Download - Handy House Vocab 4


Handy House Vocab 4

Handy House Vocab 4Appliances and Facilitieswith Mr Angry Potato Face (in his lucky bikini)

Hello. I am Mr. Angry Potato Head and technology confuses me, especially

The televisionla televisin

The hoover

la aspiradora

The washing machinela lavadora

The fridgeel frigorfico

The freezerel congelador

The ovenel horno

The dishwasher

el lavavajillas

el tostadorThe toaster

The microwave

el microondas

The DVD playerel reproductor de DVD

The computerel ordenador

The hi-fiel equipo de msica

and then theres facilities, like

The toiletel vter

The sinkel lavabo

The showerla ducha

The bathla baera

I just hope none of them break.

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