Page 1: Hazelwick School 2013 Hazelwick School Newsletter Headlines Ms A Fearon, Headteacher Dates for your Diary:

April 2013

Hazelwick School


Headlines Ms A Fearon, Headteacher

Dates for your Diary:

Fri 26 April - Fri 10 May:

Year 10 exams

Fri 3 May:

INSET day - school closed

for students

Mon 6 May:

May Day Bank Holiday

Fri 10 May:

Year 12, start of study

leave, 3.35pm

Thurs 16 May:

Year 8, Parents’ Evening


Fri 17 May:

Year 13, start of study

leave, 12.05pm

Mon 27 - Fri 31 May:


April Reflection:

“I’m not telling you it’s

going to be easy; I’m

telling you it’s going to

be worth it.”

Art Williams

American Businessman

and Life Coach

St Catherine’s Hospice Enterprise Challenge Parents may remember in my January newsletter I reported that a team of six of our Year 10

students had been chosen to represent the school in the St Catherine’s Hospice Enterprise

Challenge. Their challenge was to raise £1000 in nine weeks. I am delighted to tell you that

the students have exceeded all expectations and raised the magnificent sum of £3265.17.

This was a superb effort and the team has been declared the winners of the Challenge. On a

sunny afternoon earlier this month, Mr Palmer and I accompanied them to the Hospice,

where they proudly collected their award from a representative of the Royal Bank of

Scotland, one of the Challenge judges. Congratulations!

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Year 7 Raise Funds for

Comic Relief Ella-Brooke Burn, Sophie James,

Megan Worsell and Elizabeth

Barnes (all in Form 7.37) raised

over £50 for Comic Relief.

Students had to guess how

many sweets were in a jar and

the name of a bear. Raffle

tickets and cakes were also

sold and some lovely prizes

were won by staff and students.

Thanks particularly to Ella-

Brooke Burn for raising a lot of

money herself and to Mrs

Merrick for helping with the

smooth running of this event.

Year 7 News!

Creative Baking! Here is an insight into Year 7 Food lessons - they baked some

beautifully decorated biscuits this week during their Food

lessons; all shapes and sizes, different colours with all sorts of

toppings. Heads of Year even got a taste!

Articles by Miss Kirkpatrick

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April Numeracy Challenge Congratulations must go to Stewart Feasby, who clearly demonstrated his ability to problem-solve and reason at a very

high level when he achieved a Merit for his performance in the prestigious Pink Kangaroo UK Maths Challenge

Competition. The Pink Kangaroo is only open to those students who score very highly in the initial Challenge paper.

Question 1

Granny swears she is getting younger. She has calculated that she is four times as old as I am now, but remembers that

5 years ago she was five times as old as I was at that time. What is the sum of our ages now?

A 95 B 100 C 105 D 110 E 115

Question 2

A solid wooden cube is painted blue on the outside. The cube is then cut into eight smaller cubes of equal size. What

fraction of the total surface area of these new cubes is blue?

A 1/8 B 1/3 C 3/8 D ½ E 3/4

Answers to March’s questions were:

Question 1: (D) 36

Question 2: (D) 1800

For more problems and information about the UK Mathematical Challenges, go to

Mrs Zeidler

Year 7 News (contd)

Hazelwick Spelling Bee Over the Spring Term, all students from Year 7 took part in a Spelling Bee Competition. Students were asked to learn

the spellings of over seventy words, including many chosen to try to catch them out, such as conscientious, occurrence

and an old favourite, misspell. Each form produced one or two “Champion Spellers” who went forward to face a

further round of even tougher spellings. Congratulations must go to Shraddha Ranjan (7.09), Ramin Torkizadeh (7.37)

and Ali Yousaf (7.04), who emerged as the top three spellers of the year group. Praise should also go to Tommy Hattan

(7.11), Maayan Patel (7.28) and Lauren Armstrong (7.T06), whose excellent performances in the competition mean that

they will join the other three students to compete against the Year 8 “Champion Spellers” later in the term.

Mrs Zeidler

Year 7

‘Champion Spellers’

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Evensong at Chichester Cathedral

Last month the Music Department made their annual trip to Chichester Cathedral to sing Evensong with 21 members

of the Hazelwick Choir. We performed a traditional service, including the anthem "God So Loved the World" by John

Stainer, a particular favourite of Miss Burchill, who joined the department last September. It was a great success and the

choir sounded wonderful in the glorious setting of the Cathedral. Many thanks to Mark Granger, who accompanied us

on the organ. The choir certainly earned the tea and cake served to us in the Cathedral Cafe as a thanks for all the

hours of practice the choir put in, making it a thoroughly enjoyable and memorable day.

Miss Patey

Extra-Curricular Music Notice: Due to the Year 11 Performance Exams, extra-curricular clubs will commence in the week beginning 29 April. This will allow us eight weeks to learn and rehearse our repertoire in preparation for the Summer Concert which will be held on the evening of 27 June.

Catering at Hazelwick

Our catering contract has been put out to tender and our current contractors, Chartwells, have introduced their

new three-week cycle menus as of 22 April. The menus are available to view on our website. Please go to then select About Us/Catering/Lunchtime Menus (Summer 2013). We are encouraging all

students and staff to try the new selection and we welcome feedback. If you have any views that you would like

considered before we award our new contract, please let me know by post or via [email protected]

Mrs R Bright

Business & Finance Director

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Read On!

Who Else Writes Like…?

Once a student has read all the books by their favourite author, they may need guidance and

encouragement in choosing someone new. I have chosen some of the most popular authors and given a list

of authors who write in a similar vein. (No pun intended but I will start with the author of the Twilight


Stephanie Meyer: Supernatural romances with vampires, angels, evil fairies, demons and the undead.

Josephine Angelini Melissa Marr

Elizabeth Chandler Alyson Noel

Becca Fitzpatrick Maggie Stiefvater

Amanda Hocking L.A.Weatherly

Lauren Kate Yvonne Woon

J.K.Rowling: Fantasy stories with magic, dragons, wizards, witches, immortals and gods.

R.J.Anderson Jenny Nimmo

Eoin Colfer Christopher Paolini

Chris d'Lacey Aprilynne Pike

Cornelia Funke Rick Riordan

Karen Mahoney Jonathan Stroud

Darren Shan: Horror writers with vampires, demons and zombies.

Stephen Cole Will Hill

Joseph Delaney Anthony Horowitz

Steve Feasey Derek Landy

Michael Grant Christopher Pike

Charlie Higson Justin Somper

Jacqueline Wilson: Themes include social issues, romance and family problems.

Malorie Blackman Hilary McKay

Ally Carter Meg Rosoff

Cathy Cassidy Dyan Sheldon

Meg Cabot Jean Ure

Mary Hooper Jenny Valentine

Please note that some of these authors have social issues at the core of their stories (teen pregnancy

and divorce, for example) and may be more suited to older teen readers.

If you would like to make other author suggestions for Who Else Writes Like… ? please e-mail me at

[email protected] and I will include these in future newsletters.

Happy reading!

Mrs Thornton

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Victorious Under-16 Girls’ Football Team

On Wednesday 17 April, Hazelwick’s U16 Girls’ Football

Team was victorious in the County Cup Final against

Warden Park. The standard of the game was excellent and

this was commented on by the presentation team.

Hazelwick went 2-0 up with goals from Brooke Webb and

Rebekah Dunt. In the second half, Warden Park stepped

up a level and put Hazelwick under pressure. Hazelwick

could not keep them out and they managed to score two

goals, making the score 2-2. Warden Park still kept pushing

Hazelwick, with Steph Shackel keeping Hazelwick in the

game with a clearance off the line. At the end of full time,

the score was 2-2. This meant the game entered a period

of extra time. The excellent standard was maintained even

in extra time when tiredness was becoming a factor for

both teams. Another goal from Rebekah Dunt just before

the end of the first period of extra time and a goal early in

the second period from Emily Robinson gave Hazelwick the

4-2 victory.

This team has been a fantastic asset to Hazelwick and they

have been very successful. Apart from their success, their

work ethic and the way in which they support each other

has been great to see. Each member of the squad of 16

girls has played an important role in getting Hazelwick to

the Final and then winning it on the day; it is not often a

school at U16 has such a committed team. This victory

follows County Cup victories with the same team in 2009

and 2010. Well done to all the girls!

Squad: Holly Talbut-Smith (Captain), Paige Clark, Rebekah Dunt, Brooke Webb, Rio Brockwell, Sophie Holmwood,

Jade Page, Emily Robinson,

Courtney Holmes, Tayla Hill, Emma Parren, Shannon Dann, Steph Shackel, Laura Fielder, Donna King and Hannah Darby. Team

manager Mrs Menniss

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Homework Club

A reminder that Homework Club runs in the Learning Resource Centre, Monday to Thursday, from 3.10pm

to 4.30pm, for students in Years 7, 8 and 9 to study and, where necessary, to receive support from a team of

Teaching Assistants. For further details, please ring Mrs Bending on the school number (extension 2333).

For more details, please see the school website - or contact us on 01293 403344

The majority of the photos featured in this newsletter were taken by Barry Holder and more of his excellent

photography can be viewed on the school website.

On Friday 8 March, sixty Year 9

students listened to the testimony of

Janine Webber, a survivor of the

Holocaust. Janine spoke about her

family being moved to a Jewish ghetto

in her home town of Lwow in Poland.

When Janine was nine, her uncle

managed to find a family who agreed

to look after her outside of the

ghetto. Janine spent the rest of the

war hiding in various places, such as

under the floor of some stables and in

a convent. After the war, Janine

moved to the UK via France and has

lived here since the 1950s. Janine

spoke in detail about her experiences

and, after the talk, was happy to

answer the many interesting questions

that the students asked her. The

students found the talk incredibly

thought-provoking, as well as helping

them with their study of this period of



Survivor Talk

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