Page 1: Headteacher’s Remarks - Welcome to Nairobi Academy

Secondary Bulletin Vol. 4 Term 3, 2017

British/International, IGCSE, GCE A-Level, BTEC Level 3, Day and Boarding

Headteacher’s Remarks

It has been five weeks of school with many successes, challenges and opportunities. We

have children making progress in different aspects of their school life from academic

progress to extra skills in sports and other co-curricular activities.

Our focus this term continues to be Academic Achievement. Next week, students will sit

their half term tests and proceed for mid term break there after. We have shared the

Minimum Target Grades [MTGs] with each child, and we do encourage you to monitor

and track how your child performs against the MTGs.

Booster lessons continue in the morning for Sciences, and on Monday to Wednesday for

Mathematics and English. We encourage your child to attend these on their own volition

so as to consult with the teachers and help bridge any conceptual gaps that they might


Year 9 students have started their IGCSE subjects as we wait for Checkpoint results. This

will help teachers plan to cover the syllabus ahead of Year 11 Mock Examinations once

they reach that level and help realize better IGCSE attainment. Your input, that of the

teachers and your child's effort will go a long way in helping us realize our goal in Aca-

demic Achievement.

Before midterm break, we shall send you The Code of Conduct for your feedback and

views in our effort to making behaviour management clearer as well as our Clubs and

Societies booklet for an easier selection of co-curricular activities for your child. When

you receive these, kindly give us your feedback. Lastly, we have been having student

baraza meetings to get students’ views on the school and the areas we need to improve

on and would appreciate your candid feedback, opinion and suggestions as well.

Have a great weekend and feel free to pop in anytime for a chat. J. Karanja

TheNairobiAcademy @nairobiacademy

Page 2: Headteacher’s Remarks - Welcome to Nairobi Academy

It was a really good experience and we learnt a

lot. We went to The Kenya High School in

Kileleshwa. We met Her Excellency Jutta Frasch, the German am-

bassador to Kenya and she talked to us about how German has

become one of the greatest Modern Languages in Kenya. The

Director of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) al-

so talked to us about studying in Germany. He mentioned that

Education in German Universities is free even for foreign students.

The Director of the Goethe Institute told us how learning German

can benefit us in our future. After that, everyone sang the Ger-

man cultural festival anthem.

Thereafter, we put on our costumes and went to our stations. We

first started with year 8 then we went to the 7’s then the 9’s then

finale the 10’s. Even though some of the groups didn’t do it well,

we got Position 1 in the Year 7 and 8 cate-

gories and not only that, one of the con-

testants Zoie Ndonye won the Best Perform-

er and was given a scholarship by Goethe

Insitut. All in all, we enjoyed the event and

we thank Miss Zipporah Muli and the school

for giving us the opportunity to learn and

go for a German event.

John Mbii Musee


Page 3: Headteacher’s Remarks - Welcome to Nairobi Academy

Creativity is advancing not only in the creative writing aspect but is actively being en-

joyed in the media world. Why not create your own blog and share your interests with

your friends? On the 27th May, 2017, 8 Students and 2 teachers went out to Sagana Sav-

age Wilderness to experience the beauty of creative writing, blogging and film produc-

tion. This was a great learning experience. We left school at 7.30am and arrived at

around 10.00 am. As we waited for the other schools to arrive, we enjoyed nature and

the fresh air and space around. We also bonded with each other and most importantly

we shared an interactive time with would be host; Mr. Kinyanjui Kombani, an author of

The Last Villains of Molo among many other books he has written. He shared his passion

for writing and used the environment to explain how he started writing. This was narrated

in the story of ants. After the Rusinga School and Nova Academy arrived, we started the

workshop with ice breakers which led us into being divided in three groups. We were

mixed up which made the session more interactive as we learnt from each other. At the

end of the day, the myth that writing is hard was demystified, we learnt how to create

our own blogs and produced a film which we all enjoyed watching. We treasure this ex-

perience and urge more students to sign up next year! Hellen Achola 8B

Creative Writing Workshop

Once again Nairobi Academy was able to host a successful Coffee with the Counselor

event, this time with an expert panel. Parents had an opportunity to ask questions,

share their stories, insights and learn lots from the panel and each other. It was definitely

loud and clear, that parenting has to be intentional, we need to be involved in our

child's life, we need to communicate, it is okay to make mistakes and that we learn

with every passing day. Thank you for being deliberately involved in your child's life.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with questions/concerns/recommendations/comments. Shazma Mukri - School Counselor



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Page 4: Headteacher’s Remarks - Welcome to Nairobi Academy

Nairobi Stock Exchange Economics, Business Studies Trip

On Tuesday 30th May 2017, a group of 50 students made a trip to the Nairobi Securities

Exchange (NSE) in Westlands. The students were introduced to the Training and Develop-

ment Manager who provided them with a detailed history of the NSE in Kenya. The stu-

dents were given a 3hour training session on various stock exchange topics which fo-

cused on the stock exchange terminology, regulation of stock exchanges and broker-

dealers. It was interesting to know that Nairobi Securities exchange currently operates

solely through electronic trading even though it NSE has maintained a human compo-

nent. The students were so impressed by the serene, busy and exciting atmosphere with-

in the NSE environs and of the trading floor. It was also a good

opportunity for them to combine what they have learn from

class with what they saw in practice, which helps them better

understand how stock markets work.

The competitive swimming season came to a close during the KSF Nairobi Age Group

swimming Championship last weekend which saw six of our students post very good re-

sults. Amani Chege was finalist in 50M freestyle while Crystal Loyd was finalist in 50M

Breast stroke. Sherrly Agingu was 4th place in 100M Backstroke. Adil Ombati got a silver

medal in 50M Back and 3 bronze medals in 50m free,50M Breast stroke and 100 I.M re-

spectively. Stanley Ndezwa got 5 gold medals, 4 silver medals and one bronze medal.

He emerged first position in 14-15 years and he was awarded Victor Ludorum trophy.

The Under 15 Netball teams are training for the annual Netball tournament that will be

held next week. It will be a huge tournament that has attracted 20 teams. We are wish-

ing the teams all the best. The Under 15 Rugby team is also preparing for the St. Andrews

Turi tournament scheduled later in the term.

Next week’s fixtures







Sports Update

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