Page 1: he Healing School · 2018. 5. 14. · Therefore, it's your calling to be a blessing to your world; it's your inheritance
Page 2: he Healing School · 2018. 5. 14. · Therefore, it's your calling to be a blessing to your world; it's your inheritance

h H l n S o a iT e ea i g ch ol Mag z ne2

“And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:”

(Genesis 12:2).

f you're born again, you're more than a blessed man or woman you're actually a blessing. Not only did God bless Abraham, He also made him a blessing. In Genesis 12:2, God spoke to Abraham and said, “...I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:” You'd observe that this was entirely God's idea. Abraham didn't ask to be great; it was God's dream for him. It's also Iimportant to note that God wanted to make Abraham great so that he (Abraham) could be a blessing.

However, this didn't end with Abraham; the Bible says, “…if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to his promise” (Galatians 3:29). To be in Christ means you're born again; thus all the blessings God endowed Abraham with are now your present-hour possession, making you a package of divine blessing. No matter the health condition anyone may have for example, he or she could receive healing just by touching you in faith. That's because you carry something inside you, “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels…” (2 Corinthians 4:7).

God wants others to benefit from your blessing. He already said to Abraham, “ thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed...” (Genesis 22:18). Therefore, it's your calling to be a blessing to your world; it's your inheritance to effect positive changes in this world! You're in this world as an agent of change. Therefore, think of ways to positively influence the world of your time.

The Bible says you're the temple of the Holy Ghost (1 Corinthians 3:16); that makes you the embodiment of the fullness of God’s blessings. That's why it's a blessing in itself to all who are acquainted with you; they're blessed just for knowing you! Living daily with this consciousness will eradicate any sense of need or lack from your life. You shouldn't suffer or put up with sickness or live a beggarly life; you've been called to inherit a blessing.

Many of God's people agree that God has blessed them, but they need to catch the revelation that they're the personification of a blessing! You're a bundle of blessings! Make up your mind to live up to your calling. You're full of the blessings of God. There's no blessing in this world or in heaven that you should be asking God for, because all things are yours (1 Corinthians 3:21). You ought to be basking in superabundance! Others who come in contact with you should partake of the goodness of God in your life. Have this consciousness, and do something today to bless your world.

Page 3: he Healing School · 2018. 5. 14. · Therefore, it's your calling to be a blessing to your world; it's your inheritance

Th H alin S hool ga i ee e g c Ma z n2

“And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:”

(Genesis 12:2).

f you're born again, you're more than a blessed man or woman you're actually a blessing. Not only did God bless Abraham, He also made him a blessing. In Genesis 12:2, God spoke to Abraham and said, “...I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:” You'd observe that this was entirely God's idea. Abraham didn't ask to be great; it was God's dream for him. It's also Iimportant to note that God wanted to make Abraham great so that he (Abraham) could be a blessing.

However, this didn't end with Abraham; the Bible says, “…if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to his promise” (Galatians 3:29). To be in Christ means you're born again; thus all the blessings God endowed Abraham with are now your present-hour possession, making you a package of divine blessing. No matter the health condition anyone may have for example, he or she could receive healing just by touching you in faith. That's because you carry something inside you, “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels…” (2 Corinthians 4:7).

God wants others to benefit from your blessing. He already said to Abraham, “ thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed...” (Genesis 22:18). Therefore, it's your calling to be a blessing to your world; it's your inheritance to effect positive changes in this world! You're in this world as an agent of change. Therefore, think of ways to positively influence the world of your time.

The Bible says you're the temple of the Holy Ghost (1 Corinthians 3:16); that makes you the embodiment of the fullness of God’s blessings. That's why it's a blessing in itself to all who are acquainted with you; they're blessed just for knowing you! Living daily with this consciousness will eradicate any sense of need or lack from your life. You shouldn't suffer or put up with sickness or live a beggarly life; you've been called to inherit a blessing.

Many of God's people agree that God has blessed them, but they need to catch the revelation that they're the personification of a blessing! You're a bundle of blessings! Make up your mind to live up to your calling. You're full of the blessings of God. There's no blessing in this world or in heaven that you should be asking God for, because all things are yours (1 Corinthians 3:21). You ought to be basking in superabundance! Others who come in contact with you should partake of the goodness of God in your life. Have this consciousness, and do something today to bless your world.

Page 4: he Healing School · 2018. 5. 14. · Therefore, it's your calling to be a blessing to your world; it's your inheritance

any across the globe have been blessed immensely through the healing ministry of the man of God, Pastor

Chris Oyakhilome PhD. They have had their lives restored; not only were they healed, but they also

received salvation and were gloriously filled with the Holy Spirit. For those who have attended a session at

the Healing School, their miracles have produced a ripple effect in their lives. Several have taken the Mmessage of divine health to their world and spread the light of the Gospel. The miracles they received at the

Healing School have become testimonies to all nations.

In the year 2010, when Sampson Asamoah, a 35-year-old man from Ghana, felt some pain in his back, he was not

perturbed but over time, the intensity of the pain continued to increase. Within a few months, the pain had so worsened that

he became handicapped. He could no longer walk without assistance and he was dependent on others for everything. His

business suffered, and so did his family because he could no longer carry out his responsibilities. He was referred to a

specialist who carried out an operation to remove a tumour from his spine. However, his condition did not improve. An MRI

scan showed lumps in his chest, with the implication that he was suffering from spinal tuberculosis. Another operation was

recommended and this time, Sampson was told that this was his only option for survival; he would die if he didn’t have an

operation. It was at this point that he turned to God, and came to the Healing School with faith in his heart for a miracle.

“When Pastor Chris touched me, I looked him straight in the eye and I saw the glory of God. I felt something warm inside me.

The man of God blew over me and I fell. I got up jumping like I'd never done before. I knew from that day that I was totally

healed. Now, I walk, I run and I even play soccer! Praise the Lord! This testimony has opened a new chapter in my life. It has

settled everything about me. My family is happy and my business is thriving. A lot of people have seen what God has done in

my life and when they come to me, I make sure they never leave without the Word of God. Many of them have come back

with testimonies. My life is beautiful and my heart is filled with joy.”

Sampson Asamoah“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as

a testimony to all nations…” (Matthew 24:14 ESV).

Irene Muriethi

magine being so sick, and in so much pain that life practically begins to

shut down. This was the situation in which 47-year-old Irene Muriethi

found herself. She was diagnosed with cervical spondylosis; a medical

condition which caused severe weakness and affected her ability to sit, Istand or walk. Gradually, she had to cut down on her workload until she

stopped working altogether. The illness also took its toll on her finances as

she had to spend a lot of money on medication. As her health continued to

deteriorate, she was given a two-week ultimatum for an operation;

otherwise she would become fully paralysed. She refused to accept this

and came to the Healing School in the year 2010, believing in the power of

God to make her whole. Beaming with smiles, Irene testifies, “When the

man of God laid hands on me, it was an awesome moment, I received the

power of God and I went under the anointing. As I got up, I felt new and

energised; I knew that my life would never be the same again.” Today, Irene

is a pastor whose ministry sponsors other ministers to attend the

International School of Ministry and Ministers' Visitation Programme of the

Healing School. Her family and the organisation where she works as CEO

have also been impacted by this anointing. Irene says, “My finances were

healed. All the arrears and debts were paid and the organisation was

elevated. Most of my staff members became born again as a result of my

miracle. Even my children know what to do in every circumstance; they

know how to use the Word.”

H l n S o a iThe ea i g ch ol Mag z ne 5

Page 5: he Healing School · 2018. 5. 14. · Therefore, it's your calling to be a blessing to your world; it's your inheritance

any across the globe have been blessed immensely through the healing ministry of the man of God, Pastor

Chris Oyakhilome PhD. They have had their lives restored; not only were they healed, but they also

received salvation and were gloriously filled with the Holy Spirit. For those who have attended a session at

the Healing School, their miracles have produced a ripple effect in their lives. Several have taken the Mmessage of divine health to their world and spread the light of the Gospel. The miracles they received at the

Healing School have become testimonies to all nations.

In the year 2010, when Sampson Asamoah, a 35-year-old man from Ghana, felt some pain in his back, he was not

perturbed but over time, the intensity of the pain continued to increase. Within a few months, the pain had so worsened that

he became handicapped. He could no longer walk without assistance and he was dependent on others for everything. His

business suffered, and so did his family because he could no longer carry out his responsibilities. He was referred to a

specialist who carried out an operation to remove a tumour from his spine. However, his condition did not improve. An MRI

scan showed lumps in his chest, with the implication that he was suffering from spinal tuberculosis. Another operation was

recommended and this time, Sampson was told that this was his only option for survival; he would die if he didn’t have an

operation. It was at this point that he turned to God, and came to the Healing School with faith in his heart for a miracle.

“When Pastor Chris touched me, I looked him straight in the eye and I saw the glory of God. I felt something warm inside me.

The man of God blew over me and I fell. I got up jumping like I'd never done before. I knew from that day that I was totally

healed. Now, I walk, I run and I even play soccer! Praise the Lord! This testimony has opened a new chapter in my life. It has

settled everything about me. My family is happy and my business is thriving. A lot of people have seen what God has done in

my life and when they come to me, I make sure they never leave without the Word of God. Many of them have come back

with testimonies. My life is beautiful and my heart is filled with joy.”

Sampson Asamoah“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as

a testimony to all nations…” (Matthew 24:14 ESV).

Irene Muriethi

magine being so sick, and in so much pain that life practically begins to

shut down. This was the situation in which 47-year-old Irene Muriethi

found herself. She was diagnosed with cervical spondylosis; a medical

condition which caused severe weakness and affected her ability to sit, Istand or walk. Gradually, she had to cut down on her workload until she

stopped working altogether. The illness also took its toll on her finances as

she had to spend a lot of money on medication. As her health continued to

deteriorate, she was given a two-week ultimatum for an operation;

otherwise she would become fully paralysed. She refused to accept this

and came to the Healing School in the year 2010, believing in the power of

God to make her whole. Beaming with smiles, Irene testifies, “When the

man of God laid hands on me, it was an awesome moment, I received the

power of God and I went under the anointing. As I got up, I felt new and

energised; I knew that my life would never be the same again.” Today, Irene

is a pastor whose ministry sponsors other ministers to attend the

International School of Ministry and Ministers' Visitation Programme of the

Healing School. Her family and the organisation where she works as CEO

have also been impacted by this anointing. Irene says, “My finances were

healed. All the arrears and debts were paid and the organisation was

elevated. Most of my staff members became born again as a result of my

miracle. Even my children know what to do in every circumstance; they

know how to use the Word.”

h H al n S hoo ga iT e e i g c l Ma z ne 5

Page 6: he Healing School · 2018. 5. 14. · Therefore, it's your calling to be a blessing to your world; it's your inheritance

adge Paulse, 71 years old, had lived a normal life until one particularly stressful day

at work; she felt ill and decided to see a doctor. After some examinations, she was

told that she suffered from hypertension. From then on, her health began to decline,

she was out of breath and could neither walk long distances nor climb the stairs. MWith no permanent solution in sight, Madge became used to living in this condition.

Her health was constantly managed with medication and she would be on drugs for the rest of her

life. For 19 long years, life was difficult for her as she could no longer carry out her day-to-day activities

and she had to depend on her children most of the time. It was in this sad state that she headed for

the Healing School. “The day Pastor Chris ministered to me, I was very excited,” says Madge, “I tried

to look at him but I couldn't; I just fell down and when I got up, I knew I was healed. Now, I can climb

stairs and there's no more tightness in my chest; I can do all the things I couldn't do before and I'm off

medication. It's so marvellous to be a new person again. This is a miracle for me and many have

come to believe in the power of the Almighty God through my testimony.”

Truly, there is no hopeless case with God. He is no respecter of persons; what he does for one, he will

do for others under the same circumstances. With faith in your heart, you can experience the joy of a

miracle today with one touch from the Giver of eternal life. You too can receive a testimony that you will

share to all nations; all you need is to believe.

To read more testimonies and for information on Healing School sessions, kindly visit our website @

. Also download the Healing School Mobile App for Android and

Apple devices for latest updates and news from the Healing School.

Madge Paulse

H l n S o a iThe ea i g ch ol Mag z ne 7

Page 7: he Healing School · 2018. 5. 14. · Therefore, it's your calling to be a blessing to your world; it's your inheritance

adge Paulse, 71 years old, had lived a normal life until one particularly stressful day

at work; she felt ill and decided to see a doctor. After some examinations, she was

told that she suffered from hypertension. From then on, her health began to decline,

she was out of breath and could neither walk long distances nor climb the stairs. MWith no permanent solution in sight, Madge became used to living in this condition.

Her health was constantly managed with medication and she would be on drugs for the rest of her

life. For 19 long years, life was difficult for her as she could no longer carry out her day-to-day activities

and she had to depend on her children most of the time. It was in this sad state that she headed for

the Healing School. “The day Pastor Chris ministered to me, I was very excited,” says Madge, “I tried

to look at him but I couldn't; I just fell down and when I got up, I knew I was healed. Now, I can climb

stairs and there's no more tightness in my chest; I can do all the things I couldn't do before and I'm off

medication. It's so marvellous to be a new person again. This is a miracle for me and many have

come to believe in the power of the Almighty God through my testimony.”

Truly, there is no hopeless case with God. He is no respecter of persons; what he does for one, he will

do for others under the same circumstances. With faith in your heart, you can experience the joy of a

miracle today with one touch from the Giver of eternal life. You too can receive a testimony that you will

share to all nations; all you need is to believe.

To read more testimonies and for information on Healing School sessions, kindly visit our website @

. Also download the Healing School Mobile App for Android and

Apple devices for latest updates and news from the Healing School.

Madge Paulse

h H al n S hoo ga iT e e i g c l Ma z ne 7

Page 8: he Healing School · 2018. 5. 14. · Therefore, it's your calling to be a blessing to your world; it's your inheritance

he Healing School Ministers' Visitation Programme is a unique forum which gives ministers all around the world the opportunity to experience the healing power of Jesus through the ministry of the man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. At the 2014 Autumn Session in Johannesburg, South Africa, the Healing School hosted over 400 ministers, including a group of 7 ministers from the Dominican Republic through the Ministers' Visitation TProgramme.

Leading the group was Pastor Altagracia Medrano of Nacion Santa Church, Dominican Republic, who summed up their expectations, “At this programme, we expect to acquire more knowledge and understanding of the Holy Spirit and how to demonstrate His power in our ministries.”

It was a power-packed week, filled with many special meetings with Pastor Chris. The ministers had an unforgettable experience at the healing service as they heard great testimonies from past students of the Healing School. They also witnessed extraordinary miracles as the man of God ministered healing to the sick. “The Healing Service was an amazing experience for me. My faith went to another level as I listened to the healing testimonies and witnessed the miracles that happened by the power of God,” said Pastor Wendy Pichardo of Plenitud De Vida, Dominican Republic.

The teaching meetings with the man of God, Pastor Chris, were most inspiring as he shared insightful thoughts with the visiting ministers. “Once the Holy Spirit can work with you, you have it made. Welcome Him, recognize Him and have fellowship with Him. He is the greatest teacher; learn to listen to Him. Your life is a reflection of your Gospel and your Gospel is your perception of what Christ came to do your understanding of His message,” he admonished. He also exhorted the ministers on the importance of prayer, “The biggest part of prayer is listening to the Holy Spirit. He is a master communicator and he can talk while you are talking.”

The Healing School Magazine 9

Relating his experience during the teaching sessions, Apostle Cayacao Sanlae of Casa De Adoroom Y Liberocion said, “Pastor Chris teaches the truth of the Gospel in such a simple way.”

“I was impacted and transformed through the simple, yet profound teachings of Pastor Chris. I learnt that what I believe of Jesus will affect what I think of life. I don't have two natures, I have a divine nature and I am born of God,” Pastor Wendy added.

The major high point of the ministers' visit was the special impartation service with Pastor Chris. The man of God demonstrated the power of the Holy Spirit and the love of God as he ministered to each one of them. He imparted them with the anointing to preach the Gospel with renewed purpose and to heal the sick. In Pastor Altagracia's words, “the impartation service was an experience of the power of God; it was so awesome. As Pastor Chris laid hands on me, the anointing was transferred to me; I felt a heavy sweet savour, as though someone was carrying me.”

On departure, Pastor Nancy Hernandez of Fuente de Bendicion said, “I have received a powerful anointing and I will share it with my congregation. I aspire for a more intimate relationship with God and I have the anointing to share this passion with others. I will preach the Gospel to all the people continuously and I will inspire others to pray and take the city for God.”

The ministers returned to their country with much joy and gratitude for such a glorious and divine encounter with God. Their desire and determination to impact the Dominican Republic with the message of grace and salvation will most definitely be fulfilled to the glory of God.

K i n d l y v i s i t for

more reports, as well as information, on the Ministers' Visitation Programme.

Page 9: he Healing School · 2018. 5. 14. · Therefore, it's your calling to be a blessing to your world; it's your inheritance

he Healing School Ministers' Visitation Programme is a unique forum which gives ministers all around the world the opportunity to experience the healing power of Jesus through the ministry of the man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. At the 2014 Autumn Session in Johannesburg, South Africa, the Healing School hosted over 400 ministers, including a group of 7 ministers from the Dominican Republic through the Ministers' Visitation TProgramme.

Leading the group was Pastor Altagracia Medrano of Nacion Santa Church, Dominican Republic, who summed up their expectations, “At this programme, we expect to acquire more knowledge and understanding of the Holy Spirit and how to demonstrate His power in our ministries.”

It was a power-packed week, filled with many special meetings with Pastor Chris. The ministers had an unforgettable experience at the healing service as they heard great testimonies from past students of the Healing School. They also witnessed extraordinary miracles as the man of God ministered healing to the sick. “The Healing Service was an amazing experience for me. My faith went to another level as I listened to the healing testimonies and witnessed the miracles that happened by the power of God,” said Pastor Wendy Pichardo of Plenitud De Vida, Dominican Republic.

The teaching meetings with the man of God, Pastor Chris, were most inspiring as he shared insightful thoughts with the visiting ministers. “Once the Holy Spirit can work with you, you have it made. Welcome Him, recognize Him and have fellowship with Him. He is the greatest teacher; learn to listen to Him. Your life is a reflection of your Gospel and your Gospel is your perception of what Christ came to do your understanding of His message,” he admonished. He also exhorted the ministers on the importance of prayer, “The biggest part of prayer is listening to the Holy Spirit. He is a master communicator and he can talk while you are talking.”

H l n S o a iThe ea i g ch ol Mag z ne 9

Relating his experience during the teaching sessions, Apostle Cayacao Sanlae of Casa De Adoroom Y Liberocion said, “Pastor Chris teaches the truth of the Gospel in such a simple way.”

“I was impacted and transformed through the simple, yet profound teachings of Pastor Chris. I learnt that what I believe of Jesus will affect what I think of life. I don't have two natures, I have a divine nature and I am born of God,” Pastor Wendy added.

The major high point of the ministers' visit was the special impartation service with Pastor Chris. The man of God demonstrated the power of the Holy Spirit and the love of God as he ministered to each one of them. He imparted them with the anointing to preach the Gospel with renewed purpose and to heal the sick. In Pastor Altagracia's words, “the impartation service was an experience of the power of God; it was so awesome. As Pastor Chris laid hands on me, the anointing was transferred to me; I felt a heavy sweet savour, as though someone was carrying me.”

On departure, Pastor Nancy Hernandez of Fuente de Bendicion said, “I have received a powerful anointing and I will share it with my congregation. I aspire for a more intimate relationship with God and I have the anointing to share this passion with others. I will preach the Gospel to all the people continuously and I will inspire others to pray and take the city for God.”

The ministers returned to their country with much joy and gratitude for such a glorious and divine encounter with God. Their desire and determination to impact the Dominican Republic with the message of grace and salvation will most definitely be fulfilled to the glory of God.

K i n d l y v i s i t for

more reports, as well as information, on the Ministers' Visitation Programme.

Page 10: he Healing School · 2018. 5. 14. · Therefore, it's your calling to be a blessing to your world; it's your inheritance

h H al n S oo a iT e e i g ch l Mag z ne10

Cleanliness is next to godliness. This saying has become widely accepted over the years because it is true in many respects. Proper personal hygiene entails taking care of your body, keeping it clean and looking your best. Good personal hygiene has major benefits for you psychologically, socially and health wise; let's examine these briefly.

Psychological BenefitsYour appearance and the state of your body clean or otherwise is primarily an outward reflection of the state of your mind; being well presented, clean and tidy, shows that you're organised. Good hygiene boosts self-esteem and helps you feel more confident. This is vital as a positive mental attitude is guaranteed to attract positive results; people will also react more positively to you.

Social BenefitsBy ensuring that your body is well presented, you're more assured of projecting a positive image that reflects your personality as capable and self-confident. This will also affect your relationships and social interactions, as well as job or school performance.

Health BenefitsThe health benefits of good personal hygiene cannot be overemphasized. Poor hygiene can, and usually does, lead to poor health. Proper grooming and healthy personal habits are essential for effective prevention of diseases and infections. Making simple sanitary actions a routine will go a long way in reducing the risks of ill health.

Tips for Good Personal HygieneWash your hands. As simple as it is, this action can prevent a myriad of diseases and disorders from developing. Washing your hands before preparing or eating food, after using the bathroom, after coughing or sneezing, and after handling garbage, goes a long way in preventing the spread of bacteria and viruses. Keep a hygiene product, like an alcohol-based sanitizing gel, handy for when soap and water isn't available.

Bathe regularly. Wash your body and your hair often. When you don't wash regularly, not only can you harbour and spread these bacteria and viruses, you're also more likely to contract the illnesses they cause. Skin irritation or wounds have a high probability of leading to infection if not properly sanitised. Your skin is a barrier from disease and good hygiene helps your skin provide that protection more effectively.

Brush and floss your teeth. A beautiful smile can make a person's day, but with grimy teeth or smelly breath, a smile would have an entirely different effect. Ideally, you should brush your teeth after every meal. At the very least, brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily. Brushing minimizes the accumulation of bacteria in your mouth, which can cause tooth decay and gum disease. Flossing, too, helps maintain strong, healthy gums. Unhealthy gums can also cause your teeth to loosen, which makes it difficult to chew and eat properly. To maintain a healthy smile, visit the dentist at six-month intervals for checkups and cleanings.

Sleep well. Get plenty of rest so that you are refreshed and ready to take on the activities of the day every morning. Lack of sleep can leave you feeling tired and can compromise your body's natural defence your immune system.

– –

The Healing School Magazine 11

“Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked” (Ephesians 6:16).

1 John 3:8 says, “…For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” This scripture is absolutely clear about what Jesus came to do: He came to destroy the works of the devil. He paralyzed Satan, demolished his works, and rendered him and his demons completely helpless.

Colossians 2:15 tells us that He made an open spectacle of Satan and his cohorts in hell and placed them under your feet. However, you have a responsibility to keep Satan and his demons where they belong; they shouldn't be allowed to run rampage in your life.

Understand that though Satan is a defeated foe, the Christian isn't shielded from his wiles, stratagems and manipulations. That's why in Ephesians 6:10-11, we're admonished to put on the whole armour of God so that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. It's your responsibility to put your armour on; God isn't going to do it for you.

One vital piece of armour is the shield of faith: “Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked” (Ephesians 6:16). God gave you the shield of faith to use; that's the shield with which you extinguish all the fiery darts of poverty, sickness and disease that the enemy throws at you. Keep building your faith strong by learning and acting on the Word. Irrespective of what happens around you, refuse to fear; refuse to give up or give in; speak the Word in faith!

CONFESSIONSI have the life and nature of God in me; therefore, I'm more than a conqueror. I live a triumphant and victorious life every day, far above Satan, his wiles and all negative systems of this world! The Lord has appointed unto me a life of victory, success, health and excellence.

I willingly open my heart to receive the Word today. As I study the scriptures, and listen to the Word of God, my spirit is flooded with light and faith is stirred in me to surmount every adversity and live triumphantly in health and prosperity.

I have the life of God in me; it flows in every fibre of my being. No sickness, disease or infirmity can thrive in my body, because the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in me, and has vitalized my body through and through. I'm whole, sound and excellent!

In Christ, I triumph always and I have wisdom to excel in all things to the glory of the Lord. I live in health, prosperity and joy always; celebrating my victory over Satan, the world, and all the negativities of life!

Divine life has been imparted into my spirit through Jesus Christ. That life in me destroys, paralyzes, and renders ineffective the works of the devil and his attempts in my health, family, finances, and business.

Page 11: he Healing School · 2018. 5. 14. · Therefore, it's your calling to be a blessing to your world; it's your inheritance

Th Healin S hool Maga i ee g c z n10

Cleanliness is next to godliness. This saying has become widely accepted over the years because it is true in many respects. Proper personal hygiene entails taking care of your body, keeping it clean and looking your best. Good personal hygiene has major benefits for you psychologically, socially and health wise; let's examine these briefly.

Psychological BenefitsYour appearance and the state of your body clean or otherwise is primarily an outward reflection of the state of your mind; being well presented, clean and tidy, shows that you're organised. Good hygiene boosts self-esteem and helps you feel more confident. This is vital as a positive mental attitude is guaranteed to attract positive results; people will also react more positively to you.

Social BenefitsBy ensuring that your body is well presented, you're more assured of projecting a positive image that reflects your personality as capable and self-confident. This will also affect your relationships and social interactions, as well as job or school performance.

Health BenefitsThe health benefits of good personal hygiene cannot be overemphasized. Poor hygiene can, and usually does, lead to poor health. Proper grooming and healthy personal habits are essential for effective prevention of diseases and infections. Making simple sanitary actions a routine will go a long way in reducing the risks of ill health.

Tips for Good Personal HygieneWash your hands. As simple as it is, this action can prevent a myriad of diseases and disorders from developing. Washing your hands before preparing or eating food, after using the bathroom, after coughing or sneezing, and after handling garbage, goes a long way in preventing the spread of bacteria and viruses. Keep a hygiene product, like an alcohol-based sanitizing gel, handy for when soap and water isn't available.

Bathe regularly. Wash your body and your hair often. When you don't wash regularly, not only can you harbour and spread these bacteria and viruses, you're also more likely to contract the illnesses they cause. Skin irritation or wounds have a high probability of leading to infection if not properly sanitised. Your skin is a barrier from disease and good hygiene helps your skin provide that protection more effectively.

Brush and floss your teeth. A beautiful smile can make a person's day, but with grimy teeth or smelly breath, a smile would have an entirely different effect. Ideally, you should brush your teeth after every meal. At the very least, brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily. Brushing minimizes the accumulation of bacteria in your mouth, which can cause tooth decay and gum disease. Flossing, too, helps maintain strong, healthy gums. Unhealthy gums can also cause your teeth to loosen, which makes it difficult to chew and eat properly. To maintain a healthy smile, visit the dentist at six-month intervals for checkups and cleanings.

Sleep well. Get plenty of rest so that you are refreshed and ready to take on the activities of the day every morning. Lack of sleep can leave you feeling tired and can compromise your body's natural defence your immune system.

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H l n S o a iThe ea i g ch ol Mag z ne 11

“Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked” (Ephesians 6:16).

1 John 3:8 says, “…For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” This scripture is absolutely clear about what Jesus came to do: He came to destroy the works of the devil. He paralyzed Satan, demolished his works, and rendered him and his demons completely helpless.

Colossians 2:15 tells us that He made an open spectacle of Satan and his cohorts in hell and placed them under your feet. However, you have a responsibility to keep Satan and his demons where they belong; they shouldn't be allowed to run rampage in your life.

Understand that though Satan is a defeated foe, the Christian isn't shielded from his wiles, stratagems and manipulations. That's why in Ephesians 6:10-11, we're admonished to put on the whole armour of God so that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. It's your responsibility to put your armour on; God isn't going to do it for you.

One vital piece of armour is the shield of faith: “Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked” (Ephesians 6:16). God gave you the shield of faith to use; that's the shield with which you extinguish all the fiery darts of poverty, sickness and disease that the enemy throws at you. Keep building your faith strong by learning and acting on the Word. Irrespective of what happens around you, refuse to fear; refuse to give up or give in; speak the Word in faith!

CONFESSIONSI have the life and nature of God in me; therefore, I'm more than a conqueror. I live a triumphant and victorious life every day, far above Satan, his wiles and all negative systems of this world! The Lord has appointed unto me a life of victory, success, health and excellence.

I willingly open my heart to receive the Word today. As I study the scriptures, and listen to the Word of God, my spirit is flooded with light and faith is stirred in me to surmount every adversity and live triumphantly in health and prosperity.

I have the life of God in me; it flows in every fibre of my being. No sickness, disease or infirmity can thrive in my body, because the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in me, and has vitalized my body through and through. I'm whole, sound and excellent!

In Christ, I triumph always and I have wisdom to excel in all things to the glory of the Lord. I live in health, prosperity and joy always; celebrating my victory over Satan, the world, and all the negativities of life!

Divine life has been imparted into my spirit through Jesus Christ. That life in me destroys, paralyzes, and renders ineffective the works of the devil and his attempts in my health, family, finances, and business.

Page 12: he Healing School · 2018. 5. 14. · Therefore, it's your calling to be a blessing to your world; it's your inheritance



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CANADAChrist Embassy Healing School 600 Clayson Rd, North York, Toronto Division, Ontario M9M 2H2,CanadaTel: +1 416 747 7979 +1 855 328 7979 Channel PIN: C0035B676Blackberry Channel PIN: C0035B676



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