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Readathon 2016 Our Year 7 students were all very busy over the Easter holidays...not just eating chocolate...they all had their noses in books! Readathon is a terrific charity that raises money by reading. Each year, our Year 7 students embark on the challenge, seeking sponsorship from friends and family, to read as many books as possible. Sponsorship money is currently being handed in, with a deadline of Friday and Mrs Harrison is looking forward to seeing how close we get to last year’s staggering total of £1415.98. Following on from Readathon, some of our Year 7 students have been asked to review the books they read to make ‘Reading Bees’. Super Tutor Group points will be awarded for the tutor group returning the most reviews, and for the best review. There isn’t much room on the ‘bee’, so the review has to be carefully thought out. All reviews will be displayed outside the library around a ‘honeypot’, which will be designed by our Reprographics Technician Mr Cockshaw. Thank you and well done to all of you who took part.

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We welcomed our French visitors, from Coutances, to Ilkley on Friday 18th March. Our students had such a fantastic time on the French leg of the exchange that we had high hopes for this visit...and we weren't disappointed! Thank you to all of our host families who made our visitors feel so welcome, providing a home from home for the French students. The students enjoyed visits to York, Saltaire and the Bradford Media Museum and were treated to a trip to the home of the Beatles, taking in the Beatles Museum and the Maritime Museum in Liverpool. The visitors brushed up on their English by taking part in a PE lesson, delivered by Mr Carr, and spent an afternoon with three Post 16 guides on a walk on the Moor with that British and chips! The French Exchange is a real highlight on both the MFL and school calendar, not only a chance for students to practise their linguistic skills but often an opportunity to make a friend for life!

Mr Radcliffe

The Beatles’ Museum


Clifford’s Tower, York

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Year 11s To Remain On Site During Lunchtimes From September 2016 From September 2016, we will be in a position once again to accommodate all Year 11 students on site during lunchtimes, and so all Year 11 students will be required to remain on the school site during lunchtimes. This has become possible due to us bringing our catering service in house, as well as some planned changes to the social spaces available for Year 11 students, so that we have the capacity to cater for all students from Year 7-11.

Whilst we understand that students may feel this is a loss of privilege, this is not the intention – it means that we are better able to safeguard and supervise all students throughout the lunch break. This is a hugely positive step for the school, and we thank our catering team for supporting us with this initiative.

Post 16 Professional Dress Code For All New Students From September 2016 As was first communicated to prospective students and parents at the Post 16 Open Evening in November, Ilkley Grammar School is changing its Post 16 Dress Code for all new Post 16 students from September 2016.

Over the past few months, our current Post 16 dress code has been reviewed in partnership with IGS’s Post 16 student leadership group, with the aim of better reflecting the high expectations of Post 16 students at IGS who act as role models to all students at the school and within the community.

The student leadership team, along with the Post 16 and Senior Leadership Teams have worked on developing a dress code with the jointly agreed aim of creating a smarter, more professional look, to help foster a sense of pride, whilst still allowing opportunities for personalisation and affordability.

Tailored trousers/skirt/dress (grey/dark/subtle colour of choice)

Collared shirt/blouse/smart top (plain or subtle pattern/subtle colour of choice)

Smart, plain jumper/cardigan or a tailored jacket (grey/dark/subtle colour of choice)

Burgundy/black IGS post 16 tie or professional tie of choice (optional for girls)

Smart footwear in keeping with professional dress

Post 16 IGS identity lanyard. Final decisions on the appropriateness of any clothing (eg skirt length) will be at the discretion of the Head of Post 16/LT

The new dress code was presented to the elected whole school student council earlier last term for feedback, before being presented individually to Year 11 and external applicants during their recent Post 16 interviews.

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Managing Financial Constraints On Schools Parents and carers may be aware that funding for schools, especially those with 6th Forms, has been significantly reducing over recent years. At a very ‘crude’ financial level, this means that for a school like IGS, the average funding from central government’s Educational Funding Agency (EFA) per student has reduced by approximately £500 since 2011 (approximately £750k in total per annum).

This has been coupled with newly imposed increased costs, such as national pay awards, employer pension and national insurance contributions, and for a school the size of IGS this equates to additional costs per annum of approximately £300k.

The net impact therefore for a school such as IGS, is a reduction of approximately £1 million per annum compared to 5 years ago. Schools nationally therefore are finding it increasingly difficult to find ways in which they can balance their budgets, without having to make significant changes to how they are run.

The governors at IGS are aware of these extremely challenging constraints and continue to work with the school, as well as directly with the EFA, to try to find cost saving and income generation solutions to minimise any potential negative impact to the educational experiences we currently offer to our students.

Year 11 Study Leave Dates 2016 Study leave for Year 11 students this year will commence from 12.30 pm on Friday 20th May. Although we initially set the date for Study Leave this year as Friday 27th May, following feedback and discussions with a number of parents over recent days, we have now revised this date to Friday 20th May. This slightly later start date for study leave this year is in order to find a more appropriate balance between all students being able to access specialist teaching and revision right up to some of the early big exams, as well as allowing time for private study leave.

Year 11 lessons will continue up to Friday 20th May - attendance in all lessons until 12.30pm on this date is compulsory for all Year 11 students. For the week commencing 23rd May, through to Friday 27th May, all Year 11 lessons will continue to run for those students wishing to access specialist teaching or supervised revision, though this will be on a voluntary basis and any students preferring to study independently at home will be able to do so.

Once GCSE written exams have commenced, teachers will use their professional judgement to most appropriately utilise class time to assist students either with subject specific revision or, when there is an exam that afternoon or the following morning, allow students to conduct their own revision in preparation for this. After half term, from June 6th, there will be dedicated revision spaces in school, including the Library for impact revision, staffed by teachers, for students to continue to come into school if they wish to do so. This will again be on a voluntary basis, and students preferring to remain at home to study will be able to do so. Any students coming into school after half term, other than for an exam, should sign in and out at the library. The only exceptions to the above will be for a targeted group of students who would benefit from a more structured programme of revision in school throughout the examination period. Individual students who meet the criteria for this support will be spoken to directly about this in the coming weeks, and issued with a personalised revision timetable. Once students have completed their final exam, they are not expected in school until results day – Thursday 25th August 2016. N.B. The date for book returns to IGS will be confirmed in due course.

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Multi Academy Trusts (MATs) – IGS Is Exploring More Formal School Partnership Working Many of you will have seen or heard in the news over recent weeks that the government has extended its plans for academising schools (through the publication of its most recent White Paper – ‘Educational Excellence Everywhere’), where the intention is that every school becomes an academy by 2020, with most schools working formally in partnership with other schools by forming or joining MATs (Multi Academy Trusts). Ilkley Grammar School, as a leading school in the region, and an established academy of almost 5 years, has been looking at how we can develop our partnership working more formally with other local schools for several months already. This has been steered through a governors’ strategy group that has focused on exploring and assessing the possible options available in the local and wider area, working closely with other interested schools’ headteachers and governing bodies. Having reviewed the opportunities of partnership working, alongside the future potential benefits that a MAT could bring to IGS and its students and community (see below), IGS’s Board of Governors has approved that the school should now look to apply to become a Multi Academy Trust, with the intention to work formally with both primary and secondary schools over the coming months and years. The focus for our intended partnership working initially would be with schools in the local area that share our vision, ethos and values, and we are delighted to say that we will be working on the early stages of our application with Bingley Grammar School. In addition, we will be exploring the possible early involvement of other local schools, and will work with schools and their governing bodies over the coming weeks before finalising our application. There are a number of key benefits that we believe more formal working through a MAT would bring to IGS and its students, including: • a better and broader overall experience, for example as a result of benefitting from the sharing of best

practice across multiple schools, including high quality staff development • even more varied enrichment opportunities for students • greater community involvement and influence • enhanced governance, leadership and oversight for all schools involved • economic benefits through centralised costs, which will help allow us to minimise the impact of budget

reductions on staffing and the curriculum, for example by continuing to be able to offer a wide range of A Level subjects

• increased and flexible staffing resources where specialisms and experience can be shared across schools • a greater range of career progression opportunities for all staff in order to help retain good staff who

might otherwise move on Although becoming part of a MAT would mean that the formal, legal status of all schools involved would change, with an overarching Board of Directors overseeing the strategy for the whole of the trust, all schools would still retain their unique characteristics and identity, with their own local governing bodies overseeing the operational running of their schools. For example, IGS’s admissions criteria would not change if we became a MAT.

We hope you will agree that this is a very exciting new phase for IGS, and we are aware that there will no doubt be questions from our parents and community who will want to better understand the implications of any potential change to our school and its students. With this in mind we will hold a MAT information evening later this term (date to be confirmed), to talk through more of the details, as well as to answer any questions that parents may have.

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Introduction of Personal Best Time (PBT) From September 2016, we will be introducing an additional ‘Personal Best Time’ (PBT) lesson once per fortnight (see details about timings for the school day below). This will focus on a wider programme of academic and pastoral support for students, along with further personal development and enrichment opportunities, by building on our ‘Personal Best’ (PB) philosophy. This will be a unique element of the IGS experience for our students, where as well as supporting them to achieve their best academic results, we want to invest dedicated time to enhance the development of students’ personal skills. This bespoke new programme will include opportunities for enhanced student leadership, mentoring programmes and ‘vertical’ learning opportunities across Year 7-13, with a focus on developing students’ range of life skills outside of subject specialisms through our IGS ‘values’. The PBT programme is the main vehicle by which we will validate our new vision and values to help build students’ character and resilience, as well as increasing their knowledge and understanding of current affairs and the wider global world, in which they will build their future careers.

We are very excited about this new venture and are currently looking at ways in which we can ‘accredit’ the transferable soft skills that students will develop in PBT, through working with local and regional business partners and industry. Our aim is that this programme will not only be a very enjoyable part of students’ educational experience at IGS, but will also give IGS students an extra edge in what is an increasingly competitive world of higher education and work.

Normal School Day Wednesday (Week A) Every alternate Wednesday starting 7th September

Time Activity Duration Time Activity Duration

8.30 Check In 10 mins 8.30 Extended Tutor Time (PBT) 25 mins

8.40 Period 1 50 mins 8.55 Period 1 50 mins

9.30 Period 2 55 mins 9.45 Period 2 55 mins

10.25 Break 20 mins 10.40 Break 20 mins

10.45 Period 3 50 mins 11.00 Period 3 50 mins

11.35 Period 4 55 mins 11.50 Period 4 55 mins

12.30 Lunch 55 mins 12.45 Lunch 55 mins

1.25 Period 5 50 mins 1.40 Period 5 50 mins

2.15 Period 6 Personal Best Time (PBT) Wednesday Week B

50 mins 2.30 End of School day for students. (Staff CPD)

3.05 End of school day

PBT also intends to support our students to make a ‘positive difference’ to the lives of others whilst studying with us at IGS, through work with charities and the local and wider community; something that we hope will continue into their adult lives once they’ve moved on from IGS.

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Anyone for Table Tennis? This week our students have ben able to take advantage of our new table tennis tables, funded by the PTA, that have recently been installed in the Year 8/9 social area.

Up to four Year 8/9 students per table will be able to use these each day at lunchtime in 20 minute slots: 12.40pm -1pm and 1pm-1.20pm.

Tables will be allocated by student lunchtime supervisors on a first-come-first-served basis.

In order to receive a set of bats and a ball, one student must take overall responsibility and write down their name. They will need to leave a mobile phone as a deposit which will be returned when all items are handed back in.

Broken balls can be replaced for 20p each. If demand is high a booking system will be

set up.

These facilities are valuable and need to be looked after. Students have been reminded that if behaviour of groups or individuals in the Year 8/9 area is not considered appropriate, or if litter levels remain high then this privilege will be removed. Watch this space for the staff/student table tennis tournament this summer!

Big Book Challenge 2016 On March 23rd 2016, a group of Year 7 students attended the inaugural Red Kite Big Book Challenge at Harrogate Grammar School. The event consisted of a giant quiz – several rounds of questions and activities based on books and literature, all prepared and written by librarians in the Red Kite Alliance. Twelve schools attended, including primaries, each fielded teams of six players. Although not winners, our team did very well, and everyone enjoyed themselves. Alex Mallinson (7AWD) commented on the day, ‘It was incredible. The number of people who came was amazing, the competition was so much fun and all the team enjoyed it. The questions were great and it was fun to do. Thank you to the teachers who took us to the competition’.

The IGS team with Gez Walsh, compere for the day and international performance poet.

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Medicines in School At Ilkley Grammar School we encourage all students to attend school regularly and we aim to support all students irrespective of their individual needs.

The administration of medication to children remains the responsibility of the parent or those with parental responsibility. Medication should only be taken to school when absolutely essential and with the agreement of the school. Some students are subject to Healthcare Plans through the school nursing team and the school are involved in this process.

Where possible, it is preferable for medicines to be prescribed in frequencies that allow the student to take them outside of school hours. If this is not possible, prior to staff members administering any medication, the parents/carers of the child must complete and sign a parental agreement for a school to administer medicine template/form.

Please see our website for further details

If you have any questions please contact Andy Calvert.

You Click...We Collect! Did you know that whenever you buy anything online - from your weekly shop to your annual holiday - you could be raising a free donation for Ilkley Grammar School’s PTA? There are nearly 3,000 retailers on board ready to make a donation, including Amazon, John Lewis, Aviva, thetrainline and Sainsbury's – it doesn't cost you a penny extra!

It's really simple, all you have to do is:

1. Join. Head to and sign up for free.

2. Shop. Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first, pick the retailer you want and start shopping.

3. Raise. After you’ve checked out, that retailer will make a donation to your good cause for no extra cost whatsoever!

There are no catches or hidden charges and Ilkley Grammar School PTA will be really grateful for your donations. Thank you for your support.

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Vaccination Schedule Over the next month, the school nursing team will be in school immunising Years 8, 9 and 11 in a series of vaccinations.

Please be aware, students must return their consent slip before their injection date.

Not Playing Fair You may have seen an article in last week's Ilkley Gazette, which reported that parents who visit the playpark in the Riverside Gardens were saddened by vandalism to a slide. There were also reports of broken glass and discarded cans and bottles at the popular visitor spot, which are all hazardous for small children playing in the area. People living near to the park have complained to police about late-night drinking and anti-social behaviour in the park and the vandalism is being seen as an escalation of this. We would hope that none of our students are or have been involved in such anti social behaviour and we will be working closely with the recently-formed Ilkley Community Alcohol Partnership (CAP) in addressing the problem.

Date Year Students Involved Vaccination

Friday 22nd April 8 Girls HPV

Wednesday 4th May 11 All Meningitis

Thursday 26th May 9 All HPV Booster

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Well done to Ollie Hopkinson Cook (12PPB), Matt Sykes (12AJK), Michael Moore (13PC) and Alex Johnson (12LCM) who as part of the Ben Rhydding U18s hockey team sealed a fantastic 2-1 win against City of Peterborough U18s in front of a large home crowd on 3rd April.

Although Peterborough had most of the possession in the first half, some brilliant defensive play from the team kept the half time score at 0-0. Goalie Alex was outstanding once again, this time saving 12 penalty corners!

In the second half, the Ben Rhydding team settled down and went ahead 2-0 with a converted corner, followed by a screamer of a shot in open play. Peterborough managed to pull one back, but were unable to score again in the final tense few minutes. The team now head to Lee Valley Olympic Park for the England Hockey National Final against Surbiton HC on May 2nd. The boys were extremely grateful to all the supporters who turned out for the last game; anyone wishing to purchase tickets for the final can check out Best of luck boys!

Congratulations and good luck to Kate Hodsman (11BJS) and her rowing partner Izzy Harris who have been selected to row for Yorkshire at the Inter-Regional Regatta, next weekend, at Holme Pierrepoint, Nottingham.

Ollie Hopkinson-Cook Matt Sykes Alex Johnson Michael Moore

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Congratulations to Lucy Tarring (7GS/JMP) who has been selected for the West Yorkshire Under 12 Development Hockey Team following recent trials. Lucy plays for Ben Rhydding Hockey Club under 12 team.

Leeds and District Swimming Results Well done to all those students who took part in the Leeds and district swimming heats. We finished first out of both heats on 287 points, finishing 3 points ahead of Ripon Grammar. We now compete against the same schools in the finals at Leeds Grammar School on Tuesday 26th April. Good luck to everyone involved.

Well done to Lucy Haines (12SLG) and Laura King (12SLG) who both excelled in the JK International Orienteering Festival over Easter. The 'JK' is Britain's premier annual orienteering tournament and this 50th anniversary event was hosted by Yorkshire. The four days of racing comprised of a: sprint orienteering around the campus of Leeds University; a middle-distance race in Wass Forest near Helmsley; a long-distance race across contrasting open limestone terrain of Kilnsey Moor and a relay race near Storthes Hall, Huddersfield. The JK is the first in a series of major events that determine selection for international competition and training camps. Last autumn, Lucy and Laura were invited to join British Orienteering's national Talent Development Squad where they have benefitted from intense training and coaching. So far, their hard work has paid off. In the JK W18 sprint race Laura took silver and Lucy 4th place. In the main 2-day competition both girls achieved podium positions with Lucy taking bronze and Laura the overall JK champion in the women's 18 elite class.

Good luck to our Year 9, 10 and Ist XV rugby teams who head off to West Park, Leeds on Tuesday to play in the finals of the White Rose Schools’ Rugby Series. They have all done incredibly well to get to this point, facing tough opposition on their journey to the final. They will all play at least 3 games in league format. Our 1stXV have won this event for the past 2 years and this is the first time we’ve had 3 teams competing in the finals. All the best boys!

Photo courtesy of ActivNorth Photography

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Great to see Matthew Revis (9SP) in the news again. Back in 2015, Matthew a keen cricketer represented IGS in the Yorkshire Post Schools’ Cricket Challenge. The competition sees four under 13 teams from state schools fighting their way through a 20-overs competition. Two semi-finals take place concurrently, one on each half of the outfield, and the final takes place at the same time as the third and fourth place play-off match.

Matthew was on terrific form that day (as were the rest of the team who finished as champions, for the third time), scoring a century...and has now been named as the youngest ever centurion on the Headingley ground!

As part of their 25th anniversary of the Competition the Yorkshire Post have written an article which includes our famous centurion, you can read it here:

Matthew Revis (9SP)

Thank you to two Yorkshire Jets players, Lydia Walker and Jess Shaw, who led a coaching session for our older girls’ netball teams in the week before the Easter holidays. Lydia and Jess worked with the girls on their attacking skills such as dodging and changing direction providing them with excellent hints and tips that they can take into future matches. Our students were thrilled to be involved in the session and have the opportunity to be coached by two current Super League players. Watch out for an end of season netball update in next week’s in-form.

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Y9 + Y10 American Football @ Fields 3:30 – 5.00pm (AF)

Y7 + Y9 Rounders @ Fields 3.30 – 4:30pm (FA/SD/DT)

Y8 Cricket @ Fields (SP)

All Years’ Tennis 3:30 – 4:30 (MWC)




Y7 Cricket @ Fields 3:30-4:30pm (RB)

Y9 Rugby Finals @ West Park 2.15

Y10 Rugby Finals @ West Park 4.15

1XV Rugby Finals @ West Park 6.15




Synchronised Swimming 2.15-3.20.

Y8 + Y10 Rounders @ Fields 2.15 – 3.30pm (SB)

Y10 Football @ Bruntcliffe (A) 2:15

Y7 Football @ Crawshaw




All Years Athletics @ Fields 3.30 – 4.40pm (MWC/LV)

Y9+10 Cricket @ Fields 3:30 - 4.30pm (ACF/SG)





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The Fast Track is a scheme which allows you to earn a salary starting from £19,500 (from £22,000 in London) while you work towards a Level 4 Apprenticeship. They are recruiting for over 700 roles in locations across the UK (including Bradford, Shipley, Leeds and Sheffield). They . To apply, please click on the link:

The Cantor Technology Lecture Series seeks to provide a forum to discuss areas of work at the University and their relation to society. This lecture will be delivered by Gillian Arnold, Founder of Tectre. Timings: 17:15-18:00-Registration and networking reception. 18:00-19:15-Lecture

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TEACHER OF MFL (MPS) We are seeking to appoint, from September 2016, a well-qualified and innovative teacher of Modern For-eign Languages (French and Spanish) We are looking for: a dedicated and passionate teacher of MFL who has resilience and a strong, positive work ethic a commitment to providing high quality lessons to engage, challenge and inspire our students an individual with the ability to teach French to A-level and Spanish at Key Stage 3 a strong commitment to extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities Closing date for applications: 8am Monday 25th April with interviews held week commencing: 25th April.

For further details on all our vacancies, including our specific application requirements, please visit our school website

TEACHER OF BUSINESS & ECONOMICS (MPS) – Part time (0.5-0.6) We are seeking to appoint, from September 2016, a well-qualified and innovative teacher of business and economics who is able to inspire outstanding learning and progress. Applications from NQTs as well as more experienced teachers are welcomed.

We are looking for: a dedicated and passionate teacher of business and economics who has resilience and a strong, posi-

tive work ethic a commitment to providing high quality lessons to engage, challenge and inspire our students an individual with the ability to teach business and economics across the full ability range to AS and A

level a strong commitment to extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities

Closing date for applications: 8am Monday 25 April with interviews held during the week commencing 25th April.

TEACHER OF GEOGRAPHY We are seeking to appoint, from September 2016, a well-qualified and innovative teacher of geography who is able to inspire outstanding learning and progress. Applications from NQTs as well as more experi-enced teachers are welcomed. We are looking for: a dedicated and passionate teacher of geography who has resilience and a strong, positive work ethic a commitment to providing high quality lessons to engage, challenge and inspire our students an individual with the ability to teach geography across the full ability range to AS and A level a strong commitment to extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities Closing date for applications: 8am Tuesday 26th April with interviews held during the same week.

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The Car Boot Sale planned for Sunday 17th April has been cancelled due to the state of the school field. The remaining Car Boots are planned for 15th May, 12th June and 10th July.

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Dinner Time Rota (No Bags in B Hall)

Sitting 1 12.30pm

Sitting 2 From 12.40pm

Sitting 3 Not before 12.45pm

Year 9 Packed Lunch Area: D Floor Social Area

Year 8 M7

Year 7 M3 and M5


Term Dates


Monday 11 April School re-opens

Monday 2 May May Day School closed

Friday 27 May School closes

Half term: Monday 30th May— Friday 3rd June

Monday 6 June School re-opens

Friday 1 July Training Day (school closed)

Wednesday 20 July School Closes 1.30pm

Summer Holiday: Thursday 21st July— Monday 5th September

[email protected] 01943 608424 @ilkleygrammar

Stay Connected! Have you got anything you want to contribute or see included in our newsletter? Let us know, we can be contacted by email, telephone or on twitter.

Dates for the Diary

April Sunday 17 PTA Car Boot Sale Thursday 21 PTA Meeting Friday 22 Year 8 girls’ HPV vaccinations Wednesday 27 Year 6 Transition launch Thursday 28 Year 10 Parents’ Evening

May Monday 2 May Day School closed Tuesday 3 School re-opens Wednesday 4 Year 11 Meningitis Vaccine Thursday 12 Year 7 Community Hockey Sunday 15 PTA Car Boot Sale Monday 16 Year 10 Geography Fieldwork Tuesday 17 Year 10 Geography Fieldwork Wednesday 18 Year 10 History Fieldwork Year 10 Geography Fieldwork Thursday 19 Year 10 History Fieldwork Year 10 Geography Fieldwork Year 8 Community Hockey

Look at our full school calendar here

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