Page 1: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-


MBA 1st Semester

Dev Bhoomi Institute of Technology


Affiliated to

Uttarakhand Technical University,


Page 2: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Prerequisite: Student should have the basic knowledge of Ethics and Values

Unit 1 Introduction (10L)

Definition of Statistics, Characteristics, Functions, Importance, Limitations and Types

of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to

Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution- Discrete

and Continuous Frequency Distribution; Diagrammatic and Graphic Representation-

Line, Bar, Rectangle and Pie Diagram, Graphs- Histograms, Frequency Polygon,

Cumulative Frequency Curves or Ogives- Advantages and Limitations of Diagrams

and Graph, Tabulation- Types of tables.

Unit 2 Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion (10L)

Average- Concept, Types, Mathematical Averages- Arithmetic, Geometric, and

Harmonic mean Position and Location Averages, Median, Mode. Measures of

Dispersion: Range, Quartile Deviation- Mean and Standard Deviation, Variance-

Coefficient of Variance- Comparison of various measures of Dispersion, Skewness-

Relative Measures of Skewness- Karl Pearson, Bowley, Kelly- Coefficient of

Skewness, Kurtosis.

Unit 3 Correlation and Regression (10L)

Correlation- Scatter Diagram, Karl Pearson‟s Coefficient of Correlation, Spearman’s

Coefficient of Rank Correlation; Concurrent Deviation; Regression- Method of

Least Squares, Method of Regression Coefficient, Properties of Regression

Coefficient, Partial and Multiple Correlation and Regression Coefficient.

Unit 4 Time Series and Forecasting (10L)

Time Series- Introduction, Objectives of time Series, Identification of Trend, Variation

in Time Series-Secular Variation, Cyclical Variation, Seasonal Variation, and Irregular

Variation, Methods of Estimating Trend, Choosing Appropriate Forecasting Model.

Unit 5 Probability and Probability Distribution (10L)

Classical and Axiomatic Approaches, Basic Theorems - Addition, Multiplication-

Conditional and Bayes Theorem, Random variables and concept of Probability

Distribution. Theoretical Probability Distributions: Binomial, Poisson, and Normal,

Expontial Distribution and its problems.

Text books:

Richard I Levin and David S. Rubin, Statistics for Management Reference Book:

David M. Levine, Timothy C. Kribbeil, Mark Berenson and P.K. Vishawanath, Basic


Dev Bhoomi Institute Of Technology


Department of Management Studies

Course Level: Beginner Course Type: Core Credit: 4

Total Contact Hours: 50 LTP -4-0-0 External Marks/Internal Marks:


Course Title: Statistics For


Course Code: MB-103 Duration of External Exam:

3 Hours

Page 3: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Course Outcome Description

CO1 1. Basic knowledge of statistics and its applications . 2. Students will learn to draw various statistical tools 3. Students will know the application of sampling .

CO2 1. Students will know about the central tendencies such as Mean , Median and Mode.

2. Students will learn about deviation and skewness. 3. Students will come more close to analytical aptitude by solving

practical questions.

CO3 1. Students will learn to solve regression and correlation problems. 2. Students will know the difference between correlation and

regression. .

CO4 1. Students will learn about trend analysis that can be used pervasively. 2. Practical problems related to time series and trend analysis clears the

concept of the students.

CO5 1. Knowledge about probability is known to the students. 2. Students will know various theories regarding probability. 3. Students will learn the application of permutation and combination.

Page 4: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-


1. Define Statistics .

2. Discuss the nature , scope and importance of statistics .

3. Discuss limitations of Statistics.

4. Explain Uses of statistics .

5. What is primary data ? What are the methods to collect primary data ?

6. What is secondary data ? What are the methods to collect secondary data ?

7. Define Sampling .

8. Explain types of sampling.

9. Differentiate between census and sampling.

10. Explain the features of a good sample.


1) What is mean ? Give its practical implementation ?

2) From the following data , calculate Standard Deviation :

CI 20-




















f 4 10 11 12 18 15 10 8 8 4

3) What is mode ? How you will calculate the mode by grouping method ?

4) Calculate missing frequency : (Given Median : 27.41 )

CI 50-60 40-50 30-40 20-30 10-20 0-10

f 6 17 20 ? 18 12

5) Find Mean, Median and Mode from the given data :

Weight 80-90 70-80 60-70 50-60 40-50 30-40

f 8 15 27 45 37 18

6) Calculate Mode by grouping method:

CI 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40

f 5 7 9 18 16 15 6 3

7) What are the different methods of skewness ?

Dev Bhoomi Institute Of Technology


Department of Management Studies

Question Bank

Course Title: Statistics For


Course Code: MB-103 Duration of External Exam:

3 Hours

Page 5: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

8) Define Term Range

9) Discuss the advantages of standard deviation.

10) Explain measures of dispersion.


1) What is correlation ? Explain its significance .

2) What is regression analysis ? Explain .

3) How many types of correlation conditions are there ? Explain

4) How many types of regression equations are there ? Explain its

corresponding methods .

5) From the following data find two regression equations :

X 42 44 58 55 89 98 66

Y 56 49 53 58 65 76 68

6) From the following data find correlation by Karl Pearson‟s method :

X 23 27 28 28 29 30 31 33 35 36

Y 18 20 22 27 21 29 27 29 28 29

7) From the following data , find correlation by Spearman‟s method :

X 80 78 75 75 68 67 60 59

Y 12 13 14 14 14 16 15 17

8) What is probable error ? Explain. 9) What are regression lines ? Explain 10) Define coefficient of determination.


1) What is time series analysis ?

2) Explain the various components of time series .

3) What is trend analysis ? Explain its advantages . Draw the difference

between regular and irregular trend .

4) Discuss the steps in business forecasting.

5) What is forecasting ? Explain its methods.

6) Discuss the method of least squares .

7) How would you choose an appropriate forecasting model ? Explain .

8) What are quantitative techniques ? Explain with example .

Page 6: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

9) Define Barometric Method of Forecasting .

10) What is seasonal variation ? Explain .


1) What do you mean by probability ? Give its importance in quantitative

analysis .

2) Give the addition theory of probability .

3) Give multiplicative theory of probability .

4) Give Bayes rule of probability .

5) Give Binomial theory of probability .

6) Explain mutually exclusive events and likely occurring events .

7) What is normal distribution ?

8) Explain permutation and combination .

9) What are the counting rules ?

10) Suppose that life of a gas cylinder is normally distributed with a

mean of 40 days and a S.D. of 5 days . If at a time 10,000 cylinders are

issued to customers , how many will need replacement after 35 days ?

Page 7: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-


Ist semester

MBA 101 –Principles and Practice of Management Objective:The objective is to provide an understanding of basic concepts, principles of

management. The aim is to inculcate the ability to apply multifunctional approach to Organizational objectives


Introduction Nature, Scope and Significance of Management, Evolution and Development of Management

Thought. Process and Functions of Management. Overview of the Functional Areas of




(ii)Nature, significance and scope of planning, Types of plans, Process and Techniques of Decision

Making, MBO,MBE, Planning Strategies and Policies.


Organizing and Staffing

(iii)Nature and Significance of Organizing –Organizations Theories, Organization Structure, Departmentation, Line and Staff Relationship, Span of Management,

Authority, Accountability, Delegation and Decentralization and Group Functions,

Staffing, Appraisal and Development of Managers, Formal and Informal




Nature and Scope of Directions, Issues in Managing Human Resources. Motivation-Concept, Nature, Importance and Theories of Motivation, Leadership Patterns and Styles.

Concept and Significance of Communication, Process, Types and Techniques of

Communication, Barriers of Communication. Nature and Scope of Coordination, Principles, Techniques and Barriers to Coordination



Management Control-The Elements, Process and Styles of Control, Techniques of Control.Emerging Horizons of Management-Challenges before Future Managers in 21stCentury



Dev Bhoomi Institute Of Technology


Department Of Management

Course Level: Beginner Course Type: Core Credit: 5

Total Contact Hours: 50 LTP -3-1-0 External Marks/Internal Marks:


Course Title: Principles And Practice

Of Management

Course Code:MB101 Duration of External Exam:

3 Hours

Page 8: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-



Unit -1


1. Student will learn the concept of management

2. Students will learn the efficiencies and effectiveness of internal and external


3. Students will learn the functions of management

Unit -2


1. Students will learn the process of planning

2. Students will learn the concept of strategic planning, programmes, procedure.


Organizing & Staffing

1. Students will learn the process of organizing

2. Students will learn the structure of organization.

3 Students will learn the concept of staffing

4 Students will learn the concept of recruitment, selection.



1. Student will learn the concept of directing and leading in an organization.

Unit -5


1. Students will learn why organization growth is important in our economy.

2. Students will learn different techniques, process of controlling.

Page 9: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

1) What do you mean by management? Explain the features of


2) Explain the different functions of management.

3) What is the importance of management in an organization?

4) What is scientific management?

5) Mention the different schools of management? Discuss the contribution

of human behavior school.

6) Difference between administration and management?

7) “Management is an art or a science”. Explain this statement?

8) Difference between management and co-ordination?

9) Discuss the scope and nature of management.

10) What is the role of manger in management process?



Subject: Principle And Practice Of Management

Faculty : Mrs. Jyoti Bhatia

Branch: Semester: III

Unit/Title: 1 : (Introduction)

Page 10: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

1) What is planning? Explain steps involved in planning

2) What are objectives? How will you set objectives for a manufacturing


3) Discuss various forecasting techniques normally adopted planning.

4) Explain the importance of planning in the present Indian business


5) High light the different types of plans.

6) Explain in detail the steps in the Decision–making process with

examples. Also explain in detail any two Decision making tools.

7) "Planning is looking ahead and control is looking back ”-comment.

8) Elucidate the steps to be followed in the planning process.

9) Define the steps involved in planning process.

10) What do you mean by strategic planning?



Subject: Principle And Practice Of Management

Faculty : Mrs. Jyoti Bhatia

Branch: Semester: III

Unit/Title: II : Planning

Page 11: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

1) Describe the various steps in providing appropriate human resources.

2) What is the difference between formal and informal organization

3) What do you mean by organizing? Explain the steps involved in

organizing process.

4) Define the role of staffing in an management process.

5) Explain the steps involved in staffing process?

6) Explain line and functional organizational structures with their

advantages and limitations.

7) Difference between decentralization and centralization?

8) Define span of management. Explain the factors which influence to

effectives span of management.

9) Explain the importance of organizing in an management.

10) Explain the term recruitment, performance appraisal.



Subject: Principle And Practice Of Management

Faculty : Mrs. Jyoti Bhatia

Branch: Semester: III

Unit/Title: III : Organizing & Staffing

Page 12: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

1) Explain Maslow‟s theory of motivation and compare Herzberg theory

of motivation.

2) Define the concept of co-operation and co-ordination.

3) Describe the different techniques of communication used in an


4) Define the concept of leadership. Why it is important in an


5) Define the concept of directing in a management process.

6) Why directing is an important element of organization.

7) What are the different barriers of communication?

8) Describe the process of communication in your own words.

9) Describe the different leadership styles applied in leadership process.

10) Define the concept of decision making.



Subject: Principle And Practice Of Management

Faculty : Mrs. Jyoti Bhatia

Branch: Semester: III

Unit/Title: IV : Directing

Page 13: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

1) Explain the concept of controlling in management process.

2) What are the different techniques of controlling used in an


3) Explain the steps involved in controlling process.

4) What is the importance of controlling in an organization?

5) Difference between controlling and directing.

6) Define the different modern techniques of controlling.

7) What are the essential factors used in organization for making

controlling effective.

8) Explain the concept of budgetary control.

9) Explain the concept of time -event network analysis.

10) State the disadvantages of controlling.



Subject: Principle And Practice Of Management

Faculty : Mrs. Jyoti Bhatia

Branch: Semester: III

Unit/Title: V : Controlling

Page 14: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-


Unit 1: Introduction (8 L)

Introduction to Managerial Economics, Evolution, Nature, Scope and Significance,

Circular Flow in an Economy, Principles, Production Possibility Frontier, Managerial

Economics: Micro and Macro Economics.

Unit 2: Market Forces: Demand and Supply (12 L)

(a) Demand Analysis: Theory of demand; Objectives of demand analysis and

determinants of demand; theory of consumer behavior; Elasticity of demand and its

measurement methods; importance in decision-making.

(b) Supply Analysis: Objective of supply analysis; Determinants of supply, Elasticity of


Unit 3: Production Function and Cost Analysis (12 L)

Theory of Production and Cost Analysis; Production Functions and its Managerial Uses;

Cobb Douglous Production Function, Laws of Production and analysis: Empirical

Estimates of Production and Cost; short run and Long run average cost curves and their

analysis; Economies and Diseconomies of scale.

Unit 4: Organization of the Firm (8 L)

Pricing Decision: Pricing under different Market Structures: Perfect and Imperfect

(Monopoly, Duopoly, Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly Markets), Pricing Policies and

Strategies; Collusive and Non-Collusive Oligopoly; Baumol‟s Marries‟ and O.

Williamsons Model.

Unit 5: Factor Pricing (8 L)

Determination of Factor Pricing; Marginal Productivity Theory; Richardian and Modern

Theories of rent; Modern Theory of Wage rate determination; Classical, Neo-Classical and

Keynesian Theory of Interest; Modern Theory of Profit; Welfare Economics; Pareto

Optimality Conditions; Social Welfare Function.

Note: Numerical Questions should be set on elasticity, break even analysis, demand

forecasting and optimum output determination under law of variable proportions.

Dev Bhoomi Institute Of Technology


Department of Management Studies

Course Level: Beginner Course Type: Core Credit: 4

Total Contact Hours:48 LTP -4-0-0 External Marks/Internal Marks:


Course Title: Managerial Economics Course Code: MB - 104 Duration of External Exam:

3 Hours

Page 15: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Text Books

1. Crag W. Paterson, W. Cris Lewis, and Sudhir K. Jain, Managerial Economics, PHI

Learning /Pearson, New Delhi, 2004.

2. Goel Dean, Managerial Economics

3. GS Gupta, Managerial Economics, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Punlishing Co.

Ltd., Delhi.

Reference Books

1. D. N. Dwivedi, Managerial Economics, Vikas Publishing House (P.) Ltd., Noida.

Course Outcome Description

CO1 4. Basic knowledge about the Economics.

5. Basic knowledge about Managerial Economics.

CO2 4. To understand the Market forces:

a) Demand Function, b) Supply Function.

CO3 3. To understand production function,

4. To understand supply function.

CO4 3. To understand pricing policies under different market structures.

CO5 1. To understand factor pricing:

i) Theory of wage;

ii) Theory of interest;

iii) Theory of price

Page 16: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-


1. Managerial economics is a discipline which deals with the application of „economic

theory‟ to the business management‟. Comment.

2. „Managerial economics is applied micro-economics‟. Elucidate.

3. Define Production Possibility Curve.

4. Define Utility.

5. Distinguish between total and marginal utility.

6. Explain how managerial economics enables a manager rational decision making.

7. Explain the nature and scope of managerial economics.

Dev Bhoomi Institute Of Technology


Department of Management Studies

Question Bank

Course Title: Managerial Economics Course Code: MB - 104 Duration of External Exam: 3


Page 17: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

8. What is indifference curve?

9. Is utility measurable? Explain.

10. What are the properties of the indifference curve?


1. Suppose individual demand schedule for A,B and C are given as-

Price (Rs.) A’s Demand B’s Demand C’s Demand

5 80 40 20

10 40 20 10

15 20 10 5

20 10 5 0

25 0 0 0


a) Market Demand Schedule.

b) Market Demand Curve.

c) Elasticity when price falls from Rs. 15 to Rs. 10.

d) Elasticity when price rises from Rs. 10 to Rs. 15.

Page 18: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

2. Define – Demand.

3. Define – Supply.

4. Distinguish between arc elasticity and point elasticity.

5. Explain income elasticity of demand.

6. Explain cross elasticity of demand.

7. Q= - 0.7 P + 0.45 A (Where P= Price per pair and A = Advertisement cost per unit).

The company sells 50,000 pairs of shoes per annum at Rs. 600 per pair. What will

be the annual sales if the company spends Rs. 1 Lakh on advertisement?

8. Explain how price equilibrium in the market is achieved.

9. Write the exceptions of the law of demand.

10. Write the assumptions of the law of supply.


1. What is meant by production?

2. Define production function.

3. How will you define economies of scales?

4. What are the economies of scale that gives increasing returns to scale?

5. Suppose a production function is given as –

Q = - L3

+ 5L2 + 10 L

i- Which law of production is revealed with this production function?

ii- At what level of labour employment does the total production begin to


6. What is meant by optimum combination of inputs?

7. Define and explain isoquents.

8. What factors cause increasing returns to scale?

9. State and explain the Cobb-Douglas production function.

10. Explain diseconomies of scale.


1. Define Perfect Competition.

2. Define Imperfect Competition.

3. Define Monopoly

4. Define Duopoly

5. Define Monopolistic Competition

Page 19: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

6. Define Oligopoly

7. Explain - Baumol‟s Marries‟ and O. Williamsons Model.

8. Explain - Collusive and Non-Collusive Oligopoly.

9. What are the factors that create price leadership for a firm under oligopoly?



1. Discuss the cost-plus method of pricing.

2. Mark – up pricing is compatible with marginalist rule of pricing. Discuss.

3. What is transfer pricing?

4. Why do a high-cost firm accept a price lower than their profit maximizing


5. State the Classical Theory of Interest.

6. State Neo-Classical Theory of Interest.

7. State Keynesian Theory of Interest.

8. State Modern Theory of Profit.

9. Explain- Welfare Economics;

10. Explain- Social Welfare Function.

Section C

Question 3

a) Write the exceptions of the law of demand. (7)

b) Write the assumptions of the law of supply. (7)


c) Explain in detail the evolution of managerial economics. (14)

Question 4

a) What is indifference curve? What are the properties of the indifference curve? (7)

b) What is meant by utility? Is utility measurable? Explain.



c) Demand function for a shoe manufacturing company is given as-


Q= - 0.7 P + 0.45 A (Where P= Price per pair and A = Advertisement cost per unit).

The company sells 50,000 pairs of shoes per annum at Rs. 600 per pair. What will

be the annual sales if the company spends Rs. 1 Lakh on advertisement?

Page 20: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Question 5

1. Distinguish between total and marginal utility.


2. Explain how managerial economics enables a manager rational decision making.(7)


3. Explain the nature and scope of managerial economics.


Page 21: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Prerequisite: Student should have the knowledge of basic concept of Financial Accounting

Unit 1

Introduction to Financial Accounting

Concepts and Conventions and Postulates of Accounting- Accounting as a Language;

Accounting as an Information System, Users of Accounting information, Role of

accounting in Economic Development. (10L)

Unit 2

Accounting System and Process

Accounting Equation, Transactions and their effects on Accounting and Equation,


of Accounts: Owner‟s Equity, Revenues and Expenses. (10L)

Unit 3

The Accounting Process

The Journal and its Sub-division, The Ledger, The Trial Balance, The Financial


Computerized Accounting, Introduction to Tally Package, Rectification of Errors. (15 L)

Unit 4

Financial Statement Analysis

The Tools of Analysis, Horizontal Analysis, Vertical Analysis, Trend Analysis, Ratio


Funds Flow and Cash Flow Analysis, AS-3 (Revised). (15L)

Unit 5

(a) Corporate Accounting: Financial Statement of Companies and Adjustment Entries

(An overview of Corporate Finance)

(b) Accounting: Assets and Liabilities: Depreciation and Amortisation Inventory


and Accounting, Recent Trends in Corporate Reporting and Introduction to Indian

Accounting Standards. International Financial Reporting Standards: An overview. (15L)

Text books: 1. Maheshwari, SN and Sunil “Financial Accounting: Sultanchand and Sons, New Delhi 2. Tulsian PC “Financial Accounting”, Pearson Education

Reference Book:

1. Ashish Bhattacharyya, Essentials of Accounting and Financial Analysis, Pearson

2. Jawahar Lal “Financial Accounting”, Wheeler Publiching

Dev Bhoomi Institute Of Technology


Department of Management Studies

Course Level: Beginner Course Type: Core Credit: 4

Total Contact Hours: 65 LTP: 4-0-0 External Marks/Internal Marks:


Course Title: Financial Accounting Course Code:MBA102 Duration of External Exam:

3 Hours

Page 22: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Course Outcome Description


1. To know the evolution of accounting process and how it is used in the organization


2. To know working for maintenance of accounts with uniformity and consistency

along with certain rules and principles. 3. To know about the rules of accounting and its working


1. To know about the dual entry concept of accounting

2. To study the relationship between assets and equities 3. To study the change occurred due to any transaction entries

4. To know the nature of the transaction and its effect on capital, assets and liabilities

due to increase or decrease in respective accounts.


1. To learn the traditional accounting system. 2. To know about IASC and ICAI standardization for accounting

3. To learn to maintain the records of business in computerized format so far done

with the help of manual practice which found to be unmanageable.. 4. To learn about database technology management of records.

5. To know about importance of computers, role of computers in accounting and need

of computerized accounting in current era.

6. To differentiate between manual and computerized accounting. 7. To learn about posting of entries in various books of account manually and

computerized format.

8.To identify need of preparing trial balance 9. To know about suspense a/c, errors generated.

10. To know about transaction entries done in journals


1. To know how to prepare, calculate and present the financial statement of an

organization. 2. To determine the profitability and financial soundness of a business.

3. To know the concept behind the financial statement analysis.

4. To know the difference between interpretation and analysis. 5. To know the step by step process of financial analysis.

6. To know the utility of ratio analysis tool and classify them under different


7. Making critical analysis on basis of accounting ratios.


1. To Learn and Practice about the adjustment entries posting of various formats

while preparing final accounts for business

2. To know about the entries Practiced for depreciation 3. To learn about process of amortization

4. To Study about inventory valuation of a business

5. To familiarize with accounting standards

6.To know about the international accounting standards and its authorities 7. What is significance of adopting International Financial Reporting Standards as

global standards

8. To gain knowledge about various accounting standards and its provisions 9. How to relate relevant accounting standard at various situation and apply them.

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Unit 1 (a) Concept of Computers: Brief History of Computer, Generation and its Evolution,

Characteristics of Computers, Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers, Main Areas of Computers and their Applications.

(b) Type of Computers: Analog, Digital, Hybrid Computer General Purpose and Special Purpose

Computer, Computers, Micro Computer, Mini Computers Main Frame Computer and Super


Unit 2 (a) Input-Output Devices: Storage units (Disk, CD-ROM, DVD and Tapes) Memory Type

(Cache, RAM, ROM).

(b) Data and Information Concepts: Definition, Meaning and Concept of data and Information,

Methods of Data Processing, Data mining and warehousing. (c) Data Communication: Operating System Concepts, Fundamental or Data Communication,

Network Concepts and Classification, Introduction to Internet and Its Application. (8L)

UNIT 3 Unit 3 MS.OFFICE: MS Windows, MS Office (MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access and

Outlook) (10L)

Unit 4 Information Systems in Global Business Today: The Role of Information System in

Business Today, Concept of MIS; Components of MIS, Role of Manager, Business and

Technology Trends; Management and Decision Levels; Foundation of information Technology:

Information Systems as a Competitive Advantage, Managerial Challenges of Information Technology,

Overview of DBMS

(6L) Unit 5 (a) Business Application of MIS: e-Commerce, Electronic Payment Systems, Enterprise

Resource Planning (ERP), Advantages of ERP, Challenges of ERP, ERP and Related

Technologies: Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Supply Chain Management (SCM), Data Warehousing, Data Mining, Business Information System.

(5L) (b) Business Expert Systems: Role of Expert Systems in Complex Decision, Building of

Expert Systems in Management of Expert Systems.


Reference Books: 1) Lucas Jr. HC, Information Technology for Management, MC Graw Hill, New York, 1997. 2) Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane P.Laudon (2004), Management Information System, 8/E,

Pearson Education. 3) James A.O.Brien (200), Management Information System, 5/E, Tata McGraw-Hill. 4) Saxena S, First Course in Computers; Vikas Publication, New Delhi, 2003. 5) Leaon, Alexis & Mathews-Information Technology, vikas Publications, 2006. 6) Sinha, PK-Fundamentals of Computers, BPB Publications, New Delhi, 2011.

Dev Bhoomi Institute Of Technology


Department of Management Studies

Course Level: Beginner Course Type: Core Credit 4 LTP 4-0-0

Total Contact Hours: 45 Faculty :Ms. Neha

Parveen External Marks/Internal Marks:


Course Title: Computers Applications in

Business Course Code: MB 108 Duration of External Exam:

3 Hours

Page 24: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Course Outcome Description

CO1 Knowledge about History of Computer, Generation and its Evolution, Characteristics of Computers, Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers, Main Areas of Computers and their Applications. And Knowledge about type of Computers.

CO2 Knowledge about Input output Devices. And Knowledge about Data and Information Concepts. and Knowledge about Internet and its applications and type of Networks

CO3 Knowledge about MS Office For Office Work

CO4 Knowledge about DBMS , MIS and Information Systems in Global Business Today

CO5 Awareness about various Business Application of MIS. And Knowledge about Business Expert System.

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Q1: What do you understand by Software Packages? Name various Categories of them,

giving at least one example of each.

Q2: Write Short Notes on:-

a) Main-Frame Computer

b) Super Computer

c) Analog Computer

d) Digital Computer.

Q3: Describe any two types of Permanent Storage Devices?

Q4: What is Computer and how many types of Computers explain?

Q5: Write briefly about the Following Function of a Computer:-

a) Data Collection

b) Data storage

c) Data Output.

Q6: What are the Limitations of a Computer Explain?

Q7: Explain computer generations

Q8: Draw the basic structure of a computer and explain

Q9: Job Recruitment Questions on basic Computer? (EXPLAIN)

Q10: Which one is the computer‟s own language?



Course Name: Computers Applications in Business

Course Code: MB108

Faculty :Ms. Neha Parveen Branch: MBA Semester: I

Unit/Title: 1/(a)Concept Of Computers

(b) Type of Computers

Date of Discussion:

Page 26: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Q1: Name some of the input and output devices used with computers/

Q2: How many type of memory does a computer have? Justify the need for each type.

Q3: What is Data and Information?

Q4: Write Short Notes on:-

a) Star Network

b) Ring Network

c) Bus Network

Q5: Write Short Notes on:-

a) Modem

b) Internet Service Provider(ISP)

c) Search engine

d) File download and upload

Q6: What are the Basic Application/uses of Computers?

Q7: What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of a Computer?

Q8: Explain computer languages.

Q9: Explain different types of computer?

Q10: Question: What is ROM? (EXPLAIN)



Course Name: Computers Applications in Business

Course Code: MB 108

Faculty :Ms. Neha Parveen Branch: MBA Semester: I

Unit/Title: 2/ (a) Input-Output Devices

(b) Data and Information (c) Data Communication.

Date of Discussion:

Page 27: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Q1: Discuss the Function of the Following:- a) Help

b) My Computer

c) Recycle Bin

Q2: How will you delete Files or Folders Permanently in windows Operating System?

Q3: What are the Advantages of Disk-Partitioning?

Q4: Define margins. How do you set these margins in word 2007?

Q5: How to insert a Chart using data in word 2007 document?

Q6 What do you Understand by Software Packages?

Q7: What are the major features of Power Point?

Q8: Explain the various options available in word for formatting paragraphs

Q9: Write all options in slide presentation

Q10: Explain entering and editing text in Power Point presentation



Course Name: Computers Applications in Business

Course Code: MB 108

Faculty :Ms. Neha Parveen Branch: MBA Semester: I

Unit/Title: 3/ Ms OFFICE Date of Discussion:

Page 28: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Q1: Discuss the Application of Information Technology in Banking.

Q2: Explain briefly how Information Technology (IT) can help Indian Society at Large.

Q3: What is DBMS?

Q4: Explain Concept of management information System?

Q5: What is the Function of MIS?

Q6: Write features of MS Access

Q7: How will you create a table in MS Access?

Q8: What is Query?

Q9: How will you create a table in MS Access?

Q10: How is the ticket reservation System in Railways through Computers better than

The manual Reservation System Explain?

Q1: Write a Short Note on the Indian ACT.(Indian Information Technology ACT 2000)


Q2: Discuss the application of Information Technology in:- a) Offices

b) Accounting

c) Investment and Inventory‟s

d) Graphics

e) Education.

Q3: Discuss the Challenges of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)?

Q4: What is CRM (Customer Relationship Management)?

Q5: What is SCM (Supply Chain Management)?

Q6: What is Decision Support System?

Q7: What is information processing? What are its needs and objectives?

Q8: What is Executive Support System?

Q9: What is an Example of an Expert system Explain?

Q10: How does an Expert System Works?



Course Name: Computers Applications in Business

Course Code: MB 108

Faculty :Ms. Neha Parveen Branch: MBA Semester: I

Unit/Title: 4/ Information System in Global Business Today Date of Discussion:

Page 29: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

MB A Semester I MB106


Unit 1 Laws of Contract (The Indian Contract Act, 1872) Concept of Contract, Offer

and Acceptance; valid contracts and its essential elements; void agreements; classification

of contracts; Quasi contract; performance of contract; discharge of contract; remedies for

breach of contract. Special Contracts: Indemnity, Guarantee, Bailment, Pledge, and agency.

Unit 2 The Sale of Goods Act, 1930 Nature of Contract of Sale; Formation of Contract of

Sale, Agreement to Sell, Conditions and Warranties, Transfer of Property in Goods,

Performance of the Contract of Sale, Remedies for Breach, Unpaid Seller and his rights,

rights of buyers, Sale by Auction.

Unit 3 The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 Definition, Features and types of

negotiable instruments; Methods of negotiation of Instruments; holder and holder in due

Course; Endorement and delivery of a negotiable instrument; Presentation of Negotiable

Instrument. Banker and Customer: An introduction; Crossing of a cheque; Types of

crossing; Bouncing of cheques; Obligations of Banker and Customer; Dishonour and

discharge of negotiable instruments.

Unit 4

(a) The Consumer Protection Act, 1986: Basic Concepts: Complaint, Complainant,

Consumer, Rights of Consumer, Consumer Forums: Their Role, Powers and Functions,

Procedure for Consumer Grievance Redressel, Major Decided Cases.

(b) The Competition Act, 2002: Basic Concepts, Powers of Central Government under the

Competition Act, Major Provisions of the Competition Act: Role and Working of

Competition Commission of India.

Unit 5 The Companies Act An Overview; Nature and kinds of Companies; Formation of a

company; Company Management; Company Meetings.

Suggested Readings

1. M.C. Kuchhal - Business Law, Vikas Publishing House, Delhi

2. Ravindra Kumar, Legal Aspects of Business, Cengage learning, New Delhi, 2011

3. S.S. Gulsan, Mercantile Law, Excel Books.

4. Avtar Singh, Business Laws, Eastern Law Publishing, Lucknow

5. MC Kuchhal, Indian Company Law, Shri Mahavir Book Depot, Delhi, 2011

6. V.K. Agrawal, Consumer Protection: Law and Practice, Bharat Law House, New Delhi,


Page 30: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-


1. While all contracts are agreements, all agreements are not necessarily contracts.” Do you

agree? Give reasons for your answer, by citing suitable illustrative examples.

2. What is the position of a contract with or by a minor? Explain in detail.

3. What are the various elements which are considered necessary to constitute a „Free


4. Explain with examples the doctrine of supervening impossibility.

5. Differentiate between Sale and Agreement to sell.

6. What do you mean by LLP? Give the process of registering LLP electronically.

7. What is a company? Give its essentials.?

8. Give detailed process of registering a company under electronic system.

9. Explain Doctrine of Ultravires. .

10. What is a prospectus? Why is it considered a sacred document?

11. What do you mean by Negotiable Instruments? What do you mean by „bouncing of

cheque‟? What are legal remedies for dishonor of cheque?

12. Give various types of Intellectual Property in detail.

13. Who is a consumer? Give pecuniary jurisdiction of consumer forums.

14. Explain competition law in detail.

15. What is RTI? How will you file a RTI application?

Page 31: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

1. Define The Indian Contract Act, 1872:

2. Describe in detail nature of contract: Classification;

3. What is Offer and acceptance? Give the rules of Offer as well as acceptance.

4. What is Capacity of parties to contract?

5. What is Free consent;

6. What do you understand by Consideration and Legality of object?

7. Performance of contract;

8. When the contract is said to be discharged Discharge of contract;

9. What are the remedies for breach of contract?

11 What is Special Contracts?

12 Differentiate between Indemnity; Guarantee;

13 Differentiate between Bailment and pledge;

14 Define Agency.



Course Name: Business Law Assignment No. 1

Course Code: MB-106

Faculty :Mrs. Isha Sharma

Branch: MBA Sem: I

Unit/Title: 1 The Indian Contract Act, 1872 Date of Issue: Date of Submission:

Page 32: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

1.) Define Sale of Goods Act, 1930.

2.) Formation of contracts of sale;

3.) What are Goods and their classification, price?

4.) Differentiate between Conditions and warranties. Give suitable examples

5.) What are the rules regarding Transfer of property in goods?

6.) What is said to be Performance of the contract of sale?

7.) Discuss in detail the Unpaid seller and his rights?

8.) What is sale by auction?

9.) What is Hire - purchase agreement?



Course Name: Business Law Assignment No. 1I

Course Code: MB-106

Faculty :Mrs. Isha Sharma

Branch: MBA Sem:I

Unit/Title: II/ : Sale of Goods Act, 1930

Date of Issue: Date of Submission:

Page 33: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

1. Define Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881and its Features;

2. Discuss its types

3. What is the difference between Holder and holder in due course?

4. What are the rules regarding Crossing of a cheque?

5. What are different types of crossing?

6 . What is Dishonor and discharge of negotiable instruments.



Course Name: Business Law Assignment No. 1II

Course Code: MB-106

Faculty :Mrs. Isha Sharma

Branch: MBA Sem:I

Unit/Title: III/ Negotiable Instruments

Date of Issue: Date of Submission:

Page 34: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-


1. What is Consumer Protection Act 1986?

2. Explain different rights of Consumers.

3. What are Consumer forums? Discuss their powers and functions.

4. What is the procedure of Consumer grievance Redressel?

5. What are different Powers of Central Government under the Competition Act?

6. Discuss major Provisions of Competition Act.

7. Explain in detail the Role and Working of Competition Commission of India.

8. Role and Working of Competition Commission of India.



Course Name: Business Law Assignment No. IV

Course Code: MB-106

Faculty :Mrs. Isha Sharma

Branch: MBA Sem:1

Unit/Title: IV/ The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 and

The Competition Act, 2002

Date of Issue: Date of Submission:

Page 35: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

1.) Discuss the Introduction: Evolution of Indian Companies Act, 1956.

2.) What is the Meaning and Characteristics of Company?

3.) What is the Definition of a Company Under the Companies Act,1956.

4.) What are the different Types of Companies?

5.) Discuss Formation of Company: Incorporation.

6.) What is Memorandum of Association?

7.) What are Articles of Association?

8.) What are the Different Type of Directors?

9.) How the Appointment is is done?

10.) What are Different Types of Meeting: Annual General meeting, Extra Ordinary

General meeting?

11.) What is the Procedure for Holding General meeting?



Course Name: Business Law Assignment No. V

Course Code: MB-106

Faculty :Mrs. Isha Sharma

Branch: MBA Sem:I

Unit/Title: IV/ The Companies Act

Date of Issue: Date of Submission:

Page 36: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

1. An agreement enforceable at law is a

(a) Enforceable acceptance

(b) Accepted offer

(c) Approved promise

(d) Contract

2. Every promise and every set of promises, forming the consideration for each other, is an

(a) Agreement

(b) Contract

(c) Offer

(d) Acceptance.

3. Promises which form the consideration or part of the consideration for each other are


(a) Reciprocal promises

(b) Cross offers

(c) Conditional offer

(d) Conditional promises.

4. An agreement not enforceable by law is stated to be void under

(a) Section 2(d)

(b) Section 2(e)

(c) Section 2(f)

(d) Section 2(g).

5. Void agreement signifies

(a) Agreement illegal in nature

(b) Agreement not enforceable by law

(c) Agreement violating legal procedure

(d) Agreement against public policy.



Course Name:Business Law

Tutorial Sheet No. 1

Course Code:MB-106

Faculty :Mrs. Isha Sharma

Branch: MBA Sem:1

Unit/Title: 1/ Indian Contract Act Date of Discussion:

Page 37: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

6. Offer as defined under section 2(a) is

(a) Communication from one person to another

(b) Suggestion by one person to another

(c) Willingness to do or abstain from doing an act in order to obtain the assent of other


(d) None of the above.

7. Under section 2(b) if the person to whom the proposal is made signifies his assent the

proposal is said to have been

(a) Accepted

(b) Agreed

(c) Provisionally agreed

(d) Tentatively accepted.

8. A proposal when accepted becomes

(a) Promise under section 2(b)

(b) Agreement under section 2(e)

(c) Contract under section 2(h)

(d) None of the above.

9. When, at the desire of the promisor, the promisee or any other person has done or

abstained from doing or, does or abstain from doing or promises to do or to abstain from

doing something, such act or abstinence or promise under section 2(d) is called

(a) Reciprocal promise

(b) Consideration for the promise

(c) Counter offer

(d) Acceptance.

10. Promises which form the consideration or part thereof, for each other under section

2(F) are called

(a) Acceptances for different proposals

(b) Agreements

(c) Reciprocal promises

(d) Consideration.

11. Every promise or set of promises forming the consideration for each other under

section 2(e) is called

(a) Reciprocal promise

(b) Contract

(c) Agreement

(d) None of the above.

12. An agreement enforceable by law at the instance of one party & not of other party

Under section 2(i) is called

(a) a valid contract

(b) an illegal contract

(c) void contract

(d) a voidable contract.

13. Which is correct

(a) Proposal + acceptance = promise

Page 38: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

(b) Promise + consideration = agreement

(c) Agreement + enforceability = contract

(d) All the above.

14. In a valid contract, what comes first

(a) Enforceability

(b) Acceptance

(c) Promise

(d) Proposal.

15. Under section 2(c) promisor is the

(a) person who makes the proposal

(b) person who accepts the proposal

(c) person who makes the promise

(d) person to whom the proposal is made.

16. Under section 2(c) promisee is the

(a) person who makes the proposal

(b) person who accepts the proposal

(c) person who makes the promise

(d) person to whom proposal is made.

17. Goods displayed in a shop with a price tag is an

(a) Offer

(b) Invitation to offer

(c) Counter offer

(d) None of the above.

18. Tender is

(a) An offer

(b) An invitation to offer

(c) A counter offer

(d) A promise

Page 39: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

. The Sale of Goods Act, 1930 applies to the whole of India except

(a) Jammu & Kashmir

(b) Dadra and Nagar Haveli

(c) Goa, Daman & Diu

(d) all the above.

2. The Sale of Goods Act, 1930 came into force on (a) 1st April, 1930

(b) 1st July, 1930

(c) 1st December, 1930

(d) 31st January, 1931.

3. The Sale of Goods Act, 1930 is based on

(a) the english Bills of Exchange Act, 1882

(b) the Transfer of Property Act, 1882

(c) the English Sale of Goods Act, 1893

(d) the Indian Contract Act, 1872.

4. The Sale of Goods Act, 1930 in its operationis (a) prospective

(b) retrospective

(c) prospective in certain respects and retrospective in certain other respects

(d) only (c) and not (a) or (b).

5. In Sale of Goods Act several provisions of the Indian Contract Act have been

retained (a) to meet the need of the buyers

(b) to meet the need of the sellers

(c) to meet the need of both the buyers and sellers

(d) to meet special conditions existing in India regarding sale of goods.

6. Under the conflict of laws, the rights and obligations flowing out of a contract will

be regulated by

(a) lex fori

(b) locus regit actum

(c) lex contractus

(d) lex situs.

7. The term 'buyer', under the Sale of Goods Act, 1930, has (a) been defined under section 2(1)

(b) been defined under section 2(2)

(c) been defined under section 2(3)

(d) not been defined.

8. The term "goods" in the sale of goods means

(a) specific goods only



Course Name:Business Law Tutorial Sheet No. 1

Course Code:MB-106

Faculty :Mrs. Isha Sharma

Branch: MBA Sem:1

Unit/Title: 1/ Sales of Good Act 1930 Date of Discussion:

Page 40: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

(b) ascertained goods only

(c) ownership

(d) subject matter.

9. The term 'delivery' has been defined, in the Sale of Goods Act, 1930 under (a) section 2(3)

(b) section 2(2)

(c) section 2(1)

(d) section 2(4).

10. Under section 2(2) of the Sale of Goods Act, 1930, 'delivery' means

(a) gratuitous transfer of possession from one person to another

(b) involuntary transfer of possession from one person to another

(c) voluntary transfer of possession from one person to another

(d) transfer of possession irrespective of whether it is gratuitous, involuntary or voluntary,

from one person to another.

11. 'Delivery' within the meaning of section 2(1) of the Sale of Goods Act, 1930, can be

(a) actual

(b) constructive

(c) symbolic

(d) either (a) or (b) or (c).

12. It has been remarked that the Sale of Goods Act has not proved one of the more

successful pieces of codification undertaken by the Parliament, by

(a) P.S. Atiyah

(b) S.K. Kapoor

(c) Pollock & Mulla

(d) Justice Goda Raghuram.

13. Which of the following is an instance of constructive delivery of goods (a) the transfer of bill of lading

(b) attornment by a person in possession of the goods

(c) both (a) and (b)

(d) only (b) and not (a). A bill of lading is

14. A bill of lading is

(a) a negotiable instrument like a bill of exchange

(b) a negotiable instrument like a promissory note

(c) either (a) or (b)

(d) neither (a) nor (b)

15. 'The documents of title to goods' in the Sale of Goods Act, 1930 have been

described, under

(a) section 2(3)

(b) section 2(4)

(c) section 2(1)

(d) section (2).


Page 41: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

. The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 applies to

(a) the whole of India

(b) the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir

(c) those states as notified by the Union Government from time to time in the Official


(d) the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir and the North- Eastern


2. The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 came into force on (a) 9th December, 1881

(b) 19th December, 1881

(c) 1st March, 1882

(d) none of the above.

3. The undertaking contained in a promissory note, to pay a certain sum of money is

(a) conditional

(b) unconditional

(c) may be conditional or unconditional depending upon the circumstances

(d) none of the above.

4. A bill of exchange contains a/an (a) unconditional undertaking

(b) unconditional order

(c) conditional undertaking

(d) conditional order.

5. Cheque is a (a) promissory note

(b) bill of exchange

(c) both (a) and (b) above

(d) None of the above.

6. The term "a cheque in the electronic form" is defined in the Negotiable

Instruments Act, 1881 - under (a) section 6(a)

(b) section 6(l)(a)

(c) explanation 1(a) of section 6

(d) section 6A.

7. The term 'Negotiable instrument' is defined in the Negotiable Instruments Act,

1881, under section (a) 12

(b) 13

(c) 13A

(d) 2(d).



Course Name:Business Law Tutorial Sheet No. 3

Course Code:MB-106

Faculty :Mrs. Isha Sharma

Branch: MBA Sem:1

Unit/Title: III/ Negotiable instruments Date of Discussion:

Page 42: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

8. The term 'negotiation' in section 14 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 refers


(a) the transfer of a bill of exchange, promissory note or cheque to any person, so as to

constitute the person the holder thereof

(b) the payment by a bank on a negotiable instrument after due verification of the


(c) the bargaining between the parties to a negotiable instrument

(d) all of the above.

9. If an instrument may be construed either as a promissory note or bill of exchange,

it is

(a) a valid instrument

(b) an ambiguous instrument

(c) a returnable instrument

(d) none of the above.

10.If in an instrument the amount undertaken or ordered to be paid is stated

differently in figures and in words

(a)the instrument is void due to uncertainty

(b)the amount stated in figure shall be the amount undertaken or ordered to be paid

(c) the amount stated in words shall be the amount undertaken or ordered to be paid

(d) none of the above.

11. Under section 16 of the Negotiable Instrument Act, 'indorsement in blank' of an

instrument means

(a) where the indorser does not write anything on the instrument

(b) where the indorser signs his name only on the instrument

(c) where the indorser writes the name of the person who is directed to pay

(d) none of the above.

12. 'At sight' under section 21 of the Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881, means (a) on presentation

(b) on demand

(c) on coming into vision

(d) none of the above.

13. A promissory note or bill of exchange which is not expressed to be payable on

demand, at sight or on presentment is at maturity (a) on the 30th day after the day on which it is expressed to be payable

(b) on the 3rd day after the day on which it is expressed to be payable

(c) on the 5th day after the day on which it is expressed to be payable

(d) on the 4th day after the day on which it is expressed to be payable.

14. If a minor draws, indorses, deliver or negotiates an instrument, such instrument

binds (a) all parties to the instrument including the minor

(b) only the minor and not other parties to the instrument

(c) all parties to the instrument except the minor

(d) none of the above.

15. In a promissory note, the amount of money payable

Page 43: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

(a) Must be certain

(b) May be certain or uncertain

(c) Is usually uncertain

(d) None of the above.

16. An authority to draw bills of exchange

(a) Itself import an authority to indorse

(b) Does not itself import an authority to indorse

(c) Sometime import an authority to indorse

(d) None of the above.

Page 44: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

1) Court fees charged under the Consumer Protection Act is

1) Appropriate

2) Nominal

3) Exorbitant

4) Nil

2) The Act provides :BLANK set up to solve consumer disputes.

1) Executive

2) Judicial

3) Quasi-judicial

4) Quasi executive

3) In case of delay in filing appeal, a person is expected to explain reasons for each day's


1) True

2) False

4) Section 24B of the Consumer Protection Act'1986 was inserted after the amendment

made on

1) 1993

2) 1999

3) 2003

4) 2006

5) The format of an affidavit is not specified there in the Consumer Protection Act'1986.

1) True

2) False

6) The: BLANK paragraph of a complaint deals with the prayer clause

1) Eleventh paragraph

2) Tenth paragraph

3) Ninth Paragraph

4) Eighth Paragraph

7) The Competition Act came into force in the year



Course Name:Business Law Tutorial Sheet No. 4

Course Code:MB-106

Faculty :Mrs. Isha Sharma

Branch: MBA Sem:1

Unit/Title: IV/ The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 and The

Competition Act, 2002

Date of Discussion:

Page 45: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

1) 2002

2) 2003

3) 2000

4) 1999

8) Section 32 of Competition Act deals with

1) International cartel

2) Power to impose lesser penalty

3) Establishment of commission

4) Composition of commission

9) Which of the following best indicates the importance of business environment?

1) Identification

2) Improvement in Performance

3) Coping with rapid change

4) All

10) Under the three-tier consumer Dispute Redressal System the state commission is

headed by

1) District Judges

2) High Court Judge

3) Supreme Court Judge

4) None of these

11)The Competition Act 2002 replaced the MRTP Act 1969

1) True

2) False

12) Customer opinions about using internet are example of which environment factors?

1) Political

2) Social

3) Economic

4) Technological

13) When a hotel restaurant business is analysing its environment, it would classify a

change in the law on smoking in public places as a/an _________ factor

1) Economic

2) Social

3) Political

4) Technological

14) In case of contravention of any provision of FEMA what penalty is imposed by the

amount involved in quantifiable

Page 46: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

1) Twice

2) Four times

3) Thrice

4) None of these

15The process by which organizations monitor their environment to identify opportunities

and threats affecting the business is known as environmental scanning.

1) True

2) False

16)Which of the following does not come under dimensions of business environment

1) Economic

2) Social

3) Emotional

4) Legal

Page 47: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Q1. Section 12 of Companies act 1956 deals with:

a) Incorporation

b) S hare Capital

c) Number of directors

d) Share holders

Q2:”Men may come and men may go but the Company exists” – this explains which

characteristics of the company under companies act 1956:

1.) Separate legal entity

2.) Perpetual succession

3.) Capacity to sue

4.) None of the above

Q4: According to which sec. name of the company should end with “Ltd” or “Pvt Ltd”

a) 10

b) 11

c) 12

d) 13

Q5: The companies which are formed under special Act. Those companies are called as

a) Chartered companies

b) Statutory companies

c) Registered companies

d) None of these

Q6: Minimum Numbers of members required to apply for Incorporation certificate in a

public ltd. Company is:

a) 3

b) 2

c) 7

d) 50

Q7: Number of Documents to be submitted by a public ltd company to the registrar while

applying for the incorporation of the company:

1.) 3

2.) 2

3.) 7

4.) 50



Course Name: Business Law Tutorial Sheet No. 5

Course Code: MB-106

Faculty :Mrs. Isha Sharma

Branch: MBA Sem:1

Unit/Title: IV/ 5 The Companies Act Date of Discussion:

Page 48: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Q8 : The application for registration of the company should be presented to the registrar of

the state in which the …………….. of the company is situated

1.) Manufacturing Pant

2.) Business Office

3.) First Branch

4.) All of the above

Q9: The application for registration of the company should be presented to the

…………… appointed by companies act1956:

1.) Controller

2.) Registrar

3.) Governor

4.) Registration officer

Q10: If the company failed to refund application money with in 130 days from the date of

issue of prospectus on non receipt of minimum subscription who will be personally liable.

a) Company

b) Directors

c) Shareholders

d) None of these

Q11 X, is a director of X Company and X is also a director of Y Company this means X

Co. and Y Co. both are same

a) True

b) False

Q12 Company limited by shares needs to hold statutory meeting

a) Yes

b) No

Q13.Company limited by guarantee and having share capital needs to hold statutory


a) Yes

b) No

Page 49: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Dev Bhoomi Group of Institutions, Dehradun (Sample Internal Paper – 2017)

Subject BL Subject Code :

MB-106 Class: MBA Sem: 1st Maximum Marks: 50 Time Allowed: 2 hrs 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) No change in the question paper is allowed. 3) No student can leave the examination hall before completion of the time.

Question No: (1) Case Study- Read the following cases and answers the questions given at

the end (2x6=12)

A.) Mr. A developed a shopping mall in Mumbai at the request of Mr. B, who is a

municipal corporate. Mr. C makes agreement to pay Rs 2, 50,000. Mr. an accepted

the proposal of Mr. C.Is this agreement or contract. Justify your answer

B.) A co. advertised that it would pay $100 to, whosoever contracts influenza after

using the smoke balls of the company according to the printed directions. Mrs.

Carlil used as per given directions but she contracted influenza. She filed a suit for

money announced. Will she succeed

Question No. 2. Answer any Three of the following. (3×4=12)

a) Distinguish between Executed contract and Quasi contract

b) Distinguish between Offer and invitation to offer

c) Doctrine of supervening impossibility

d) Distinguish between indemnity and guarantee

e) Distinguish between fraud and misrepresentation

Question No.3 Each question carry 6 marks

a) What do you mean by „ Attempted performance or tender”?State the essentials of

valid tender

b) “The law of contract is not the whole law of agreements nor it is the whole law of

obligation”, comment


a) Discuss Offer and Acceptance. What are the legal rules regarding offer and


b) Explain the procedure for conversion of private company in to public company and


Question No.4 Each question carry 7 marks a) What is Competition Act? Discuss its major provisions.


a) Define the nature and kinds of company formation under companies act? Give

example of each formation

Page 50: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Question No.5 Each question carry 7 marks

a) “A Company is an artificial person created by law having a separate entity with

perpetual succession a common seal”. Discuss this statement and explain the

characteristics of the company


b). who is an unpaid seller of goods? Explain the nature of right offline and the right of

stoppage of goods in transit of an unpaid seller

1-During the lay off period, the employer has to pay ____ of the basic wages.

a. One fourth b. Half c. Three fourth d. One third

(Ans: b)

2-__________ involves a one to one discussion between the participant and administrator.

a. Counselling b. Training c. Motivation

d. All of the above

(Ans: a)

3-______ appraisal done separately will provide feedback on the potential of these managers.

a. Potential b. Managerial c. General

d. Administrative

(Ans: a)

4-Point system and factor comparison methods are placed under such category

a. Non-quantitative job evaluation b. Quantitative job evaluation

c. Any of the above

(Ans: b)

5-________ system stresses on discipline and there is simplicity in the form.

a. Merit rating b. Point rating

c. Both „a‟ and „b‟

(Ans: a)

Page 51: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

6-Stephen Knauf defined HRA as “the measurement & ________ of Human organizational inputs

such as recruitment, training experience & commitment

a. Qualification b. Accounting c. Development

d. None of the above

(Ans: a)

7-A key HR role in the firm will be multidisciplinary consulting around

a. Individual b. Team c. Business unit

d. All of the above

(Ans: d)

Page 52: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-


1st semester

MBA102 –Business Environment Objective: Emphasis is placed on the significant relationship, which exists between business and the social,

legal, political, economic, financial and fiscal environment in India.



Concept, Nature and Significance of Economic, Socio-

Cultural, Political, Legal, Technological and other Forces Affecting Business Operations and Growth,

Emerging Indian and Global Business Environment. Elementary Exposure to Financial Markets.


Political and legal environment

Social Responsibilities of Business, New Concept of Stakeholders in Business,

Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, Concept of Corporate Governance.


Economic Environment

Industrial Policy, Trends in Industrial licensing, Big V/S Small Scale Industry and Its Prospects.

New Economic Policy, Privatization, Liberalization Globalization Their Implication for Indian Business,

Impact of Multi National Corporation in Indian Business World, Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy. Role of

Policy and Monetary Policy.


Technical Environment

Export-Import Policy, Regulation of Foreign Trade, Export Promotion and Import Substitution, Emergence

of Regional Trade Blocks, EOU‟s and EPZ‟s


Foreign Investemnt& Trade Regulations

Institutional and Legal Aspects of business Environment in India, India and WTO , Flow of Capital, Acquisition, Mergers, Technical Co-operation, Franchise, Venture capital

Suggested Readings

1. Cherunilam, Francis-business environment, Himalaya publishing house.

2. Aswathappa,k, business environment, hph

Dev Bhoomi Institute Of Technology


Department Of Management

Course Level: Beginner Course Type: Core Credit: 5

Total Contact Hours: 50 LTP -3-1-0 External Marks/Internal Marks:


Course Title: Business Environment Course Code:MB105 Duration of External Exam:

3 Hours

Page 53: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-



Unit -1


4. Student will learn the concept of business environment

5. Students will learn the types of business environment

Unit -2

Political and legal


3. Students will learn the role of Business and Government

4. Students will learn the concept constitutions affecting business.


Economic Environment

3. Students will learn different government policy in India.

5 Students will learn the impact of policy in business.


Technical Environment

2. Student will learn the factors influencing technical environment.

Unit -5

Foreign Investment&

Trade Regulations

3. Students will learn concept of FDI, WTO.

Page 54: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Unit: 1

1) Define business environment? State two important concerns of

business environment.

2) Explain general and specific forces of business environment.

3) What is Business Environment? How does it affect a business? What

are its components?

4) How are organizations related to their environment?

5) Write short note on environmental analysis or scanning.

6) Explain the three types of strategic responses of an organization to its


7) Briefly discuss various elements of micro-environment.

8) Briefly discuss various elements of macro-environment.

9) What are the features of business environment?

10) Sate different types of business environment.



Subject: Business Environment

Faculty : Mrs. Jyoti Bhatia

Branch: Semester: I

Unit/Title: 1 : (Introduction)

Page 55: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-


1) Write short note on economic environment

2) What is technological environment of a business? Illustrate the

interference between business and technology with the help of a chart.

3) Write short note on political environment.

4) Define the concept of Corporate Governance.

5) State the social responsibility of business towards different interest


6) Describe the recent developments in Indian Economy that have greatly

influenced the working of business units in India.

7) List the various elements of non-economic environment of business.

8) What is meant by the term „ethics‟?

9) Explain the effect of political environment in the normal functioning of

business enterprises.

10) Why should a business enterprise be socially responsible?



Subject: Business Environment

Faculty : Mrs. Jyoti Bhatia

Branch: Semester: III

Unit/Title: II : Political and Legal Environment

Page 56: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-


1) Describe in brief the economic environment of business

2) What are the effects of Globalization of Indian economy?

3) Write short note on economic environment

4) What is globalization? Why do companies go global? Briefly

discuss the ways in which globalization is manifested.

5) What are the steps Government of India has taken as a part of its

liberalization process?

6) What are the Industrial Policy of India concerns in our economy?

7) Define the terms:

A) Monetary policy

B) Fiscal policy

8) What is the role of policies in modern business era, Explain in


9) What is the role of privatization in business?

10) Why globalization is important in today‟s modern business.



Subject: Business Environment

Faculty : Mrs. Jyoti Bhatia

Branch: Semester: III

Unit/Title: III: Economic Environment

Page 57: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

1) What is technological environment of a business? Illustrate the

interference between business and technology with the help of a chart.

2) Discuss the porter‟s five forces model of competitive analysis.

3) Mention some important determinants of business strategies.

4) What factors show that “the freedom of private enterprises is

greatest in the free market economy?

5) What are the principal characteristics of a “pure” capitalist


6) What is the EXIM policy implemented in our economy to run


7) Is promotion of import substitution is good idea for our


8) Define the terms

A) Import

B) Export

9) What do you mean by foreign trade?

10) Explain the features of foreign trade.



Subject: Business Environment

Faculty : Mrs. Jyoti Bhatia

Branch: Semester: III

Unit/Title: IV: Technical Environment

Page 58: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

1) What is the concept of legal aspects of Business Environment in


2) Why foreign investment is important in our economy.

3) Define the terms

a) Acquisition

b) Mergers

4) What is the role of franchise in business?

5) Explain the concept of WTO.

6) What do you mean by trade regulation s

7) What do you understand by venture capital?

8) What do you mean by Demarketing?

9) Mention some important determinants of business strategies.

10) What kind of external factors influence the process of business




Subject: Business Environment

Faculty : Mrs. Jyoti Bhatia

Branch: Semester: III

Unit/Title: V: Foreign Investment& Trade Regulations

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COURSE :- Business Communication CODE: 106



Topic Name


Text Book/



No. Of


Delivery Method Remarks

1. Introduction to Business Communication : concept,

importance, components

T1,R1 2 G D, PPT &

Lecture Method

2. Types of communication T1,R1 2 G D, PPT &

Lecture Method

3. Verbal communication and non verbal communication T1,T2 4 G D, PPT &

Lecture Method

4. Organisational Communication : , downward and upward


T1,R1 4 G D, PPT &

Lecture Method

5. Barriers to communication. 7C‟s of effective communication T1,R1 3 G D, PPT &

Lecture Method

6. Oral Communication and Written Communication T1,T2 3 G D, PPT & Lecture Method

7. Personal language and body language. Types of managerial

speeches: occasional speech; thematic speech.

T1,R1 4 G D, PPT &

Lecture Method

8. Group Communication in: group discussions, meetings,

seminars and conferences. Art of facing interviews in: selection

or placement, appraisal, disciplinary committees and exit


T1,R1 4 G D, PPT &

Lecture Method

9. Formats for business letters and memos: routine type; sales

promotion, bill collection, disciplinary action; persuasive

messages; negative messages; job applications.

T1,R1 4 G D, PPT &

Lecture Method

10. Writing effective Business Reports; Digital Communication.

Power point preparation; Using Web as a source of knowledge


T1,R1 4 G D, PPT &

Lecture Method

11 Preparing a professional resume and cover letter, follow-up

messages and letters. Drafting the Employment Notice, Job

Application Letter; Curriculum Vitae/Resumes; Joining

Interview; Offer of Employment; Job Description; Letter of Acceptance, Letter of Resignation and Promotion,

Testimonials and References.

T1, R1 6 G D, PPT &

Lecture Method

12 Professional conduct in a business setting: workplace

hierarchy; proper way to make introductions; Use of courteous

phrases and language in the workplace. Professional Image:

appropriate business attire; Telephone Etiquette; Table


T1,R1 6 G D, PPT &

Lecture Method

Total Lectures: 46



Approved By

Signature of HOD: __________

Page 60: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Date: __________




DEPARTMENT: Management

COURSE: Business Communication CODE: 106



Topic Name







No of Day


1. Introduction to Business Communication : concept,

importance, components

2. Types of communication

3. Verbal communication and non verbal communication

4. Organisational Communication : , downward and upward communication

5. Barriers to communication. 7C‟s of effective


6. Oral Communication and Written Communication

7. Personal language and body language. Types of

managerial speeches: occasional speech; thematic


8. Group Communication in: group discussions, meetings, seminars and conferences. Art of facing interviews in:

selection or placement, appraisal, disciplinary

committees and exit interviews.

9. Formats for business letters and memos: routine type;

sales promotion, bill collection, disciplinary action;

persuasive messages; negative messages; job applications.

10. Writing effective Business Reports; Digital

Communication. Power point preparation; Using Web as

a source of knowledge Sharing.

11 Preparing a professional resume and cover letter, follow-

up messages and letters. Drafting the Employment

Notice, Job Application Letter; Curriculum

Vitae/Resumes; Joining Interview; Offer of Employment; Job Description; Letter of Acceptance,

Letter of Resignation and Promotion, Testimonials and


12 Professional conduct in a business setting: workplace

hierarchy; proper way to make introductions; Use of

courteous phrases and language in the workplace.

Professional Image: appropriate business attire; Telephone Etiquette; Table etiquette.


Page 61: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Lectures: 4 h/week; Tutorial: 1 h/week;

Total hours per week: 4 contact hours per week is used to introduce new material and solve

sample exercises/ case studies. Tutorial time will be used for problem solving exercises,

taking up tests, assignments and discussing assignments.


Description Marks Schedule

1. Class test ( Surprise Test ) 30

2. Midterm Exam 30

3. End term Exam 50

Internal Assessment: Marks 30 (shall be done based on the following):

i) Home Assignment : With in 1st week

ii) Class Particepation : Basis on student teacher


iii) Attendence : As per UTU guideline minimum

75% attendace require

40% weightage

iv) Internals Exam : 1st and 2

nd internal , scale down in 10


Class Tests: Class Tests containing short theory questions to ascertain that whether the students

could understand the basic concepts or not. (15 to 30 Minutes)

Tutorials & Assignments: Tutorials will be held dividing the class into number of batches.

Cooperation among the students is encouraged and the students must try the home

work/assignments individually. And the individual effort is necessary for an effective problem solving strategy, which is essential to good exam performance and to successful professional

practice later on. Solutions must be neat and well written. (Marks will be deducted for

messy assignments/tests/exam. (Unreadable work will not be graded). Late assignments will not be accepted (mark of zero).

Mid- SEM Examination: Marks 50

Mid- SEM examination shall be of two hour duration and shall be a combination of Objective, short theory questions and numerical problems.

End -SEM Examination: Marks 70 End-Sem examination shall be of three hours duration. The examination paper shall have

objective & theory questions, short and long numerical problems.

Attendance Students are required to have minimum attendance of 75% in each subject. Students with less

than said percentage shall not be allowed to appear in the end semester examination.

MBA (106) Business Communication

Page 62: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Course Contents

Introduction to Business Communication : concept, importance, components

Types of communication

Verbal communication and non verbal communication

Organisational Communication : , downward and upward communication

Barriers to communication. 7C‟s of effective communication

Oral Communication and Written Communication

Personal language and body language. Types of managerial speeches: occasional

speech; thematic speech.

Group Communication in: group discussions, meetings, seminars and conferences. Art

of facing interviews in: selection or placement, appraisal, disciplinary committees and

exit interviews.

Formats for business letters and memos: routine type; sales promotion, bill collection,

disciplinary action; persuasive messages; negative messages; job applications.

Writing effective Business Reports; Digital Communication. Power point preparation;

Using Web as a source of knowledge Sharing.

Preparing a professional resume and cover letter, follow-up messages and letters.

Drafting the Employment Notice, Job Application Letter; Curriculum Vitae/Resumes;

Joining Interview; Offer of Employment; Job Description; Letter of Acceptance, Letter

of Resignation and Promotion, Testimonials and References.

Professional conduct in a business setting: workplace hierarchy; proper way to make

introductions; Use of courteous phrases and language in the workplace. Professional

Image: appropriate business attire; Telephone Etiquette; Table etiquette.

Page 63: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Practical Assignment:

Students will be divided in a group of 2 to 3 students each.

Students need to design their own products which can be any creative idea or thought they

wish to achieve in future. They need to give a name to their product and present their

product in front of the class keeping in mind the audience, how to present their product so

that the audience listen to what information they exactly want to deliver and how the

audience gets interested in their product.

Duration for each group will be 10-15 mins and all the students need to contribute in the

presentation they are delivering.

Total marks: 10

Each student will be evaluated on the basis of his performance which will include:

a) The content spoken.

b) His own contribution in the group‟s performance.

c) His subject knowledge and confidence.

d) Identifying areas where he can improve.



Course Name:- Business Communication Assignment No. 1

Course Code:

Faculty : Saurabh Singh



Semester Odd

Unit/Title: 1/

Date of Issue: Date of Submission:

Page 64: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Practical Assignment

Students will be divided in a group of 4 to 5 students each

Students need to conduct a survey.” How candidates describe their ideal Business School


Thinking about your ideal business school curriculum, what do you expect to learn during

a graduate management program?” Leadership, finance, marketing and accounting were

the top words used to describe an ideal curriculum.

Research Methodology:

The students need to prepare a survey questionnaire (At least 15 questions) on the basis of

which they will prepare the ideal business school curriculum. Each group will print their

questionnaire and get at least 50 questionnaire filled by different students.

They need to present the questionnaire as well a small video recording of their activities

during the survey.

Duration for each group will be 10-15 mins and all the students need to contribute in the

presentation they are delivering.

Total marks: 10

Each student will be evaluated on the basis of his performance which will include:

a) The content of the survey questionnaire.

b) His own contribution in the group‟s performance.

c) His subject knowledge and confidence.

d) Identifying areas where he can improve.



Course Name: Business Statistics Assignment No. 2

Course Code:

Faculty : Saurabh Singh

Branch: BCA Semester: 1

Unit/Title: II/

Date of Issue: Date of Submission:



Page 65: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Question 1. Attempt All

1. Body language plays a very important role in individual‟s life. Write an essay in

context of this statement (150 words).

2. What is an interview? Write down the guidelines to conduct an effective interview.

3. Draft an application for the post of a liasoning executive in an export organization.



Course Name : Business Communication Class Test No.1

Course Code: MBA

Faculty :Saurabh Singh



Semester: 1 Year

Unit/Title: 1/ Introduction to communication Date of Conduction:

Page 66: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Q1. What do you understand by the term communication?

Q2. Draw a neat diagram of the communication process and explain its all components.

Q3. Differentiate between verbal and non verbal communication.

Q4. Differentiate between oral and written communication.

Q5. What are the various barriers to communication?



Course Name : Business Communication Class Test No.2

Course Code: MBA

Faculty :Saurabh Singh



Semester: 1 Year

Unit/Title: 2/ Verbal and Non-Verbal communication Date of Conduction:

Page 67: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Q1. Explain the term body language? Q2. Explain the different types of managerial speeches?

Q3. What do you understand by “Art of facing an interview”?

Q4. What is an interview? Explain the different types of interviews?

Q5. Differentiate between:

(a) Meeting and discussion.

(b) Seminar and conference.



Course Name: Business Communication Assignment No. 3

Course Code:

Faculty : Saurabh Singh

Branch: BCA Semester: 1

Unit/Title: II/

Date of Issue: Date of Submission:

Page 68: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Q1. Write short notes on:

(a) Business letters

(b) Memos

(c) Circulars

(d) Notices

(e) Appraisals

Q2. What are the guidelines to write an effective resume?

Q3. What are the different types of letters used in a business organization?

Q4. What are the steps involved in writing an effective business report?

Q5. What are the general guidelines to give an effective presentation?



Course Name : Business Communication Class Test No.3

Course Code: MBA

Faculty :Saurabh Singh



Semester: 1 Year

Unit/Title:3/ Written Communication Date of Conduction:

Page 69: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Q1. What is it important to write a cover letter along with your resume?

Q2. Draw the formats of the following:

(a) Offer letter

(b) Letter of acceptance

(c) Letter of resignation

Q3. A successful job application is the first step to ones career. Explain?

Q4. What is the importance of curriculum vitae?

Q5. Draft an application for the post of liasoning officer in an export firm.



Course Name : Business Communication Class Test No.4

Course Code: MBA

Faculty :Saurabh Singh



Semester: 1 Year

Unit/Title: 4/ Recruitment and Employment Correspondence Date of Conduction:

Page 70: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Q1. ) Explain the term business etiquettes.

Q2. Explain the general rules to introduce yourself to others?

Q3. The best rule for anyone to follow is to eat the way you are accustomed to, elaborate

the statement with regard to business dining etiquettes?

Q4. Explain why courteous language should be used in a work place?

Q5. Explain telephone etiquettes in detail.



Course Name : Business Communication Class Test No.5

Course Code: MBA

Faculty :Saurabh Singh



Semester: 1 Year

Unit/Title: 5/ Business and social Etiquettes Date of Conduction:

Page 71: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

1. What is Business Communication? Discuss the need and relevance of

business communication in business management.

2. Discuss the tools used for communication.

3. Explain the communication process in detail.

4. What are the barriers associated with communication.

5. How would you resolve the barrier associated with communication?


Question Bank

Course : Business Communication

Course Code: MB107

Faculty : Priyashi Barthwal

Branch: MBA Semester: I

Unit/Title: II/ Verbal and Non-verbal Communication

Page 72: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Answer the following questions in detail.

1. Differentiate between verbal and non-verbal communication in detail.

2. Discuss the concept associated with personal language and body language.

3. Explain the managerial speeches in detail.

4. Explain the types of interviews in detail

5. What is exit interview? Discuss the need and significance of exit interview.

6. What do you understand by the term group communication? Discuss in detail.


Question Bank

Course : Business Communication

Course Code: MB107

Faculty : Priyashi Barthwal

Branch: MBA Semester: I

Unit/Title: I/ Introduction to Business Communication

Page 73: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Answer the following questions.

1. How would you format the cover letter? Write down the steps.

2. Explain the different types of meetings.

3. What is memo? When you write a memo, what language, and writing style will you

follow? Explain.

4. Write short notes on: a) Business letters b) Group discussions.

5. In order to get a job you need to approach an organization with a resume. How does

a resume affect your employability? What are the components of resume?

6. Imagine a new product from food industry. Write a persuasive letter to customers,

persuading them to buy your company‟s product.

7. Discuss the different types of business reports.

8. Imagine a new product from kids‟ apparel industry. Write a persuasive letter to

customers, persuading them to buy your company‟s product


Question Bank

Course Name: Business Communication

Course Code: MB107

Faculty : Priyashi Barthwal

Branch: MBA Semester: I

Unit/Title: IV/ Recruitment and Employment


Page 74: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Answer the following questions.

1. Draft a cover letter for your resume.

2. Draft and explain the format of Resume in detail.

3. Write a resignation letter to notify your employer that you are resigning for a job

which is a promotion to a higher level position.

4. Assume yourself as a manager of ABC Company and draft a letter on the behalf a

manager accepting an employee's resignation.

5. As a candidate you are looking for a job in an MNC in E- Commerce industry for

the post of Assistant Manager- Marketing. Draft a job application letter for the



Question Bank

Course Name: Business Communication

Course Code: MB107

Faculty : Priyashi Barthwal

Branch: MBA Semester: I

Unit/Title: III/ Written Communication Skills

Page 75: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Answer the following questions.

1. Explain the use of courteous phrases and language in the workplace

2. What do you understand by Professional Image? Write down the elements

associated with it.

3. Discuss the telephone etiquette in detail.

4. Explain the tips to make a proper and effective introduction.

5. Explain the need and relevance of appropriate business attire.


Question Bank

Course Name: Business Communication

Course Code: MB107

Faculty : Priyashi Barthwal

Branch: MBA Semester: I

Unit/Title: V/ Business and Social Etiquette

Page 76: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Q1. What do you understand by the term communication?

Q2. Draw a neat diagram of the communication process and explain its all components.

Q3. Differentiate between verbal and non verbal communication.

Q4. Differentiate between oral and written communication.

Q5. What are the various barriers to communication?



Course Name : Business Communication Class Test No.1

Course Code: MBA

Faculty :Saurabh Singh



Semester: 1 Year

Unit/Title: 1/ Introduction to communication Date of Conduction:

Page 77: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Q1. Explain the term body language?

Q2. Explain the different types of managerial speeches?

Q3. What do you understand by “Art of facing an interview”?

Q4. What is an interview? Explain the different types of interviews?

Q5. Differentiate between:

(c) Meeting and discussion.

(d) Seminar and conference.



Course Name : Business Communication Class Test No.2

Course Code: MBA

Faculty :Saurabh Singh



Semester: 1 Year

Unit/Title: 2/ Verbal and Non-Verbal communication Date of Conduction:

Page 78: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Q1. Write short notes on:

(f) Business letters

(g) Memos

(h) Circulars

(i) Notices

(j) Appraisals

Q2. What are the guidelines to write an effective resume?

Q3. What are the different types of letters used in a business organization?

Q4. What are the steps involved in writing an effective business report?

Q5. What are the general guidelines to give an effective presentation?



Course Name : Business Communication Class Test No.3

Course Code: MBA

Faculty :Saurabh Singh



Semester: 1 Year

Unit/Title:3/ Written Communication Date of Conduction:

Page 79: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Q1. What is it important to write a cover letter along with your resume?

Q2. Draw the formats of the following:

(a) Offer letter

(b) Letter of acceptance

(c) Letter of resignation

Q3. A successful job application is the first step to ones career. Explain?

Q4. What is the importance of curriculum vitae?

Q5. Draft an application for the post of liasoning officer in an export firm.



Course Name : Business Communication Class Test No.4

Course Code: MBA

Faculty :Saurabh Singh



Semester: 1 Year

Unit/Title: 4/ Recruitment and Employment Correspondence Date of Conduction:

Page 80: HANDBOOK - · of Statistics, Uses of Statistics in Functional Areas of Management, Introduction to Sampling. Classification and Presentation of Data Frequency Distribution-

Q1. ) Explain the term business etiquettes.

Q2. Explain the general rules to introduce yourself to others?

Q3. The best rule for anyone to follow is to eat the way you are accustomed to, elaborate

the statement with regard to business dining etiquettes?

Q4. Explain why courteous language should be used in a work place?

Q5. Explain telephone etiquettes in detail.



Course Name : Business Communication Class Test No.5

Course Code: MBA

Faculty :Saurabh Singh



Semester: 1 Year

Unit/Title: 5/ Business and social Etiquettes Date of Conduction:

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