
6PART 1ISLAM is not a terrorist religion , but it faced terrorism from inside and outside. Terrorism is the worst kind of Heresy. Such a Heresy does contradict Orthodox Isla:m.The third Caliph Usman was first to face the terrorism from inside.The insurrectors, some of them latter became the most terrorist sect in the history of Religious History namely Kharjites terrorized Muslim world for centuries after.But there were some monarchs who became a symbol of terrorism for the Orthodox Islam such as Mamu:n Ar Rahid[], Akbar Son Of Humaiun: etc. Mamu:n was a liberal to all the religions of the world with the Exception of Orthodox Islam, and Akbar was liberal to all the religions except Islam [not just Orthodox sect of Islam].We come to the worst period of Muslim History when the Mutazilite Liberalists tried to use the Imperial Power against the Orthodox Islamic sect called Sunnism. After Mamun Al Mut-sim was an other person who continued brutality and injustice to Orthodox Islam.The story begins with the question := Whether Quran is a Creation Of Deity [ALL-H]?.This is a corollary of a fundamental questions:= (Q1)Doeth Deity Possess Attributes of Perfection like Power, Life etc?.(Q2)Are Divine Attributes Creation Of Deity? Consider the following conundrum .If The Deity is Attributeless then The Deity Ceaseth to be Deity. Since in this case Deity is Powerless, Knowledgeless, Sightless, Willless, Speechless etc. Deity is Imperfect Being In this case which contradicts the basic Axiom of all Semitic religions that Deity is the Perfect Being.If Deity Possesseth Attributes Of Perfection then:=Either they are Eternal or Not. If they are not Eternal then this means in the Eternity Deity Was Powerless, Knowledgeless etc. If they are Eternal then:=Either they are Identical to the Deity or they are Distinct From the Deity.In the first case the Divine Self is implied to be Plural as well as Singular. This implies that Divine Self i.e Deity is Identical to plurality and Singularity. This is Absurd ,Surd and Impossible. If they are Distinct From Divine Self then this is Analogous to Christian Trinity ,rather Polynity since the number of Eternal Attributes is greater than the number three. Mutazalah took a position that they denied All the Divine Attributes yet they claimed that they believe that Attributes are Identical to the Divine Self i.e Deity. This claim was never checked and for a long time Identity and Denial of Attributes were considered as a Tautology. But the dogma of Identity Of Attributes doeth have its own problems. Majority of Ahlussunnah rejected this dogma.They make is clear that an Attribute is neither a Substance nor it is Parse Subsistence, and it Existeth in Divine Essence not included in the Essence but Associated With the Divine Essence i.e Divine Self. That is why An Attribute Of Deity is not a Hypostasis Of Athanasian Christianity. A Hypostasis is a Per Se Subsistent even if it is not a Substance. How ever Mutazilah were unable to distinguish between a Per Se Subsistent Hypostasis and an Attribute Which Is Associated With the Divine Self i.e Essence.A lesser number of Asharites and Maturidites believe that Attributes of Deity areIdentical to Deity ,but they make a distinction between in the Dogmas of Identity of Attributes and denial of Attributes. But in the time of Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal Sunnites system of Theology did not use Philosophical terms in order to convey their beliefs. Great Sunni Theologians like Imam Ashari, Imam Maturidi, and Sulfites Philosophers were not born yet. We return to the time of Imam Ahmad to see what was the Religious situation. All the Muslims believe that Quran is the Divine Attribute Of Speech except Jahmites. Mutazilah who disbelieve in Divine Attributes began to believe that Quran is a Creation. There this belief was rejected by all fractions of Sunnism [Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaaah] alike.The first one were to face Mutazilah were Muhaddisun and Fuqha.The hero of our Story is IMAM AHMAD BIN HANBAL. He was the leader of both Sunni Fractions. The problem begin when a liberal Monarch who like Mutazilah who was liberal to all religions and all sect became a symbol of terrorism to Sunnis Scholars and excercised his power to convert Ahlussunnah to Mutazilism .It may appear to be strange that a person like Mamun who was so liberal towards all the religions in his dominion became so EXTREMIST against Orthodox Islam that he used all the means of Brutality against them once for all. Such figures may be seen in Muslim History how were liberal and secular in their policies for all religions except Islam or Orthodox Islam as in the case of Mamun.Mamu:n tried to convert Orthodox Muslims to Heterodox and Heretic Mutazilism by using force of arguments and arguments of force both alike.As for the case of force of arguments, this was the first time that Sunnism realized that Rationality and Reasons are also necessary then strict traditional approach. Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal stood like a Mountain against the imperial might . In the terms of Cricket , he was the last man on the wicket facing the fastest ballers of Mutazilism. He finally won the match against all the odds . Unfortunately no work is done in this regard to shew the west that Islam is a target of terrorism , it is not a terrorist religion. Perhaps the story may bring our readers an other image of Islam.Sunni Islam consists of four theological sects which are Asharism, Maturisim,[Ashari- Maturidi Amulgam ] Hanbalism and Salafism [Also Hanbali Salafi Amalgam ].We have not counted Amalgams asSeperate sects.A part from Extremists who do not make any compromise with any other Sunni sects all of them are Sunnites in Essence and regard Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal as their undisputed leader.Imam Ahmad Bi Hanbal did believe that Quran is UnCreated Attribute Of Deity .The Sunni sects however differ on minute details on the issue and not even a single issue is remained un discussed. So leaving theological problem aside we come back to the original problem of history.I was greatly inspired by a Drama on Imam Ahmad in the Quran Number Of Siyarah [Planet] Digest. But this digest had some problems. I rejected some of the contents of the Drama and tried to rewrite it . But as details of history are scattered in different books some authentic and some not it is difficult to reconstruct the past at it is in the book. Further the proper order in the events are not found with certainity and certitude. That is why the best thing is to use the probable approach to suggest their order. With addition of some more works one can approach to the past if not with certainity then with a good probability. Further I have tried to add some fictious additions to make a continuity in the series of events which were lacking as according to my limited knowledge. Such additions do not have any historical value in the least sense but with out them it is impossible to fill the gaps of available Matterials. Some explanations are ascribed in dialogues which may not be found in works of history. Some statements are added to make the theological responses as clear as possible which may not be known to English readers and audiences. But the Essence and the Substance of the events are attempted to be conserved .For some technical reasons I have used the secondary sources prior to the primary Sources . How ever they were latter tested.At times the capitalization of first letter of nouns ,pronouns, verbs, adjectives prepositions etc are exercised in case of Deity ,and Honorable Persons, specially for Hanbal Himself. One may call It Capitalization of majesty. Also at times block letters are also used either for more emphasis then normally used of for greater majesty. Different colours are used , for different reasons. How ever this work is not a historical work , so it is not the responsibility of the author to Be faithful to the canonical history works of Imam. The author hath taken liberties and combined it with imaginations as well. It may be even interesting to those who are interested in theological discussions. The word Deity is used instead of the most common word for Supreme Being. I think this word can convey a number of implications which the well known word cannot. One may differ yet an author must write what he thinketh to be the best.The language is not so old yet the words thou etc and its relative verbs are used to give an old look in the dialogues. Similarly for the verbs relative the third person singular nouns th is used instead of common singular used now a days. I do think it is necessary to understand the situation of the past.The Noun Of Christos or Messeiah which is used is Iesous. I have neither used Arabic Form I:sa: nor English form Jesus but the Greek form Iesous. Some time colours are used to shew differences of emphasis and explanations of situations. I have not accepted Mutazalahs reports about the events of trial,since they are not canonical but apocryphal ,hence unreliable, untrustworthy ,and unauthorative. Mutazalah were not men of the field of conserving traditions, narrations reports and oral dictum.For example Jah:iz: who was a Mutazili and literary polymath who wrote books on zoology and philosophy reporteth an event of trial as follow:Ahmad ibn Abi Duad (the Mutazili chief qadi) asked him [Hanbal], "Is it true that a thing must be either created or uncreated?"

[Han:bal:=] "Yes.""

[Qa:d:i: Abu:Da:vu:d:=] "And the Quran is a thing?"


[Qa:d:I: Abu Da:vu:d :=] "Is it true that only Deity is uncreated?"?"[H:anbal]"Yes."[Qa:d:i:=]Then the Quran is created?"[H:anbal:=]"I am no dialectician," he replied at last. This is a fabricated report for several reasons.Either Al Jahiz hath invented it in his imagination or accepted the unreliable source with out testing the reliability and credibility at the chain of reporters and sources of the report,1] It is well known that all the Ahlussunnah sects reject the Mutizilahs Axiom of Only One Eternal.It is certainly not the belief of Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal . So this is a false ascription to Him if the word Shai is in the meaning of Existent i.e One That Existeth.2]Mutazilah did not believe themselves that any thing which is Uncreated is Eternal. As in the case of Voluntary acts of Humans ,Jinns, Sitans and Angels, they believed that they were neither Created nor Eternal. It was in the time of Jabai when they faced the unanswerable question, about the Creator of these stated above acts. Now Jabai was forced to chose that their respective agents i.e doers are their Creator ,not the Deity.But this was not stated by Mutazilah before him. So the alleged argument of Only One Eternal is not even according to the Mutazilahs standerd.In regard to Ibn al-Bakka al-Akbar, it is reported that he replied to Ishaq the official Questioner that the Quran was something made but not Created.Ibn al Bakka was cleaver enough to send a silent message to Mamun , Abu Davud and other Mutazilah scholars that as they themselves believe that Voluntary Acts and Doings Of Human beings etc,. are neither Eternal Nor Created but temporal and made or done or both, the same is true for Divine Acts and Doings. Although Majority of Ahlussunnah of Post Hanbal period believe that any thing that is not Created by Deity is either Eternal or non Existent, the same is not true for Mutazilah and their proto sect Qadriyah.

Any how, could Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal be easily response by Ibu Davud, if he was actually asked to answer the above argument as follow:=Doeth Deity Have Power Over All Things.Either He Hath or He Doeth Not Have It. If He Doeth Not Have It then It Contradicteth verses Of Quran which say Divine Omnipotence Is Upon All Things.If He Hath It then He Must Have Power /Omnipotence Over HimSelf Since Deity Is HimSelf a Thing.If Deity Is Not a Thing then Simply Deity Is Nothing. In more simple words if all things are possible to Deity then it implieth that Deity is Himself Possible to HimSelf. But this cannot be. Obviously the word thing is not in the meaning of Existent. An other conundrum would have been a problem for Al Jah:iz: and Abi Duad a like is as follow:= Does Deity Hath Power over every Thing or not. If not then Deity is Weak. If Deity Hath Power over every thing then Is that Power since Eternity or Not. If Not then Divine Power is not Eternal. This again Implieth Deity is Eternally Weak and Eternally Not Omnipotent. If this Power over all Things are Eternal then the Things in the Eternal Power are also Eternal. If Eternal then Deity is not the only Eternal , but each and every thing that is in His Eternal Power is also Eternal. This implieth the Eternity of all the Things OTHER THAN DEITY and BESIDE DEITY.This conundrum is so Powerful that it is valid if atleast a single thing is believed to be in Divine Power. It would have been impossible to be answered on Mutazilahs own ground. Since they can only response that Deity is an Exception. If Deity Is an Exception then Divine Attributes like Divine Omniscinence, Divine Omnipotence and Divine Speech are also Exceptions along With Deity. A Possible response may be given that the word Thing in Mutazilahian nomenclature means only Contingents and Deity is neither Contingent nor Absurd/\.But in this case Mutazilah must face an other problem. Deity Doeth Know each and every Thing . The word Thing in this regard meaneth a general term which is equally predicated with out any change in meaning to Absurds, Possibles/Contingents and Necessaries. So If this word meaneth Only Contingents or Possibles then this is Tautological to the claim that Deity Neither Knoweth Impossibles, Absurds , Contingents that hath not occurred or shall not occur, and even His Own Divine Self which pertaineth Him as a Tautological Appertainment.So if the word Thing is used for the very Deity HimSelf and doeth not make any problem for Mutazilah, the very same word if used for Divine Attributes Cannot make any problem to Orthodox as well. So it is clear that all of these are just product of Jahizs own mind.If Imam was to be asked the question := Is Deiy the Only Eternal, His was to reply them as follow:They Only Eternal Essence is Divine or Divine Essence Is the Only Eternal Essence. 3] The language used by Al Jahiz is disgraceful for a person like Imam Ahmad.

3,a] The caliph saw that he was as untruthful as he was stubborn in the face of irrefutable arguments..[Caliph was not a scholar and could not judge himself. This statement exposes falsehood of Jah:iz: .3,b] He [Qadi Abu Davud] ]merely wished to bring out the insolence of the mans lies [I,e Iman Ahmad], just as he had exposed the shamelessness of his obstinacy. These are two examples to prove that Jahiz was a NOT doing Justice while he was writing these words and sentences.Still I have tried to answer some of the false reportings of Jahiz at the cost of historicity in this play since this is a drama not intended to preserve historicity event by event but in principle. On the contrary Reports of Jahiz cannot be accepted as the records actual and factual events which occurred before him with out proper sources and reporters. Since he is not attempting to write a drama but wanteth to write with historical certainity. Here he faileth.J Van Ess and his copulation argument.A scholar like J Van Ess [ Van Ess, Thologie und Gesellschaft] has tried to deny the firmness of Hanbal on views and loyalty of H:anbal to to his belief by making an argument stated below:= If Imam Ahmad had not copulated , he would not been released from his imprisonment.Based on this argument based on conjecture tries to deny all the canonical reports and to second the non canonical reports of Masudi,Yaqubi,Jah:iz: and Al Murtad:a:.But historical evidences can not be refuted with such an easy method.DISCUSSIONS ABOUT ANTI H:ANBAL REPORTERSThree of the four non canonical reporters were certainly not present at the events and at best they can have reports from human sources. These were the sources and narrators of the events. This proves with certainty that these three were not eye witness of the acts and events which they report in their works. But the narrators of the events cannot be trusted. Since they are not authentic reporters. [ A proper discussion on Vanns argument is beyond the scope of this work]. This makes Al Jah:iz: the only candidate to be a possible eye witness. But as a Mutazili he himself has great prejudices against Imam Ah:mad Bin H:anbal(Pronounciation: H:AMM-BAL).I is certainly impossible for a Mutazil to accept that a person survives all the punishments \ sentenced to him just for a belief which Mutazili think as absolutely wrong. This might have inclined him to concoct and fabricate reports. If there is some truth in them even then there are distortions in them.One cannot trust in Al Jah:iz:s reports .May I ask the learned scholar that if all the canonical reports of Imam Ahmad are false then what is the authority of Al Hahiz himself. Further Imam was not freed but sent to his home where is was kept as a captive in his house and was not allowed to teach. Similarly if the canonical reporters are to be disbelieved [ at worst according to Vann] or to be doubted [ at best according to Vann] then why he believes that Non Canonical reporters ate reporting the truth with historical certainty??Is this not like to reject New Testamental Gospels and to accept Apocryphal Gospels, which may not be acceptable on religious and seculat grounds since New Testamental Works pre-exist Apocryphal Gospels.Based on a single argument Vann tries to refute the credibility and reliability of canonical[Al Qa:nu:ni] reports and to second non canonical reports. On what authority he has the right to dispute with canonism [Al Qanu:inah]. But the argument it self is a weak one. It is possible that Monarch who ruled with a power resting in him and not subject to any constitution , whether Islamic or Secular , and to follow Islamic Laws was a matter of choice not a compulsion in regard to him in several cases, released Imam Ah:mad Bin H:anbal. What impossibility Vann has found?. One must not talk about Logical and Mathematical Possibilities Impossibilities but only discuss Historical Possibilities. If such an event is historically possible then Vanns argument becomes too weak to be considered worthy to be refuted. How ever some may modify Vanns argument and may claim that: Although it is Historically Possible yet it is Historically Improbable. But first this claim of Historically Improbable is highly controversial, and may not be accepted. Second , a Reliable Historical Report can only be challenged if there is a Historical Impossibility. But not upon a Historical Improbability.It is once again to escape the scope of the present book to discuss the Historical Probability of this event in particular and such events in general. Laws and principles of Historicity cannot be suspended by the greatness of Vanns scholarship. Although I respect him as a scholar , but even his arguments be subject of critical studies Why Mutasim sent him and not kept him in the prison in the capital is a question but not an argument.A question about an event cannot challenge the historicity of the event. So it is not the responsibility of a historian to answer the questions which he reports. There may be a number of reasons can be suggested but this question even if not answered can not be a disprove of the reported events .A possible answer is that Mutasi:im did admire the knowledge of Imam. He only ordered to scourge him so that he may copulate. But when he found out that Imam is not going to copulate he ordered him to send him to his house since it was clear to him that this procedure is just useless and is not going to work. Ancient Monarchs who ruled by degrees and orders some time can be difficult to rationalize and to reason.A lot depend upon their will which may vary from one time to an other time, even if the time period between these two times is short. If Van Esss findings are trusted then it is implied that all the reliable and trustworthy records and reports are wrong and incorrect; they distort, modify and transform the original and actual informations that were circulating about him in Sunni centres and circles ; they suffer so much that Sunnis accepted the transformed and distorted reports as legal and legitimate. This implies that is contemporaries were unable of remembering and memorizing the events ad sayings related to him with accuracy and correctness. If what ImamDid, and What was Done to Him, What Imam said and what was said to him, no thing was reported correctly then the historicity of Imam does cease to exist once for all. This is certainly Vanns Bias against the canonical, official and authentic reports about Imam and a bias for the inauthentic and non-canonical Anti H:anbal reports. Since Vann Ess not only accepts Anti H:anbal reports uncritically, but also tries to argue in favour of them. The image Ima:m Ah:mad Bin H:anbal thus produced from the work of Vann Ess is not followed from the alleged neutral and Critical methods adopted by Vann Ess, but from the pre-supposed and presumed Vanns own designed Character of Person of Imam Ah:mad Bin H:anbal. The methods of criticism are also chosen , using the axiom of human choice,to be in accordance and in concordance with the pre-supposed image of Imam Ah:mad Bin H:anbal. Vanns view of Imam, images of Acts ,Events and Sayings including the alleged copulation is certainly not based on critical methods but on the pre supposed axioms like:=a)The official reports of Sunni Works are distorted,b)The reports of unconsciousness are false,c)Imam could never Have been reliesed if he had not copulated,d)the memorable event of sustaining on his views did not occur, e) other memorable events also did not occur, etc. The Prime weakness and powerlessness of the entire designed system of criticism is imbedded in the bias against Imam. Vanns reconstructed alleged history does lack historicity and produce an imaginative character which does lack actuality and existence simultaneously. It can never be explained that, why such a person would have become a special case, why rich and powerful events were ascribed to him within a very short period of time.If Imam would have really copulated by the argument of force and punishment, then it would ynot be a new thing for Sunnis, since some Sunni Scholars did copulate under the imperial threats , yet the reverted latter when they found them selves in some what safe position.Sunnis were certainly not looking for a hero who could withstand the imperial force. It is well known to them that any force conversion is not a conversion and if a person drifts from sunni believes under pressure, and if he is unable to bear it, it is permitted to copulate apparently, but to revert as soon as the force ceases. Any how it is not an image of Imam that emerged from the alleged critical methods of Vann Ess but the image is prior to the emergence in the mind of Vann Ess and he selected a method not so critical but biased against the historical character of the person of Imam Ah:mad Bin H:anbal. To transform historicity of Ima:m to concoction and concoction to historicity, converting the history of Imam to a story about him is thus a fallacy .As stated above, the stated above fallacy in terms of the apparent method of Vann Ess is definitized, as that his book pre-supposes an alleged certainty which may be accurately worded as By application of the assumed criteria of his criticism , he arrives as a definite and posative reply to the enquiry of events of Imam, i.e what did actually happened and occurred to him and what did he do etc. But the stated above fallacy is multifold and complex since the presupposed rules of acceptance or rejection of a report or a narration or a tradition, is once again based on the bias against Ima:m Ah:mad Bin H:anbal and Authentic sources about him. Although Vann Ess did not write the rules of acceptance or rejection of a report about Imam Ah:mad Bin H:anbal explicitly but they are embedded in his work against Ima:m implicitly .They can still be excavated and extracted from his work and his work is a good mind reading machine, but only for his mind which can clearly be read by analyzing is work. In addition to above mentioned axioms of Vanns biased critical system these axiomatic rules may also be added. A) Van presumed a image of Ima:m which can copulate. B) Van Pre-supposed a flawed and biased Sunni System of accepting incorrect reports about his central and co-central figures. C) Vann presupposed that the first reporters i.e eye witness reporters were speaking falsehood and were speakers of falsehood, modifying the actual events supposing Imam Ah:mad as a pseudo hero of their circles and ellipses.D) He also presumed that Imam is himself not telling the truth but is speaking falsehood about himself in order to hide the act of copulation and relative acts. Thus a pre supposed portrait of Imam Ah:mad did compel Van Ess to presume some more suppositions and to speculate his character according to them. Vann used these axioms in his work intelligently so make the emergence of pre supposed image gradually as if the work of his methods. It is approximately like a novelist makes a plot of a story then is compelled by the plot to make the story rejecting many possible events in the story of the novel which could be added to the novelic story if the author had made some latter modifications in the plot. But due to rigid and immutable plot they are rejected. The pseudo intention of Vann Ess is to test different traditions about Imam Ah:mad , and this is what that an uncritical reader is likely believe, but a critical study of the work reveals a the reality, that is different from the pretended and apparent form. So when an assumption about Ima:m is fist made , then used as a testing device , whether a given tradition is according to it or not , the prime criteria of Vann Esss work. Thus a presupposed image and a presumed potrate of Ima:m was proposed and judgement about traditions were made according to it, as stated earliar.It can never be explained assuming Vanns self Styled Portrait of Imam Ah:mad is correct, why such a person would have become a special case and why rich and powerful events were ascribed to him. Sunnism hath survived even if Ima:m had copulated. A number of Sunni scolars copulated under imperial terror , like IObn Sad, etc. but Sunnism Survived, and Sunnis never invent false tradition to save their scholars from copulation under force and pressure from the Government. So such a suggestion is highly improbable and strongly implausible, even if no other argument is use. The motive behind all such labour of Van Ess is nothing but to make a historical character as an unhistorical one and to make an implicit accusation on Canonical circles and centres that they are not reliable in their science of traditions, their acceptance and rejections. Thus a total rejection of the entire Sunni Canonical System against the Non Sunni , and Non Canonical system or both. There may be some more desired consequences yet the above mentioned are sufficient for the present work to PRESENT. One of such intentions is almost certainly to make doubt in the Volumetric work of M-snad Ah:mad Bin H:anbal, one of the source of many Canonical Traditions. As a proof one may once again present that if Vann was neutral he would have been neutral to both of types of the works and he would have treated equally the reliable and unreliable literatures.He would Have come to the conclusion that both types of the reliable and unreliable traditions are iunreliable and no one knows what happened. But this is not really THE CASE.

It must be noted that there is a difference between Historical Certainty and Mathematical Certainty. It appears that in the case of Canonical Sunni works a mentality is some how developed that they require Mathematical Certainty, and if this type of certainty is not fulfilled then there is falsehood in them; they even do lack historical certainty; and in the case of Heretical works and works of Heretical writers, he has pre-supposed Historical Certainty even if they are not only not reliable but also unauthentic and untrustable. The self designed image of Imam was in the mind of Vann and the reasons may be initially known to Vann Ess himself and in his work made his image to appear.Epilogue:Critical study of his criticism reveals that system of his alleged criticism is chosen as according to the presupposition. [This work may be reproduced independent of this Play/Drama with some modifications. But for the time being it is sufficient for rational minds to be awared from the pre supposed image of Imam Ahmad in the work of Vann Ess. I detail and independent discussion on J Vann Esss argument may be seen in an other article which may not be the part of this work. But let it be supposed that after being flogged Imam did copulated but this is a conversion by force. No court of law in the religious or secular world can accept such a conversion by force. All the courts secular or religious allows a person to revert to his former believes since thirty lashes are no thing but conversion by force. Argument of force not force of argument. If Galileo copulated by force that Earth is static and stationary, did his heart also copulated. Did earth stopped revolving around the Yellow sun. ? So there is no fault if IT IS ASSUMED THAT Imam reverted back. But this is just a supposed case. One may most humbly ask J Vann Ess , What if J Vann Ess is compelled to write a refutation of his own work by force. Can his heart also copulate.? Also if Al Ja:h:iz: was present , one might have asked hime how many floggings he is going to resist before he might have copulated the Non Mu:tazilite believes; if he was ever forced to change his sect by flogging and scourging. Perhaps he knew his heart better that it is estimated by others. Let it be supposed that Imam after being scourged several times did copulate but no court of law can accept this as a legal copulation, it is a copulation by force and when Imam got rid of the applied force he reverted to his principle and previous believes. No one can consider it as a hypocrisy since it was a conversion by flogging and not every one stand against the pain. But the canonical traditions and reports do say that such an assumption is incorrect and wrong. It can never be explained , why such a person have been loved by people so much that imam Ah:mad became a syble of firmness on once views. Hoping that it will help people in the English speaking world to understand Muslims and their patience against different sorts of terrorism and injustice , I may now depart from my readers with love, affection and good will, all at the same time. An other allegation of Vann is that he imagines that Imam capulated and to hide this event canonical books report he did fall unconscious . But the contrary may be said that the story of copulation was concocted be omitting the event of being unconscious while whipping and flogging. The portrait of Imam which Vann has tried to shew by his self reasoned argument is a pre-supposed one. It pre existed in Vanns mind. Only he has tried to produce evidences as if it is the result of his work. That is why his arguments are uni-directional and single dimensional. That is why he is not allowing the possibility of converse. That is way he is accepting the truth of Non Canonical reports as so trustworthy. If he was so just , he would have taken both types of work ,for and against , equally, and would have assigned equal probability to each one of them. But every thing in this case is presumed. One may reconsider veery thing once again. Any how I do respect him for his works but as for as his arguments are concern , they can be criticized on rational grounds. Since Laws of argumentations are impartial, and his arguments may be judge according to them.PART2An Indian KingOnce upon a time some where in the Subcontinent of the continent Asia called Indian Subcontinent, there was a kingdom ruled by a Hindu ruler. He some how got the knowledge of Islam and tried to know about details about this relatively new religion.In the court he tried to discuss the matter with the courtiers and nobilities.Maha Raja:= I have heard that the religion of Arabs is prevailing and people of different parts are accepting this religion.Courtier1: Maha Raja if I may be allowed to speak I have heard that is new religion is spread by the Argument Of Force and not by the Force of Arguments.Mara Raja: And What are thy sources for this claim.Coutier1: Ihave heard it from some of our scholars that Arabs generally do not like Philosophical questions.Mahara Raja := I doubt it .Courtier1:= Maha Raja , we can find the truth just by asking the Muslim Caliph to provide us some answers to some Philosophical Questions.Maha Raja := Dost thou have any?Courtier1: Yes Maha Raja we may ask to our theological scholars to send some question.MahaRaja:= Let a Philosopher be called.After some time a Scholar inters the court.Hindu Philosopher:Hari OmMaha Raja stood from his thrown to shew respect.Maha Raja: Great Saint I have called thee for a purpose. Hindu Philosopher: Sir I have been informed and I have brought a set of questions.Maha Raja := I want thee to state just a single question and thou maist Judge the weight of the reply when thy question is replied by the Scholars of the new faith.Hindu Philosopher:= I have a better idea, Why not ask the Muslim Ruler to send us a Muslim Scholar so that we may discuss with him in person.Maha Raja:= A very good idea indeed.Maha Raja to the Epistle writer.Maha Raja: Write as I say.Royal Writer:= As thee commandest.Maha Raja:=From Maharaja to The Great Muslim Caliph:Respected Caliph Of Muslims I am interested in thy religion .How ever I am informed that thy religion does not like reason. If thee canst send me a Muslim Scholar to answer some of our questions in regard to thy faith and articles of faith I shall be obliged. I want to know the truth where this allegation is true or false.From Maha Raja. In the court of Caliph Harun Rashid a sound breaks.Speaker:= Caliph a deligation from India Wants to be in thy Court. Caliph Harun:= The deligation is permitted to enter the court.The deligation enters the court.A Member Of the Deligation: Great Caliph Of Muslims I have an Epistle from our Maha Raja. Wilth thee please permit me to read it in the court.Caliph Harun. Thou art permitted. The leader of the delegation reciteth the contents of the epistle.A fter hearing the Epistle the Caliph Harun said. Harun:= Thou art our guest . We shall send a legal Scholar [Faqih] as thou hast requested.Some days latter a legal scholar was chosen to be send to India with the Indian Delegation.The delegation returned with respect and gifts to the Indian Maha Raja.In the court of Indian Maharaja a courtier says to the Maha Raja.Leader of the delegation.Maha Raja Our Caliph has send a Scholar for the purpose of discussion. Thou mayst ask him any question about our faith.Maha Raja:= Call for our Scholars and tomorrow we shall see by my own eyes.The very next day A the court was waiting for the debate.The Hindu Scholar:= With thy permission am allowed to ask the Arabian Scholar a simple question of theological Philosophy.Maha Raja: Thou may ask right now. Hindus Scholar asks the Arabic Legal Scholar:Hindu Scholar: Sir I have heard that thee believest that thy Deity is Omnipotent and all Things are Possible to Him.Muslim Scholar:= Yes that is true . We do believe that Deity is Omnipotent and Can do all things.Hindu Scholar:= If thy Deity is Omnipotent then Doeth He the Power to make an other Deity like Him?If He doeth Not then He ceaseth to be Omnipotent. If He doeth have this power then this meanth He can destroy His Oness.If He can Destroy His Unity then He ceaseth to be the Deity.Muslim Scholar: This is a theological question and legal scholars do not like to indulge in such questions.Maha Raja:= Is that all thou canst say?Muslim Scholar :Yes Sir.Maha Raja:= Thou disappointed me. I have seen enough. Thou mayst return to thy country. To the Royal Writer of Epistle.Maha Raja: Write to the Caliph Of Muslims. Seeing is beleaving. I have seen that thy religion cannot answer a simple question of theology. Why should one accept thy religion. It is not for enlightened persons.In the court of the Great Muslim Caliph a speaker saith that the Our scholar hath returned but was unable to reply a single question.Harun:= This is a disgrace . Speaker:= May I read the Text of the Indian Monarchs epistle.After hearing the Epistle Caliph asked the delegation about the question asked in the Indian Court.Member of Delegation: Sir He asked a Question which I do not like to repeat.Caliph: What was the question?.Member: The Question was : If Deity is Omnipotent then Doeth He Possess the Power to Make Another Deity Like Himself. If He doeth not hath this Power He ceaseth to be Omnipotent. If He doeth Hath this Power He ceaseth to be Unit Deity.Caliph: Can any one answer this conundrum?A Courtier: Sir if I may say that only Dialectics and theologians Can Response to Theological Question. Theologian are disliked in thy court. If only thou hath allowed them in thy court Sir , We would not be ashamed of this disgrace.Caliph: Is there a theologian in the court. If no one then bring some one.[Only a young student accepteth that he is a student of theology. No one else accepteth.] The young student is brought in the court, who sayth. Sir I am a student of theology as well. How ever as theologians are not liked in the court I kept it as a secret.Caliph: If thou can answer a theological Conundrum. [Then a courtier repeateth it] Student:= Great Caliph Of Muslims. This question is analogous to the Questions , Can Deity make Himself Weak and destroy or Annihilate His Own Omnipotence? Can Deity become Ignorant and make His Omniscience to cease.Caliph: Some other problematic questions.Student : Not at all Sir. Divine Power is Omnipotence in the sense that it is on each and every Possible and Contingent. Absurdities,Contradictions Impossibilities and Incontingencies all Exclude Omnipotence of Deity.Exclusion Of them do not limit Divine Power from being Omnipotence.One Courtier: If they Exclude Divine Power then it becomes finite , limited and bounded.Student:= Not at all Sir, It is still infinite since there are infinite Possibilities and Contingencies. No Contingent and no Possible Exclude the Divine Power, so it is Absolute and Omnipotence.Caliph:= I do accept my mistake to impose an useless ban on Theologians and Dialectics. Let this boy be send to Indian Maharaja.Courtier. Sir he is just a student. He may not be able to answer more complex questions. It is there fore requested that thou mayst send a Scholar of theology.Caliph: More complex questions. Is there a single question that is more problematic then these. So send him soon.Student to the Caliph:= Sir I am just a beginner. There are many things to be learned.Caliph: Bring me a Scolar of the subject of theology.A theological Scholar is brought in the court.A courtier narrates all the events. The Scholar: Sir I am prepared to face all sorts of questions. Like a Mathematician who when finds a new problem attempts to solve it, we also attempt to solve theological problems if a new problem cometh in our knowledge.Caliph := Dost thou agree to visit the Indian Subcontinent.Theologian respondeth in affirmation.. Ha:ru:n the Caliph :=To the royal Writer of the court.Write as dictated.Indian Maha Rja I am sending thee a person perfect for discussion. Unfortunately I chose a person who was not a theologian but a legal specialist.I hope thou mayst reconsider thy opinion once again.Mamu:n one of the sons of The Great Caliph [Ha:ru:n Arrashi:d] was hearing all this with Great Care. He said to one of the courtiers. Mamun:= I want to study Theology. Arrange a Teacher for me.History doeth not recard what doeth happen to the theologian,after he is send to India. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@[Several years letter]Haru:n hath died and hath divided the entire his Caliphatic territories between his two sons, Amin the son of his beloved wife Zubaidah, and Mamu:n son of his boundmaid. But a war hat broken between the two step brothers Mamun is at was with his step brother Amin. The two step brothers are struggling for the throne and the crown.Amin and Mamun are two brothers who have a common father but their mothers are different. Oness of their father is unable to unite them and to make them to live in peace.How ever Mamun is extra ordinary brilliant . In the war Amin is killed and Mamun wineth the crown and the throne. Now he is the Caliph . In the court of Mamun.Mamun: As the Caliph Of Muslims I assure that I shall always remain faithful to the religion. My policy is liberal. I do not want people to live under fear but in love. There is full freedom of speech ,and I believe that we can settle all the religious and sectarian disputes by dialogues ,discussions and debates.Courtiers: Hail to the new Caliph. Mamun Looking at a Bound Maid asketh her to sit beside him.As she cometh she maketh an objectionBound Maid: Dear Caliph I cannot sit beside thee.Mamun: Why Am I not worth of thee.Bound Maid: No Sir but thy mouth smellest which I cannot bear.Mamun is ashamed , and asketh the Royal Physician to give him medicine for this.A Courtier: Great Caliph Punish the Woman, she hath make some disgrace in thy highness.Mamun: Not at all. This is her right and I have assured every one freedom of expression.If she hath not told the truth no one else would have. She is one of the best woman in the court who loveth truth .An Other Courtier: What a Justice. Hail to Mamu:n.An other time inside the court.Mamu:n : Let us play a game. Any one toucheth any thing in the court then it is his or her.All the people begineth to touch different expensive things. A man even toucheth the crown of Mamu:n.Mamu:n: Take the crown. Now it is thine.Man : Mamu:n is Great, the lover of peace, justice, and truth.A Bound maid cometh and touches Mamu:n.Bound Maid: I toucheth Mamu:n, as he himself is inside the premises of the courth. Now He is mine.Every one in the court is astonished.Mamun: Thou hast owned me. Now I am Thine. I take thee as my queen.Courtiers:= Hath any one seen such a person who liveth by love and ruleth justice. Mamu:n: To rule with fear is the worst kind of government , to rule with love and friendship is the best kind of government.An other time in the court.Mamu:n to one of his slaves in the court.Mamun: Just bring me a cup of water.Slave:= Why should I. If thou are thirsty thou shouldst go thy self.Mamu:n to another slave.Mamun:= A cup of water .Second Slave: Why thou art so idle. Go thy self.A Courtier:= Great Caliph Punish them.Mamun:= No . In no way. It is very bad to punish if some one speaketh what he liketh to.Perhaps I may drink water my self and not to trouble others.

11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111PART 4Mamun On the Thrown:After the war was over the winner celebrates a victory. In his speech he says:I believe in peace, and justice. I believe in total freedom of religions. How ever I believe that Islam is the most advance and rational religion which may be proved to be true on basis of rational arguments.In my court there there must be a place of inter religious debates and discussions.I my self am a student of theology and can decide which thing is true.I love peace , justice and truth.IN the court of Mamun there was a period of Religion discussions. Jews, Christians, Majusis , all sort ofreligous scholars were present in the court. Qadi Abu Davud was one of the leading scholars of Mutazilah sect and used to defend Islam as according to Mutazilah.

PART 5A GRAND DISCUSSIONIn the court there was a discussion between a Majusi [Zoroastrian or Magus]scholar and Qadi Abu Dvud Al Mutazili on the Issue of Two Deties. A] Deity Of Good. B] Deity Of Evil. The Majusi Scholar was trying to prove that the dogma of a single good deity is incorrect. He was attempting to prove that if there is a Single Good Creator then the evils and bad in the world cannot be explained properly. The debate was near its end. Two Creator Dogma was is an attempt to answer the Question of the Existence Of Evil and Bad in the World. If Deity is Good then whence cometh Evil and Bad, and Who is the Creator Of Evil and Bad found in the World Of Deity.

Majusi [Zoroastrian] Scholar:=There are two types of Creators. The Good Deity Is the Creator Of Goodness Who is called Ahura Mazda or Yazdan. The Evil Deity Is the Creator of Evil Who is called Angra Mainu or Ahriman. The Good Deity cannot Create any thing Bad and Evil. The Evil Deity Cannot Create any thing Good. The Good Deity cannot even create a being which hath power to do a single evil or bad act since to grant such a power is Evil and Bad independent of the point whether it will be exercised or not. Thus the Power to Do an Evil or a Bad act is itself Evil or Bad or Both. Thus the Good Creator or Good Deity Cannot have the Power to do any thing Evil or Bad. He equally lacketh the Power to Create any thing which hath the Power to do any thing Bad or Evil. Since it is also Bad or Evil to have Power to do or to excersise an Evil or a Bad Act. But Evil and Bad do exist in the world but Evil and Bad cannot exist without a Creator.If the Good Creator Maketh Evil and Bad in the World then He becometh Bad and Evil.So it is necessary to believe in duality and not in unity. What I mean is:= If there is only One Deity and If He is Good, then there cannot be any bad and evil in the World, not a single one. Otherwise The Only Deity is not Good. In brief the dogma of Unity Of Deity or Unity Of Eternal Creator cannot explain the Existence Of Evil and Bad in the World. How ever there is only one Good Deity. This is not Polythiesm. Bad Creator is not a Deity. To be the Deity the Being must be Good.Qadi Abu Davud:= Can the Good Creator whom thy calleth Ahura Mazda or Yazdan stop the Bad Creator Whom thy calleth Angra Mainu or Ahrman from making Evil. If thou sayst No then this mean He is weak . He lacks the Power to stop the Bad Creator from Creating Evils. If so then He ceaseth to be Good and Perfect. He is them Imperfect. Imperfect is Bad.Hence If He is not Perfect then He is not Good.If He Hath this Power and doeth not prevent the Bad Creator from Making Evil and Bad , then He Himself is Bad and Evil, and not Good at all. An Omnipotent Existent is no thing but a Deity. So thou dost believe in two Deities.If thou still dost not accept that thou believeth in two Distint Deities then thou must define the term Deity. The Majusi Scholar remained in Silence.Mamu:n:= I think think thou hast no answer . I invite thee to accept Unity .Majusi: Great Caliph thou cannot force me to thy religion.Mamu:n:= Yes thou art correct. Thou mayst remain to thy religion.Majusi Scholar:= Gratitude for thee and thy Justice.Speaker:= Tomorrow there is going to be a debate between Qadi Abi Davud and Christian Scholars.Time is over for todays debate.This is repeated several times.

1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111THE GREAT DEBATE BETWEEN Qadi Abu Davud and his opponents.Next day at same time the debate was about to begun between Qadi Abi Davud and Christian Scholars.Speaker:= Today we are having a great discussion between Qadi Abi Davud and his Christian Rejoinders.Mamun:= By my permission the debate must begin now.Speaker: Let the grand debate begin.Qadi Abi Davud: To my respectable Christian opponents , my first objection is on the Dogma Of Trinity.I may ask Christian Scholar to Explain Trinity from authentic sources .Christian Scholar:= We believe that [Pater]Father is Deity , YiosSon Is Deity and [Pnuma] Spirit is Deity , Yet Deity is One.We do not believe in three Fathers or in three Sons or in three Spirits. Also We do not believe that: Father is Son, Son is Father, Son Is Holy Spirit and so on. Father is Not Son, Son is Not the Spirit, and Spirit is neither the Son nor the Father.These three are truly distinct from one another.Yet Father is unissued, Son is Issued from the Father and the Spirit is issued from both.Qadi Abu Davud: If Pater(as) [Father],Yios[ Son] and Holy Pnuma[Spirit] are three mutually distinct Hypostases then there are three Deities not just One .If there is just One Deity then Father is Son, Son is Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit is Father ,also Son is Father and so on. It is just the change of names or epithets . Even Christians believe that the Son and Logos are one and the same Hypostasis not two mutually distinct Hypostases.Christian Scholar:= Actually we believe that the Pater(as) [Father] , Yios[Son] and Holy Pnuma [Spirit] are three mutually and truly distinct Hypostases in One Ousia Of Deity. They are Homoousia. None of the Hypostasis is Deity in the sense of Trinity. So Deity remaineth One.How ever Yios and Logos are just two names of one and the same Hypostasis.Qadi Abi Davud:= It appears that my argument is still valid. If there are three Hypostases in a single Ousia Of Deity then each Hypostasis is a Deity then three Hypostases are three Deities . If there is only One Eternal then Pater ,Yios and Divine Pnuma are just epithets or nouns of one and the same Eternal thing as in the case of Yios And Logos. Plurality of Eternal Hypostases is the Plurality Of Eternals. First Christian Scholar: No Hypostasis is Deity in the sense of Trinity.An Other Christian Scholar:= Sir Iesous Messiah is the Logos [Word] Of Deity. If Logos Of Deity then Uncreated, If Uncreated then Deity. Qadi Abi Davud:= Only Deity is Uncreated not Word Of Deity.First Christian Scholar;= Then in this case thou hath to admit that Quran is also created. Dost thou believe in this. Qdi Abi DAVUD is silent for some time, when a Jewish Scholar asked the Caliph to say some thing. Jewish Scholar:= Am I allowed to say some words Great Caliph.Mamun: Thou art.Jewish Scholar:=I think this question is problematic for Respectable Qadi Aby Davud.I only explain our view that we believe that Torah is Word Of God but not Eternal. When Deity Yahvah Said Let there be Light these spoken words of Yahvah are not Eternal, AND IF NOT Eternal then not Uncreated, and If not Uncreated then Created.An other Jewish scholar:= Great Caliph:= May I be allowed to say some thing in this regard.Mamu:n := Affirmative, thou mayst.The second scholar: I do dispute in this regard with our Great Schola:r. I say The Words spoken by Deity which are quoted in Genesis are Neither Eternal Nor Created but Done and Spoken.Mamu:n: I do Thank thee for thy openion but I do believe that any thing that is not Created is Eternal and any thing that is not Eternal is Created. Mamun [ talking to Qad:I] It appeareth that the Great Jewish Jewish Scholar [pointing at the first one] hath a perfect answer to the Christian argument. What dost thou say Qadi Abi Davud. Qadi Abu Davud:= Yes, Yes Sir I second the Jewish Scholar.First Jewish Scholar:= My Gratitude to thee O Great Caliph.Mamu:n:= Accepted. Now back to the discussion. Words of Deity are Created by the Deity.So Quran is also a Creation Of Deity.But then a great disturbance bagin inside the court. Muslim traditionalist rejected this view that Quran is a Creation.A Orthodox Muslim: Great Caliph Quran is not a Creation Of Deity. It is Uncreated Speech Of Deity.Qadi Abu Davud:= If Quran is a Divine Speech which is Not Created then the Divine Word is also Uncreated. If so then Iesous is implied to be Uncreated.Orthodox Scholar:= Great Caliph , May I be pleased be allowed to response to Qadi Abu Davud.Mamun:= Orthodox Circles cannot debate in Philosophy and Theology. They only use traditions and in intellectual debates Traditions cannot be used. I cannot allow thee . Christian Scholar:= Great Caliph, please allow me to suggest that make a single opinion about Quran among Muslims before discussing other religions. I suggest that there must be a debate among Muslims about the very nature of Quran prior to any debate with Christians. Then the sound of the announcer raised: Time of the debate is over . It shall be continued tomorrow.TRANSITION OF A JUST INTO AN UNJUST.In the evening Qadi Abu Davud was in privacy with Mamun.They were discussing the issue of Quran and its Createdness.Qadi: If we say that Quran is a Word of Deity then then either It is Created or Uncreated . If Uncreated then it is almost the same thing the Athanasian Christians say about Iesous Messiah. So Great Caliph I do suggest that the Orthodox must be compelled to change their view about Quran.Mamun: What if they refuse.Qadi: Then Orthodox should be declared as as Heterodox and Heretic. Exercise thy Power ,Force and Energy to make a consensus on the issue. Force them to accept Mutizili version of Islam.Mamun: But in my Caliphate every one hath a right to believe what he liketh to.Qadi:= Jews, Christians ,Zoroastrians may have such rights but heretics and Apostates do not have such a right. I assure thee that if thou punisheth them then by Deity It Shall be Necessary Upon Deity to Reward thee. A necessity which is inevitable even for the Great Deity Himself and not in His Power to remove the necessity of reward.Jews , Christians and Zoroastrians do not represent Islam. But these Orthodox represent Islam. So it is a matter of representation of Islam. May I remind thee that these Orthodox also believe in Befitic Vision Of Deity as well. What an Irrational mind. If they are accepted as the true representative of Islam then they Islam shall no more be a rational religion.Mamu:n recalling the past. Mamu;n:Yes I remember an event in my Fathers time when an Orthodox was unable to reply a simple question of an Indian Scholar in India. Then My father sent a Dialectic to discuss with them . All I know to the best of my knowledge that the Dialectic never returned . I hope that he may have find a very good place in the court of the Indian Monarch. But this shall not be repeated again.This was the turning point in my life. I began to take interest in Theological problems. Only Mutazilite version of Islam appeared to me as the rational, and all others are irrational. Any how We shall meat an argument by an argument. Qadi: Exactly that is the point. Thou mayst see that if Quran is Uncreated then there is no way to say that Iesous is Created . If the Prophet Iesous is Created then Quran is Created.Mamu:n: Exactly that is .Qadi : The basic principle is that There is only one Eternal. Plurality of Eternals whether It be plurality of Hypostases or Ousias or Else is unacceptable that is why we do not agree with Athanasian Christianity and Zoroastrianism. Our Mutazili Axiom [Al Usul Al Maudu:ah] that there is Only One Eternal , based upon which we refute Plurality Of Eternal Hypostases and Plurality Of Eternal Creators is in danger. If we reject Christian Plurality and Zoroastrian Plurality then the same is true for these Orthodox elements. But they I know do not stop here. They Believe that each and every Divine Attribute is Uncreated and Unmade. Any theng unmade is Eternal beyond doubt.Mamum;= I know it. Their belief is irrational , since there are infinite Divine Attributes. Is there a way to annihilate there theological system. The Dogma of Unity Of Eternal is the fundamental Principle upon which we Mutazilite can challenge Plurality Of Eternals whether it be Plurality of EternalCreators or Plurality Of Eternal Hypostases or else.Qadi : Wilst thou issue a degree to all Orthodox to change their view about the Uncreatedness of Holy Quran. See Quran is a Speech and a Speech consisteth of more then one word. If Several words are Uncreated then on what ground can we argue Christians to believe Iesous as Created Human Being.For he is just a Divine Word among several Divine Words.Like One we have. There is essentially no difference between Divine Words and Human Words.Mamun:= Yes thou art right.I Must Issue a degree tomorrow .Even If my respected teacher Imam Ma:lic would have been alive at this time I would have attempted to convert him. How ever unwillingly I would have shewn no sympathy for him. Fortunately He is not alive . Other wise I would have used argument of force if force of argument would have failed.If he were alive I would have even included his respected Noun as well. THE GREAT INJUSTICENext Day in the Court of Mamun:Speaker: Attention Please: The Great Caliph is going to address the court and to issue a degree [Mih:na].Mamun:I as the leader of all Muslims claim that Quran Is a Creation Of Deity. It is not Uncreated as believed by Orthodox who are actually Unorthodox. If Quran is Words Of Deity and WORDS OF Deity are Uncrearede then on What grounds We can claim that Iesous is Created. So any one who believeth that Quran is not Created is not a Muslim and Shall be Punished in extreme. They do not enjoy any right or freedom of belief since they are distorting the face of Islam due to their Irrational and UNREASONABLE BELIEF.They believe that Deity Shall be seen after then End of the world. This defies all the laws of visibility and vision. They believe that Human Acts are Creations of Deity. This defies Divine Justice. They believe that Deity hath Power to doWhat He Hath promised not to do . But Deity cannot do this. For this is nothing but a power to make a False Promise which is nothing but to speak falsehood. They believe that Muaviah [R,D] is a Companion of Holy Prophet and deserveth to be respected as a Companion Of Holy Prophet. Any one who saith well or good to Muaviah is outlawed .Even my respected teacher held these believes. But now I have the power . I must not make any compromise on the Issue on the Createdness of Quran. One who doeth not change his belief on this particular issue shall be punished with full might .If my respected teacher was alive, I would have shewn him absolutely no mercy. How ever it is not just argument of power, we are ready to remove any doubt if raised by any Orthodox or traditionalist in this regard.But it must be made clear that if after the removing of doubts no one is allowed to remain on his former belief of Uncreativity Of Holy Quran. Qadi Abu Davud and I Shall decide weather the doubts are cleared or not. Of cource we cannot continue the debate indefinitely.If some one attempteth to answer our answers he shall be punished. From now on all the Judges in the courts of law shall be appointed after confessing that Quran is a Creation. Qadi Vaqdi is just an example of believers in the creativity AND CREATEDNESS OF Qura:n..Finally I send a questionnaire to different orthodox scholars in regard to their believes about Quran.There names are:1] Bishar Bin Valid2]Abul Hasan3]Ubaidullah BinUmar Cawariri4]Ibrahim Al Mahdi5]Ahmad Bin Hanbal6] Sajjadah7]Muhammad Bin Nuh.

A Christian Scholar:= At last Abu Davud has diverted his attention from us.Second Christian Scholar:= Can such useless debates change the belief, I doubt.First Christian Scholar:= It shall be interesting to see how Qadi Abu Davud dealeth with Muslim Orthodox.Second Christian Scholar: Yes Of course it Shall be. Orthodox and Rationalists are two parallel lines which never meet. For the first time on the globe one may see how these two parallel line meet.First: I suppose it shall be a historical moment in the history of histories,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Ishaq Bin Ibrahim the chief enquirer gathers a meeting and enquireth about the faith in regard to the Nature Of Holy Quran.reation suspend his judicial powers.Say to Bishar, that he liethfor there is no stipulation between me and him. Ask him to accept the belief of Creativity Of Quran. If he recanteth publish it in public , and if persisteth, bring his head to me. Say to Ali Bin Abi Muqatil := Thou art not he who said to the Caliph that thou verily canst absolve and bind.Say to Zyadi that he used falsely to claim clientship with a spurious son.Say to Ibn Nuh thathe employeth himself in taking usury to the hindrance of his knowledge, now he hath added infidelity as well.Say to Ahmad Bin Hanbal that I my self am aware of the manner of his arguments, which is pure ignorance and invalidity.Say to Sajjadah that his occupation hath made him to forget Unity Of Eternal.Say to Ubidullah Bin Umar Carirri that it is exposed that he taketh bribes.To Ishaq: One who accepteth the belief publish it in general public. And one who rejecteth it bring him in chains to the Capital except Bishar and Ibrahim. If the persist then their heads must be brought instead of them.Ishaq maketh an enquairy.All except the faith except four. They are as Sajjadah, Ahmad Bin Hanbal, Muhammad Bin Nuh andUbaidullah Bin Umar.SECOND ENQUIRY:=In the second enquiry Sajjadah losteth his wicket and submiteth himself.Ishaq: Now who is going to accept the faith of the Caliph. Thou Thou thou thou.Sajjadah:= I accept his views. I pronounce Quran is Created.Ishaq: Release Sajjadah at once.THIRD ENQUIRYIn the third one Ubaiduallah is bold out and accepteth the faith of Mamun.Ishaq:= I say now who is going to accept the belief that QURAN is CREATED. If you people insist and persist on thy Orthodoxy then be prepair to meet the Caliph in person.Ubaidullah:= Sir Iam prepaired to accept the belief of the Caliph.Ishaq : Release Ubaidullah .Now he looketh at the two remaining persons still struggling for the truth of Orthodoxy and Quranic Truth.Ishaq : What thou sayest Ibn Nuh.Ibn Nuh:= I am prepaired to face my fate. I believe what I have believe in Past and shall continue to believe in it in future.Ishaq : Chain him.And what thou sayest O Ahmad Bin Hanbal.Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal:= I persist on my believe. Two of them refuse to surrender and to submit. They had to fight the might of the Mornarch.In the darkness when orthodox hath last all hopes like wickets in a Cricket Match two men were still struggling to end the match on the last ball of the match, not before it.They are standing the most fast bowling of the Monarch. The last wicket of the Orthodox was struggling to save the match as often seen in game Cricket.Mamun seeth in depth all the reports in the Court of Mamun.

Mamun becometh very angry as they hath not accepted his Mutazili Believes. He dictateth another epistile to Ishaq.Mamun:= Any one who believeth in the Orthodox views is a heretic. Whosoever believeth that Quran is a Not a Creation is not a Muslim, according to my reasoning. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IBN NUH DIETH:=

Ibn Nuh:= If thou art alive to face the trial , thou must not fail.Imam Ahmad:= Self of Mine Knoweth It.Ibn Nuh:= Look Ahmad , Deity is Himself the savior of His Religion. He requireth not me or thee.Togather we are a team. If thou dieth I shall be left alone.Imam Ahmad:= May I be as fortunate as thee.Ibn Nuh:= I am fortunate enough to die before the trial.Imam Ahmad:= Mayst thou live.Ibn Nuh:= I think Iam about to die.During the travelling fro Bazitine to Bughdad Ibn Nuh falleth ill. His illness increases before the trial hath to begun. He is about to die .Mamun is in Roman Terrotaries namely Byzantine.IN THE COURT OF MAMU:N.A Courtier asketh him that a scholar wanteth to come in the court.He informeth Mamun that the scholar saith that he hath some questions about the belief of Creation Of Quran. He saith he Shall accept this belief if his doubts are replied logically, other wise he saith that the Caliph may allow in peace. Qadi Abu Davud is in Baghdad but Bashar Bin Muraisi is present who is an equivalent to Qadi Abu Davud and useeth to assist him in debates. Mamun himself is over confidenced upon his own knowledge.So he granted him peace if they are unable to refute his doubts on the Creativity Of Quran.Man := Caliph my noun is Abdul Azi:z Al Makki.Mamun:= Thou are a scholar of ShafaI school of thought. I do have heard thy name. I have also heard that thou art a theologian even if thou art an Orthodox.Imam Abdul Aziz:= I have come to challenge Mutazali scholars on the issue of Creation of Quran. Can they with stand the purity Quranic truth.Mamun:Thou wantest to debate with us.Imam Abdul Aziz: That is the only reason I have risked my life to come to thee.Mamun:= If thou are defeated then thou must not have any option but to accept the belief that Quran is Created. In that case if thou persisteth on thy believes then thou shall be punished.Imam Abdul Aziz: But what if I win, If I win then let me go in peace.Mamu:n:=If.Imam Abdul Aziz:= I persist that thou may impose a condition that the debate must be from the text of AL QURAN.Mamun looking at Bahar:= He is the debater from our side. Defeat him and go in peace. Other wise I have stated what shall I do if thou persisteth on thy Orthodoxial Believes.Bashar:=I request thee to drop this condition. If this condition is dropped I shall prove the claim that Quraan is a Creation, a Creature of Deity. If I fail to do so by blood is permitted .Mamu:n: I do drop the condition.Imam Abdul Aziz [looking at the rival debater]:= It is upon thee to decide whether I begin the debate or thee.Bashar: Thou mayst begin. Abdul Aziz:= Dost thou believe that Quran is a Created?Bash-r Is this a question to be asked? Qura:n is Created.AbdulAziz:= If Qura:n is Created then Quran is a Creation.Bash-r: Yes . It is just a tautology.Imam Abdul Aziz:= My next question is, If Quran is the Creation then Who is the Creator Of Quran , Deity or some ONE Else.Bash-r:= Of course It is the Deity Who is the Creator Of Quran.Abdul Azi:z:= If Deity is the Creator Of Quran then Deity Must Have Created Quran.Bashr:= Once again it is nothing but a Tautology. Hath thee come to ask about tautologies?Abdul Azi:z:= I want thee to confirm thy believes so that there must not be any confusion. Bashar:=. I Do Believe That Quran is A Creation Of Deity , and Qura:n is Created By the Deity. Both of the two statement do imply one an other.I do repeat that, This is not a question to be asked since it is a very obvious .Abdul Aziz:= No As per rules of argumentation thou art the claimant, and a claimant must state his claim in explicit words.Mamu:n: Thou art right.Bash-r:= Whar sort of Explicit sentences thou wanteth? I do believe that I do have replied thee in the most explicit sentences and expressions.Abdul Aziz:= Yes thou hast, now my question is:= If Deity Hath Created Quran Then there are only following cases and thou hast to accept any one of them necessarily?

Bashar:= Say so.Imam Abdul Aziz:= Either the Deity Hath Created Quran in His Own Divine Self Or He Hath Created the Quran In Association With His Essence Or He Hath Created Quran Separate From HimSelf.There is no forth option for thee.Bashar is silent and doeth not make any respond. He is astonished. Mamu:n after some time asketh Abdul Aziz.Mamun:= It is clear that Bashar hath no proper answer for thy argument , how ever before leaving the court thou shall explain thy argument. Even I have never thought of this in my entire polemic life. Abdul Aziz:= Sir It is very clear . If Bashar opteth for the first, then it is Per Se Impossible and Per Se Absurd that any thing Is Created In Divine Self.Mamu:n := True:Abdul Aziz:=If Bash-r opteth the second option then this is equally Perse Absurd and Perse Impossible. I repeat that, If any thing say Qura:n is Created In Association With the Divine Essence then this is again Per Se Absurd and Per Se Impossible for any thing to be created In Association With Divine Essence, is Per Se Impossible. It is Perse Impossible for any Creation to be Associated With Deity.Mamun:= So the first two Options are Impossible. If Impossible then not in Divine Omnipotence. But what about the third option.

Abdul Aziz:= Now if the third option is accepted then Quran is not a Divine Speech and Deity is not the Speaker Of the Speech. Creator Of a Speech cannot be the Speaker Of the Speech. In this case Quran is a Speech with out a Speaker. To do an act is one thing and to Create an act is an other thing. So Deity cannot be an Active Participle i.e Speaker Of any Speech what so ever. If so then this meaneth that Jahmites are right that Qura:n is not the Divine Speech. Thou believeth that It is created yet it is Divine Speech. Logically either It is Uncreated Divine Speech or not the Divine Speech at all. In this case thou must have to accept the dogma of Jahmite that Deity is not the speaker of Qura:n and Qur:an is not His Speech. But Mutazilites differ. Cretion of Qura:n logically and rationally implicateth Jahmites and not Mutazilites.Baha-r is silent so is Mamu:n.Abdul Aziz looking at Mamu:n asketh, May I ask another related Question to my learned opponent.Mamu:n:= Thou canst. Abdul Azi:z :=Is Deity the Creator Of Act Of Creation as Well. If He is then this is absurdum ad infinitum.This is that each Act Of Creation is a Creation ,there for there is a Creation prior to each and every creation. And this is Per Se Absurd.This implieth that Deity cannot Create any thing. If He is not then He is Just a doer of the act or doing of Creation and not the Creator Of the Act. The Prime Doer and the Prime Agent.Bash-r is silent. Mamun is puzzled, the court is confused.Other Mutazili scholars are furious.Mamuns sound like a sound coming from the grave :Thou hast won the debate. I do not have any idea , how to respond thee. Thou art allowed to leave in peace.Abdul Aziz leaveth the court.

Mamun looking at Bashar. Mamun: Although I am not losing my faith in the Dogma Of Creation Of Quran , but it appears that thou hath to work hard to work out all the possible arguments of the opponents. This man hath surely made a problem in my head.I must consult Qadi Abu Davud to find a way in order to refute this argument. But I my self believe that this argument is going to trouble even QADI ABU DAVUD. If we two are unable to make a positive response I am in doubt that addition of Qadi Abu Davud is going to make any difference. BASHIR:=Why didst thou not kill him?Mamun:= I granted him peace with the condition he shall win. He did win it. I cannot violate my words.Bash-r := Murmuring. Only Deity cannot violate his promice, but humans can.

Mamu:n:= Confirmed, but Humans Shall not, even if they can. Deity Cannot speak a false statement and human must not speak a false statement, specially not the Caliph, and I am the Caliph. See I have rejected thy permission of thy blood.Bash-r:= Gratitude. MAMUN BECOMETH SICK and diethThe problem in the mind made Mamun some what sick. He soon becometh ill. How Ever Mamun did not live long after this debate. He died in August 833 AC.Not beyond the suspition of curse of two noble characters of History.------ If this was not the only cause of his ultimate illness then it was probably one of the causes of it.REPORT OF DEATH OF MA:MUN CONVEYED TO H:ANBALA man : Hanbal dost thou know Mamun hath died.

Hanbal: Looking up at heavens . But this is not the end. It is the beginning of something even worse then the things in the period of the Dead Mamun.Abu Is-h:a:q Bin Ha:ru:n Al Mutasim Billah [796-842] ascendeth to the throne after Mamu:n.

ARRIVAL OF HANBAL IN BAGHDADFollowing the terms of the agreement, Ibn H:anbal is removed from theprison and taken to the house of the prefect to meet with two Mutazili Scholars representatives of Mutasam.First Mutazali scholar:=We have to shew thee some thing.Imam Ah:mad Bin H:anbal: What is to be shewn?At first, the imam was mystified by his interrogators.They showed him some pictures of the heavens and the earth, and other things.Imam :What are they?Second Mutazili: Pictures Of Heavenly Hell and Heavenly Paradize.Imam: So they have even come to this.First Mutazili:= Is it not so Qura:n is an accident. An Accident needs a locus to be sustainte in? Imam Ah:mad Bin H:anbal:= I dont know what you two talking about. Looking at the first one of the two.Imam Ah:mad Bin H:anbal:=But shalt thou tell me ,If Deity is Eternal and Omniscient, then He always have known the text of the Qurans Necessarily. , Therefore Qura:n Eternal atleast in the Divine Knowledge.First One: Qura:n is Created even in Divine Knowledge. Imam Ah:mad Bin H:anbal:= Any thing in Divine Knowledge is certainly and Necessarily Eternal other wise Divine Omniscience is implied to be a Creation.The Second One:= Then Divine Knowledge is Created.Imam Ah:mad Bin H:anbal:= Then thou art an unbeliever.

Now it is not only the matter of Quran but also of Divine Omniscience.

One Of the Mutazali scholar:= W e cannot continue to discuss further after thy this statement.

They leave.

The prefect maketh a lasteffort to persuade Ima:m Ah:mad Bin H:anbal to be convinced : Prefect:=Ah:mad Bin H:anbal, its your life at stake! The caliphhas vowed not to kill you by the sword, but instead to thrash thee and cast thee Ah:mad Bin H:anbal and to transport to the palace, whereinto a place where thou shalt never see the sun..Imam Ah:mad Bin H:anbal:= Is this the proof they have for their believe in the Createdness Of Qura:n?

Prefect: No we have a number of proofs. Doeth Deity not say, We have made Qura:n in Arabic. (43: 3)? IfDeity made it, didnt he create it? Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal:But thou thy self believest that the infinitive Jaal [Making] is not used in the meaning of creation. Qura:n saith Hemade them like a field of chaff (105: 5), in which the same verb (ja_ala) clearlymeans to make into, not to create. Prefect:= Now I know that thy obstinacy is great.I give up.Imam Ah:mad Bin H:anbal:= Is this not obstinacy to make others to copulate by force and take their freedom from them.

Prefect ordered := Sent him to the Caliph al-Mu_tasim.

He spent the night in confinement.IMAMS UNCLE ON THE MOVE:

Is-h:a:q b.Hanbal goeth to the prefect, Is-h:a:q b.Ibra:h:m, requesteth for hisrelease.He remindeth the prefect that they both the are descended from the abna_ of Marv, and that their ancestors had fought side by side. This appeared to works some how.Is-h:a:q Bin Hanbal:- My nephew hath done no apostacy. He only differeth in the interpretation.Ish:a:q Bin Ibra:hi:m:= So what I may do for thee.Is-h:a: Bin H:anbal:- I suggest that a grand debate may be held under supervision of Caliph himself and in may consisteth of scholars and jurists.I do not insist that it may be of Ahmad Bin Hanbals view?Prefect: I shall convey thy request to the Caliph personally.Imams Uncle:= I am sure that if they are able to provide convincing arguments and valid proofs my nephew shall accept their belief.Family members andfriends and Uncle Of Imam Ah:mad Bin H:anbal One of the friends to Ish:aq Bin Hanbal:=Thou hast suggested a trap for thy nephew. All his opponents and rivals shall be invited and a single person cannot debate with a group of opponent scholars how so ever great he may be.Uncle:= I shall beg Ahmad Bin Hanbal to accept their belief , this is the best I can do, and I do have no other alternative.This is no choice.It is a compulsion.Imam: If there is no choice then it is necessary to make it.O Deity , Make a Choice for me, Since Thy Intention is Absolutely Free on All Possibles. Uncle and the Nephew:Uncle:= Nephew I thing it is beyond human limits to stand against an empire singlehandedly. So have mercy on us and accept their believes.Imam: For what crime, I am to accept my faith as a sin.Uncle: Thou may revert to thy original faith latter.Imam:=If the scholar assents out of terror, and the ignorant out of ignorance,when truth shall be replaced by falsehood, light by darkens and everything shall be topsy-turvy?Uncle: Mark it Nephew, up till now thou hast seen nothing, they shall scourge to and pain thee.On that day even thou shalt copulate. Do it before that day.Imam: = I may see the day too.

IBN AL HAIS.AM AND HIS ADVICE:Hanbal is in Prison waiting for the trial and probable punishment next day. When he heareth a voice:A man: Art thou Ahmad Bin Hanbal. Hanbal:= I am .The Man:= Let me introduce by self Ibn Al Haisam.Hanbal:= I do think that I Have heard this noun before.

Th e Man:= Yes! Thou must have . I am a Robber , perhaps the greatest of all robbers of the time.Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal:= What thou wanteth. What a robber hath to do with me?Ibn Haisam:= Are we not both slaves of Deity, His bound men?Imam Ah:mad Bin H:anbal:= Certainly we are.Ibn Haisam:= Can a bad slave of Deity say some thing to a good one?H:anbal: Yes. But who is good is only known to Deity.Ibn Haisam:= A have come to thee to advise thee.A good advise from a great sinner and transgressor.

Ibn Haisam:= Let me tell thee some thing first. I am whipped and scourged countless number of times just to admit that I have commited crimes. But I never confessed.Hanbal:= Why ?Ibn Haisam:= For my love for falsehood and wrongness was so great. But Is thy love for truth and righteousness as great as my love for wrongness and falsehood.

Hanbal:= State in Explicit sentences, not in riddles.Ibn Haisam:= As thou saist.Hanbal: Continue and proceed.Ibn Haisam:=In my entire life I have done no good except one and that is I solemnly believe that Quran is Uncreated Divine Attribute.Ibn Haisam:= I do not know whether Deity shall forgive me or not ,but if thou prayest for me I have a hope.Imam Hanbal: I can only say May Deity forgive thy sins.Ibn Haisam Neglecting Imams response:-There is a test for thee and Deity Hath put thee to an special test. If thou failest Hanbal then thy sin shall be the greatest sin in the history of the world. ForIt is the issue of entire righteousness. I know not the future but it is the most obligatory duty to stand against the tyrant ,brute and unjust for the sake of righteousness, truth ,and reality.

Ahmad Bin Hanbal:= Great is thy argument. IBN HAISAM If I could do this for my love for falsity ,thou canst do it of the love of truth.If all the floggings and scourging are unable to make me confess my true sins,see that they must not be able to make the accept the hecrecy and apostacy.If I can stand against all the punishments awarded to me, Thou must stand against all the punishments awared to thee.

I have no hope for Divine Forgiveness but by belief in Uncreatedness Of Holy Quran and if thou faileth thou shalt have no hope at all. It is not the matter of theeIbn Haisam:=Gratitude to thee O Ibn Hasam, for thy words are a blessing from Deity. They erased all the terror of Mutazalite Punishment from by heart and mind.O Deity,He is Thy sinner but not an insurrector.Both men begin to cry almost simultaneously. One for his occured acts in the past and other for his possible acts in the future.

Hanbal looking towards heavens; Let not me fail the test. O Deity save Ibn Haisam for his faith is truth if not his acts.Hanbal:= O Deity if Thou wantest to test me then Give me the strength and power to satisfy the test.Hanbal looking at Ibn Haisam. But he hath gone as he hath never been there.O Deity ,Thy Omnipotence is so great that if the whole Cosmos Sinneth thou Canst forgive the entiretity of Cosmos. O Deity Forgive Ibn Al Haisam.Hanbal Looking up at heavens: O Deity , Do not put me to a Divine Test. For I am too weak to be Tested.Ahmad Bin Hanbal:= I know not any thing but One thing , Quran is Uncreated,It is the issue of entire righteousness. I know not the future but it is the most obligatory duty to stant against the tyrant ,brute and unjust for the sake of righteousness, truth ,and reality. Both men begin to cry almost simultaneously.

FIRST DAY OF TRIAL:=The court of Mutasim is fully prepaired for the trial of Imam Ah:mad Bin H:anbal.Imam is brought in the court where a number of courtiers receive him.Imam : Is it a debate or a trial.A Courtier:= It is a trial.Imam: A trial on what transgreesion.An Other Courtier:= Trial on the crime of believing in a Heretical Dogma.Imam: What is the herecy then if Orthodoxy is termed as herecy.No one answereth.Speaker:= Silence in the Court. Caliph is about to speak. There is a silence in the court.Mutasim:= The Official religion of the Caliphate is that Qura:n is Createrd and not Eternal. One who doeth not believe in it is a heretic inspite of his orthodoxy.Ah:mad Bin H:anbal is brought in the court for a trial. I do have full confidence on the official scholars and debaters to produce sufficient proofs and arguments to convince Ah:mad Bin H:anbalImam Ah:mad Bin H:anbal:=I have been interrogated and argued multitude of time , but uptill now a single evidence from Qura:n or H:adis is not produced.Muyasim: Let the trial begin.A Mutazali scholar reciteth the charge sheet against Imam Ah:mad Bin H:anbal. He is charged of the following transgressions:=1: He believeth in the heretic dogma of Uncreatedness of Qura:n.2: He believeth in the beatific Vision Of Deity.3:He declaired some of our debaters as Unbelievers.4: He termeth herecy as orthodoxy.Qad:i: Abu Davu:d:=What thou hast to say in thy defence.Imam : I do admit that Quran is Uncreated Divine Speech.Imam looking at Mutasim:My Creed is to follow Holy Prophet and His Companions. This is the orthodoxy not herecy.If I follow that creed why should I be tried.A number of Mutazalah scholars begin to argue Ahmad Bin Hanbal. But they fail to convince him.Imam Ahmad:= Bring any evidence or proofs from the words of Deity or from the words of Prophet.Mutasam: Why?Hanbal:= But I cannot believe in thy faith just on the basis of some theological or philosophical arguments.Mutasam:= If thou acceptest my religion about Quran then I assure thee that thou shalt become my beloved just as my own son is beloved. Not less than him Qadi:= Very Good Sir.H:anbal: My demand is that a proof may be provided from the two most authentic and authorative sourcrs .Mutasam: Then He shall be scourged with out any peace and salvation.Qadi: What if he did not. SUFFERINGS OF HANBAL IN THE COURT OF MUTASAMIn the court Mutasam was saying to Qadi Abu Davud.Mutasam: Hanbal is a great scholar of traditions. If he accepteth this belief then it is dearer to me then any other thing.Qadi Abu Davud:= I demand H:anbal to produce his proofs for the Uncreativity Of Qura:n.Imam. The burden of proof is upon those who want to make a trial and not upon the one who is a victim of the trial.Qadi: It is a n evasive way.Imam:= It is thou who wantest to convince other and not me to convince thee. For trial is not for thee but for me.Mutasim:= Do some thing to convince him. These theological discussions are too dry to understand.Qadi:= Quran is a Creation since it informed about the recent events. When an event used to occur, Quran used to discuss the event.This is self evident proof of creation of Qura:n. Imam: May I ask is Divine Knowledge not up to date with events.Qadi: Yes It is.Imam:= Then what thou saist about Divine Knowledge,Is it also a creation.There is a silence in the Court.SECOND DAY OF TRIAL:=H:anbal is produced once again in the court.Shuaib asketh:= What is thy belief about Deity and and Quran.Imam: This question is asked several times since my imprisonment and even before it.Both of them are uncreated.What is thy proof on the uncreatedness of Qura:n. Cnast thou prove it from the Texts of Qura:n or from the texts of traditions of Prophet.H:anbal:- It is an Islamic AXIOM , a Religious Necessity that Deity and Divine Attributes are all uncreated.ThereforeQura:n is Uncreated Divine Attribute of Speech.To ask for a proof of Uncreatedness of Qura:n is just like to ask for a proof of Uncreatedness of the very Essence Of the Deity, or Divine Omniscience or both.These articles of faith do not require any proofs .Mutasim is quite bored with such discussions.Qad:I Abi Davud:= Dost thou believe in traditions of Prophet?Imam: yes.Qad:I Abu Davud.:I f we present some traditions of the Holy Prophet then Shalt thou copulate.Ima:m: Present them first.Qad:I asketh Barghu:th to recite the traditions:Barghuth: The first tradition is from Abdullah Bin Umar. He narrateth that Fasting and Quran shall advocate for humans. Fasting shall say Lord [Rabb] I abstained him from his desires and food in day so accept my remomendation in regard to his affires; and Qura:n shall say I abstained him from sleep in night so accept my recommendation in regard to his affires. This tradition accepts Deity as Lord of Qura:n. If Deity is Lord of Quran then Qura:n is His Creation. The second tradition is:Ima:m : These traditions cannot be taken literally ,they must necessarily be interpreted according to the necessary Axioms of Isla:m. When Mutazilahs find the Text of a Tradition how so ever canonical against them they do not interpret it but deny it. But when they find the Text of a tradition how so ever non canonical which supporteth them they accept it.Qad:i:= What are their interpretations?Imam:= I believe that the interpretations of ambiguous texts of Qura:n and Traditions are only Known to Deity, not even to Prophets,Messengers,and Apostles Of Deity, Even the Last Prophet, so I cannot state any one of them.Shuaib:= State them.Imam keepeth silence.Barghuth: He is unable to response.Imam: How can I state what only Deity Knoweth,and What is only known to Deity. What is Only known to Deith is not even known to Prophets and Angels with out any exception.Canst thou state any thing that is only known to Deity without any exception?Qad:I Abu Davud is unable to response and becometh furious.Mutazili scholars begin to repeat their arguments in different words. Imam responseth them explicitly and soberly.With each argument It is clear to Imam that Mutazilahs have no new argument, They have presented what they possessed. Now they were compelled to repeat yet in different words and expressions.In all surrejointers and surrebuters Mutasim is quite bored.He is not of this field.If Mamu:n were alive he may have witness the powerful rebuttals presented by Imam Ah:mad Bin H:anbal.But Mutasim is inspired by the knowledge of Imam Ah:mad Bin H:anbal.Even Mutazilahs are surprised to see who he refuteth them with out the aid of theology and philosophy Using logic simply.The trial is at its end for today.Mutasim heareth the last words of Imam:I have repeated several times that if thou believest Qura:n is Created then thou canst notaccuse Jahmiah. Jahmites for their belief that Qura:n and Knowledge Of Diety both are Created.Today Mutazili scholars of Baghdad have seen limits of their theological system.The last hope of Traditionists [traditionalists] is batting on a pitch supporting fast and spin bowlers of Mutazilahs, yet solid in defence. Several Mutazili Bowlers are changed in the second day of the cricket of polemics each after comleting his overs, but none is able to take the wicket of H:anbal.The assembly at night.In night an assembly was held and different Mutazilah scholars are present. They are discussing about the last day about the polemic cricket. They have discussed there system . Abi Duad made a new argument for the secret weapon on the last day. All the participants agreed theat this is an irrefutable refutation of the Uncreativity and Uncreatedness of Divine Speech.TRIAL OF HANBAL ON THIRD DAY.Qadi:= What is thy belief about Al Quran.Hanbal:=Quran is the Speech Of Deity.Qadi; Iam not asking about whether Quran is the Speech Of Deity or It is not, I am asking whether It is Creation Of Deity Or Not. We all believe Quran as Speech Of Deity . Only Jahmites deny it. So the Question is Whether Quran is the Divine Speech Or Not? It is not the Question whether Quran is the Divine Speech Or Not.Hanbal:=Quran is Uncreated Speech Of Deity.Qadi: I warn thee Hanbal that this is a highly Philosophical Issue and thou dost not know Philosophy. Thou art a Traditionalist and a Legalist , So if thou art unable to under stand the problem We may let thee go giving thee the benefit of doubt. If thou art unable to understand the nature of the problem just confess it in explicit words. What dost thou say?Hanbal := Quran is Uncreated Attribute Of Deity.That is all Which I say. Since If it is Created then it is not a Divine Speech, and if it is a Divine Speech then it is not Created.Qad:i= Now there is no benefit of doubt for thee. Bashar:= He is taking us to the same position which Abdul Aziz took me. [H:anbal repeateth with out being asked.]Hanbal: There is no doubt that Quran is Uncreated Speech and Attribute Of Deity.Qadi: I presume that thou confesseth that thou understand The problem properly and accurately.Hanbal := Ibelieve that Quran is Uncreated and Unmade.Qadi: There is only One Uncreated. There is no Uncreated beside ThatOne. This implies that Quran is a Creation. Hanbal:= There is no such evidence that Deity is the Only Uncreated.There is no evidence that Quran is created. If thou wanteth to convince me that Quran is Created then thou must produce a single evidence from the Words and Speech Of Holy Prophet with reliable and authentic references and chain of reporters.Qadi: Dost thou saith any thing which the Holy Prophet did not say?Hanbal:= On what authority thou claimeth that Quran is a Creation Of Deity. Words of Holy Prophet are accepted authority in Islamic Issues.Qadi:= Dost Deity not say that He Hath made Quran in Arabic. [ Verily do We made it an Arabic Quran" (43:2).] Now everything which God made He must have created. Muta

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