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To appear in the “Musings” column, Hypatia, Spring 2008. Please circulate widely.

Changing the Ideology and Culture of Philosophy: Not by Reason (Alone)

Sally Haslanger

Department of Linguistics and Philosophy Massachusetts Institute of Technology

There is a deep well of rage inside of me. Rage about how I as an individual have been treated in

philosophy; rage about how others I know have been treated; and rage about the conditions that I’m sure

affect many women and minorities in philosophy, and have caused many others to leave. Most of the time

I suppress this rage and keep it sealed away. Until I came to MIT in 1998, I was in a constant dialogue

with myself about whether to quit philosophy, even give up tenure, to do something else. In spite of my

deep love for philosophy, it just didn’t seem worth it. And I am one of the very lucky ones. One of the

ones who has been successful by the dominant standards of the profession. Whatever the numbers say

about women and minorities in philosophy, numbers don’t begin to tell the story. Things may be getting

better in some contexts, but they are far from acceptable.

Outright discrimination

The situation for women in philosophy has been changing over the past several decades and every

woman’s experience is different. I was in graduate school at Berkeley between 1979-1985. I have held

tenure-track or tenured positions in five schools. I am now a full professor. But the rank of full professors

is broad and there are many women, such as my wonderful colleague Judith Thomson, who came through

in an era in which the situation was very different from and, to my mind, much worse than mine. So there

has been progress. However, that there are trends that have continued throughout my time in the

profession, because I see evidence of them today.

Why there aren’t more women of my cohort in philosophy? Because there were very few of us

and there was a lot of outright discrimination. I think a lot of philosophers aren’t aware of what women in

the profession deal with, so let me give some examples. In my year at Berkeley and in the two years

ahead of me and two years behind me, there was only one woman each year in a class of 8-10. The

women in the two years ahead of me and the two years behind me dropped out, so I was the only woman

left in five consecutive classes. In graduate school I was told by one of my teachers that he had “never

seen a first rate woman philosophy and never expected to because women were incapable of having

seminal ideas.” I was the butt of jokes when I received a distinction on my prelims, since it seemed funny

to everyone to suggest I should get a blood test to determine if I was really a woman. In a seminar in

philosophical logic, I was asked to give a presentation on a historical figure when none of the other (male)

students were, later to learn that this was because the professor assumed I’d be writing a thesis on the

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history of philosophy. When I was at Penn as a junior faculty member and told a senior colleague that I

was going to be married (to another philosopher, Stephen Yablo, then at UM), his response was, “Oh, I’m

so sorry we’ll be losing you.” This was in 1989.

I mention these anecdotes (and there are many more) not in order to gain sympathy, or because

they are especially egregious, but because this sort of thing still happens all the time. When I was at the

University of Michigan in the mid-90’s there were three consecutive graduate student classes with no

women. When this was raised as an issue, the majority of faculty hadn’t even noticed it. In many

departments women find themselves solos on faculties or in graduate school cohorts. Virtually all

minorities in philosophy find themselves solos. Surviving as a solo is a painful and difficult process I’ll

discuss more below.

Moreover, blatant discrimination has not disappeared. I’ve witnessed plenty of occasions when a

woman’s status in graduate school was questioned because she was married, or had a child (or took time

off to have a child so was returning to philosophy as a “mature” student), or was in a long-distance

relationship. For some reason, this never seems to be an issue for men. I know many women who have

interests and talents in M&E who have been encouraged to do ethics or history of philosophy. I’ve been

contacted as recently as this year by graduate student women’s groups and individual women to help them

strategize about problems they are facing as women in their programs, problems that include alleged

sexual harassment, hostile or chilly climate, and various sorts of unfairness. I am contacted by Deans who

are reevaluating tenure decisions of women (and minorities) to comment on norms and practices in

philosophy that seem to have disadvantaged the tenure candidate in question. And I never cease to be


My point here is that I don’t think we need to scratch our heads and wonder what on earth is

going on that keeps women out of philosophy. In my experience it is very hard to find a place in

philosophy that isn’t actively hostile towards women and minorities, or at least assumes that a successful

philosopher should look and act like a (traditional, white) man. And most women and minorities who are

sufficiently qualified to get into grad school in philosophy have choices. They don’t have to put up with

this mistreatment. Many who recognize that something about choices is relevant have explained to me

that women choose not to go into philosophy because they have other options that pay better or have more

prestige. This may be true for some, but this doesn’t sound like the women I know who have quit

philosophy (and it sounds a lot more like the men I know who have quit). Women, I believe, want a good

working environment with mutual respect. And philosophy, mostly, doesn’t offer that.

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Unconscious bias, schemas

Schemas provide the currently most compelling model for understanding unconscious bias (Valian 1998).

The basic idea of a schema is:

a mental construct that, as the name suggests, contains in a schematic or abbreviated form

someone’s concept about an individual or event, or a group of people or events. It includes the

person’s or group’s main characteristics, from the perceiver’s point of view, and the relationship

among those features.” (Valian 1998, 104).

Schemas work somewhat like hypotheses in that:

They give rise to expectations. They interpret behavior in ways that are consistent with the

schema rather than inconsistent with it. They supply explanations where data are missing or

ambiguous. They direct the search for new information. They make subtyping a likely way of

handling exceptions. (Valian 1998, 106)

However, schemas are often more primitive than hypotheses and are more like a patterned set of

dispositions in response to one’s circumstances. Schemas are also typically inter-subjective in a way that

an individual’s hypothesis is not.

Problems arise when schemas clash. Valian uses the example of women in the military (Valian

1998, 122-3). The schema for women has us assume that women are life-giving and nurturing. The

schema for the military, of course, has us assume that troops are life-taking and aggressive. In such cases,

it is difficult to accept anything that seems to be an instance of both schemas. The deeper the schemas, the

more difficult it is to tolerate a conflicting case.

Schema clashes are resolved in a number of ways (Valian 1998, Ch. 6). For example:

• disappear the difficult cases, by ignoring them or forcing them out.

• find ways to pretend that false assumptions of the schemas are preserved. (Successful women

philosophers are really men/masculine after all!)

• allow exceptions to the rule (tokenism), but maintain barriers to limit access.

• change of the schemas….

As feminist philosophers have been arguing for decades, the familiar dichotomies with which

Anglophone philosophy defines itself map neatly onto gender dichotomies, e.g., rational/emotional,

objective/subjective, mind/body; ideals of philosophy, e.g. penetrating, seminal, rigorous, and what we

do, e.g., attack, target, demolish an opponent, frame it as masculine and in opposition to the feminine.

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These ideals and dichotomies are not only gendered, but are also relevant in considering challenges

philosophers of color face; like women, non-Whites are often perceived through schemas that represent

them as less rational, more identified with nature and the body, than Whites. Even if one consciously

rejects these assumptions, they may continue to work at the level of schemas.

Where might we look for the impact of schemas? There are a variety of studies in psychology and

economics in which identical term papers, cv’s and the like, are presented to subjects with characteristic

male or female, Black or White names attached. The results show that evaluators—regardless of sex—

respond differently, depending on whether the name is a man’s or woman’s, or is associated with Blacks

or Whites. (Bertrand and Mullainathan 2004; Goldin and Rouse 2000; Steinpreis, et al 1999.) This,

plausibly, is an example of schemas at work. Understandably we interpret information believed to be

about women differently from how we interpret the same information when it is believed to be about a

man. But in the workplace this tendency can constitute evaluation bias. Psychological research (Valian

1998, Ch. 14) has shown that schemas are more likely to govern evaluation when:

• The response is quick, rushed, or given insufficient time for consideration.

• Full attention is not given to the task.

• Decisions are not held accountable.

• The individual being evaluated is a member of a group that is a significant minority in the field, with the tipping point somewhere around 25-30%.

• The evaluator is unaware of common errors concerning reasoning about the group so does not correct for them.

Such evaluation bias is potentially relevant to admission to graduate school, applications for jobs and

fellowships, teaching evaluations (Superson 1999), and tenure and promotion decisions.

But, one might think, there are objective criteria for evaluation. Rarely are there two job

candidates who are exactly equivalent. The better candidate’s CV will have, for example, more articles in

peer-reviewed journals. However, drawing on data concerning the gender of authors in seven highly rated

philosophy journals over the past five years, I’d like to suggest that given the current state of things in

philosophy, we should consider the possibility that there is evaluation bias even in the peer-review

process. Based on the limited data I’ve gathered (for example, I don’t have data on submission), I cannot

argue that evaluation bias is playing a role in publication in philosophy. Rather, I offer the data to make

two points. First, the numbers suggest that women are underrepresented in what are considered “top”

journals, and we should investigate why the numbers are so low. Second, the hypothesis that women's

work is not being fairly considered provides a vivid example of how deep evaluation bias can be. If

women’s CV’s are not being fairly evaluated in comparison with men’s, and if the work they produce that

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provides lines on a CV is also not being fairly evaluated, then there is a double disadvantage: your work

is unfairly judged, so it is harder to be published in prestigious journals; but even when you succeed in

establishing equivalent credentials to a man, your CV is “read” as inferior. The same accumulation of

disadvantage is relevant to the situation of minorities in philosophy as well.

This is not to say that we should put our thumb on the scale for women (and minorities) and not

judge the credentials of all candidates based on a sincere evaluation of their merits. It does mean,

however, that even if there is due care in making decisions at one stage, this may not be enough because

there may have been insufficient care at an earlier stage. We must root out bias at every stage.


Appendix 1 to this paper includes a table that summarizes data on the gender of authors of articles and

discussions (not including book reviews) over the past five years in Ethics, Journal of Philosophy, Mind,

Nous Philosophical Review, Philosophy and Public Affairs, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.

Appendix 2 includes a table indicating the Editors and Associate Editors of the seven journals surveyed.

Appendix 3 includes a table that indicates the number of men and women tenured or tenure-track faculty

in the “top 20” graduate departments in the country as ranked by the Leiter report.

The data mostly speak for themselves, though there are a few things worth noting. First, there are,

of course, many other excellent journals that are not included in the data. My goal was to begin with what

are considered the high-ranking journals by the dominant analytic paradigm, the journals that hold the

most power within the profession. Because some schools have a list of “preferred” peer reviewed journals

that plays a role in evaluating cases for tenure and promotion, we should be especially attentive to the

statistics for such journals.

Second, in many ways the overview numbers don't give the full picture. For example,

considering only "articles" over the past five years, and excluding "discussions," 95.5 percent of those in

Mind were by men.

Third, it may be that women do not submit work to these journals in large numbers. But if that is

so we need to ask why. Below I will raise the issue of stereotype threat; under stereotype threat

individuals look for low-risk strategies. But low-risk strategies may also bring low rewards. If women

avoid submitting work to the journals that distribute prestige, then this is a problem.

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Fourth, although, on average, 19 percent of the faculty in the top 20 graduate departments are

women, only the journal Ethics comes close to this number of articles by women over the past five years.

If, as is commonly suspected, more women specialize in ethics than in other fields (it would be good to

get data to confirm or disconfirm this suspicion), even this achievement by Ethics cannot be counted as a

clear success.1

Fifth, although in philosophy it is often thought that women “just aren’t as interested” in

philosophy of mind, philosophy of language and such, this does not sit well with the fact that women

seem to be doing well in linguistics, cognitive psychology and cognitive science more generally2. For

comparison, we looked at data from two journals in related areas, again considering main articles over the

past five years and the result was:

Mind and Language: 26.5% articles by women

Linguistics and Philosophy: 24.4% articles by women

We didn’t collect data on the representation of women faculty in top departments in these fields. A more

thorough study should make such comparisons.

Sixth, it is appalling to me that there is so little feminist work published in the journals examined,

even in journals focused on ethics and political philosophy. Note that there has been more work on race

and racism published in these journals over the past five years (though very little of this), than work on

feminism. Given the numbers of women philosophers working on feminism, this is striking. Jennifer Saul

has told me that she sees a pronounced difference in the responses she gets from journals to her work in

philosophy of language compared to her feminist work. Her papers in philosophy of language are always

sent out to referees; her feminist submissions, however, are routinely sent back without having been

considered by a reviewer. What is going on here?

I was not in a position to gather data systematically on the peer review process at the seven journals

considered. However, I was able to collect some information through web access to journals’ webpages

and by contacting members of a few of the editorial boards. Based on this, it is clear to me that there is a

wide variation among philosophy journals in how anonymous the review process is. For example,

according to a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Philosophy: “JP doesn’t do blind

reviewing at all and it doesn’t send papers to outside referees, but does almost all reviewing in house.”

The website for Analysis says:

All papers are initially read by the Editor. Some are accepted, perhaps after amendment or

resubmission, by the Editor himself and a proportion are then sent out to referees. When papers

are sent on, the referees receive “blinded” versions of the papers if copies are sent in that form.

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And referees’ reports are sent on to the authors if the referees agree, though in the interests of

speed referees may give brisk verdicts for the Editor’s eyes only. (Analysis – Journal


I was also told an anecdote about a prestigious journal at which a student worker made the “first cut”

before papers were masked for review. Philosophy and Public Affairs, however, seems to have a

thoroughly anonymous referee process whereby a managing editor masks all papers before sending them

on to the Editor. The Editor rejects a substantial number without sending them to referees, but referees do

not know the author of the papers they review unless they see it published in the journal.

Given that schemas are more likely to have a bearing on evaluation when decisions are “brisk” and

when they are not held accountable, more research needs to be done on the refereeing policies and

practices of journals in the profession.

Anti-feminist “consensus”

The virtual absence of feminist philosophy in the journals considered stands in stark contrast to the

acceptance of feminist work in other humanities and social sciences. Philosophy is, and is generally

perceived to be, reactionary in this respect. Given that many departments require (or at least encourage)

women to teach feminist philosophy classes, there is a significant number of women who are qualified to

publish feminist work.

Can schemas help us understand the attitudes in the profession toward feminist philosophy? As

we saw before, the schema for philosophy presents it as hyper-rational, objective, masculine. The schema

for feminist philosophy surely associates it with women and femininity and codes it as emotional,

political, and non-objective. Again we have a conflict of schemas that makes it difficult for philosophy

and feminism to seem compatible. (The lack of feminist philosophy in the seven journals considered does

not itself demonstrate a bias against feminist philosophy. It is plausible that little feminist work is

submitted to these journals. Support for my claim that there is an anti-feminist bias in philosophy comes

from many sources, including personal experience and reports by others. The journals data are just

another sign that something is wrong.)

Climate, social norms

If philosophy is governed by a gender/race schemas, then it makes sense that this affects the climate.

• Philosophy departments often are hyper-masculine places. They are:

o competitive, combative, (non-nurturing),3

o highly judgmental,

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o oriented towards individual accomplishment, individual intelligence, agency,

o hostile to femininity.

• It is a familiar joke that (male) philosophers are poorly socialized. Women, socially, are

responsible for maintaining good social dynamics. Because successful social interaction is very

difficult in philosophy departments, women are either burdened by this sense of responsibility, or

are alienated by the atmosphere where ordinary social norms are not recognized.

It is difficult for women to feel “at home” in a hyper-masculine environment since it requires sublimating

potentially important aspects of identity; because some of the specific elements of masculinity that are

emphasized in philosophy are also associated with Whiteness, the same is true for minorities. Those

women and minorities succeed who are good at adjusting to or managing dysfunctional social

environments, or who can conform to a milieu governed by certain masculine norms. Of course, climate

is also an issue for men who aren’t comfortable with highly masculinized norms (or with the breakdown

of broader social norms).

In contexts where there are strong masculine gender (and race) schemas at work, stereotype threat

becomes an issue for women and minorities. Substantial research in psychology (e.g., Steele 1997, Maass

and Cadinu 2003) has shown that

negative stereotypes are in part responsible for the underperformance of minority members in

stereotype-relevant domains. More specifically, those tasks for which negative association exists

between the task domain and the minority group will represent a threat for minority members;

their preoccupation with inadvertently confirming the stereotype will in turn lead to a decrease in

performance. (Maass et al, 2003, 244)

In addition to minority status in a negatively stereotyped domain, predictors for stereotype threat


• strong identification with domain,

• strong identification with social group under threat,

• sense of internal control over performance,

• possibly “high stigma consciousness.”

This suggests that individuals in philosophy who identify as women (or as non-White), have a strong

investment in philosophy, and also identify as agents responsible for their cognitive performance (as is

encouraged by the norms of the profession), are highly susceptible to stereotype threat.

Although there is some controversy over how stereotype threat works, the mechanisms seem to


• anxiety,

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• intrusive thoughts,

• shift towards caution (in response to expected evaluation bias),

• decreased performance expectancy, i.e., agents expect less of themselves,

• disengagement.

Even in cases where there is little or no stereotype threat, there are effects similar to stereotype threat

when an individual is a “solo” in a group, that is, if they are the only member of their social group

(Sekaquaptewa and Thompson 2002, Sekaquaptewa and Thompson 2003). Solo status has been shown to

have an impact both on learning and performance. An important point to note is that the effects of solo

status are situational: when solos are in non-solo contexts the effects disappear. This shows that it is not a

chronic deficit.

In my experience, solo status often results in my feeling tongue-tied and “stupid,” even to this

day. I watch myself unable to follow an argument or clearly articulate my question on an utterly familiar

topic. We all know what it is like to struggle with complex ideas when “struck dumb” with anxiety. What

is less evident is how gender and race imbalance creates contexts in which it is more difficult for women

and minorities to perform up to their potential. People are unlikely to want to pursue fields in which they

regularly feel “stupid,” where they can tell that they are under-performing. But given the combination of

stereotype threat and, all too often, solo status, this is likely a familiar experience for women and people

of color in philosophy.

The good news is that there are actions that can diminish stereotype threat (Maass and Cadinu

2003, 268-270):

• Provide evidence that the stereotype doesn’t hold, or introduce a counter-stereotypical role model.

• Activate alternative group identification that is not negatively stereotyped, by, for example, not

activating gender or race identification in evaluation contexts and encouraging identification with

other (not negatively stereotyped) categories.

• Avoid casting evaluation as testing ability in the stereotyped domain. Logic tests do not capture

logical intelligence.

• Encourage incremental view of intelligence as malleable and capable of expanding with hard



1. We need more data on various issues. This is important both to develop plausible accounts of

gender and race bias in philosophy so we know what we’re dealing with, and also because data-

gathering encourages self-monitoring and allows us to hold institutions accountable.

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• Pipeline: number of women and minorities in majors, graduate programs and at every


• Journals: gender (and race?) breakdown of submissions, percent of submissions sent to

referees, given revise and resubmit, accepted, published.

• Referee policies for journals: how anonymous are they?

• Neighboring disciplines.

2. Disrupt the bias against feminism. Established feminists should:

• Submit work to mainstream journals.

• Use the term ‘feminism’/’feminist’ in our writing.

• Cite feminist work; urge mainstream colleagues to read and reference feminist work in their areas.

• Challenge false assumptions about feminist work; encourage forums for educating mainstream colleagues/students.

• Encourage men to teach and write on feminism

3. Disrupt schemas

• Do not disappear, ignore, or redescribe women and minorities in philosophy! Become

visible, make others visible.

• Make the schemas for gender, race, class, and philosophy explicit and defuse them.

• Don’t acquiesce in the masculinization of philosophy spaces. Find ways to discourage

antisocial behavior. Encourage a sense of belonging.

• Broaden the philosophical understanding of intelligence.

4. Organize!

• Establish contexts where women philosophers and philosophers of color are in the


• Establish contexts where feminist philosophy and philosophy of race is valued.

• Establish systems for accountability and support.

• Learn about broader institutional (college/university/nationwide) resources that may be



Analysis – Journal Information,,

May 1, 2007.

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Bertrand, Marianne and Sendhil Mullainathan. 2004. Are Emily and Greg more employable than Lakisha

and Jamal? A field experiment on labor market discrimination. American Economic Review

94(4): 991-1013.

------. 2005. Implicit discrimination. American Economic Review 95 (2): 94-98.

Goldin, C., and C. Rouse. 2000. Orchestrating impartiality: The impact of “blind” auditions on female

musicians. American Economic Review. 90: 715-41.

Lord, C. G., and Saenz, D. S. 1985. Memory deficits and memory surfeits: Differential cognitive

consequences of tokenism for tokens and observers. Journal of Personality and Social

Psychology 49: 918-926.

Maass, Anne, and Mara Cadinu. 2003. Stereotype threat: When minority members underperform.

European Review of Social Psychology 14: 243-275.

Sekaquaptewa, Denise, and Mischa Thompson. 2002. The differential effects of solo status on members

of high- and low-status groups. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 28: 694-707.

------. 2003. Solo status, stereotype threat, and performance expectancies: Their effects on women’s

performance. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 39: 68-74.

Steele, C. M. 1997. A threat in the air: How stereotypes shape the intellectual identities and performance

of women and African-Americans. American Psychologist 52: 613-629.

Steinpreis, R.E., K.A. Anders and D. Ritzke. 1999. The impact of gender on the review of the curricula

vitae of job applicants and tenure candidates: A national empirical study. Sex Roles 41 (7/8): 509-


Superson, Anita. 1999. Sexism in the classroom: The role of gender stereotypes in the evaluation of

female faculty, in the APA Nesletter on Feminism and Philosophy, 99(1): 46-51.

Valian, Virginia. 1998. Why so slow? The advancement of women. Cambridge: MIT Press.

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Appendix 1

Representation of Women in 7 Philosophy Journals, 2002-07

Overview Journal #authors #female %female Ethics 114 22 19.30 Jphil 120 16 13.33 Mind 141 9 6.38 Nous 155 18 11.61 Phil Review 63 7 11.11 PPR 212 26 12.26 PPA 93 13 13.98 Overall 898 111 12.36 Journal #articles #feminist %feminist #race %race Ethics 105 3 2.86 3 2.86 Jphil 113 0 0.00 2 1.77 PPA 78 4 5.13 3 3.85 Overall 296 7 2.36 8 2.70

NB: Mind, Nous, Phil Review and PPR did not publish any articles with feminist or race content in the past five years (as far as I can tell.)

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Appendix 2

Editors and Associate Editors for 7 Philosophy Journals, Spring 2007

*Faculty of Columbia Philosophy edit: Bernard Berofsky, Akeel Bilgrami, John Collins, Arthur C. Danto,

Kent Greenawalt, Patricia Kitcher, Philip Kitcher, Isaac Levi, Wolfgang Mann, Mary Mothersill, Frederick

Neuhouser, Christopher Peacocke, Carol Rovane, Achille C. Varzi, + 4 male consulting editors.

**Editors rotate between faculty at Cornell, currently Sturgeon and Weatherson. Assoc. Editors

constituted by the rest of the dept: Richard Boyd, Andrew Chignell, Matti Eklund, Gail Fine, Carl Ginet,

Harold Hodes, T. H. Irwin, Michelle Kosch, Scott MacDonald, Richard W. Miller, Michele Moody-Adams,

Sydney Shoemaker, Henry Shue, Nicholas Silins.

***No Assoc. Eds. Numbers are for Editorial Board.

****Plus 5 male advisory editors

Assoc. Ed, Advisory Ed.

Editor Total # #female Ethics John Deigh 9 2 Journal of Philosophy see below * n/a n/a Mind Thomas Baldwin 3 0 Nous Ernest Sosa 13 1 Philosophical Review

Nick Sturgeon, Brian Weatherson 14 3 **

PPR Ernest Sosa 56 9 *** PPA Charles Beitz 5 2 **** TOTAL 100 17

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Appendix 3 Gender Ratios in Tenure-Track Positions in Philosophy Departments

Ranked 1-20 by 2006

Leiter #’s %

Confirm Women

Confirm Total %

Full Women

Tenured Assoc Women

Untenured Assoc/Asst Women

1 NYU 2/18 11% 2 18 11% 1 1 2 Rutgers 4/29 13% 4 29 13% 2 2 3 Princeton 4/19 21% 4 21 19% 1 3

4 U. Michigan 1/22 4% 1 22 4% 1

5 U. Pittsburgh 4/29 13% 3 20 15% 1 2

6 Stanford 7/24 29% 6 24 25% 1 1 4 9 Harvard 5/17 29% 4 16 25% 4 9 MIT 2/11 18% 2 11 18% 2 9 UCLA 3/17 17% 3 17 17% 1 1 1

10 Columbia 8/22 36% 8 22 36% 4 4 11 UNC 3/22 13% 3 22 13% 2 1 12 Berkeley 4/16 25% 3 16 18% 2 1 13 U. Arizona 6/21 28% 6 21 28% 1 3 2

14 Notre Dame 5/41 12% 6 42 12% 2 2 2

15 UT-Austin 2/27 7% 2 27 7% 2 16 Brown 3/13 23% 3 13 23% 2 1 17 Cornell 3/14 21% 3 14 21% 2 1 18 USC 3/19 15% 3 19 15% 1 2 19 Yale 6/17 35% 6 17 35% 4 1 1 20 UCI 4/21 19% 4 21 19% 3 1 19.5% 76 412 18.7% 37 17 22

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Thanks to Nina Emery for her ideas and excellent work on data collection. I have received many

comments on this essay since it was presented at the APA Central Division, April 2007, and widely

circulated after that. Thanks to all of those who have given me feedback. Special thanks to Lauren

Ashwell, Sylvain Bromberger, Caspar Hare, Heather Logue, Kate Manne, Agustin Rayo, Damien

Rochford, Jennifer Saul, Robert Stalnaker, Anita Superson and Ekaterina Vavova, for helpful

conversations during the early stages of my thinking about the data.

1 Thanks to Marilyn Friedman for pointing this out in discussion at the APA Panel convened by the Committee on the Status of Women at the Central APA 2007 where I first presented this data. 2 Thanks to Sylvain Bromberger for this point and for the suggestion that we look at journals in linguistics and cognitive science. 3 A prospective graduate student at MIT this year was told by another department trying to recruit her (!) that in their program “it’s survival of the fittest”.

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