Page 1: He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what · "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keepto gain what he cannot lose."

-Martyred Missionary Jim Elliot

OUR CULTURE may lead us to believe that money, employment and healthcare are essential to purposeful living. But they are important only whilewe are alive, and when we die, they mean nothing. The condition of our

eternal souls is far more important.We can have great wealth, secure jobs and total health care, but if we do not

know Jesus when we die, we are eternally lost. If we do know Jesus, even thoughwe may have lost these benefits, death will usher us into heaven. Knowing Jesus,not money, is the admission ticket.

The Bible asks the question, "What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain thewhole world, and lose his own soul?" (Mark 8:36).

The answer is "Nothing!""Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" (Mark 8:37).The answer is "Nothing! Because anyone who would attempt to exchange his

soul for temporal benefits has 'irrevocably lost eternal life with God, with nothingto compensate for it,''' according to the Bible Knowledge Commentary.

Desiring money more than Jesus is as foolish as going to the hospital with painin your chest and a sliver in your toe, and asking the doctor to remove the sliverbefore he checks your heart.

I have a daughter who was a dental assistant at a hospital in Saudi Arabia.Admission to the hospital required a dental check-up first, even if the case were amatter oflife and death.

But even if a toe or a tooth is deemed more important than the physical heart,it would be far less dangerous than considering temporal satisfaction more impor-tant than eternal life.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoso-ever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16).Jesus is the one we need the most! -Paull. Twist

1361KCATHEDRAL PRESSLong Prairie. MN 56347

Page 2: He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what · "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot

Come Worship The LORDPrelude


Call To Worship # 737InvocationHymn # 8 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore TheeRecognition of High School GraduatesAnnouncementsWorship by GivingWorship in PrayerWorship by Reading* Hymn # 666, vss. 1,2 & 3Special MusicMessageHymn # 611Benediction & PostludeWorship by Applying God's Word

THE LORD'S DAY Welcome - We are pleased that you have chosen to worship with ustoday. May the Lord richly bless you. You are invited to come backand worship with us again. Please fill out a Visitor's Card and placeit in the offering plate.

Hearing assist equipment is available. Speak with an usher to use it.

June 9, 2013

11:00 A.M.

The Lord Is Good



Deuteronomy 6:]-5My Jesus, I Love Thee

Vanessa Kobchenko"Respect the Lord"

Take My Life, and Let It Be



9:45 AM Bible study classes for all ages11:00 AM Morning Worship Service12:30 PM Deaconess' Mtg. in the Library12:30 PM Pennwood Team Mtg. in Prayer Room6:30 PM Evening Service

6:30 PM Teen Bible Club7: 15 PM Bible Study & Prayer Mtg.

*** 8:30 PM Trustees'Meeting


Friday 5:00 PM

Chichester High School Graduation

Mark Kobchenko's graduation party.Please sign up at the bulletin board.


• June 16th - 22nd / Pennwood Bible Camp Missions' Trip• June 23rd - 27th; Sunday-Thursday / Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School information is available on our churchweb site and our face book page. www.fbcogden.orgPlease share this information with your friends. Parents mayregister children online or print a registration form.

The deadline for older Pennsylvanians and persons with disabilities tofile for the state's Property Tax & Rent Rebate program has beenextended to the end -of the year. If you live in the 9th District, please~eel free. to contact the district office of Dominic Pileggi for moreinformation, or download an application _tax_rent_rebate _programll141 0

* Children ages 3 through third grades may leave on the lastverse of this hymn for Children '8 Church.

EVENING SERVICE 6:30P.M.You are encouraged to return this evening for theevening service. Andrew Locke will lead the service.Katie VanNewkirk will bless us with special music.

NURSERY 9:45 A.M. Betty Blake and Amy Smith1I :00 A.M. Shelley LaBelle & Sharon Trader

Lisa Major, Mark Kobchenko & Taylor Zebley6:30 P.M. Rachel Hoffman & Vanessa Kobchenko

Nursery laundry for June - Laura Hufnal

Please turn offvour cell phone out o(respect to the Lord.BUDGET: Budget for June

Giving through June 2nd$24,115.35$5,148.80

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