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Page 1: Handout Week5

Banker’s algorithm example:

4 lawyers (P1, P2, P3, P4)

4 chopsticks - single resource with Available[r] = 4

Each lawyer needs 2 chopsticks: Need[0..p][r] = 2

(1) Lawyer P1 has 2 chopsticks already

Alloc Max Avail Finish

P1 2 2 2 N

P2 0 2 N

P3 0 2 N

P4 0 2 N

(2) P2 asks for a chopstick � Go ahead and "allocate" it:

Alloc Max Avail Finish

P1 2 2 1 N

P2 1 2 N

P3 0 2 N

P4 0 2 N

Safety test: Available resources >= Max needed by ANY process

Work[0..r] = Available[0..r]

Finish[0..p] = false

Fill in the following matrices for a safety test:

Work =

Alloc Max Need Finish

P1 2 2

P2 1 2

P3 0 2

P4 0 2

Work =

Alloc Max Need Finish

P1 2 2

P2 1 2

P3 0 2

P4 0 2

Work =

Alloc Max Need Finish

P1 2 2

P2 1 2

P3 0 2

P4 0 2

Work =

Alloc Max Need Finish

P1 2 2

P2 1 2

P3 0 2

P4 0 2

Different Scenario:

(1) P1, P2, and P3 have grabbed and P4 is about to grab one.

Alloc Max Avail Finish

P1 1 2 1 N

P2 1 2 N

P3 1 2 N

P4 0 2 N

(2) P2 asks for a chopstick � Go ahead and "allocate" it:

Alloc Max Avail Finish

P1 1 2 0 N

P2 1 2 N

P3 1 2 N

P4 1 2 N

Check safe state again:

Example 2:

Suppose we have 4 resources (R1-4) and 5 threads (T1-5). Max resources are: R1 = 6, R2 = 7, R3 = 12, R4 =12.

Then we have the following situation:

Thread Current Allocation Max Allocation

R1 R2 R3 R4 R1 R2 R3 R4

T1 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 2

T2 2 0 0 0 2 7 5 0

T3 0 0 3 4 6 6 5 6

T4 2 3 5 4 4 3 5 6

T5 0 3 3 2 0 6 5 2

Page 2: Handout Week5

1) What two advantages do threads have over multiple processes?


a. Threads have separate memory space;

b. Threads don't destroy shared data;


a. Threads are inexpensive to create and destroy;

b. Threads use very little resources while they exist;


a. Threads don't have to trust each other;

b. Threads don't have separate memory space;

2) A rendezvous requires

A. no buffering

B. double buffering

C. a buffer queue

D. none of the above

3) Assume that there are four queues in a multilevel queue scheduling system:

one first-come first-served queue and three round-robin queues with quantum = 8, 16, and 32 milliseconds respectively. What is the

quantum of the first-come first-served queue?

A. 8 milliseconds

B. 64 milliseconds

C. 32 milliseconds

D. none of the above

4) Consider the 2-process solution to the critical section problem (i refers to the current process and j is the other one)


flag[i] := true ;

while (flag[j]) do no-op ;


flag[i] := false ;


until false ;

This solution does NOT satisfy :

A Mutual Exclusion

B Progress

C Bounded Wait

D both (b) and (c)

E none of the above

5) Which one of the following describes which allocation schemes (Contiguous, Indexed, Linked) suffer(s) from external


A. Contiguous only

B. Indexed only

C. Linked only

D. Contiguous and Indexed

E. Indexed and Contiguous

6) “Only one process may use a resource at a time” best describes which one of the following?

A. Mutual Exclusion

B. Hold and wait

C. No preemption

D. Circular wait

E. Starvation

7) “A process may hold allocated resources while awaiting assignment of other resources” best describes which one of the following


A. Mutual Exclusion

B. Hold and wait

C. No preemption

Page 3: Handout Week5

D. Circular wait

E. Starvation

8) “No resource can be forcibly removed from a process holding it” best describes which one of the following conditions?

A. Mutual Exclusion

B. Hold and wait

C. No preemption

D. Circular wait

E. Starvation

9) Which problem is avoided by defining a linear ordering of resource types that is followed by all processes?

A. Mutual Exclusion

B. Hold and wait

C. No preemption

D. Circular wait

E. Starvation

Consider a simple one-level paging system with the following parameters: page size of 16 Kbytes; 64 bit logical address space; each

page table entry takes 8 bytes.

10a) How many logical pages are there (expressed as a power of 2)?

A. 240

B. 248

C. 250

D. 252

E. 253

10b) In this system, how large is the page table size in bytes?

A. 240

B. 248

C. 250

D. 252

E. 253

11a) Consider the following three threads executing different paths of execution. Determine if and where deadlock can occur for each

thread. For example, “Thread 1 can deadlock on Line 2” would mean that Thread 1 can deadlock and wait forever to acquire mutex_e.

Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3

lock(mutex_d) lock(mutex_e) lock(mutex_f)

lock(mutex_e) lock(mutex_f) lock(mutex_d)

e = d * 2 f = f + e d = d * f

unlock(mutex_e) unlock(mutex_f) unlock(mutex_d)

unlock(mutex_d) unlock(mutex_e) unlock(mutex_f)

Complete the following, or write “deadlock cannot occur”

Thread 1 can deadlock on line ___

Thread 2 can deadlock on line ___

Thread 3 can deadlock on line ___

11b) Determine if and where deadlock can occur.

Thread 1 Thread 2

lock(mutex_h) lock(mutex_g)

lock(mutex_i) lock(mutex_i)

lock(mutex_j) i = g + g

j = i + h unlock(mutex_i)

unlock(mutex_j) unlock(mutex_g)



Page 4: Handout Week5

g = g + i



Complete the following, or write “deadlock cannot occur”

Thread 1 can deadlock on line ___

Thread 2 can deadlock on line ___

12. What is the difference between an interrupt and an exception? Give one example of each.

13. Why do we need two modes of execution (kernel and user) in an operating system, even though some of the kernel functions run

in user mode?

14. How can you change a program without changing its process? How can you change a process keeping the same program?

15. What is the difference between a context switch and a process being dispatched? Do we require a context switch for the process to

be dispatched? Do we require a process to be dispatched for context switch?

16. What is the difference between deadlock avoidance and deadlock prevention?

17. One of the ways to prevent deadlocks was given as creating a total order on the resources and allocating resources in the order of

enumeration. Show by an example why a partial order will not be sufficient to achieve the same.

18. Consider the following program:

const int n = 10;

int tally;

void total() {

int count;

for ( count = 0; count < n; count++ )



int main() {

tally = 0;





printf ( "%d\n", tally );

return ( 0 );


Determine the proper lower bound and upper bound on the final value of the shared variable tally output by this concurrent program.

Assume processes can execute at any relative speed and that a value can only be incremented after it has been loaded into a register by

a separate machine instruction.

Page 5: Handout Week5

19. Three processes share four resource units from the same resource class that can be reserved and released only one at a time. This

can be done in any order, that is, we do not have total order imposed on requests. Each process needs a maximum of two units. Can we

have a deadlock in the system? Explain your answer.

What is the difference between an unsafe state and a deadlock state?

20. Consider the workload in Table:

Process Burst Time(ms) Priority Arrival Time (ms)

P1 50 4 0

P2 20 1 0

P3 100 3 0

P4 40 2 0

a. Provide schedule using First Come First Serve (FCFS), Shortest-Remaining-Time-First (SRTF), Round-Robin (RR) with timeslice

quantum = 30 ms.

b. What is the average waiting time of the above specified scheduling policies?

21. Repeat above with following:

Process Burst Time(ms) Priority Arrival Time (ms)

P1 50 4 0

P2 20 1 20

P3 100 3 40

P4 40 2 60

a. Provide schedule using First Come First Serve (FCFS), Shortest-Remaining-Time-First (SRTF), Round-Robin (RR) with timeslice

quantum = 30 ms.

b. What is the average waiting time of the above specified scheduling policies?

Page 6: Handout Week5


o Keep the CPU until thread blocks

o Simple, but short jobs get stuck behind long ones (Convoy problem)

• RR

o Each thread runs for at most time quantum q, then preempted

o q >> context-switch time, else too much overhead

o Fair to short jobs (good response time)

• SJF (Shortest Job First) (optimal if no preemption, unfair)

o Shortest time to completion first

• SRTF (Shortest Remaining Time First) (optimal, unfair)

o Preemptive version of SJF

• Adaptive SRTF

o Estimate SRT based on previous bursts

• Multi-Level Feedback Scheduling

o Multiple queues, each with their own scheduling algorithm (e.g foreground - RR, background FCFS)

o Scheduling between queues: priority scheduling or time slice

• Lottery Scheduling

o At least one ticket assigned to each thread, more tickets to short running jobs

o Why at least one ticket? Prevent starvation

Solutions for previous week:

Reader() {

// First check self into system


if (WW > 0){





while ((AW) > 0) { // Is it safe to read?

WR++; // No. Writers exist

okToRead.wait(&lock); // Sleep on cond var

WR--; // No longer waiting


AR++; // Now we are active!


// Perform actual read-only access


// Now, check out of system


AR--; // No longer active

if (AR == 0 && WW > 0) // No other active readers

okToWrite.signal(); // Wake up one writer lock.Release(); }

Writer() {

// First check self into system


while ((AW + AR) > 0) { // Is it safe to write?

WW++; // No. Active users exist

okToWrite.wait(&lock); // Sleep on cond var

WW--; // No longer waiting


AW++; // Now we are active!


// Perform actual read/write access


// Now, check out of system


AW--; // No longer active

if (WR > 0) { // Otherwise, wake reader

okToRead.broadcast(); // Wake all readers }

else if (WW > 0){ // Give priority to writers

okToWrite.signal(); // Wake up one writer }

lock.Release(); }


Reader() {




if (counter == 1)







if (counter == 0)




Writer() {






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