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Hunting of marine mammalsHunting of marine mammals

 A historical overview A historical overview

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Whaling and sealing«Whaling and sealing«

«have occurred since prehistory«have occurred since prehistory

«currently highly controversial in many«currently highly controversial in manycountries around the worldcountries around the world

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Why have people huntedWhy have people hunted

marine mammals?marine mammals?Fur Fur   ± ± clothing, fashionclothing, fashion

OilOil  ± ± illumination, heating, lubrication,illumination, heating, lubrication,

margarinemargarine,, soapssoaps, etc., etc.

BaleenBaleen  ± ± clothing, reinforcement, brushes, reinforcement, brushes etc.

BonesBones  ± ± oil, construction materialsoil, construction materials

MeatMeat  ± ± human, animal foodhuman, animal food

IvoryIvory  ± ± scrimshaw, jewelleryscrimshaw, jewellery

AmbergrisAmbergris ± ± perfumesperfumes

Competition ± fisheries

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Whale productsWhale products




 Ambergris Ambergris


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How many were harvested?How many were harvested?

 Accurate estimates impossible to obtain Accurate estimates impossible to obtain

Several millionsSeveral millions of baleen and sperm whales, fur of baleen and sperm whales, fur 

seals, sea ottersseals, sea ottersMany populations severely reduced, locallyMany populations severely reduced, locallyextinct (e.g. Right, Bowhead, Atlantic Grey whale,extinct (e.g. Right, Bowhead, Atlantic Grey whale,

 Atlantic walrus, Japanese sea lion) Atlantic walrus, Japanese sea lion)

hh Caribbean monk seal,Caribbean monk seal, Steller Steller sea cowsea cow

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Southern hemisphere whalingSouthern hemisphere whaling

totals, 1904totals, 1904--19831983 (Source: IW

C)(Source: IW

C)BlueBlue 360,000360,000

FinFin 723,000723,000

SeiSei 208,000208,000HumpbackHumpback 197,000197,000

Bryde¶sBryde¶s 8,0008,000

MinkeMinke 112,000112,000

RightRight 4,0004,000

SpermSperm 395,000395,000

Other Other  12,00012,000


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Whales, dolphins,

sea lions

Whales, porpoise,

seals, walrus

Whales, seals,

sea lions, f ur  

seals, sea otter ,

Steller  sea cow

Bowhead, beluga,

nar whal, seals, walrus,

polar  bear 

Pre-1200 wh

aling and sealing centres

Bowhead, beluga,

nar whal, seals, walrus,

polar  bear 

Sea lions, f ur  seals,

S. elephant seals

Sea lions,

f ur  seals




W.A. manatee 

Baikal seals

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Prehistoric/aboriginal sealingPrehistoric/aboriginal sealing

Likely older  than Likely older  than 

whaling, oldest whaling, oldest 

evidence ~10,000evidence ~10,000

ago in NW Europeago in NW Europe

LandLand-- and iceand ice--basedbased

Vitally important f or  Vitally important f or  

many subsistence many subsistence 

cultures, especially cultures, especially 

those in the Ar cticthose in the Ar cticDorset artifacts from Phillip's Garden, Port au Choix,

Newfoundland and Labrador.

Source: The Rooms Provincial Museum, St.John¶s, NL

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Prehistoric/aboriginal whalingPrehistoric/aboriginal whaling

Initially people used boats Initially people used boats 

to to drivedrive small whales small whales 


Later , drogues and f loats Later , drogues and f loats 

were used to were used to slow downslow down the the 

whale, and kill it at seawhale, and kill it at sea

Ar chaeological evidence Ar chaeological evidence 

f or  organised shoref or  organised shore--basedbased

whaling in Stone Age whaling in Stone Age 

Korea, approx. 8000 YBPKorea, approx. 8000 YBPSource: Museum of Kyungpook National

University, Bukgu Daegu, South Korea

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The FaroeseThe Faroese ³g³grindrind´́ A coastal drive fishery A coastal drive fisheryfor longfor long--finned pilotfinned pilotwhaleswhales (~1,000/year)(~1,000/year)


hales are chasedW

hales are chasedinto shallows andinto shallows andkilled on the beachkilled on the beach

Meat is dividedMeat is divided


Written records datingWritten records datingback to 1584, butback to 1584, butprobably much older probably much older 

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Medieval European whalingMedieval European whaling

Basque whaling, starting ~Basque whaling, starting ~

 A.D.1000, represents the A.D.1000, represents the

first evidence of organisedfirst evidence of organised

whaling industrywhaling industry

Dolphin and porpoise meatDolphin and porpoise meat

for sale in Paris, in 1300for sale in Paris, in 1300

Edward II declared allEdward II declared all

whales to be property of whales to be property of 

the English Crown, 1324the English Crown, 1324

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Basque whalingBasque whaling

 A Approx. 11pprox. 11thth--1616thth centurycentury

VillageVillage--based industrybased industry

Mainly targeted RightMainly targeted Right

whales for meat, blubber,whales for meat, blubber,

oil, baleen, bonesoil, baleen, bones

Whale products tradedWhale products traded

across western Europeacross western EuropeSource: St.Lawrence Gateways Project

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Right vs. Wrong whalesRight vs. Wrong whales

Right whales were:Right whales were:

 ± ± LargeLarge

 ± ± Abundant Abundant

 ± ± Slow swimmersSlow swimmers

 ± ± Coastal distributionCoastal distribution

 ± ± Predictable in their Predictable in their 

migration routesmigration routes

 ± ± They floated whenThey floated whendeaddead

Source: Dr. J. Lawson, DFO

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Red Bay, Labrador Red Bay, Labrador 

Basque whaling stationBasque whaling stationfrom the 16from the 16thth centurycentury

44 galleonsgalleons discovered ondiscovered on

bottom of the baybottom of the bay

Shore stations and livingShore stations and livingquarters preserved onquarters preserved on

coast,coast, islandsislands

MainMain targettarget waswas thetheBBowheadowhead whalewhale

Source: Heritage Newfoundland

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 Arctic Bowhead Arctic Bowhead whaling,whaling,



centurycenturyCompanies outfitted shipsCompanies outfitted ships

to hunt Bowheads in Arcticto hunt Bowheads in Arctic

Basque whalers employedBasque whalers employedfor training purposesfor training purposes

SpitSpitssbergen became center bergen became center 

of operationsof operations

Oil was primary productOil was primary product;;

meat was often left behindmeat was often left behind

Source: Norwegian Institute of Scienceand Technology, Trondheim, Norway

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19th century







Rights,Fur  seals


f ur  seals

Rights, Grays,


Fur  seals


Fur  seals, sea lions,

S. elephant seals


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Sperm whaling in Hawaiian waters, circa 1883.Source: American Digital History Center 

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18618655: Svend Foyn invents the: Svend Foyn invents the

harpoon gunharpoon gunTargeted fast rorqualsTargeted fast rorquals

(blues, fins, seis, minkes)(blues, fins, seis, minkes)

for the first time in historyfor the first time in history

Encouraged developmentEncouraged development

of pelagic steamshipof pelagic steamship


Compressors enabledCompressors enabled

whales to be floated after whales to be floated after 


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20th century










Fur  seals,

sea lions

Fur  sealsSeals


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Sirenian huntingSirenian hunting

Manatees, dugong have beenManatees, dugong have been

hunted for many years by localhunted for many years by local


Some are still hunted in partsSome are still hunted in parts

of their rangeof their range

Protection measures are oftenProtection measures are oftendifficult to enforcedifficult to enforce

Dugong hunters in northern Australia.

Source: James Cook University,

Queensland, Australia

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Sea otter huntingSea otter hunting

 Almost hunted to extinction Almost hunted to extinctionfor its fine fur between 1741for its fine fur between 1741

 ± ± 1911 (less than 2,000 left1911 (less than 2,000 leftworldwide by then)worldwide by then)

In 1911, an internationalIn 1911, an internationaltreaty banned thetreaty banned thecommercial hunting of seacommercial hunting of sea

otters; poaching continuedotters; poaching continueduntil WW IIuntil WW II

No longer hunted, but manyNo longer hunted, but manystocks are still depletedstocks are still depleted

Source: USNPS

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Polar bear huntingPolar bear hunting

Regulated in 1973 byRegulated in 1973 byinternational treaty; hinternational treaty; hunting fromunting fromplanes, icebreakers etc. nowplanes, icebreakers etc. nowprohibitedprohibited

 Aboriginal hunting allowed in Aboriginal hunting allowed inGreenland, Alaska, Russia andGreenland, Alaska, Russia andCanadaCanada

Limited recreational huntingLimited recreational huntingcontinues in Canadacontinues in Canada

Nunavut quota increased to 518Nunavut quota increased to 518

bears in 2004bears in 2004

Source: USFWS

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Whaling in the AntarcticWhaling in the Antarctic

Started at the end of theStarted at the end of the

1919thth centurycentury

Initially shoreInitially shore--based (e.g.,based (e.g.,Grytviken, SouthGrytviken, South

Georgia), after 1925Georgia), after 1925

mostly factory vesselsmostly factory vessels

Strong demand for oilStrong demand for oil

fuelled expansion of fuelled expansion of 

pelagic whalingpelagic whaling Grytviken from above looking toward King Edward Point

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Modern whaling (1945Modern whaling (1945--1986)1986)

Chaser boats harpoon the whales, and factoryChaser boats harpoon the whales, and factoryvessels process the carcasses atvessels process the carcasses at--sea (vastsea (vastmajority in Antarctic waters)majority in Antarctic waters)

Source: Cool

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Modern whaling (1945Modern whaling (1945--1986)1986)

Main players were Norway, USSR, and Japan, withMain players were Norway, USSR, and Japan, with

smaller catches by UK, the Netherlands, Canada,smaller catches by UK, the Netherlands, Canada,

Chile,Chile, andand Argentina Argentina

Source: Cool

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The International WhalingThe International Whaling

Commission (IW

C)Commission (IW

C)Formed in 194Formed in 19466 to ³conserve whale stocks and thus maketo ³conserve whale stocks and thus make

possible the orderly development of the whaling industry´possible the orderly development of the whaling industry´

Responsible for scientificallyResponsible for scientifically--based management, quotasbased management, quotas

Only has authority over ³large whales´Only has authority over ³large whales´

Lack of enforcementLack of enforcement capabilitiecapabilitiess

Plagued by internal conflicts and acrimony in recent yearsPlagued by internal conflicts and acrimony in recent years

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³BlueWhale Units´³BlueWhale Units´

 A crude measuring unit to attempt to compare and A crude measuring unit to attempt to compare andregulate catchesregulate catches

1 blue whale = 2 fin whales = 2.5 humpback whales =1 blue whale = 2 fin whales = 2.5 humpback whales =

6 sei whales6 sei whales

It was left to the individual whalers to decide which whalesIt was left to the individual whalers to decide which whalesto huntto hunt

Ensured continued hunt for blue whales, since they wereEnsured continued hunt for blue whales, since they wereconsidered most valuableconsidered most valuable

Quota frequently overrun or misreportedQuota frequently overrun or misreported

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Sequential whalingSequential whaling

Smaller andSmaller andsmaller speciessmaller specieswere exploited,were exploited,as stocks of as stocks of 

larger, morelarger, morevaluable speciesvaluable speciesdwindleddwindled

No effectiveNo effective

managementmanagementplan was put inplan was put inplace to halt theplace to halt thedeclinedecline

Southern hemisphere reported whale catches, 1905 ± 1985. Source: IWC

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Modern whaling in Canada:Modern whaling in Canada:


between 1898between 1898 ± ± 1972,1972,

with Norwegian backingwith Norwegian backing

Captured mainly finsCaptured mainly fins,,

blues and humpbacks;blues and humpbacks;

a total of over 19,000a total of over 19,000


Pilot whale drive fisheryPilot whale drive fishery

in 1960¶s (e.g., Dildo)in 1960¶s (e.g., Dildo)

Canadian commercialCanadian commercial

whaling ended in 1972whaling ended in 1972

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Japanese whalingJapanese whaling

Japan was historically a shoreJapan was historically a shore--whaling nation,whaling nation,

using small boats and netsusing small boats and nets

Whaling industry reinvigorated in the 19Whaling industry reinvigorated in the 19thth

century, when modern methods were introducedcentury, when modern methods were introduced

Industry destroyed during WW II; rebuilt withIndustry destroyed during WW II; rebuilt withsupport from US governmentsupport from US government

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The antiThe anti--whaling movementwhaling movementPart of increasedPart of increasedenvironmentalenvironmentalawareness during 1960¶sawareness during 1960¶s

1975: Greenpeace starts1975: Greenpeace starts

disrupting whalingdisrupting whalingvessels off Californiavessels off California;;beginning of highlybeginning of highlypublicized campaignpublicized campaign

Major worldMajor world--wide antiwide anti--whaling protestswhaling proteststhroughout the 1970¶sthroughout the 1970¶sand early 1980¶sand early 1980¶s

Source: Greenpeace International; AnimalWelfare Institute

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The whaling moratoriumThe whaling moratorium

Passed July 23, 1982Passed July 23, 1982

Moratorium came into effect in 1986Moratorium came into effect in 1986

Norway has objected to the moratorium and isNorway has objected to the moratorium and istherefore not bound by ittherefore not bound by it

JapanJapan, Iceland, Iceland continue to whale for ³scientificcontinue to whale for ³scientificresearch´research´

Canada left the IW

C inCanada left the IW

C in 19821982

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 Arguments for and against Arguments for and against

whalingwhalingConservation status of many stocks is unclear Conservation status of many stocks is unclear 

NonNon--lethal research methods availablelethal research methods available

Whaling vs. whale watchingWhaling vs. whale watching

Fisheries recovery (Barents sea)Fisheries recovery (Barents sea)

Ethics (intelligence, method of killing)Ethics (intelligence, method of killing)

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³Scientific whaling´³Scientific whaling´

The IWC allows whaling for The IWC allows whaling for scientific researchscientific research

Essentially unmonitoredEssentially unmonitored

Japan has caught over Japan has caught over 8,0008,000whales (mainly Antarcticwhales (mainly Antarcticminkesminkes) since 1987, for ) since 1987, for 

³research purposes´³research purposes´

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³Scientific whaling´³Scientific whaling´ cont¶d.cont¶d.

JapaneseJapanese researchresearchprogram hasprogram has beenbeencriticized as being ³notcriticized as being ³not

required for managerequired for manage--ment³ (IWC, 1997)ment³ (IWC, 1997)

Poor publication recordPoor publication record

Now expanded toNow expanded toNorth Pacific,North Pacific, will alsowill alsoinclude humpback, fininclude humpback, fin


Source: Greenpeace International

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Status of large whales todayStatus of large whales today

Many populations are recovering (e.g., humpbacks,Many populations are recovering (e.g., humpbacks,

southern right whales, eastern Pacific gray whales)southern right whales, eastern Pacific gray whales)

Other stocks have not recovered despite years of Other stocks have not recovered despite years of 

protection (northern right whales, bowheads,protection (northern right whales, bowheads,

western Pacific gray whales)western Pacific gray whales)

³Cultural identity´ of stocks may prevent rapid³Cultural identity´ of stocks may prevent rapid


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Whaling todayWhaling today

JapanJapan continues its ³scientific whaling program´,continues its ³scientific whaling program´,

Norway will catch more thanNorway will catch more than 1,0521,052 minkeminke whaleswhales

in their territorial watersin their territorial waters

IcelandIceland rejoined the IWC in 2002, and startedrejoined the IWC in 2002, and started

huntinghunting minkeminke whales in 2003whales in 2003

 Aboriginal whaling ( Aboriginal whaling (e.g.,e.g.,Inuit, Makah)Inuit, Makah) on the riseon the rise

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Marine mammal cullsMarine mammal culls

Current calls for culling top predators (seals,Current calls for culling top predators (seals, minkeminke

whales) to make more fish available for humanwhales) to make more fish available for human

consumption (e.g., Japan, Norway, Canada)consumption (e.g., Japan, Norway, Canada)

Culls of Culls of pinnipedspinnipeds have not worked in the past (UK,have not worked in the past (UK,

Sable Island, BC)Sable Island, BC)

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EcologicalEcologicalimpacts of cullsimpacts of cullsare unknown andare unknown andunpredictableunpredictable

Removal of sealsRemoval of sealsis unlikely tois unlikely tobenefit codbenefit codstocksstocks

UncertaintyUncertaintyneeds to beneeds to beacknowledgedacknowledged

Scotian Shelf food web.

Source: University of Texas






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Marine mammal hunts date back to prehistoryMarine mammal hunts date back to prehistory

Hunts look set to continue in some areas for Hunts look set to continue in some areas for 

foreseeable futureforeseeable future

Increased use of longIncreased use of long--term scientific managementterm scientific management


Public input remains essentialPublic input remains essential

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International whale sanctuariesInternational whale sanctuaries

Indian OceanIndian Ocean

SanctuarySanctuary -- 19791979

Southern OceanSouthern Ocean

SanctuarySanctuary ± ± 19941994South PacificSouth Pacific

sanctuary votedsanctuary voted

downdown -- 20002000

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