Page 1: Harrison County, 5, 2016. Cody Nash, Deputy Tax Collector, regular full time, effective 6-20-2016. Kaylen

Harrison County, Mississippi

Meeting Minutes Board of Supervisors

Harrison County, MS Page 1

Attachments: Settlement ORDER Aycock 7-5-16 Aycock, Clois-property damage claim

Mr. Clois Aycock appeared before the Board to appeal the previous decision of the Board of May 23, 2016 denying his claim. After full discussion, the Board adopted an ORDER authorizing settlement of the claim of Clois Aycock against Harrison County in the amount of $750.00 and to pay same from the County's Tort Account. [DETAILED ORDER FOLLOWS AS ATTACHMENT 1.]

2 16-1191

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


A motion was made by Supervisor Rockco seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

ORDER amending the proposed agenda by adding the request of E. P. Gartman under the public forum.

1 16-1239

Present Beverly Martin; Angel Kibler-Middleton; Marlin Ladner; Kent Jones and Connie Rockco

5 -

STATE OF MISSISSIPPI COUNTY OF HARRISON BE IT REMEMBERED, that a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Harrison County, Mississippi was begun and held in the meeting room of the Board of Supervisors of Harrison County, located in the First Judicial District Courthouse in Gulfport, Mississippi, on the FIRST TUESDAY OF JULY 2016, being July 5, 2016, the first Monday of July 2016 being a legal holiday and July 5, 2016 being the day succeeding the first Monday of July 2016, the same being the time fixed by law and the place fixed by Order of the Board of Supervisors of Harrison County, Mississippi at a former meeting thereof for holding said meeting of said Board. THERE WERE PRESENT and in attendance on said Board, President Beverly Martin, presiding; Angel Kibler-Middleton, Marlin R. Ladner, Kent Jones, and Connie M. Rockco, members of said Board of Supervisors; Troy Peterson, Sheriff of Harrison County, Mississippi; Tal Flurry, Tax Assessor for Harrison County, Mississippi; and John McAdams, Chancery Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board. WHEREUPON, after proclamation of the Sheriff, the following proceedings were had and done, viz: ROLL CALL

Tuesday, July 5, 2016 Gulfport9:30 AM

Page 2: Harrison County, 5, 2016. Cody Nash, Deputy Tax Collector, regular full time, effective 6-20-2016. Kaylen

July 5, 2016Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes

A motion was made by Supervisor Rockco seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER approving the request of the Success Alumni to waive the rental fees for the Success Civic Center for holding their bi-annual meetings in mid-March and mid-August each year. [DETAILED ORDER FOLLOWS AS ATTACHMENT 1.]

3 16-1243

Order waiving fees Success Alumni 7-5-16 Attachments:

A motion was made by Supervisor Rockco seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER adopting the official Harrison County Fairgrounds flag, as recommended by Greg Whitfield, Director, Fairgrounds and Parks & Recreation.

4 16-1217

Flag Attachments:

[Greg Whitfield, Director, Fairgrounds and Parks & Recreation reported that a total of 2,709 votes were cast on line to choose the design of the flag.]

A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Rockco, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco



Approval of the Consent Agenda A motion was made by Supervisor Jones, seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER approving claims docket, per statute. [CLAIMS DOCKET SUMMARY FOLLOWS AS ATTACHMENT 1.]

5 16-1146

Claims docket summary 7-5-16 Attachments:

This Order is hereby APPROVED by consent roll call.

ORDER approving fee settlement payment to Harrison County constables for the month of July 2016, as submitted by the Justice Court Clerk and on file with the Clerk of the Board.

6 16-1147

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Page 3: Harrison County, 5, 2016. Cody Nash, Deputy Tax Collector, regular full time, effective 6-20-2016. Kaylen

July 5, 2016Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes

This Order is hereby APPROVED by consent roll call.

ORDER spreading upon the minutes the executed contracts for lease of the Clarence Johnson Sports Complex, as approved by Greg Whitfield, Fairgrounds and County Recreational Facilities Director, to be reviewed by the Board Attorney: June 23 - 26, 2016 - Jonathan Dunn - Golden Correl World Series, USAAA.

7 16-1214

USAAA Attachments:

This Order is hereby APPROVED by consent roll call.

ORDER designating the Purchasing Clerk, the Chancery Clerk, and any Department Head as needed, as the Board representatives to receive bids listed: a) July 6, 2016 at 10:30 a.m. - Addendum #1 - Lease of Harrison County Skate Park Facility in Gulfport, Mississippi. b) July 6, 2016 at 10:30 a.m. - RFP 2016-0606-INS - Self Funded and/or Fully Funded Insurance Brokers in Gulfport, Mississippi. c) July 6, 2016 at 10:30 a.m. - Addendum #13-ADC - Health Care and/or Mental Care and/or Dental Care Services for the Adult Detention Facility in Gulfport, Mississippi.

8 16-1225

Skate Park Insurance ADC


This Order is hereby APPROVED by consent roll call.

ORDER adjudicating the employment of legal counsel to represent Harrison County and the Harrison County Sheriff's Department in the litigation matter listed: a) Demon Leslie-Cebrin Williams, county inmate #394705 vs. Troy Peterson, et al., Civil Action No. 1:16-cv-143-LG-RHW [DETAILED ORDER FOLLOWS AS ATTACHMENT 1.]

9 16-1180

Order adjudicating employment of Holleman&Hopkins 7-5-16 Attachments:

This Order is hereby APPROVED by consent roll call.


ORDER spreading on the minutes employment changes in the Tax Assessor's office, as listed and on file with the Payroll Clerk and Personnel Department: Brenda Jackson, Personal Property Appraisal Clerk, resignation, effective June 30, 2016 (retirement).

10 16-1157

A motion was made by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton seconded by Supervisor Rockco, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


Harrison County, MS Page 3

Page 4: Harrison County, 5, 2016. Cody Nash, Deputy Tax Collector, regular full time, effective 6-20-2016. Kaylen

July 5, 2016Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes

ORDER acknowledging receipt of and approving petitions for decreases to the 2015 Real & Personal Property Rolls, as recommended by the Tax Assessor.

11 16-1192

Decreases to the 2015 Real & Personal Property Roll BOS 07-05-2016Attachments:

A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER acknowledging receipt of the Tax Assessor's request for an extension until July 18, 2016 to submit the real and personal rolls to the Board of Supervisors, per Section 27-35-81 of the Miss. Code of 1972, Annotated.

12 16-1228

Letter from Tax Assessor requesting extension 7-5-16 Attachments:

A motion was made by Supervisor Rockco seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER approving travel for Tal Flurry, Tax Assessor, to attend the MACA Annual Conference in Natchez, Mississippi July 18-22, 2016 (estimated cost $750.00).

13 16-1159

2016 87thAnnual MACA Annual Summer Conference Registration.pdf Holiday Inn Express Confirmation Tal Flurry.pdf


A motion was made by Supervisor Rockco seconded by Supervisor Jones, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER spreading on the minutes terminations for the Harrison County Tax Collector's Office, as listed: Susan Fearnley, Deputy Tax Collector, effective 6-23-2016. Donna Lachney, Deputy Tax Collector, effective 6-23-2016.

14 16-1200

A motion was made by Supervisor Rockco seconded by Supervisor Jones, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER spreading on the minutes, employment and/or salary changes for the Harrison County Tax Collector's Office, as listed and on file with the Payroll Clerk and Personnel Department: Jordan Barnett, Deputy Tax Collector, regular full time, effective 6-6-2016. Olivia Boney, Deputy Tax Collector, regular full time, effective 6-6-2016. Renee Landrum, Chief Deputy Tax Collector, regular full time, effective 6-6-2016.

15 16-1202

Harrison County, MS Page 4

Page 5: Harrison County, 5, 2016. Cody Nash, Deputy Tax Collector, regular full time, effective 6-20-2016. Kaylen

July 5, 2016Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes

Cody Nash, Deputy Tax Collector, regular full time, effective 6-20-2016. Kaylen Smith, Deputy Tax Collector, regular full time, effective 6-20-2016. Nicholas Hebert, Deputy Tax Collector, regular full time, effective 7-11-2016.

A motion was made by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton seconded by Supervisor Jones, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER authorizing the Board President to execute request for reimbursement for the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality Grant SW1042, for our monthly site, in the amount of $9,079.60, which will bring the remaining amount available to spend under the grant to $4,585.95.

16 16-1193

160629082400_0001 Attachments:

A motion was made by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton seconded by Supervisor Rockco, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER approving a one year technical assistance contract with Mario Baroni, in the planning and preparation for conducting the county's household hazardous waste permanent site, effective June 1, 2016, at a cost of $6,000.00 per year. [DETAILED ORDER FOLLOWS AS ATTACHMENT 1.]

17 16-1179

Order approving Baroni contract 7-5-16 Attachments:

A motion was made by Supervisor Rockco seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER taking off the table agenda item No. 22 of the May 2, 2016 meeting, regarding the contract with Volkert Inc. for the Debris Monitoring Services.

18 16-1196

A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Rockco, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER authorizing the execution of the contract with Volkert, Inc. for the Debris Monitoring Services for the years 2016-2018, as recommended by Danny Boudreaux, County Engineer. (Bids were received March 31, 2016.)

19 16-1222

contract Volkert Final (2) July 5 2016 2016-2018 Volkert (Debris Monitori_20160401092315


A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

Harrison County, MS Page 5

Page 6: Harrison County, 5, 2016. Cody Nash, Deputy Tax Collector, regular full time, effective 6-20-2016. Kaylen

July 5, 2016Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER spreading on the minutes revised debris management plan, as recommended by Danny Boudreaux, County Engineer.

20 16-1203

Debris Management Plan 061516 Attachments:

A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER authorizing and approving a maintenance and service agreement with Alcatel - Lucent, USA, Inc., as recommended by the Harrison County Emergency Communications Commission at its June 21, 2016, meeting.

21 16-1160

Alcatel - Lucent Maintenance Contract.pdf Attachments:

A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Rockco, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER adjudicating overtime in the Road Department, per attached list. 22 16-1156

7 5 2016 Overtime for Road Department Attachments:

A motion was made by Supervisor Rockco seconded by Supervisor Jones, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER concurring with the recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve Case File 1210HC110 for the Extension of Temporary Use Permit filed by Julie Yates for John & LaFerne Baker, requesting a renewal of a Temporary Permit to allow for a manufactured home on a 4.6 acre parcel of land to remain for six months. The Board of Supervisors may grant a temporary permit not to exceed 6-months with a favorable recommendation by the Planning Commission. The subject property is located at 17315 Price Road. The ad valorem tax parcel number is 0707E-02-003.000. Supervisor District 2 [DETAILED ORDER FOLLOWS AS ATTACHMENT 1.]

23 16-1169

Harrison County, MS Page 6

Page 7: Harrison County, 5, 2016. Cody Nash, Deputy Tax Collector, regular full time, effective 6-20-2016. Kaylen

July 5, 2016Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes

1210HC110 ORDER - 7-5-16 1210HC110 PC minutes 6-16-16.pdf 1210HC110 ext request 6-16-16.pdf 1210HC110 Order 10-5-15 1210HC110 Staff Report Temporary Use extension 9-17-15 1210HC110 Extention letter 9-17-15 Zoning Order 1210HC110 2-2-15 1210HC110 Staff Report Temporary Use extension 1-15-15 1210HC110 Extention letter for 1-15-15 meeting 1210HC110 - Order 7-7-14.pdf 1210HC110 Staff Report Temporary Use extension 1210HC110 Extention letter 4-29-14 Zoning Order 1210HC110 1-6-14.pdf Zoning Order 1210HC110 11.5.12..pdf 1210HC110 Extention letter 11-14-13 1210HC110 Extention letter 1210HC110 Site plan 1210HC109 and 110 map 1210HC109 and 110 image 1210HC110 ZMA Application 1210HC110 CUP Application 1210HC110 Deed 1210HC110 Request letter 1210HC110 Adj list 1210HC110 Adj list revised 8-24-15 1210HC110 Adj map revised 8-24-15 1210HC110 Support letter 1210HC110 Opposition letters 1210HC110 Opposition letter 1210HC110 Adj list revised 5-21-14 1210HC110 10-5-15


A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Martin, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER concurring with the Planning Commission's recommendation to approve Case File 1511HC151 for a Temporary Use Permit filed by Angela Broussard, requesting a Temporary Use Permit to allow for a Recreational Vehicle to be used as a short term residence by the co-owners of Silver Oak Farm. The Board of Supervisors may grant a temporary use permit not to exceed 6-months with a favorable recommendation by the Planning Commission. The subject property is located 19234 Saucier-Lizana Road. The ad valorem tax parcel number is 0404P-01-022.000. Supervisor District 2 [DETAILED ORDER FOLLOWS AS ATTACHMENT 1.]

24 16-1170

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Page 8: Harrison County, 5, 2016. Cody Nash, Deputy Tax Collector, regular full time, effective 6-20-2016. Kaylen

July 5, 2016Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes

1511HC151 - Order 7-5-16 1611HC151 PC minutes 6-16-16.pdf 1511HC151 Staff Report Temporary Use 1511HC151 Site plan 1511HC151 map 1511HC151 image 1511HC151 TUP Application 1511HC151 Deed 1511HC151 Adj list 1511HC151 Adj map


A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Martin, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER concurring with the Planning Commission's recommendation to approve Case File 1606HC109 for a Zoning Map Amendment filed by Michael & Kandy Jamison, requesting approval to change the zoning district classification of a 4.2-acre parcel of land. The property is currently zoned as an E-1 (Very Low Density Residential) & A-1 (General Agriculture) District. The request is to change the zoning district classification to an E-1 (Very Low Density Residential) District for the purpose of building a house. The subject property is located at XXXXX Big John Rd. The ad valorem tax parcel number is 1206P-01-001.004. Supervisor District 1 [DETAILED ORDER FOLLOWS AS ATTACHMENT 1.]

25 16-1175

1606HC109 - Order 7-5-16 1606HC109 PC minutes 6-16-16.pdf 1606HC109 documents.pdf 1606HC109 Staff Report Map Amendment.doc 1606HC109 site plan.pdf 1606HC109 map.pdf 1606HC109 image.pdf 1606HC109 application.pdf 1606HC109 deed & tax bill.pdf 1606HC109_adj_list.xlsx


A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER concurring with the Planning Commission's recommendation to approve Case File 1606HC114 for a Zoning Map Amendment filed by Billy & Sandra Boswell and Michelle Kinder, requesting approval to change the zoning district classification of a 4.8-acre parcel of land. The property is currently zoned as an E-1 (Very Low Density Residential) & R-2 (Medium Density Residential) Districts. The request is to change the zoning district classification to an R-1 (Low Density Residential) District for the purpose of subdividing property into two parcels and building a home as shown on the site plan. The subject property is located at XXXXX Mallard Drive. The ad valorem tax parcel numbers are 0707N-02-023.000 & 0707N-02-023.002. Supervisor District 2 [DETAILED ORDER FOLLOWS AS ATTACHMENT 1.]

26 16-1162

Harrison County, MS Page 8

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July 5, 2016Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes

1606HC114 Order 7-5-16 1606HC114 PC minutes.pdf 1606HC114 Exhibit 1.pdf 1606HC114 documents.pdf 1606HC114 Staff Report Map Amendment.doc 1606HC114 site plan & split info.pdf 1606HC114 will serve letter.pdf 1606HC114 survey.pdf 1606HC114 map.pdf 1606HC114 image.pdf 1606HC114 appliction.pdf 1606HC114 deed.pdf 1606HC114_adj_list.xlsx 1606HC114 support letter.pdf 1606HC114 house plans.pdf


A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER concurring with the Planning Commission's recommendation to approve Case File 1604HC061 for a Zoning Map Amendment filed by Joseph Theobald of Theobald Properties, LLC, requesting approval to change the zoning district classification of a 1.4-acre parcel of land subject to removing the RV spaces as they are not legal and shall not be used and building permits are required for any work on the residential structures. The property is currently zoned as an E-1 (Very Low Density Residential) District. The request is to change the zoning district classification to an R-2 (Medium Density Residential) District for the purpose of subdividing property and selling the existing duplex. The subject property is located at 18373 Hwy 15. The subject property is a portion of ad valorem tax parcel number 1305-06-015.000. Supervisor District 1 [DETAILED ORDER FOLLOWS AS ATTACHMENT 1.]

27 16-1172

1604HC061 - Order 7-5-16 1604HC061 PC minutes 6-16-16.pdf 1604HC061 Documents.pdf 1604HC061 Staff Report Map Amendment 1604HC061 Site plan & Approved split 1604HC061 map 1604HC061 image 1604HC061 Application 1604HC061 Adj list 1604HC061 Adj map


A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER concurring with the Planning Commission's recommendation to approve Case File 1606HC107 for a Zoning Map Amendment & Conditional Use Permit filed by Billy Thompson for Thompson Ministries, LLC, requesting approval to change the zoning district classification of a 1-acre parcel of land. The property is currently zoned as an

28 16-1173

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July 5, 2016Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes

A-1 (General Agriculture) District. The request is to change the zoning district classification to a C-2 (General Commercial) District for the purpose of subdividing property and establishing an automobile sales lot. Automotive sales in the C-2 district require a Conditional Use Permit from the Planning Commission. The subject property is located at 22331 Hwy 53. The subject property is a portion of ad valorem tax parcel number 0406B-01-016.000. Supervisor District 3 [DETAILED ORDER FOLLOWS AS ATTACHMENT 1.]

1606HC107 - Order 7-5-16 1606HC107 PC minutes 6-16-16.pdf 1606HC107 documents.pdf 1606HC107 Staff Report Map Amend & Cond Use.doc 1606HC107 site plan & survey.pdf 1606HC107 map.pdf 1606HC107 image.pdf 1606HC107 application.pdf 1606HC107 deed.pdf 1606HC107_ADJ_list.xlsx


A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER concurring with the Planning Commission's recommendation to approve Case File 1606HC108 for a Zoning Map Amendment filed by Thomas D. Murray for Harrison County School District, requesting approval to change the zoning district classification of a 2-acre parcel of land. The property is currently zoned as an R-1 (Low Density Residential) District. The request is to change the zoning district classification to a C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) District for the purpose of opening a snowball stand. The subject property is located at XXXXX County Farm Road and is located south of and adjacent to Landon Rd & west of and adjacent to County Farm Rd. The ad valorem tax parcel number is 0509-16-003.002. Supervisor District 3 [DETAILED ORDER FOLLOWS AS ATTACHMENT 1.]

29 16-1174

1606HC108 - Order 7-5-16 1606HC108 PC minutes.pdf 1606HC108 documents.pdf 1606HC108 Staff Report Map Amendment.doc 1606HC108 Site Plan.pdf 1606HC108 map.pdf 1606HC108 image.pdf 1606HC108 application.pdf 1606HC108 Lease.pdf 1606HC1085 adj list.xlsx


A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER concurring with the Planning Commission's recommendation to approve Case File 1606HC113 as a Temporary Use Permit instead of a Zoning Map Amendment & Conditional Use Permit that was filed by James Norris, requesting approval to allow his

30 16-1176

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July 5, 2016Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes

brother Joshua Norris to place a manufactured home on the property . It is the applicant's responsibility to request the renewal of the Temporary Use Permit every 6 months. The subject property is located at 26188 Walnut Road. The subject property is a portion of ad valorem tax parcel number 0210-34-034.000. Supervisor District 3 [DETAILED ORDER FOLLOWS AS ATTACHMENT 1.]

1606HC113 - Order 7-5-16 Attachments: 1606HC113 PC minutes 6-16-16.pdf 1606HC113 documents.pdf 1606HC113 Staff Report Map Amend & Cond Use.doc 1606HC113 site plan.pdf 1606HC113 map.pdf 1606HC113 image.pdf 1606HC113 application.pdf 1606HC113 deed & land roll.pdf 1606HC113_adj_list.xlsx 1606HC113 Opposition Ltrs (3).pdf 1606HC113 objection ltr.pdf

A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER spreading on the minutes the personnel changes of the Sheriff's Department, as listed and on file with the Payroll Clerk and the Personnel Department:

31 16-1165

A. Resignations: 1. Danny Blackmon, Corrections Deputy, effective 6/22/2016 (CA111) 2. William Schmid, Process Sergeant, effective 6/21/2016 (AP001) 3. Samantha Manser, Corrections Deputy, effective 6/21/2016 (CA045) 4. Carolyn Prendergast, Investigator, effective 7/10/2016 (OI011) 5. Lynita Wilson, Dispatcher, effective 6/15/2016 (OC032) B. Employment: 1. Alexis Delancey, Corrections Deputy, full time, effective 7/4/2016 (CA061) 2. Tena Farver, Corrections Deputy, full time, effective 7/4/2016 (CA192) 3. Omar Mitchell, Corrections Deputy, full time, effective 7/6/2016 (CA057) 4. Jamie Magee, Dispatcher, full time, effective 6/24/2016 (OC002) 5. Anthony M. Brown, Bailiff, part time, effective 6/17/2016 (AB017) 6. Christine Roberts-Wilson, Corrections Deputy, full time, effective 7/5/2016 (CA115)

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July 5, 2016Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes

7. Trevon Keyes, Corrections Deputy, full time, effective 7/6/2016 (CA189) 8. Bruce Thompson, Jr., Corrections Deputy, full time, effective 7/7/2016 (CA019) 9. Christopher Kenney, Corrections Deputy, full time, effective 7/7/2016 (CA152) C. Transfers: 1. Van McLendon, Patrol Deputy, full time, effective 6/20/2016 (LP001X) 2. David J. Duncan, Process Deputy, full time, effective 6/20/2016 (AP005)

A motion was made by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton seconded by Supervisor Rockco, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER concurring with the Mississippi Gulf Coast Regional CVB on personnel changes, as listed and on file with the Payroll Clerk and the Personnel Department: A. Employment: 1. Kristen Livingston, Leisure Group Sales Manager, full time, effective 06/15/2016 2. Caitlin Kennig, Administrative Assistant, full time, effective 6/6/2016 3. Boyce Deaton, Registration Assistant, part time, effective 6/6/2016 4. Audria Lewis, Registration Assistant, part time, effective 6/13/2016 5. Ariadne Stratton, Destination Services Coordinator, full time, effective 6/8/2016

32 16-1166

A motion was made by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton seconded by Supervisor Jones, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER concurring with the County Administrator on personnel changes, as listed and on file with the Payroll Clerk and Personnel Department: A. Resignations: 1. Christopher Kangas, Firefighter, Fire Services, effective 2/23/2016 2. Gregory Griffin, Firefighter, Fire Services, effective 6/20/2016 3. Joshua Holliman, Truck Driver/Sprayer, Mosquito Control, effective 6/20/2016 4. Michael Lewis, Equipment Operator I, Sand Beach, effective 6/27/2016

33 16-1167

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Page 13: Harrison County, 5, 2016. Cody Nash, Deputy Tax Collector, regular full time, effective 6-20-2016. Kaylen

July 5, 2016Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes

5. Lillian Collins, Shelter Worker, Youth Court, effective 6/30/2016 (Retirement) 6. Julie McAdams, Secretary, Youth Court, effective 6/30/2016 B. Employment: 1. Christopher Powell, Housekeeper Maintenance-Laborer, Building & Grounds, regular full time, effective 6/15/2016 (replacing Glenn Davis) 2. Shanie Cuevas, Housekeeper, Building and Grounds, regular part time, effective 6/14/2016 (replacing Gabrielle Causin) 3. Gail Williams, Housekeeper, Building and Grounds, temporary full time, effective 6/15/2016 (while Brenda Eggebrecht is out) 4. Demetria Stallings, Relief Child Care Worker, Youth Court Shelter, regular part time, effective 6/27/2016 (replacing Lillian Collins) 5. Tony Williams, Equipment Operator II, Parks and Recreation, regular full time, effective 6/20/2016 (replacing Byron Johnson) 6. Odie Spence, Program Aide, Senior Resources Agency, regular part time, effective 6/29/2016 7. Phillip Resh, Firefighter I, Fire Services, regular full time, effective 6/29/2016 (replacing Robert Statzer) 8. David Nelson, Firefighter Floater, Fire Services, regular part time, effective 6/20/2016 (replacing Greg Griffin) 9. Cody Grant, (Summer Hire) Maintenance-Laborer, Outside Building & Grounds, temporary part time, effective 6/21/2016 10. Parker Peterman, (Summer Hire) Maintenance-Laborer, Outside Building & Grounds, temporary part time, effective 6/21/2016 11. Joseph Dobson, Truck Drive/Sprayer, Mosquito Control, regular part time, effective 6/29/2016 C. Transfer/Salary and/or Status Change: 1. Anthony Saia-Marullo, transferring from Maintenance, Department of Human Services, part time, to General Maintenance Laborer, Outside Building and Grounds, regular full time, effective 6/20/2016 2. Roxie Thompson, Case Manager, Juvenile Drug Court, going from part time to full time (32 hours/week), effective 7/1/2016

A motion was made by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton seconded by Supervisor Jones, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


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Page 14: Harrison County, 5, 2016. Cody Nash, Deputy Tax Collector, regular full time, effective 6-20-2016. Kaylen

July 5, 2016Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes

ORDER spreading on the minutes the personnel changes of the Circuit Clerk's office, as listed and on file with the Payroll Clerk and Personnel Department: A. Employment: 1. Paige Miller, Deputy Clerk, Circuit Clerk, regular full time, effective 6/6/2016

34 16-1168

A motion was made by Supervisor Rockco seconded by Supervisor Jones, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER concurring with the Road Manager on personnel changes, as listed below and on file with the Payroll Clerk and Personnel Department: A. Resignations: 1. Rocky Migues, Operator II, Bridge and Traffic, effective 6/23/2016 B. Employment: 1. Cameron Georges, (Summer Hire) Equipment Operator I, D'Iberville Work Center, temporary part time, effective 6/10/2016 2. Hunter Farve, (Summer Hire) Equipment Operator I, Lyman Work Center, temporary part time, effective 6/13/2016 3. Justin Hall (Summer Hire) Equipment Operator I, D'Iberville Work Center, temporary part time, effective 6/14/2016 4. Bethney Jackson, (Summer Hire) Clerical Support, Zoning, temporary full time, effective 6/23/2016 5. Matthew Summers, (Summer Hire) Equipment Operator I, Lyman Work Center, temporary part time, effective 6/21/2016 6. James DeRuchie, (Summer Hire) Equipment Operator I, Lyman Work Center, temporary part time, effective 6/22/2016 C. Title and/or Salary Changes: 1. Kevin Ladner, promotion to Equipment Operator III, regular full time, effective 6/6/2016 (replacing Ronald Seal)

35 16-1171

[Supervisor Ladner inquired from which account the summer hires were paid from. The Road Manager stated that the money came from slots that have not been filled.]

A motion was made by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton seconded by Supervisor Jones, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER approving deposit of $200,000.00 into the Tort Fund for payment of claims 36 16-1213

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July 5, 2016Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes

payable from the General Fund.

Tort Account Attachments:

A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Rockco, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER approving payment of $200,000.00 to Fox Everett for additional insurance claims payable from the General Fund.

37 16-1188

A motion was made by Supervisor Rockco seconded by Supervisor Jones, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER approving payment of claims listed, to be paid from the Tort Account. a) Dukes, Dukes, Keating and Faneca, P.A. in the amount of $11,888.15 for May billing. b) Dukes, Dukes, Keating and Faneca, P.A. in the amount of $9,783.65 for June billing. c) Associated Adjusters, Inc. for services listed. 1. $293.76 on claimant Aaron Mealey 2. $558.00 on claimant Daryle Washington 3. $448.80 on claimant Deborah Alverson 4. $1,014.11 on claimant Jacent Gregory 5. $879.21 on claimant Teanna Ward 6. $16.32 on claimant Alonzo Reaves, Jr. 7. $16.32 on claimant Christopher Housley 8. $482.94 on claimant Elaine Vaughan 9. $212.16 on claimant William Hanson, Jr. 10. $460.92 on claimant Kenneth Jones 11. $583.44 on claimant Heather Taylor 12. $320.88 on claimant Damien Lindsey 13. $764.88 on claimant George Parks, III 14. $955.23 on claimant Winston McQueen

38 16-1186

7-5-16 Dukes May billing Dukes, Dukes, Keating and Faneca 7-5-16 Associated Adjusters, Inc. billings


A motion was made by Supervisor Rockco seconded by Supervisor Jones, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER approving payment of claims listed, to be paid from the Tort Account: a) $500.00 payable to Boyce Holleman & Associates for litigation cases.

39 16-1218

Tort Billing - Holleman Attachments:

A motion was made by Supervisor Rockco seconded by Supervisor Ladner,

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that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


The Sheriff reported that 693 persons are currently housed in the Harrison County Jail Facility, which numbers include 84 misdemeanors and 109 females. Sixty-seven inmates are ready for transfer to a state facility. At this time, Harrison County houses 196 state inmates that have been there over 30 days.

40 16-1187


ORDER authorizing the Sheriff's Department to sell one Glock Model 22, serial number YUY400, Asset Number 23602, to retiring officer Scott Hennig for a fee of $1.00, as allowed by Mississippi Code Section 45-9-131.

41 16-1199

20160629120400 Attachments:

A motion was made by Supervisor Rockco seconded by Supervisor Jones, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER authorizing the donation of Asset 21334, one portable office trailer, to the Harrison County Development Commission. (Asset 21334 previously declared surplus on 5/23/2016 Board Agenda).

42 16-1201

[Supervisor Rockco inquired whether this donation required local and private legislation. The County Administrator stated that since this is a Harrison County inter-agency transfer, the legislation was not needed.]

A motion was made by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton seconded by Supervisor Rockco, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER declining the donation of one four year old Belgian Malinois canine "Ringo" from the Hancock County Sheriff's Office.

43 16-1205

20160629124703 Attachments:

(The dog died.)

A motion was made by Supervisor Ladner seconded by Supervisor Jones, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER authorizing advertisement for request for proposals for video surveillance system for the Harrison County Work Center, 10046 Lorraine Road, Gulfport, Mississippi.

44 16-1206

A motion was made by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton seconded by Supervisor Jones, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

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July 5, 2016Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER spreading on the minutes the signed agreement between the Harrison County School District and the Harrison County Sheriff's Department for providing Law Enforcement Officers for the schools for a two-year term to begin on 07/01/2016.

45 16-1207

20160629130152 Attachments:

[Supervisors inquired about overtime. The Sheriff stated that this is covered in this new agreement.]

A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER approving the sole source purchase from Taser International, Inc. for the purchase of 140 Tasers at a cost of $147,560.00, payable from Sheriff's Department budget account: 001-200-921, and authorizing the County Administrator to do a line item transfer of funds, $123,742.00 from 001-205-403, $19,710.00 from 001-205-465, and $4,108.00 from 001-205-466, for a total of $147,560.00.

46 16-1208

20160629131205 20160629131252


[Supervisor Ladner inquired about the number of Tasers purchased. The Sheriff stated that his office will get a rebate for the old Taser bought last year and the company will replace Tasers as needed during the contract time.]

A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER approving the line item transfer of $6,000.00 from the Sheriff's budget from line item 001-200-502 to capital line item 001-200-921, for the purchase of computer equipment.

47 16-1223

A motion was made by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton seconded by Supervisor Jones, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER approving the purchase from Mississippi Office of Surplus Property of one Navistar MRAP vehicle, Serial # 1HTWEADR68J699685, at a cost of $10,000.00, payable from 114-215-922.

48 16-1224

20160630100542 Attachments:

[Supervisor Middleton inquired about the nature of this purchase. The Sheriff stated that this was an armored vehicle 5 years old with little mileage.]

A motion was made by Supervisor Rockco seconded by Supervisor Jones, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

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5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER acknowledging receipt of the letter from the Department of Public Safety, Office of Justice Programs, approving the 2016/2017 Stop Violence Against Women Grant in the amount of $45,000.00, and adjudicating signature by the Board President on the necessary documents (grant start date July 1, 2016).

49 16-1181

15SP1241 STOP grant agreement 16-17 Attachments:

A motion was made by Supervisor Rockco seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER acknowledging receipt of grant award funding from the Emergency Medical Services Operating Services Funds (EMSOF) Grant, Fiscal Year 2016, in the amount of $113,500.00.

50 16-1215

EMSOF Grant EMSOF Deposit


A motion was made by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton seconded by Supervisor Rockco, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER approving payment of claims listed: a) $4,002.37 to attorney William P. Wessler, collection of delinquent personal property taxes during the month of May 2016, payable from 001 100 581. b) $22,414.75 to A. Garner Russell & Associates, Inc., Invoice No. 12931, Bridge replacement, Biloxi River Bridge on Lorraine Road, Project No. BR-8936 (1) B, payable from 160 360 555. c) $20,125.00 to Thos. Y. Pickett & Co., Inc., Invoice No. 160714, July installment on 2016 gaming vessels valuation contract, payable from 096 153 581. d) $9,375.00 to Thos. Y. Pickett & Co., Inc., Invoice No. 160713, July installment on 2016 casino and hotel valuation contract, payable from 096 153 581. e) $12,625.00 to Thos. Y. Pickett & Co., Inc., Invoice No. 160715, July installment on 2016 industrial valuation contract, payable from 096 153 581. f) $116,387.34 to Mississippi Security Police, Inc., Invoice No. 9293, services rendered for management of Harrison County Youth Detention Center for June 2016, payable from 001 223 581. g) $3,032.75 to Brown, Mitchell & Alexander, Inc., Invoice No. 21445 for professional engineering services for Mississippi Tidelands Grant FY2015-P501-10HR, Beach Shade Structures, payable from 379 524 555. h) $702.50 to Brown, Mitchell & Alexander, Inc., Invoice No. 21446 for Sand Beach Maintenance and Capital Improvements, payable from 156 355 555. i) $231,519.30 to Correctional Medical Associates, Inc., Invoice 048 health care services for HARCO Adult Detention Center for June 2016 and pharmacy overage for May 2016, payable from 001 239 552. j) $11,351.67 to Correctional Medical Associates, Inc., Invoice 048-2, health care services for HARCO Juvenile Detention Center for June 2016, payable from 001 223 552.

51 16-1148

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k) $3,593.37 to Hopkins, Barvie & Hopkins, Invoice No. 006, legal services rendered to Harrison County Sheriff's Dept. 5/27/16 - 6/26/16, payable from 001 200 550.

Claims (a - k) 7-5-16 Attachments:

[Supervisor Ladner requested explanation of how the fees were calculated on item (a).]

A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Rockco, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER authorizing the transfer of $51,232.11 from Federal Grant CIAP fund 073-900-950 to the General fund 001-000-387, for the reimbursement of expenditures paid and to close fund.

52 16-1135

A motion was made by Supervisor Rockco seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER acknowledging receipt of Minutes and Expenditures of the Harrison County Development Commission for the meeting of April 19, 2016, received by and on file with the Clerk of the Board/County Auditor, per § 59-9-27(2), Miss. Code of 1972 Annotated.

53 16-1149

A motion was made by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton seconded by Supervisor Jones, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER acknowledging receipt of Long Beach Water Management District Docket of Claims approved at its June 13, 2016 meeting, as submitted by Dukes, Dukes, Keating & Faneca, and authorizing the Chancery Clerk to pay claims listed: $80.00 to Dave Marshall, Special Meeting 5/27/16 and Regular Meeting 6/13/16. $80.00 to Mary Ladner, Special Meeting 5/27/16 and Regular Meeting 6/13/16. $80.00 to Brett Mallette, Special Meeting 5/27/16 and Regular Meeting 6/13/16. $1,600.00 to Dukes, Dukes, Keating & Faneca, P.A. Trust Account, purchase of permanent drainage easement/Canal No. 1/Parcel No. 55/David and Diane Clark. $2,190.23 to Dukes, Dukes, Keating & Faneca, P.A., attorney fees for April 20, 2016 through May 18, 2016.

54 16-1161

LB Water Mngmnt Docket of Claims 7-5-16 Attachments:

A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Rockco, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER acknowledging receipt of Application for Certification to expend the one mill according to Section 27-39-329 (b), Miss. Code of 1972, Annotated, and authorizing the Board President and the County Tax Assessor to execute same.

55 16-1198

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July 5, 2016Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes

A motion was made by Supervisor Rockco seconded by Supervisor Jones, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER acknowledging receipt of, and spreading on the Board minutes, letter dated June 23, 2016 from State of Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood, approving Interlocal Governmental Cooperation Agreement between Harrison County, Mississippi and the Harrison County School District for various governmental services.

56 16-1204

Letter from Attorney General Jim Hood 7-5-16 Attachments:

A motion was made by Supervisor Rockco seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER authorizing issuance of duplicate warrant for $160.29 to Matthew D. Burrell, per certificate and affidavit filed with the Chancery Clerk.

57 16-1150

Duplicate Warrant 7-5-16 Attachments:

A motion was made by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton seconded by Supervisor Rockco, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER authorizing the payment of $50,000.00 for invoice from Wright, Ward, Hatten & Guel, PLLC for interim billing of FY 2015 audit services, payable from account 001-101-551.

58 16-1151

FY 2015 interim audit fee Attachments:

A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Rockco, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER authorizing payment in the amount of $1,980.95 for patient-centered outcomes research fee as required by the Internal Revenue Service for applicable self-insurance health plans and the annual filing of Form 720, to be paid from account 001 121 468.

59 16-1152

20160620135806 Attachments:

[Supervisor Ladner reminded the Board that this is a requirement under the Affordable Care Act.]

A motion was made by Supervisor Rockco seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


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July 5, 2016Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes

ORDER authorizing payment of $516,217.58 to Huey Stockstill, LLC, payable from 030 374 581, Pay Estimate No. 2, Safety Improvements at various locations, Countywide, Federal Aid Project No. STP-0024-00 (050) LPA/106667-701000, recommended for payment by A. Garner Russell & Associates, Inc., Project Engineer.

60 16-1163

Pmt to Huey Stockstill 7-5-16 Attachments:

[Supervisor Middleton inquired whether this was a grant. The County Administrator clarified that it was a State Aid project that is 100% reimbursable.]

A motion was made by Supervisor Rockco seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER approving request for assessment change for the following: a) Parcel 1207N-01-002.017, Richard Alan & Denise An Brown, 2013 taxes, erroneous assessment/remove mobile home. b) Parcel 1207N-01-002.017, Richard Alan & Denise An Brown, 2014 taxes, erroneous assessment/remove mobile home.

61 16-1164

assessment change 7-5-16 Attachments:

A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER adjudicating tax sales listed, on parcels listed, were erroneous; therefore said tax sales are determined to be void ab initio and set aside, and authorizing reimbursement to the tax purchasers: a) Tax Sale of August 25, 2014, for 2013 taxes on Parcel No. 0810C-06-030.000; tax purchaser GCTS, LLC. b) Tax Sale of August 25, 2014, for 2013 taxes on Parcel No. 0510L-02-004.000; tax purchaser INA Group, LLC. c) Tax Sale of August 31, 2015, for 2014 taxes on Parcel 1306 -19-007.000; tax purchaser Intrepid Group, LLC. [DETAILED ORDERS FOLLOW AS ATTACHMENTS 1, 2 AND 3.]

62 16-1209

7-5-16 Order Parcel 0810C-06-030.000 2013 taxes - erroneous special 7-5-16 Order Parcel 1510L-02-004.000 2013 taxes - exempt city of 7-5-16 Order Parcel 1306 -19-007.000 2014 taxes - exempt HARCO Backup 0810C-06-030.000 7-5-16 Backup 1510L-02-004.000 7-5-16 Backup 1306 -19-007.000 7-5-16


[The Chancery Clerk explained the reason for the reimbursement, as outlined in the attached orders.]

A motion was made by Supervisor Rockco seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


Harrison County, MS Page 21

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July 5, 2016Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes

ORDER acknowledging receipt of and spreading upon the minutes the petition for the incorporation of the Henderson Point Fire Protection Grading District.

63 16-1183

Order ack.receipt to incorporate Henderson Pt Fire Protection Grading Attachments:

A motion was made by Supervisor Ladner seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


RESOLUTION declaring the intent of the Harrison County Board of Supervisors to incorporate the Henderson Point Fire Protection Grading District, and for related purposes. [DETAILED RESOLUTION FOLLOWS AS ATTACHMENT 1.]

64 16-1182

Resolution declaring intent 7-5-16 Exhibit A (Resident's Petition Seeking Formation of District) (3)


[Supervisor Ladner stated that improvements to the fire department provide relief on home insurance for tax payers. The Fire Chief is preparing a plan for improvements for consideration during budget hearings.]

A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER adjudicating and declaring Tax Parcel No. 0213J-03-034.000 to be a potential blighted property and setting a Public Hearing for the 1st day of August, 2016 at 10:30 a.m. to determine same. [DETAILED ORDER FOLLOWS AS ATTACHMENT 1.]

65 16-1184

Order declaring blighted property 7-5-16 Attachments:

A motion was made by Supervisor Rockco seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER adjudicating the employment of board attorney Tim C. Holleman, Boyce Holleman & Associates, to represent the Board of Supervisors in the litigation matters as listed: a) Equity Trust Company v. the Phoenix Financial Group; Harrison County, Mississippi, et al., complaint to confirm tax title, Chancery Court, First Judicial District, Cause # 16-1364. b) Robert M. Daley and Jeremia R. Daley v. Timothy M. Harrison; Harrison County Mississippi, et al., complaint to quiet and confirm tax title, Chancery Court, Second Judicial District, Cause #16-454. c) Ronald C. LaFontaine and Kyle C. LaFontaine v. City of Pass Christian; Harrison County, Mississippi, et al., complaint to quiet and remove cloud on title and for other relief, Chancery Court, First Judicial District, Cause #16-1504.

66 16-1185

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Order adjudicating Holleman employment 7-5-16 Attachments:

A motion was made by Supervisor Rockco seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER acknowledging receipt of letter from the Administrative Office of Courts regarding FY2016 additional Drug Court appropriation.

67 16-1195

State Drug Court Coordinator Admin Office of Court Attachments:

[Supervisor Ladner inquired whether any cost was associated with the county. The County Administrator stated that this notice does not add any cost to the county.]

A motion was made by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton seconded by Supervisor Ladner, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER approving Interlocal Government Cooperation Agreement with Hancock County, Mississippi for the Years 2016 - 2020. [DETAILED ORDER FOLLOWS AS ATTACHMENT 1.]

68 16-1211

Order approving Interlocal Agrmnt w.Hancock County 7-5-16 Attachments:

A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Rockco, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER acknowledging receipt of the letter from the U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, advising the Board that Grant Number F12AF00402, Amendment 3, for the MS.24.708, Pineville Community Sewer Collection System, increasing the budget $100,000.00 and extending the grant deadline to December 15, 2016, has been approved.

69 16-1212

Pineville Community Sewer Collection System Attachments:

A motion was made by Supervisor Ladner seconded by Supervisor Jones, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER ratifying the Mississippi Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo, Inc.'s use of a tent, stage, tables, and chairs to host the 68th Annual Mississippi Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo. [DETAILED ORDER FOLLOWS AS ATTACHMENT 1.]

70 16-1216

Order approving Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo use 7-5-16 Exhibit A (Rodeo's 2016 Request for Assistance)


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[Supervisor Rockco reported that she received several complaints about residents being charged $10.00 to attend the fishing rodeo.]

A motion was made by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton seconded by Supervisor Jones, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER approving the participation in the "Stepping Up" initiative. [DETAILED ORDER FOLLOWS AS ATTACHMENT 1.]

71 16-1219

Order approving Stepping Up Initiative 7-5-16 Attachments:

[Supervisor Ladner inquired about the program. This is geared towards treatment of mentalyl ill low-level offenders.]

A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Rockco, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER approving the use of the Harrison County Fairgrounds for storage of trailers and/or other transport equipment during Cruisin' the Coast 2016. [DETAILED ORDER FOLLOWS AS ATTACHMENT 1.]

72 16-1221

Order approving use of Fairgrounds for storage 7-5-16 Attachments:

A motion was made by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton seconded by Supervisor Rockco, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

4 - Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


1 - Supervisor Martin Abstain:

ORDER acknowledging receipt of the letter from the Mississippi Development Authority's Energy & Natural Resources Division, advising the Board of the approval of the Energy Saving Performance Contract with McNeil Rhoades, LLC.

73 16-1226

MDA Attachments:

A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

4 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner and Supervisor Jones


1 - Supervisor Rockco Out On Vote:

ORDER approving the request of Gulf Regional Planning Commission to use EOC meeting room after hours from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., on Friday, July 17, 2016 for Joint Land Use Study public meeting.

74 16-1227

A motion was made by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton seconded by Supervisor Ladner, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

Harrison County, MS Page 24

Page 25: Harrison County, 5, 2016. Cody Nash, Deputy Tax Collector, regular full time, effective 6-20-2016. Kaylen

July 5, 2016Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes

4 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner and Supervisor Jones


1 - Supervisor Rockco Out On Vote:

ORDER approving travel as listed: a) Connie Rockco, any Supervisor, and Pam Ulrich, County Administrator, to attend the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) 102nd Annual Conference, September 25 - 28, 2016 in Kansas City, Missouri (estimated cost: $2,050.00 each). b) Janice Green-Merrell, Director Senior Resources Agency, travel for month of July 2016. c) Janice Green-Merrell, Director, SRA, Yolanda Lewis, Services Coordinator, and Valerie Hill, Program Intake Specialist to attend MDOT Statewide Coordination Summit, July 11 - 13, 2016, in Jackson, Mississippi (estimated total cost: $903.00). d) J.D. Lee, Harrison County Public Guardian, to attend 18th Annual Guardian Ad Litem Training & Child Advocacy CLE, August 5, 2016, in Jackson, Mississippi (estimate expenses of $705.00 includes registration, lodging, mileage, and meals). e) Noel Ellsberry, Roni Lizana, and Roxie Thompson, Youth Court to attend 2016 Mississippi Association of Drug Court Professionals (MADCP) Annual Training Conference, August 24 - 26, 2016, in Tupelo, Mississippi (estimated cost of $900.00 to be paid from line item 012-177-475). f) Shanna Bordelon, Tiffany Gele, and Valerie Underwood, Youth Court, to attend 2016 MADCP Annual Training Conference, August 24 - 26, 2016, Tupelo, Mississippi (estimated cost of $900.00 to be paid from line item 030-191-475). g) Paul Barnes, GISP Director, to attend 2016 National States Geographic Information Council Annual Conference, October 24 - 28, 2016, Indianapolis, Indiana (estimated cost: $2,140.00). h) Laurie Dubaz, Kim Williams, and Malika Rushing, Drug Court, to attend the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory Certification Training, July 19 - 20, 2016, Walnut Grove, Mississippi (estimated cost: $250.00 per person). i) Magdelena Holland, Senior Resource Agency, to attend 2016 RSVP Directors Conference, August 31 - September 4, 2016, Reston, Virginia (estimated cost: $1,810.00).

75 16-1197

ICMA Senior Resources Agency Travel MDOT J.D. Lee Youth Court Paul Barnes SASSI Magdelena Holland


A motion was made by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton seconded by Supervisor Jones, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

4 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner and Supervisor Jones


1 - Supervisor Rockco Out On Vote:

ORDER authorizing expenditures, as listed, to advertise the opportunities and resources of Harrison County, Mississippi, payable from 002-100-522: a) $500.00 to the Crusaders for Veteran's for advertising Harrison County on a

76 16-1220

Harrison County, MS Page 25

Page 26: Harrison County, 5, 2016. Cody Nash, Deputy Tax Collector, regular full time, effective 6-20-2016. Kaylen

July 5, 2016Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes

table top banner for the 2016 Freedom Ball. b) $500.00 to the Knights of Peter Claver for advertising Harrison County on all printed material for the 3rd Annual Sickle Cell Foundation Tournament. c) $200.00 to the Handsboro/Mississippi City Community Committee for advertising Harrison County on flyers for the Back Pack Attack. [DETAILED ORDERS FOLLOW AS ATTACHMENTS 1, 2 AND 3.]

Order Crusaders for Veterans 7-5-16 Order Knights of Peter Claver 7-5-16 Order Handsboro Miss.City Community 7-5-16


A motion was made by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton seconded by Supervisor Jones, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

4 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


1 - Supervisor Ladner Nay:

ORDER approving payroll for July 2016. 77 16-1247

A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Ladner, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER approving the general agreement between the United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Gulf Island National Seashore and the Harrison County Sheriff Department, and authorizing the Board President to execute same.

78 16-1248

national park service agreement Attachments:

[Supervisor Rockco inquired whether this will require additional personnel and equipment. The Sheriff will respond upon request of the Wildlife and Fishery Department. As of now the sheriff's department has a regular patrol on the river and on the beach. The least tern areas were patrolled by private security during the 4th of July weekend paid by the Audubon Society. The Board expressed some concern about the expanded nest areas for the least terns.]

A motion was made by Supervisor Ladner seconded by Supervisor Jones, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER entering closed session, pursuant to the terms of Miss. Code Ann. 25-41-7, 1972, as amended, to discuss whether or not to enter executive session to discuss: a) Pending litigation styled Aaron Mealy vs. Harrison County, Cause No. D-2401-15-321 b) Pending litigation styled SPA Mississippi Hold, LLC vs. the city of Biloxi, Cause No. 16-447(3) c) Purchase of property.

79 16-1249

A motion was made by Supervisor Rockco seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

Harrison County, MS Page 26

Page 27: Harrison County, 5, 2016. Cody Nash, Deputy Tax Collector, regular full time, effective 6-20-2016. Kaylen

July 5, 2016Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER entering into executive session at 11:00 a.m. 80 16-1250

A motion was made by Supervisor Rockco seconded by Supervisor Jones, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER reconvening from executive session into open session at 11:20 a.m. The Board Attorney reported that the Board received an update on the above listed items. No official action was taken.

81 16-1251

[Supervisor Rockco thanked the Board members for participation in the ribbon cuttings for the Cowan-Lorraine Road Bridge and the Saucier Senior Center. Supervisor Middleton and Supervisor Martin were very impressed with the Sheriff's cadet graduation.]

A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Rockco, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER approving settlement in SPA Mississippi Hold, LLC vs. the city of Biloxi, Mississippi, et al., per the recommendation of the Board attorney. [DETAILED ORDER FOLLOWS AS ATTACHMENT 1.]

82 16-1252

Order approving settlement in SPA Mississippi Hold 7-5-16 Attachments:

A motion was made by Supervisor Rockco seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER authorizing the purchase of real property located at 23730 Saucier-Lizana Road from Paul and Karla Prather in an amount not to exceed $40,000.00, plus closing expenses. [DETAILED ORDER FOLLOWS AS ATTACHMENT 1.]

83 16-1275

Order authorizing purchase from Prather 7-5-16 Exhibit A (Offer to Purchase and Seller's Counter Offer 1)


A motion was made by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton seconded by Supervisor Jones, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


ORDER authorizing short term lease to Daniel Lewis, or his designated company, of the office building at the Skate Park for $2,000.00 per month, plus utilities and insurance, from July 11, 2016 until September 4, 2016, Board Attorney to prepare lease if acceptable to Lewis.

84 16-1297

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July 5, 2016Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes

A motion was made by Supervisor Rockco seconded by Supervisor Ladner, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


RECESS in the First Judicial District until Monday, July 18, 2016, at 9:30 a.m. [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS AS ATTACHMENT 1.]

85 16-1306

Signature Page 7-5-16 Attachments:

A motion was made by Supervisor Jones seconded by Supervisor Kibler-Middleton, that this Order be APPROVED by the following vote:

5 - Supervisor Martin; Supervisor Kibler-Middleton; Supervisor Ladner; Supervisor Jones and Supervisor Rockco


Harrison County, MS Page 28

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