufferers. Researchers at the

    Western Human Nutrition Research Center in Davis, California, asked volunteersto eat a bowl of forty-five fresh Bing cherries and then measured their levels of

    CRP. After three hours the level of CRP in the volunteers' blood decreased. One ofthe old-time therapies for gout [a very painful form of arthritis] was black cherries.

    Until recently, nobody really knew why it worked; they just knew that it did. Ofcourse, nobody's going to eat forty-five cherries in one sitting, but if you suffer

    from arthritis, you should incorporate this antioxidant-rich fruit into your diet acouple of times a week.

    Yogurt: Immunity booster

    For several years now, nutritionists have touted the benefits of probiotics, the

    "friendly" bacteria, when eaten, helps fight illness or disease. Yogurt is the most

    popular food containing probiotics and may, in fact, be the most beneficial as well.

    Two recent studies found that eating yogurt significantly improved a person's

    ability to fight off pneumonia. Your first communication with the outside world isthrough your GI tract. That is where you absorb all the nutrients you need to keep

    your body healthy in the first place. It is also the bodies biggest immune system

    fighter. It is recommended that we eat yogurt every dayjust make sure the brand

    you buy contains "live," or "active," cultures, as the bacteria (or, rather, the

    probiotics) cannot do any good if they are dead before you ingest them.

    Salmon: Bone, Heart and Artery strengthener

    Any list of healing foods would be remiss not to include salmon, with its heart-

    healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids. Study after study has shown that incorporatingsalmon into your diet reduces blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, and helps preventheart disease. Now researchers at the University of California, San Diego, have

    reported that a higher intake of omega-3 additionally appears to preserve bonedensity, keeping your bones stronger and protecting them against falls and

    fractures. Not crazy about salmon (or just sick of it by now)? Try upping your

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    intake of other cold-water fish, such as sardines, tuna, and mackerel. All of these

    fish are high in omega-3, and people who consume them regularly have a lowerrisk of heart attack, hypertension, and stroke. I take one (1) tablet of Omega-3

    Krill Oil every morning it is marketed under the name MegaRed and can be

    purchased at any CVS Pharmacy. It is three times better than any fish oil, and onlyneeds to be taken once a day.

    Cabbage: Breast-cancer defense

    You have likely heard about the anticancer properties of cruciferous vegetables

    like Broccoli and Brussels sprouts, but several recent studies suggest that Cabbagemay be in a class by itself. A study presented at the November 2005 meeting of the

    American Association for Cancer Research found that Polish women who atecabbage and sauerkraut (fermented cabbage) four or more times a week were

    seventy-four percent less likely to develop breast cancer. Other studies have foundthat cabbage may also protect against lung, stomach, and colon cancers. The super

    ingredient seems to be sulforaphane, a phytochemical in cabbage that works by

    stimulating cells to eliminate cancerous substances. Granted, eating cabbage four

    times a week might be a little much, but adding it to soups and salads once or twicea week is a great idea.

    Walnuts: Good for the Heart

    For many years, nutritionists warned their clients away from nuts, fearing that a

    carte blanche prescription to indulge in this fatty food might lead to excessiveweight gain. Recently though, as scientists have learned more about the various

    types of fats and their impact on health, nuts have come back into favor. Walnuts,in particular, are unique among nuts because they are full of omega-3 fatty acids,

    the same substance that has been shown in salmon to reduce the risk of heart

    disease and hypertension. Japanese men and women who ate one-fourth to one-third cup of walnuts each day lowered their "bad" LDL cholesterol levels by up to

    ten percent. Walnuts (as well as almonds and pistachios) are high in arginine, anamino acid that increases blood flow to the heart.

    Blueberries: Keeps the mind sharp

    When researchers at the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at

    Tufts University, analyzed forty fruits and vegetables for their disease-fightingantioxidant activity, blueberries came out on top. And not just by a littlethe

    study showed that the benefits of eating one serving of wild blueberries are

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    equivalent to those of eating two to three servings of some other fruits and

    vegetables, including apples, broccoli, and even spinach. Studies published in thepast year, also show that eating plenty of blueberries may help lessen brain damage

    from strokes and may reduce the effects of Alzheimer's disease or dementia.

    Blueberries really show promise in helping us with our mental acuitykeeping ourbrain sharp. The antioxidants in blueberries protect cells from damage, but now are

    finding that other components in blueberries might restore cells to be more healthy;the recommendation is to eat blueberries a couple of times a week.

    Beans: Ward off colon cancer

    One of the most underrated nutritional powerhouses on the market today is beans.

    Not only are beans a great source of protein and antioxidants but they are full offiber, which has been shown in some studies to help prevent colon cancer. To stay

    healthy you really need to keep your GI tract moving, and eating beans is a goodway to do that. A healthy diet rich in lean proteinabout half from plant sources

    such as beanswas found to lower blood pressure and "bad" LDL cholesterol, and

    to cut the risk of heart disease by twenty-one percent. It does not matter which

    bean you choose pick a bean, any bean, but aim for two to four servings a week.

    Tomatoes: Protect the prostate

    Scientists have known for years that regularly eating tomato-based foods can

    reduce a man's risk of prostate cancer by up to thirty-five percent. More recently,

    studies have shown that men who already have prostate cancer may benefit as well.When researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago, fed one serving of pasta

    with tomato sauce every day for three weeks, to thirty-two men who werescheduled for prostate surgery, the levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the

    patients' blood dropped by nearly twenty percent. (PSA is a measure of prostate-

    cancer-cell activity, so the lower the level, the less active the cancer cells.) Thelikely active ingredient in tomatoes is lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that is

    thought to also be protective against lung and stomach cancers. In an interestingtwist, fresh tomatoes do not appear to be as protective as cooked tomatoes. Men

    with prostate cancer should try to eat cooked tomatoes daily, in soups, chilies,marinara and spaghetti sauces, or other dishes. Those trying to prevent the disease

    should indulge twice a week.

    In the study of health, there are natural things you can do. By increasing theaforementioned types of food into your diet and by decreasing things out of your

    body, one can greatly enhance your chances of being well. I am not interested in

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    living by chance; I choose to live by choice and by faith. Thank God we can do

    things naturally to enhance our health. Get enough rest in your body, take vitamins,drink enough water; there are many simple things you can do to help your body to

    be well and strong. You cannot keep abusing your body and expect it to be healthy

    and strong. You need to take care of your body, because it is the temple of FatherGod and He wants you to live long.

    Number two is modern medicine. Thank God, for all the discoveries we are seeing

    to date. The two negatives about modern science and medicine are; they have along list of incurable diseases they have no cure for them. They say if you have an

    incurable disease, you will have it all the days of your life until it brings death toyour body. Many incurable diseases will take away the ability to enjoy life, and

    ability to live a full life span. The next problem is they have disease they callterminal, which will help you die quickly. So, modern science and modern

    medicine has limitations. Father God in His system says in Deut. 28:61, Everysickness and disease not written in the book of Law, is under the curse of the

    Law. Then in Galatians 3:13 it says, Christ redeemed us from the curse of the


    Father Gods system has no limitations in it; there is no such thing as incurable

    with Him. Neither is there any such thing as terminal with Father God.Remarkably, our Fathers system is neither incurable, nor terminal; it does not

    have a flaw in it. Gods system was to lay disease (death and all that entailed in

    the soul and body of humanity) in Jesus, as all humanity; we should let that stand

    and work, and by faith let all sickness and disease pass from you to Calvary. Thereis nothing incurable in Christ. We have modern science and modern technology;

    thank God for them, but their system is limited.

    Number three, the gifts of the Spirit are in the Church, and we are the Church.

    1 Corinthians 12:7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to

    profit withal. 8 For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to

    another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;

    Those are both vocal gifts that have to do with understanding; they have to do with

    insight and are spoken through the mouth.

    9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing (plural) by

    the same Spirit;

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    We should expect the gifts of the Spirit to operate when we come together as the

    body, and they bring about healing. You can go to a miracle service, and I cannottell you for sure you will get a miracle, unless God speaks to me or you and tells

    you that you are going to get a miracle, because the gifts of the Spirit operates as

    the Spirit wills. We make a mistake if we only depend on the gifts of the Spirit. Allthe gifts operate as Fathers Holy Spirit wills.

    What is a Miracle? A miracle is an active power; a supernatural intervention into

    the ordinary course of nature; that which suspends time to release Gods ability inthe earth; a divine interruption into the circumstances of life.

    Seven things about miracles:2

    1. Take your hands off. What this means, get out of Gods way. Do not try tomanipulate people or the situation to make a miracle happen; just let it

    happen.2. Put your hands on the miracle is going to require an action on our part;

    faith without works is dead, none works without faith.

    3. Do something you have never done before we must step out of the boat.

    We must fill the vessels before they ever become wine. Do something withno blueprint, in order to break free from the old kinds of doubt and fear.

    4. Expect the unexpected expect Father God to show up in a way you havenever seen before. He likes surprising us, and He is so great and so big, we

    cannot contain the complete understanding of Him in our intellect or our

    own thoughts.

    5. Place yourself in an atmosphere of miracles by being around those whoexpect and believe them. This brings about impartation and a transferring of

    an anointing with faith.6. Just walk and give thanks as though it is already done. Learn to live from

    our place in Christ, where all is fulfilled. What we are waiting for has

    already happened in spirit and is manifesting in the earth.7. Live in reality and do not be foolish about life. No one lives to themselves

    and no one dies to themselves. Everything is according to purpose, andevery miracle affects someone else.

    Next, God gave elders in the Church, to pray over you in the nature of the Lord.

    The Bible says if you are sick, for you to call for the elders of the Church, and let

    them pray over you in the nature (name) of the Lord; not for you. You make a

    mistake when you start prayingfor people, as an elder. You must pray overthem.

    2 Scott Stimson Ministries

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    There is something there working in the dynamic of relationship. In order for me to

    pray over you, you have to be under me. I cannot pray over you until you are underme in spiritual authority in the office of Pastor or an Elder. You need to believe in

    the operation of Father through Jesus Christ in order to receive. What good does it

    do to pray for you or anyone else if they do not believe?

    The book of James was written around the theme of people fussing, fighting andarguing. The book of James, chapter four, stated there are wars and rumors of wars

    among you. What the book of James is telling us, when you come to the leadershipof the Church and submit yourself to that authority, let them pray over you, let

    them cover you and be a protection to you, then you can expect answers to theirprayers over you. There are too many of Gods children out there today with no

    protection, as far as elders in the Church, because they refuse to have anything todo with any assembly. Father God does have structure, yet they reject it. The

    leadership of this house is meant to protect the members and to serve them. I am anelder Pastor in the body of Christ, and an elder over this house (Tree of Life

    Ministries International and Destiny Life Center), under Christ. Being an elder is

    not just a title, it is what one does. It is much more than a title; it is a nature in the

    person we recognize as an elder in the house. Too many Churches have elders whojust wear a badge saying they are an elder, and yet they do not yield or do anything

    else in the body. So, that deals with authority and submission. If I cannot prayover you, then I cannot really pray in the light of James 5:14-16.

    James 5:14 Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church;

    and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

    15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up;

    and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. 16 Confess your

    faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The

    effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

    The prayer of faith has to do with submission. A key element in your ability to

    submit is to believe what Father has accomplished through the work of the cross.Are your pastors or elders leading you to greater understanding of whom you are

    and your relationship with God and the unity of the body (church)? You cannotreally exercise faith without submission to what Father has done, and to the office

    of those who are praying over you they have the authority of Father God and the

    Church to do just that minister healing to you.

    Next, you can have hands laid on you. The great commission is They shall lay

    hands on the sick and they shall recover. Hebrews 6:1-5 you can read that laying

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    on the hands is part of the foundation or doctrine of Christ and the Church; so the

    laying on of hands is very important and necessary. This is all to facilitate healing.

    After the laying on of hands, is the prayer of agreement. If you can find a prayer

    partner, it would be a great thing. Everyone needs to find somebody they can trust,that they can share their heart with and they will pray with them, and not tell

    anyone else, but they will be of those who will keep the need or problem tothemselves. Jesus said, If two of you agree as touching anything on earth, they

    shall ask, and it shall be done of my Father in heaven. Where two or three aregathered in the midst, there am I, in the midst of you. Agreeing with someone

    means that you come in the same heart and mind; so we need a prayer partner. In aChurch fellowship, everyone needs to find someone they have commonality with,

    and we need to pray with those people as well. Everyone should find at least oneperson in their local body that they can pray with, look to if they are discouraged or

    struggling and they can share with them and they would not condemn you, but praywith you, agree with you and not give up. We all need a prayer partner.

    If you could have relationship with one or two people like that, you would be

    blessed. Far too often we tell someone we will pray, and we pray one time andforget it. That is not standing in prayer with a person. Agreement and partnership

    is someone who will stay with you until it is through. That is the prayer ofagreement.

    Those methods are valuable and valid, and we thank God for them, but these last

    four, I want to give you are really where you begin to mature in healing and health.

    The first methods we have written about, are primarily for the beginner, and the

    intermediate stages of Christianity, although the prayer partner is something we

    need all of our Christian life.

    What will happen when one first comes to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus

    Christ, is they can have just about anybody lay hands on them for what ever theyneed, but after a while it stops. Why, because Father God wants them to learn to

    believe His Word for themselves. To depend on the intimate union He has withthem. Those methods would be for the beginning and the intermediate stages of

    walking with God in the realm of healing and health. These last four are for the

    more advanced or what we call people who have awakened to the Most Holy Place

    understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I believe that we can come into thesethings, and these things are very powerful.

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    In this Most Holy Place realm, first of all there is a need for fasting. Isaiah fifty-

    eight speaks of Gods chosen fast. Father God said, Now I have chosen a fast; youare fasting, but I Am is not going to hear you. You are fasting, but you are fasting

    for the wrong reason. Here is the deal, if you are fasting and Father does not

    honor it, all you are going to get, is hungry. You will also get a headache. At theend of that fast, you will not have anything to show for it, if it is not the fast of


    Isaiah 58:7 Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the

    poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou

    cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh?

    Isaiah 58, deals with Father Gods chosen fast; He said, I have chosen this fastand this fast is where you honor, serve, bless others, and you do not hide from your

    own flesh.

    Isaiah 58:8 Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health

    shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the

    glory of the LORD shall be thy re-reward.

    In Isaiah 58, the word fast means to shut your mouth, cover your mouth, or to stopspeaking; when we come to the cross and shut our mouth. Isaiah 52, The kings of

    the earth shut their mouth. That is Gods chosen fast; to see the finished work of

    Christ, stop the carnal speech, and let the truth of the redemptive work of Jesus

    Christ speak for you. There is still fasting for your body, but you have to learn todo that by faith. Most people when they try to fast, they first of all, are not led by

    the Spirit, and secondly, they do not operate in any faith what so ever. They aretrying to get God to do something, because of their fasting. Fasting is valid when

    you are led by the Spirit of God to do so. Fasting is valid when you operate in

    faith. Just doing without food, thinking you are going to move God will fail; youare only going on a hunger strike. No one has ever moved God by not eating.

    A Spirit led fast is good; it is shutting down the systems of the body, so you can

    believe God for the systems of the spirit to operate more fully. Your body is a drainon the generator of your spirit. It takes energy out of your spirit to keep your body

    alive. When you put your self in that position of fasting, with faith, you are asking

    God to take the generator and to build the power of the spirit with the renewing

    mind, and you are asking and believing Father God that there will be no drain onyour spirit, and that you minimize fleshly activity. If you fast, then you are not

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    going to be able to watch T.V. and fast, because every other minute they are

    showing you a food commercial, many illicit pictures, and you would not make it.

    Thy health will spring forth speedily. If I needed healing, I might take a look at

    Isaiah fifty eight and say, God I have some things that are not working right in mybody, is Isaiah fifty eight the method you want to use in my life? Then pray about

    that and listen to Fathers Holy Spirits voice in you. God said if you do this theway I tell you, then your health will spring forth speedily. But we can also look at

    Isaiah fifty eight and glean some vital instruction that will enable us to begin tolive the divine (no need realm) life.

    Isaiah 58:6 Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of

    wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and

    that ye break every yoke? 7 Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that

    thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked,that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh? 8

    Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring

    forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of theLORD shall be thy re-reward (recovery back from that state of a selfish life

    you have gone into)). 9 Then shalt thou call, and the LORD shall answer; thou

    shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am. If thou take away from the midst of

    thee the yoke, the putting forth of the finger, and speaking vanity; 10 And if

    thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall

    thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noonday: 11 And the

    LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make

    fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of

    water, whose waters fail not. 12 And they that shall be of thee shall build the

    old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and

    thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell

    in. 13 If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on

    my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD,

    honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding

    thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: 14 Then shalt thou delight

    thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of theearth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the

    LORD hath spoken it.

    Father is telling the children of Israel, and all ages to come, if they will turn back toHim, and be a blessing to others, rather than consuming all they have for

    themselves. Then He will recover them, from the results of living a selfish life, and

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    bring them back to the state of living, moving and having their being in Him,

    which includes spiritual, physical, mental, social and financial health.

    The next method God uses is for you to open your Bible, pray and believe Gods

    Word for yourself.

    2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman thatneedeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. KJV

    It is a wonderful thing for a person to be able to open the Bible and take a Scripture

    like Mark 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, whenye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

    Father I desire to be healed, and well in my body. Father, I believe I receive my

    healing from the top of my head to the sole of my feet and to the end of my fingers.I just thank you; you said I shall receive them, so I receive my desire. Thank you

    Father your Word is true and does not lie.

    We need to learn to be able to pray for our self. At some point in your Christianexperience, Father wants you to be the one laying hands on people, not having

    hands laid on you. Father wants you, to be part of that eldership that can pray overpeople, instead of you being under them, being prayed for. At some point He wants

    you to learn to be the strong one. It does not mean we will never agree with you in

    prayer for your life; but if you will be the one who prays for others and blesses

    others with all you have, then most likely the prayer we will be praying for you is

    for the ability to minister in all boldness that you may speak Fathers Word

    with authority and knowledge, and the stretch forth thine hand to heal; and

    that signs and wonders may be done by the nature of the inChristed life

    within you.

    And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled

    together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the

    word of God with boldness. And the multitude of them that believed were of

    one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the thingswhich he possessed was his own; but they had all things common. And with

    great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus:

    and great grace was upon them all. Neither was there any among them that

    lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and

    brought the prices of the things that were sold, And laid them down at the

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    apostles' feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had

    need. [Acts 4:29-35]

    Why have we moved so far from that which the original Church functioned out of?

    RE (Bind) LIGION (Hold Back) has damaged the Church severally; but it is nottoo late. Most of the Church world is in Critical Condition in their mind and body;

    but with Father God, there is nothing terminal, and He wants to be our reward tobring us back to His intended purpose for mankind.

    Father wants you to come around to the other side of the altar and start seeing

    yourself on that side, doing the ministry, instead of getting ministered to. That iswhat God is saying in Isaiah fifty eight. Most Christians never get past seeing

    themselves on the side of the altar where they need to be prayed for.

    He wants you to see yourself as being able to minister to others, the Gospel ofJesus Christ, and to be able to minister healing, health and strength, and also give

    of your time, talent and your finances liberally. Thank God I can pray and believe

    God for myself. You can do that. You can open your Bible, and Father God loves

    you just as much as He does any preacher or teacher. Father Gods Word is thesame to you as it is anybody else. It is of grace that it might be of faith. He spoke

    to His seed, to Christ, and He spoke to you. When He made promises like, John15:4 If you abide in me, and my Words abide in you, ask what you will, it

    shall be done unto you, you can take that Word, believe it and pray for yourself.

    Some of the greatest joy you will ever know is when you believe God for yourselfand then becoming the true priest that you have been called to be. There will be

    meat in your house, and you will live out of the meat(life) that most people haveno idea of. Meat (the result of feeding of Jesus Crucified and Resurrected) in your

    house is your true source when your house becomes full of that, you would not

    think about money for yourself; healing for yourself, and the social realm willcome into divine order because people will want to be around you. There will be a

    great demand on the seed within you.

    Another method Father God has is when He begins to show you the needs ofothers, to pray for their healing, health and strength. God will always cause you to

    move away from being self centered. Whatever you start seeking in the Kingdom,

    usually starts moving away from you. He never told you to seek things in the

    Kingdom, but to seek the Kingdom (righteousness, peace and joy) itself. If youstart seeking a miracle, usually that miracle starts fleeing from you. The way to

    draw things that you need to you is to release for others. It is Gods way. If you

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    have a problem, sickness, disease, or whatever, seek out others with the same

    problem and start ministering to them and standing on their behalf.

    I will put it in a simple term. What God uses you to make happen for others, then

    God will use others to make happen for you, and what a friend of mine namedVicki Rust told our Church is true too; What Father God can get through you, He

    can bring to you. So, if you need healing, it might be wise to find others who needhealing and pray over them. What happens so often is when we seek Father for our

    need, we get so need minded, that we forget to be seedminded. In a need mindset,what we are seeking, starts moving away. You can be so self-centered and so self-

    conscience about your need, you will say, Pray for that person? Who is going topray for me? Then it starts moving away from you.

    If you have a condition in your body that is out of order, find some other people

    who have that condition, and make it your focus to pray, believe and thank God forhealing to manifest in them.

    James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that

    ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth


    Pray NT:4336 proseuchomai (pros-yoo'-khom-ahee); from NT:4314 and NT:2172;

    to pray to God, i.e. supplicate, worship:

    KJV - pray (X earnestly, for), make prayer.

    NT:4314 pros (pros); a strengthened form of NT:4253; a preposition of direction;

    forward to, i.e. toward (with the genitive case the side of, i.e. pertaining to; withthe dative case by the side of, i.e. near to; usually with the accusative case the

    place, time, occasion, or respect, which is the destination of the relation, i.e.

    whither or for which it is predicated):

    KJV - about, according to against, among, at, because of, before, between,([where-]) by, for, X at thy house, in, for intent, nigh unto, of, which pertain to,

    that, to (the end that), X together, to ([you]) -ward, unto, with (-in). In comparisonit denotes essentially the same applications, namely, motion towards, accession to,

    or nearness at.

    NT:4253 pro (pro); a primary preposition; "fore", i.e. in front of, prior(figuratively, superior) to:

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    KJV - above, ago, before, or ever. In comparison it retains the same significations.(Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary.

    Copyright (c) 1994, Biblesoft and International Bible Translators, Inc.)

    Worship (meaning seek to know and perceive) God and be in agreement with Him.

    If Father said with His stripes we are healed, then believe.

    There is enormous power in the Church, when the Church moves away from being

    self-centered, into being servant minded. Therefore, if you have a need in yourbody, you start praying over others. If your need is hindering you, pray over others.

    Help lead others to an infinite awareness of what is true of them because of theoperation of Father through the cross. There is great power in this. Seed the life of

    others, with what you need yourself. If you believe God for your child that hasdrifted away, find someone else who has the same problem and begin to pray over

    their child. Spend more time in prayer for their child then you do your own, andtrust Father God. Many times when you start seeking things, it is easy to become

    self-centered and selfish; when you do that in the Kingdom, things start movingaway from you. Father Gods way is to give! He had a need and that was

    fellowship with fallen humanity, so He gave His Son to redeem His children. WeHis church (body) are in union with Him, we are the Sons of God. Until we know,

    understand and accept that fact, we will be of little use to ourselves or others.

    Gods method of healing is that we pray one for another that we might know when

    our healing took place. We want all this to work in the body, because we need to

    image Father God in this temple that we are and on planet earth; to do that, weneed a body that is whole spirit, soul and body.

    The last one is found in Isaiah 57; this method is praise and thanksgiving.

    Isaiah 57:19 I create the fruit of the lips; Peace, peace to him that is far off,

    and to him that is near, saith the LORD; and I will heal him.

    There are two applications here. First of all, that Father God creates the fruit. God

    is the creator of all blessing that you are praising Him for. Also the inChristed,

    powerful life in you, takes what comes out of your mouth, and uses that substance

    called faith, to release, create and to manifest things in your life. Now faith is thesubstances of things hoped for; evidence of things not seen. [Hebrews 11:1]

    In this verses Paul was talking about having faith for now, not something in thefuture or a pie in the sky faith. I am tired of hearing people say, Gods going to

    heal me someday; that is not NOW FAITH.

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    What is the fruit of the lips?

    Hebrews 13:15 By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God

    continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.

    Father God uses our praise and thanksgiving, the substance of our praise andthanksgiving, to bring about manifestation and His release of creative power.

    Colossians 2:6 As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye

    in him: 7 Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have

    been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.

    Praise and thanksgiving, genders and creates an atmosphere for release and

    manifestation. I create the fruit of the lips. I have learned this and tested it timeand time again. What ever you are willing to thank and praise God for, will gender

    faith in you, and it will also create an atmosphere that genders manifestation. I

    have learned this through finances, healing and through problems I have had in my

    own life, and many other areas. I had two moles on my left forearm that weregrowing and had flakey skin around them. They bothered me and kept getting

    bigger. Fathers Holy Spirit prompted me to start cursing the root of them, andthanking God that they were leaving my body. They went away shortly, and ten

    years later they are still gone.

    Healing belongs to Gods children, and there has been tremendous teaching on thissubject available to the body of Christ. E. W. Kenyon wrote, Jesus the healer, and

    He recommend F. S. Bosworth who wrote, Christ the healer, and they are bothclassics on healing. Many great writers have written on and have experienced

    healing. We have plenty to go on today, and we have the written Word, as well as

    Fathers Holy Ghost to lead us, guide us and teach us. We just need to learn to givethanks for our healing that is already ours. How long do we do that? We give

    thanks until we are healed, and then learn to give thanks for our health we have.Do not wait to give thanks until you need something. Live a life of thanksgiving. If

    you are not experiencing something that is yours in Christ, then begin to thank Godfor it.

    Thank you Father my needs are meet. God never changes His mind and His Word

    said, My God shall meet all your need according to His riches in glory. He doesnot ever change His mind, so there is not any need for us to change our mind. We

    will just live a life of thanksgiving, and I thank God that all of our needs are meet.

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    I thank God that there are people coming to this place of fellowship, to feed on the

    Gospel. I thank you God that fellowships preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, arebeing filled with hungry people. I thank you that the lost and hungry are coming in.

    I thank you that you are renewing our minds and causing us to see Jesus Christ. I

    thank you Father that healing, health and strength is manifesting in fullness to myChurch family here, our sister Churches and our new fellowship Church, Tree of

    Life Ministries in New Paltz, NY, and those we fellowship with on the internet.Thank you that the world is turning to you for their life, and accepting your gift of

    Zoe life (Salvation).

    Father Gods greatest desire is for you to trust Him. The greatest trust is when youcan praise and thank Him; in spite of whatever the traducing action is in your life

    sickness, poverty or anything else that is a hindrance of Fathers intended purposefor you. Let us start thanking Father God that we are the healed of the Lord. The

    Word of God is stronger than any physical evidence, or any report of man. Godwill take what comes out of your mouth and make realty out of what you are

    saying. He is creating, through your lips.

    Thank you Father for salvation, for your nature and your image; thank you forcircumstances that change and situations that turn around. Thank you for victory

    and that the gifts of the Spirit are operating in your Church in a new way. Thankyou there is a restoration of the elders, praying over the sick. There are going to be

    prayer partners coming forth and you are giving revelation to us of Isaiah fifty

    eight, which will cause us to start moving toward the needs of others; thank you

    Father that you are showing us how to praise and bless you, thus being able tostand in the face of opposition.

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    MistakesMadeConcerningHeaingChapter Two

    We want to make sure we are always moving in the Spirit. We do not want to becareless or religious. We are not an organized religion in this house; we are open to

    Father God in His Spirit, His Word, His truth and His will. We are nodenomination and yet, we are all denominations (inter-denominational). Father has

    never, nor will He ever, divide His children, all are one in and of Him. No matter

    what one thinks they are; they are united because the world and its inhabitance areof one body, His. There are some things that Father is saying to the Church, that

    we all need to hear and heed to. We are in a very unique time at our ministry; it isa different time. We are in our sixteenth year now and I can look over these pastsixteen years and say that it has been in most parts, very good.

    My wife and I desire this to be a place we can plant for the rest of our life. Ibelieve God has given us this fellowship for this purpose. I have begun to see in

    this Church, the heart, the desire, and the direction that I feel Father has given us.However, there are still some who have not come onboard with the vision yet, on

    the other hand, I think that will always be; because it takes time for the soul of

    man, to relinquish its will to Fathers Holy Spirit. I feel like we have come together

    around the same goal and that Father is building the house and we want to be partof His building process. Many of you are going to have an active role in this housein months and years to come. I am thankful for what God is doing in this local

    body. We are not divided, angry, or fighting and I can see a real desire and hungerfor more, in many of you.

    In this chapter, we are going to look at mistakes people make, concerning healing,

    health, and strength. As a Pastor, I have seen a lot of people make mistakes, andsome mistakes are more costly than others. There are some mistakes you can

    make, that are injurious to your life, even in some cases, will ruin your life; it will

    take Father God to put it back together again. Paul wrote to the Church of Corinth,concerning the partaking of the communion elements, which pictured feeding onthe bread and wine of the Gospel. Let us read what he wrote in 1 Corinthians

    11:29 For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh

    damnation to himself, not discerning the body. 30 For this cause many areweak and sickly among you, and many sleep. KJV Lords was added by theinterpreter, to verse twenty-nine, and should not be there.

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    He stated that eating and drinking the elements, or actually dissecting the

    revelation of Jesus Christ and discerning the individual members of the body ofChrist, in an unworthily (an adverb "that" modifies the action, not the actor)

    manner will cause a person to be weak, sick and die needlessly. The only way one

    can partake of Christ the head and Christ the body unworthily is by not believing.If you come to the table without faith, you are partaking of the Lords Table

    unworthily. If you refuse to gather together with inChristed Sons of God, refuse toenter into relationship with them, and you are not receiving from either Father God

    or His Sons, you will suffer. The only thing God demands when you come to thetable, gathering together and feeding on His Word is to believe in Fathers

    operation at the cross. He that cometh to God must believe that He is and that

    He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6 KJV

    Preachers have demanded that people clean up their life. If a person could clean uptheir life, they would not have needed a savior. Mankind is powerless to clean up

    their life apart from the help of Fathers Holy Spirit teaching them, and a MostHoly Place Priest ministering the bread and wine of the Gospel to them. The

    preaching of the Gospel is the power to make man whole change them into theimage of Father God. He did not empower man to clean up their life; He came into

    mans life, to do what they could not do for themselves. He saved us from sin in

    the new birth; now He is saving us from sin (mark missing) today. There is and

    was only one sin, that of unbelief. So, apart from faith, we partake unworthily. Wemust put faith in what Father God has done, and one cannot do that, until they

    know what He has done, and then we must connect with the many-membered

    inChristed Sons of God, minister to and draw from them. The key is to do moreministering to, rather than drawing from others. Once a person grows up, they

    learn they are to be a giver not a taker. Jesus said, It is better to give than to

    receive, and He pictured that in His entire earth walk, and in His redemptivework.

    Then he says, you eat and drink judgment to yourself, and the judgment is that thetable has no affect. The most powerful thing that Father God has ever done is then

    rendered inoperative and powerless for the person who does not take it for the fullweight. The communion of God (death, burial, and resurrection) only works by

    what you believe. It cannot work apart from faith, because Father God designed itthat way.

    Father God did this awesome thing, an incredible work that will take eons and agesto expound the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. If I come to the table

    without faith, I am in a position, where Father Gods greatest work will not benefitme. We are not required to stay away from the table because we have missed the

    mark; the blood is on the table for everyone, anytime. I have heard preachers say,

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    If you have sinned, you better not take communion. I tell people, "If you have

    sinned, come on, you better take communion." God is not afraid of our missing themark (that is what sin is) because He has already dealt with all manner of what the

    Church calls sin. The one thing that you need to be fearful of is unbelief; come

    believing. We have all missed the mark, but we at Tree of Life MinistriesInternational and Destiny Life Center are going to keep on believing to the makingwhole, our souls and our body.

    Hebrews 10:38 Now the just (righteous) shall live by the truthfulness of

    Father God and by living and moving and having their being from the life of

    God that resides within their spirit: but if any man draw back and refuse to

    live out of their reborn spirit, My spirit shall not be able to work in him. 39

    But we are not of them who draw back and waste their life and die; but of

    them that believe to saving of the mind, will, intellect and the emotions.RMHPV

    If we have to come to the table based upon our worthiness, we better sit down and

    shut up. It is not because of us; we need to learn what grace and mercy is all about.There is one Righteous man, and He is Jesus Christ/Holy Spirit/Father, and the

    Real Good News is that all were drawn into Him in the Garden of Gethsemane,and all were made righteous in Him, in His resurrection. That is grace and mercy!

    However, the Apostle Paul wrote, For this cause, many are weak and sicklyamong you and many sleep. The Amplified translation of that states, The

    careless and unworthy participation is the reason many of you are weak and sickly,and many of you have fallen into the sleep of death." Here is the mistake the

    Corinthian Church was making. They were coming to the table in a mannerwithout faith. They were coming for many different reasons. We want the student

    to see that there are mistakes anyone can make. Here, it was costing them theirhealth, and even some of them, their life. He said "You are dying prematurely," so

    there are some mistakes you can make that can cause you to become sick, keep yousick, and eventually your life to be shorted. I want to help you, to not make those

    mistakes by dealing with three of those mistakes.

    Number one: The first mistake is, most Christians never sit down with their Bible,

    open it for themselves, and ask Father God to teach them how to be well, spirit,

    soul, and body. I am talking about just you and Father alone; just you allowingHim to teach you.

    The Scripture we read, in the beginning of this chapter, said they were discerning

    what Jesus had done by receiving the revelation of His all inclusive work. You alsoneed to discern what is in your spirit, your soul, and discern the many- membered

    inChristed body; all three needs to be discerned, not just one dimension. The Lord

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    was made sin, with humanities transgressions. We all need to discern that by the

    Spirit. That is done by you allowing Father God, to give you the spirit of wisdomand revelation in the knowledge of Jesus Christ; that your eyes would be flooded

    with understanding (light). The Lords soul was made sorrowful and painfullyaware of the curse through the transgression or the fall of mankind.

    If you need help in the mental realm, with your emotions or your conscience, you

    have to discern the Lords soul and see that he bore what you might be struggling

    with. You need to go back and find out what happened to His soul on the cross.Jesus said, My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even unto death. Something

    happened in His soul that will affect you. Jesus identified with the curse in Hissoul, so that you can identify with His peace in your soul. Most Christians never sitdown and ask Father to teach them to be well.

    Let us look at some verses that reveal the need for this.

    John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father willsend in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your

    remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. KJV

    Fathers Holy Spirit is with us and in us, to show us the things (CDBQRS) of

    Jesus redemptive work. He uses the five-fold ministry to do that, nevertheless Hewill also teach you, if you will give Him your time in study, meditation and

    worship. He will teach you all things; nothing held back. It is all revealed fromglory to glory we must allow Him to teach us where we are at, in our spiritual

    maturity level do not expect to understand it all, now. The truth is most could not

    bare it all; in the mental state they are currently in.John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you

    into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear,

    that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. KJV

    Who is truth? John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and thelife: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. KJV It should be needless to

    point out, many, particularly in the Charismatic realm, do not understand that the

    Holy Spirits primary purpose is to teach us of Jesus Christ and His redemptivework, and who we are in Him. (See my book on the Primary Purpose of the Holy

    Spirit, at

    2 Timothy 2:7 Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in

    all things.

    I know I often have pointed this out in my writings, but most of the time when you

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    see the word things in Pauls writings, he is writing about the six aspects of

    Jesus redemptive work, which are crucified, died, buried and quickened, raisedand seated. Fathers Holy Spirit gives us understanding in all of those vital steps.

    They all work together as a system in our understanding and not one can be left

    out. Crucifixion was the method of punishment that would result in the deathappointed unto man, buried was the way of doing away with the condition of the

    old man (spiritual death) (Hebrew 9:27), and the quickened (made alive) is whatFather did to the brand new man He recreated in the tomb, raised is man being

    raised out of the pit that Adams disobedience dragged all mankind into (death,hell and the grave of spiritual death), then seated is the position of rest we all have

    with Father God presently (Hebrews 9:28).

    Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the

    judgment: 28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto

    them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto

    salvation. KJV

    I am so thankful that Father God loved His sons so much that He became one ofthem (Jesus the Son), emptied Himself out of all that He was, and bore the

    spiritual, mental, physical, social and financial death of all, as all and for all. ThenHe made all things new in the person of Jesus Christ, and we were all in Jesus

    when the operation of God took place, and was SUCCESFUL! That is our centralreason to worship Him, and only Him. People have been looking for a second

    coming, if they have not seen what Paul is talking about in Hebrew nine, they

    have already missed it. I would say they have been left behind, but they have

    not, because ALL were in Him in His death, burial and resurrection; however, theyare not experiencing the reality of His perfect masterpiece of redemption.

    1 John 2:20 But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all


    1 John 2:27 But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you,

    and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth

    you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye

    shall abide in him.

    John is talking in this section of his writing that we call chapter two, to Christians,but from him calling them little children they are not living up to what they have

    been taught. If you were to read the whole chapter, you would see John talks to

    fathers and little children; writes to them according to their maturity level. In verse

    twenty-seven, he tells the children (immature Christians/maturity level), that theChrist life abides in them and that they can hear from Fathers Holy Spirit. Paul

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    had taught them, and they have the Spirit of Truth in them, so it is time to grow up

    and live out of what they have learned and out of Father Gods life.

    Father God gave us His Holy Spirit as our Teacher, and He has given us gifts (the

    Five-Fold Ministry). His great desire is to teach and show us what He has alreadyprovided and what He has already purposed that He might bring that to pass in

    your life, through the working of faith in you. What He has done in Christ is apresent possession of us all, now.

    Father wants us well in spirit, soul and body, so we need to allow Him to teach us

    personally. He can teach you anything you need to know, if you will just sit downwith your Bible and ask Him to show you. He can, and is willing to teach you to

    do well and be profitable to all things, and be valuable in every area of your life.We can look at Isaiah 48:17 and find this; Thus saith the LORD, thy Redeemer,

    the Holy One of Israel; I am the LORD thy God which teacheth thee to profit,which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go. KJV (Emphasis mine)

    The word profit in this verse is the OT: 3276 Hebrew word, ya` al (yaw-al'); a

    primitive root; properly, to ascend; figuratively, to be valuable (objectively: useful,subjectively: benefited): KJV - X at all, set forward, can do good, (be, have) profit,


    If we will search His Word and spend time with Him, we will find out that Father

    is a willing teacher. He will not withhold from anyone who willingly seeks Him.

    He will assist us in the ascension life process. The more we learn of Him andJesus work, and the more we learn of who we are in Him, the higher we will rise

    up into living out of the spiritual realm we already reside in. The result will be, wehave ascended into our position of a priesthood who are valuable, useful, and

    profitable and do well (Cheribum); be a blessing to the whole creation.

    James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men

    liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. KJV

    The phrase upbraideth not means He is not stingy with His wisdom. I havepracticed Isaiah 48:17, for quite a while and He has shown me how to become

    useful to mankind. When I study, I depend on Him to lead and guide me, give me

    3(Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary.

    Copyright (c) 1994, Biblesoft and International Bible Translators, Inc.)

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    wisdom and knowledge, and show me truth. Giving and being profitable and good

    to others, comes out of a nature change. God shows me how to buy right and whereI should go to make good purchases, which helps me to profit in the financial

    realm. He leads me to the right stores, the right garage sales, and the right places

    that would cause me to profit. The best way to make money is to spend it correctly,make wise purchases. He shows me how to exhort people, and to love all mankind;

    that takes care of the social realm. He shows me the right spiritual food to feed on,which takes care of my soul, and then He also gives me wisdom as to how to take

    care of my body. His wisdom and knowledge takes care of every realm of life.

    Father God is not a father who does not want to teach. His people just do not wantto learn. I want to learn to be well. If you have a problem with the fruit of unbelief,

    you can sit down with your Bible and ask Father God to teach you how to live anovercoming life and overcome any aspects of not living in His perfect image. He

    will teach you, if you are willing and obedient, you surely will eat the good of theland. [Isaiah 1]

    Here was the problem with the Old Covenant Church; Hosea 4:6 My people are

    destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will

    also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten

    the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. KJV

    Hosea 11:7 And my people are bent to backsliding from me: though theycalled them to the most High, none at all would exalthim. KJV The translators

    added the word him to make you think this was talking about worshipping Father

    God; it was not. The word exalt is the OT Hebrew word 7311 ruwm (room); aprimitive root; to be high actively, to rise or raise:

    We still see the same problem in the New Covenant Church; many are not willing

    to rise up out of the dust realm they reside in; but the Good News is that Father

    will never reject thee. In fact, those who He rejected under the Old Covenant,was that they would not be a priest unto Him or the people they did benefit from

    Jesus redemptive work, but sadly never got to be His priest.

    Today, we still have a people who are rejecting the true knowledge of the Gospelof Jesus Christ, and they are still bent on staying in the dung of mens religion and

    traditions, even though they have heard the call of the Spirit and the Bride, to

    come. They refuse to come to the knowledge that would cause them to rise up to

    the spiritual realm, function out of that realm and be Priest of the Most High God.

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    There is nothing that we need or seek to know, that Father God is willing to

    withhold from us. If you have a wayward child, you can sit down and ask Father toteach you how to pray for that child; when you are willing to lay aside everything

    you think you know about praying for your child and listen to what He says.

    In the area of healing, health, and strength, God can teach you to be well. He will

    teach and give you wisdom on how to eat right and what you need to do to have ahealthy body. The television stations are already announcing that the flu season is

    coming. The prognosticators are already predicting that this is going to be anunusually difficult season for certain strains of viruses and colds. We need to say,

    Lord, will you teach me how to be well during the time the world calls the fluseason? I can promise you, having symptoms of the flu in your body is not a

    blessing; it is a curse. To be hot and cold at the same time and to have atemperature of 103 degrees, to sweat and feel like you are burning up, is not a

    blessing. You would not feel like going out and doing ministry, when you feel likethat.

    We need to stop and request of Father God, "Teach me to be well." That is the first

    mistake most Christian make. They do not ask Him. Consequently, in not askingHim, most Christians cannot tell you what they believe concerning healing, health,

    and strength. They could not tell you anymore than, Well, we believe in healing.What does that mean? My Pastor teaches on healing at our Church. I know your

    Pastor does, but what do you believe? If you cannot go to the Word and speak out

    what you believe, then you will never have any foundation to put your faith in.

    You will never have a foundation of faith beyond what you find from the Word for

    yourself. That is mistake number one and it is a large scale mistake. You can go toChurches all over America, who in their articles of faith make the statement, We

    believe that divine healing is provided for all in the Atonement, and yet you will

    find some of the sickest people you will ever find in all of your life. Yet theirdeclaration and tenant of faith says we believe healing is provided for all, but they

    cannot give you much Scripture concerning why they believe it.

    You can go to the government, doctors, welfare, social security, and every otherorganization the world has to offer; but if you will go to your Father, He will show

    you the way out of your problem. There is nothing that will help you like fasting,

    praying and studying Gods Word for healing, health, strength and anything else

    you are lacking. If we will just take the time to open the book and say, "Teachme", we would experience life and life more abundantly in all realms.

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    Consequently, mistake number two is that they have let others decide for them

    what to believe, also allowing what happens to others, affect their beliefs. I havehad people call me and say, Pastor, what do we believe about this or that?

    Because people do this, well-intended preachers got up and taught us things that

    were not scriptural, concerning divine healing, health, and strength. An examplewould be Job and Paul. We let good intentioned preachers with good hearts, form

    and build our foundation, for what we believe. Most of them did not really knowwhat they believed; therefore, we ended up with doctrines in the Church that they

    make up falsely from what tradition has taught concerning Job and Paul.

    People have studied the book of Job and have heard that everything God did toJob, He did so that God could at times do that to you. They think that God is

    always interested in testing and trying you, to find out what you are made of, yetPsalms 139:1-4 states, O LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me. Thou

    knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thoughtafar off. Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted

    with all my ways. For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thouknowest it altogether.

    Why would He have to test us, if He knows our thoughts before we think them, our

    steps before we take them and our words before we speak them? We have listenedto the wrong teachings, sometimes feeling they were wrong, yet we could not

    respond because we had no Word to stand on. We had not opened our Bible, to

    study the Word for ourselves.

    If you want to talk about the book of Job today, I would tell you, Job's name means

    man of sorrows'. The man of sorrows is not you, Jesus came; He was a man ofsorrows (Isaiah fifty-three). I would tell you that the book of Job is about a

    righteous man. By Gods own confession, Job was a perfect and an upright man.

    There is only one Man who could ever fulfill that and He is Jesus. Jesus is theperfect and upright man. What happened to Job? He received a punishment he did

    not deserve. He had things taken, stripped and removed from his life that he did notdeserve; He pictures what happened to Jesus.

    The book of Job is not about you; it is about Jesus. Jesus really is the one who

    fulfills the book of Job. I do believe there was a man named Job; I believe he

    suffered great heartache and sorrow. I would not want to go anywhere near the

    suffering Job went through. He had ten caskets come before him in one day, andthey were all filled with his children. It was horrible beyond imagination. Job

    foreshadowed the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is the man of sorrows.

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    When you study the book of Job, you ought to be looking for Jesus and not trying

    to find out a reason that you might be suffering or might have to suffer. Job wassmitten from the top of his head to the tip of his toes and to the end of his fingers,

    just like Jesus was smitten in the Garden of Gethsemane to the cross. The curse

    brings a man to where his body cannot function and that is what happened to Jesuson the cross. Jesus suffered, spirit, soul and body and that is the message of Job. It

    is not about you; it is about Jesus.

    Well, what about Pauls thorn in the flesh? Paul did not have a demon thatcame along side him and put a thorn in his flesh. Pauls thorn in flesh was the

    constant bombardment and constant tribulation that always tempted him to go backand trust his first birth. Read Philippians three and you will see that; If you have

    reason to boast in your flesh, we glorify God in Spirit, Paul said to the Church atCorinth, We have got nothing to boast of in flesh, no flesh shall glory in His

    presence. Paul said in Philippians three, "If you have got a reason to brag in yourflesh, I have got more." There was this constant temptation and buffeting, Paul

    was affected spiritually, mentally, and physically. He was not affected with

    sickness and disease. He was bitten by a snake and shipwrecked, and even stoned

    to death, but yet He kept on going like Timex Watches he took many lickingsand kept on ticking. The root of that buffeting was, he was tempted to trust his

    flesh (His religious upbringing or lineage).

    In order for Paul to turn to Jesus, he had to disdain and cut off his first birth. He

    said, "I am a Pharisee. I am a Hebrew of Hebrews. I am of the tribe of

    Benjamin. I was circumcised the eighth day, and I have kept the Law." In theireyes and standards, "I kept the Law" is what he was saying. He always had the

    temptation to trust his first birth, and he said that everything that comes of my firstbirth, I count it dung. What is dung? It is what is purged out of a man that is not

    useful or edifying to the body. I count it purged that I may win Christ.

    The Jews are taught that they are the seed of Abraham by their first birth and Paul

    said, "That would not work." This offended the Jewish religious people. Paul said,There is one Savior and you can only trust Him; He is the Seed of Abraham, and

    we are of Him and in Him. There is only one way to be made whole in spirit, souland body, and that is through Christ. Pauls constant temptation was to turn back

    to Judaism. To add to that, it was the Jewish people who stoned him. All he had to

    do to stop the stoning was to renounce Christ, but he would not do it. They just

    wanted him to mix the two beliefs. Paul had received revelation beyond measure,which gave him the ability to stand in the face of all they did to him. He knew it

    was only by Jesus Christ, that life was restored to man, and that through faith in

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    His work, man would be made whole. In Christ, the veil is taken away, but many

    men (no gender implied) today still have the veil over their faith.

    It was not an eye disease that was Pauls thorn in the flesh. In Acts 9:1-14 Pauls

    eyes were blinded by the glory of God. He was not blinded by sickness or disease,but by the glory of God, for three days. Hands were laid on him and God restored

    his sight. Do you think that if Paul had an eye problem after that, he would nowhave a basis, to believe God, for healing in his eyes? I would think so. I believe

    his infirmity was his first birth and he said, "Everything I count lost, to trustingChrist."

    We have been taught some things along the way, which were not true. I have

    taught some things in the past that were not correct. I did not purposefully set outto misguide; what I taught was what I understood to be true, at that time. As we

    grow, we learn and understand, therefore now I understand much more. What Iteach now comes through the redemptive thread of the cross. If it does not fit the

    revelation of Jesus Christ and His body, then I do not teach it or eat it.

    People say, "Amen" to almost anything that comes out of the mouth of a preacher;it is time we ask God, to show us the truth and have understanding of the Word

    ourselves. We should pray, God show us and teach us so that we can teachproperly ourselves. If we do not study the Bible for ourselves and get a foundation

    for what we believe, then we will not have a leg to stand on when problems come.

    It takes foundation.

    We have been taught by well meaning men and women, yet, what they taught was

    not truth; as they had not followed 2 Timothy 2:15.

    2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that

    needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. KJV

    If you can rightly divide the Word of God, then you can wrongly divide and teachit. Apollos in Acts 18, was a good man. He knew the Scripture but when Pricilla

    and Aquilla heard him, they pulled him aside and showed him Jesus from theScriptures, and what he learned, changed his message because he was not a man of


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    Mistake number three is found in Proverbs chapter 4.

    Proverbs 4:20 My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.

    21 Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.

    22 For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.


    The Hebrew word for health is "marpe". It means "soundness, pure, remedy and

    medicine". What is an inclined ear? It is an ear that listens upward. God'smedicine will not fail. The third mistake is mankind fails to take Gods medicine

    for them selves. No amount of prayer or lying on of hands will make up for takingGods medicine for your self. It is only through meditation on the Word, and

    putting faith in Him, that it will work in your life. Medicine must be takenaccording to the direction, in order for it to work. You can believe in healing all

    you want, but you must take the medicine. Believing in healing and taking themedicine are two different things. If you will take God's medicine, the faith will be

    there. You will know what to believe in.

    Do not just casually read your Bible; pay attention to it and listen to the Holy Spiritas you read. Do not read your Bible to make you fall asleep at night. Give

    attention. Incline your ear to the Word and to Gods prompting in your heart.

    Medicine takes time to work. You will give doctors all kinds of t

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