
HBT puzzle: from an ideal hydrodynamic point of view Tetsufumi Hirano RHIC/AGS users meeting, BNL, NY, June 21, 2005 Outline The sQGP core and the dissipative hadronic corona picture T.H. and M.Gyulassy, nucl-th/ How good/bad is the agreement of ideal hydro results with HBT data? Summary Not Only the sQGP But Also nucl-th/ Differential Elliptic Flow is the Key PHENIX white paper, nucl-ex/ elliptic flow p T spectra p TcTc QGP phase Hadron phase P artial C hemical E quilibrium EOS CLASS 2 Hirano & Tsuda; Teaney; Kolb & Rapp CLASS 3 Teaney, Lauret & Shuryak; Bass & Dumitru T ch T th H adronic C ascade C hemical E quilibrium EOS T th CLASS 1 Kolb, Sollfrank, Huovinen & Heinz; Hirano; Ideal hydrodynamics T ~1 fm/c ~3 fm/c ~10-15 fm/c No-Go theorem for class 1 see our paper! Modeling of Hadron Phase and Freezeout Cancel between v 2 and in chemical eq. hadron phase pTpT v 2 (p T ) v2v2 pTpT v 2 (p T ) v2v2 pTpT v 2 (p T ) v2v2 T th Chemical Eq. Chemical F.O. Increase of with is unrealistic from particle ratio point of view! 1. Ideal hydrodynamics reproduce v 2 (p T ) remarkably well, but not HBT radii. TRUE FALSE 2. v 2 (p T ) is not sensitive to the late hadronic stage. TRUE FALSE TRUE: Ideal Hydrodynamics reproduces neither v 2 (p T ) nor HBT radii at RHIC. TRUE: v 2 (p T ) depends on thermal equilibrium, chemical equilibrium, and viscous effects in the hadron phase. Check Sheet for Prevailing Opinion X X Nearly Perfect Fluid of sQGP Core and the Dissipative Hadronic Corona T.H. and M.Gyulassy (05) ! Absolute value of viscosityIts ratio to entropy density Nearly perfect fluidity of the sQGP AND imperfect fluidity of hadrons are manifestation of deconfinement!? What makes this sudden behavior? How good/bad is the agreement of ideal hydro results with HBT data? R side, R out, R long from Ideal Hydro SIDEOUT LONG CE: Chemical Eq. PCE: Partial Chem.Eq. No resonance decays Model PCE Model CE Contour(T=const.) T( ) at origin T.H. and K.Tsuda(02) (T th ) Lrstad and Sinyukov(1991) proper time (fm/c) radius x (fm) AzHBT Radii SIDE LONG OUT OUT-SIDE STAR, PRC71, (2005). N part 1/3 scaling? LINE: AuAu200GeV PLOT: AuAu62.4GeV LINE: AuAu200GeV PLOT: CuCu200GeV For dN/d and v 2 in CuCu collisions, see, T.Hirano et al.,nucl-th/ Dilemma between R side and R long SIDE LONG R side (K T =0) ~ 6fm (data) ~ 4fm (hydro) Source size may grow by resonances ( mesons?). Resonance decays also enhance R long ! Resonances Enhance HBT Radii STAR Hydro(sQGP) +RQMD(hadron) (D.Teaney) Steal from S.Pratts talk at RIKEN BNL workshop(03) See also, Soff, Bass, Dumitru Hydro+UrQMD How to Get Large Radii without Spoiling Single Spectra? Blast Wave Model (M.Lisa & F.Retiere) R in-plane ~11 fm R out-of-plane ~12 fm J.Cramer & G.Miller R~12fm T.H. and K.Tsuda(02) Partial Chemical Eq. Hydro cannot get such a gigantic source radius! T th and are consistent with hydro. But radius (fm) proper time (fm/c) V r vs. T th T.H. and K.Tsuda (02) Hydro: Au+Au at sqrt(s NN ) = 130 GeV tau 0 = 0.6fm/c ReCo(Duke) 200GeV TcTc Single F.O. by Broniowski & Florkowski 130GeV Blast Wave by Burward-Hoy 130GeV Az Blast Wave by Lisa & Retiere (175,0.55) Note: F.O. parameter A set of T th, , AND . Initial Transverse Flow Hubble constant H = 0.25/fm Chojnacki et al.(2005) Positive correlation Hubble-like flow Initial Transverse Flow and Spectra H = 0.02/fm

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