Page 1: Harmony - St. Andrew's Episcopal · Perkins played piano and guitar. Lee and Jesse Carrico and Theo Perkins read,


Harmony March 2017

Table of Contents

Sunday Mornings P. 2

News and Events P. 3

Worship Announcements P. 3

Fellowship Announcements P. 4-5

Features P. 6

Treasure and Ash

To my mind, Ash Wednesday is a close third to Easter

and Christmas among the liturgies of the Christian

Year. Without a regular call to repentance and an an-

nual profession of our corporate sins, our religious life

is missing something profound.

Christian devotion is incomplete without the annual

recitation of the Litany of Penitence that we will pray

together this Ash Wednesday. In it we confess many

things, including:

Our self-indulgent appetites and ways,

and our exploitation of other people;

Our intemperate love of worldly goods and comfort;

Our waste and pollution of your creation, and our

lack of concern for those who come after us.

There is a common thread that runs silently through

these three confessions: money.

I’ve heard it said that money can be constructive, in-

structive or destructive. These three confessions re-

mind us of how money’s power over us can indeed be

quite destructive, doing damage to our souls and our


But we can turn that around. We can seek to transform

our relationship with money into something instruc-

tive, constructive, and even holy. It takes courage, and

a willingness to speak openly and forthrightly about it.

My Lenten discipline will be to write weekly on the St.

Andrew’s parish blog about our relationship with

Continued on p. 2

Ash Wednesday Services

Holy Eucharist &

Imposition of Ashes

7:30 a.m. Chapel

12 noon Chapel

5:30 p.m. Chapel

The 5:30 service includes childcare &

programs for children 3rd grade & under

7:00 p.m. Church of the Redeemer

901 E. Friendly Avenue

Page 2: Harmony - St. Andrew's Episcopal · Perkins played piano and guitar. Lee and Jesse Carrico and Theo Perkins read,


money. This is the perfect season to look seri-

ously at how money holds power over us and

keeps us in a “Lenten” place in times of prosperi-

ty and need alike. I invite you to follow these

weekly reflections at missionandrenew-, and I welcome any conversa-

tion that might emerge.

This is not, by the way, an ask. We are now at the

midyear point between fall stewardship ingath-

erings, so it’s an ideal time to check in on your

relationship with money without the pressure to

Sunday Mornings @ 11:30

March 5: First Sunday Fellowship

We’ll gather with the rest of the parish for first Sunday fellowship.

March 12: Rector’s Forum: St. Patrick

St. Patrick had a much bigger impact on the formation of the Anglican

Church than we might realize. Though he lived more than 1,000 years

before the English Reformation, his ministry reveals that our church’s

roots run far deeper than we might think. (Chapel)

March 19: No Classes for Adults

March 26: Core Class: History of St. Andrew’s

Join us for this exploration of our church’s story, led by Dottie Clark, St.

Andrew’s unofficial historian.

fund a ministry or even turn in a pledge card.

The work of Lent is restoration, and a return to

loving God with our whole heart, and mind, and

strength. Please join me in this journey towards

wholeheartedness, a path that begins with ash

on our foreheads and will bring us to the cross

with Jesus. We will find that money can be a cu-

rious companion along the way. But by looking

at it with courage, we can also find our way to

the empty tomb.


Continued from p.1

Sunday Mornings in March

Page 3: Harmony - St. Andrew's Episcopal · Perkins played piano and guitar. Lee and Jesse Carrico and Theo Perkins read,


News & Events

Ash Wednesday, March 1

Lent begins on the first day of March with Ash

Wednesday. We will offer services of Holy Eucharist

and Imposition of Ashes in the Chapel at 7:30 a.m,

12 noon and 5:30 p.m., with childcare and chil-

dren’s program for children 3rd grade and under

offered at the 5:30 service.

Children’s Choir in

Lent/Palm Sunday

All children from kindergarten through 5th grade are

invited to participate in the Palm Sunday children’s

choir. We will rehearse at 11:30 a.m. on Sundays in

Lent, March 5-April 2, and sing in the Palm Sunday

service (April 9). We will measure for choir robes at

the first rehearsal on March 5. Please note that

there is no cost to participate. Contact Ann Doyle,

[email protected].

Electing the Bishop, March 4

Our diocesan delegates and clergy will gather at a

special convention in Greensboro with one order of

business: to elect the 12th Bishop Diocesan of North

Carolina. Please keep your delegates and clergy in

your prayers: Barbara Van Cleve, Ken Massey, Deb

Harris Richardson, Harold Moag, Carol Phillips

(alternate), Judy Hackett (alternate), Brooks John-

son and BJ Owens. Please keep our candidates in

your prayers as well: George Adamik, Charles

Dupree, Michael Hunn and Samuel Rodman.

While only delegates can attend in person, you can

follow the action as the balloting process unfolds.

You can view the livestream on the Diocesan home-

page ( or the bishop search homepage

(, or download the conven-

tion app ( for updates

throughout the day.



The Nominees for the XII Bishop of North Carolina

Page 4: Harmony - St. Andrew's Episcopal · Perkins played piano and guitar. Lee and Jesse Carrico and Theo Perkins read,


Episcopal Youth Community (EYC)

In Late January

and early Febru-

ary, the EYC col-

lected $150 and

201 items for the

Faith Action In-


House pantry

(cash and items

worth $553). We

recorded our

donations on the

website for the

Souperbowl for

Caring (, a nationwide initiative to

motivate youth to work to alleviate hunger and

poverty in their local communities. This year, the

Souperbowl had 4,183 groups participate—

they collected $6,978,142 worth of donations,

with 100% going to charities nationwide!

Thank you to everyone from St. Andrew’s who

donated—the folks at Faith Action were very


On Sunday, February 19, the youth helped lead

the 10:00 a.m. service. Meg Byrum delivered

an inspiring homily, and Edy Byrum and Theo

Perkins played piano and guitar. Lee and Jesse

Carrico and Theo Perkins read, and Rosie Rev-

ell and Anna Ward led the Prayers of the Peo-

ple. Rosie and Anna also served as ushers,

along with Sam Fleming and Eli Coll. Archer

Hill joined the rest of the group to sing during

the Offertory. Alexis and Gift Obimma and Lee

Carrico were acolytes. It was a joy to watch all

our young people carry themselves with ma-

turity and grace, and we thank them for giving

us a wonderful service. Special thanks go to

Debbie Dowd, Chesley Huskins, Melissa and

Tim Fleming, Rachael Revell, Barbara Smith,

Continued p. 5

Fellowship & Christian Formation

Page 5: Harmony - St. Andrew's Episcopal · Perkins played piano and guitar. Lee and Jesse Carrico and Theo Perkins read,


1st Sunday 3/5 2nd Sunday 3/12 3rd Sunday 3/19 4th Sunday 3/26 5th Sunday n/a

Godly Play

(age 4- 2nd


Godly Play

(age 4- 2nd


Godly Play

(age 4- 2nd


Godly Play

(age 4- 2nd


1st Sunday


(All Ages)

Kids of the


(Grades 3-5)

Kids of the


(Grades 3-5)

Kids of the


(Grades 3-5)

Children’s Sunday School in March

Fellowship & Christian Formation cont’d

and Ashley Wigglesworth for helping to make

sure everything ran smoothly.

EYC will meet on March 5 at 5:30 p.m. in Her-

man Hall for dinner and a program. If you have

any questions about EYC at St. Andrew’s, please

contact Julia Smith at [email protected].

Name Tags

As we come together to worship or in fellowship,

we encourage everyone to wear a name tag. This

helps us all “put a face to a name” and allows

Newcomer Hosts to identify newcomers to the


Name tags can be found on the large racks at the

front of the church (and outside when weath-

er permits). They are kept in alphabetical or-

der, and we ask you to return them to the

rack at the conclusion of the worship service.

A basket can also be found in the Parish Hall

on a side table for those of you who find

yourself still wearing your name tag to Coffee

Hour. It will be returned to the racks for you.

Should you desire a new tag, a request form

on gray colored paper can be found in the

Narthex, on the table with the guest book.

Please complete the form and leave it in the

offertory plate or drop it in the office. You

will find your name tag on the rack within

two weeks.

Hearing the Gospel

As part of St. Andrew's Lenten program, the

Hearing the Gospel bible study will meet

every Thursday during Lent, beginning

March 2. The class meets at 10:30 a.m. in

the Library for about one hour. No prepara-

tion is necessary, and everyone is welcome.

Page 6: Harmony - St. Andrew's Episcopal · Perkins played piano and guitar. Lee and Jesse Carrico and Theo Perkins read,


Extra Pages—Features, Fundraisers, Etc

Rector’s Study Week, March 13-17

The Rev. Bernard J. Owens will take a study week

March 13-17. This is a practice priests are encour-

aged to take on a semiannual basis in order to

keep both their ministry—and their sermons—

engaging and fresh. He will remain in town and

will be available for major emergencies, but will

be otherwise out of pocket. The Tuesday service of

Holy Eucharist will continue as normal, and BJ

will also continue his weekly Lenten blog. Please

keep him in your prayers during that time.

Donating Children’s Choir Robes

Our children’s choir is scheduled to sing at the

Palm Sunday service, and we’d like to purchase

robes for them. We’ll need as many robes as we

have children participating! If you are interested

in purchasing a robe for the children’s choir ($100

per robe) please contact Ann Doyle at

[email protected]. Thank you for prayer-

fully considering this donation.

Vestry Changes

Joe Graves has resigned his position as a vestry

member for the 2017-2018 term. Susan Buck, a

nominee for this year’s vestry elections, has been

elected by the vestry to a three-year term.

Urn Garden

Flower Vases

Cemetery flower vases are

now available in the Urn

Garden for flowers to be

used on special occasions on

loved one’s graves. The

flowers will be removed by members of the Urn

Garden Committee when they are no longer

pretty and the vases will be stored outside in a

marked container.

Easter Lilies

The Altar Guild is

providing an oppor-

tunity for you to con-

tribute toward Easter

Lilies in honor or

memory of loved

ones. Flower dona-

tions for Christmas and Easter are the Altar

Guild’s only source of funds to purchase the

flowers for the church and maintain various

church supplies such as candles, linens, and

vestments. Envelopes will be available in the

pews for your donation starting in March. You

may place the envelope in the collection plate

or you may mail your donation to the Parish

Office. For inclusion in the Easter bulletin, the

firm deadline will be Thursday, March 30.

Page 7: Harmony - St. Andrew's Episcopal · Perkins played piano and guitar. Lee and Jesse Carrico and Theo Perkins read,


January YTD YTD

Actuals Actuals Budget

Pledge Income $42,201 $42,201 $23,975

Other Income $4,140 $4,140 $4,967

Total Income $46,341 $46,341 $28,942

Total Admin & Mission/Forma. Expenses $20,978 $20,978 $26,930

Total Operating Expenses $14,889 $14,889 $12,949

Total Expenses $35,867 $35,867 $39,879

Net Result $10,475 $10,475 ($10,397)

March Financials

HARMONY is published monthly by

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

2105 W. Market St.

Greensboro, NC 27403


Editors: K im berly How ard and Tony Bengel

Rector: The Rev. Bernard J. Ow ens

Deadline for April Harmony:

March 15th by Noon

Email to: [email protected]


Vestry 2017

The Rev. Bernard J. Owens, Rector George Platt, Senior W arden

[email protected] Mike Van Ormer, Junior W arden

Robin Bartlett

The Rev. Brooks Johnson, Deacon Susan Brannan

[email protected] Susan Buck

Scott Durham

Debbie Dowd, Pastoral Associate Charles Kappauf

[email protected] Barbara Lawless

Ken Massey

Kimberly Ann Howard, Bob Mills

Parish Administrator/Business Manager Carol Phillips

[email protected] Ashley Wigglesworth

Ann Doyle, Minister of Music Karen Rierson, Clerk

[email protected] John Frizzell, Treasurer

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