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Hamilton GrammarEcoschools Action Plan

August 2006 – June 2007


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Target Timescale Responsibilityof

Target met Where to find evidence of monitoring and



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Raise money for orphanage in Ghana

August - June All members of club

Ongoing £350 donated on 1/12/06.£100 donated 13/12/06

Raise awareness of needs of children in Ghana

August - June S Dyer and Kim Dyer

Ongoing Talk given at school on Wednesday 6/12/06

Holland bush Nursery and HGS joint appeal

August - June S Dyer with Eco Group. M

Butcher with staff and parents

of nursery

Ongoing Collection of toys, clothes and games for children by Holland bush during December 06

recycling of computer ink Cartridges

August - June Computing department

ongoing Certificate of congratulations issued by Smart Cartridge and

currently displayed

Bat walks August - June S Bence and eco group

ongoing Bats heard recordings to be made

Bird watch for records and bird migration watch

August - June S Bence and eco group

ongoing See bird list and records

Group coordinator August - June Stuart Bence The tasks are continually


Ask anybody

Improve display throughout the school.

August - June Ewan Kerr 1. Dawn Swinfen2. Allison Szatkiewicz3. Kim Lee

Ongoing See front hall, Room 209, Science link



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Recycling of all Home Economics waste using worms.

August - June Chris Hawk Ongoing See worm boxes

Keeping an updated record of minutes of all meetings, and any other secretarial duties.

August - June Dawn Swinfen Yes See minutes in evidence folder and RM

‘Shared’ folderTaking and processing temperatures for NASA (Clyde watch)

August – June“ “ “

Stuart DunsmoreMartin JamesonJamie Fraser

Yes“ “ “

See internet site – added to lessons by

Mrs. McKayIntroduce environmental issues into the S1 PSD course

August - June Miss Morton and Mr. McKay

Ongoing DVD’s purchased for PSE course by J Craig (depute head )

Collection and recycling of all leaf litter in playground using pallet composers

August - June Amec ongoing See composters and paths

Recycle cut branches August - June Amec ongoing See compostersPromote links with news papers and education supplements

August - June s.Dyer and writing group

ongoing See written evidence

Increase links with parents August - June s.Dyer and writing group

ongoing See written evidence from parents nights

Make a miniature bog garden September s.Bence and gardening group

Completed See garden

Enterprise activates August - June Mrs. Bence and craft group

ongoing Evidence from sales

Talk to student teachers to encourage eco schools

October S Dyer Mrs. Huges and

Completed next year to

Evidence and photo graphs


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environmental group

go back

Monitor paper recycling initiative and playground litter.“ “ “

August – June

“ “ “

C. Stewart and Janitors in consultation with cleaning staff


“ “ “

Figures are held by Ian Lyon . These will be passed on each month to environmental group for display

“ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “Growing own fruit and vegetables to show pupils what the waste contributes to.

August - June Claire Breen, Mrs. Coutts and the H.E dept and

garden group

Ongoing Produce pictures and displays of work.

Arts and CraftsAugust - June Mrs. Bence Ongoing Sample of goods made

for sale can be viewed on request

Produce lessons for Geography which covers specific environmental issues.

August - June Miss Arnold completed Environmental booklet has now been produced for all S1.

Full botanical survey and photographic update of websiteDistribution chart for each species

August - June Mr. Philip Ongoing See

Keep up links with local primary schools nurseries

August - June All groups ongoing See videos and photographs

Insect survey August - June S Bence and group

ongoing See survey results


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Mammal survey August - June S Bence and group

ongoing See survey results

All other surveys for spices in grounds

August - June S Bence and group

ongoing See survey results

Put in insect mounds and piles

August - June S Bence and group

ongoing See meadows

Meadow management August - June S bence and group

ongoing See 1st meadow

Bulb day at Holland bush August - June Grounds team completed See photographs and written evidence

Links with local scouts and churches

August - June S Bence ongoing See written evidence

Keep container clean August - June Jamie Henrey ongoing See containerLinks with Scottish youth parliament

August - June S Bence ongoing See written evidence

Class room award scheme August - June Caraline and Alexandria

ongoing See written evidence

Keep garden supplied with water

August - June Grant Garden ongoing See water barrel

Keep garden clean August - June All garden group ongoing See gardenYear plan August - June Mrs. Bence completed See planMaintain grounds August - June All garden group ongoing See groundsPaper towel recycling August - June G Garret ongoing See compostersKitchen waste recycling August - June All garden group ongoing See compostersFungi walk Autumn 06 S Bence and

groupongoing See lists and records

All other grounds projects August – June All groups Ongoing See gardens, photographs, written,


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“ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ evadance grounds, and people

Spread good practice by advising other schools and bodies

October 06 S Dyer and representatives from Eco-group

Completed Talk to students in Perth

“ “ “ January 07 “ “ “ “ “ “ Talk about good practice to MSP’s

“ “ “ December 06 “ “ “ “ “ “ Talk to Bigger High representatives

Recycle Initiative Established- Collection of old mobile phones and cartridges throughout school for recycling.

August06-June 07

Miss Landels and S6

Ongoing Registration with ‘Recycool’ Company-Bellshill. The money raised will be donated towards pupil’s council suggestions and the prom.

‘Class Cuisine’ recipe books being sold. Production of the Food and Drink Challenge Competition (all finalists from SLC and NLC)

August 06-February 07

Miss Landels and S3 standard grade class

Ongoing Donations will be made to St Andrew’s Hospice.

‘Conservation of Fuel’ topic being covered in S4 standard grade classes.

March 07 Home Economics Department

Completed next year

Worksheets and displays of work as evidence.


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Tidy and upgrade Cadzow parish grounds

March 07 Stuart and Jamie Ongoing Cleared area of ground for wild life garden.

Established formal links with St John’s to help them through Green Flag process

March 07 Mr. Dyerand Mrs. Jamieson

Ongoing Files required transferred to St Johns after meeting.

Established formal links with Chatlerault to help them through Green Flag process

March 07 Mr. Dyerand Mrs. Walker

Ongoing See red folder for details.

Coordinate development of meadow with contractors

Feb 07 Mr. Dyer, Mr. Stewart, Eco club, Anson Forester, etc

Ongoing See minutes of meeting in red folder.

Work with Holland bush to raise money for toys to take to Ghana

November Mr. Dyer, Mrs. Butcher, Eco-club, parents

December See Hamilton Advertiser article in red folder.


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Take part in Asda’s ‘bag for life’ recycling initiative

23rd April-2nd

JuneWhole school completed See red folder for


Run environmental work-shops for St John’s primary

Whole day and evening of 23rd May

Environment club

completed See red folder for details

Run environmental work-shops for chatlerault primary school

Whole day and evening

Environment club

completed See red folder for details

Cadzow parish church bulb plant supported by eco group.

February 07 Environment club completed See red folder for details.

Plant survey of grounds carried out.

ongoing Mr. Philips, S Bence assisted by Environment club

Ongoing See red folder for details and internet.

Bird nest survey carried out. Ongoing Environment club Ongoing See red folder for details.


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S1 health day carried out with eco group support.

June Environment club, health group and HE

completed See red folder for details and health folder.

Eco schools issues brought up at pupil council e.g. more litter bins.

Ongoing S. Bence Ongoing See red folder for details pupil council minutes

Straven academy pupils shown round eco group

18 July Environment club Completed See red folder for details.

Orchids in meadow 1 photo graphed in advance of building work.

Ongoing Mr. Philips, S. Bence assisted by Environment club

Ongoing See red folder for details.

Eco group reorganizes activities and meeting dates in order to keep active the group as it has grown to over 60 pupils with a lot more at intake days.

Ongoing S.Dyer and Environment club

Ongoing See red folder for details.

Contact BBC springwatch about school.

Ongoing L,Mackey and S.Bence

Ongoing See red folder for details.


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Cut path through forest Ongoing Environment club Ongoing See red folder for details and forest.

Mark path through meadows and woods

Ongoing Environment club Ongoing See red folder for details, forest and meadow.

Keep eco group doing at least four small projects a day

Ongoing Environment club, S.Dyer and S.Bence

Ongoing See red folder for details.

Sell raffle tickets to parents at school and parents nights

Ongoing Environment club and Nancy the janitor

Ongoing See red folder for details.

Encourage staff to take on a monthly donation for Ghana orphanage.

Ongoing S.Dyer Ongoing See red folder for details.

Support other churches and centers and others to go eco friendly

Ongoing S.Bence Ongoing See red folder for details.

Support all other related groups to eco schools e.g. ecocongragation.

Ongoing S.Bence Ongoing See red folder for details.


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Talks given to local scout, cub, browne and rainbow groups.

Ongoing S.Bence Ongoing See red folder for details.

St. johns cubs get there nature badge with help from group.

October S.Bence Completed See red folder for details and see cubs

Scout district camp and wider area got help running an environmental workshop

Ongoing S.Bence Ongoing See red folder for details.

Scout district have requested help to run an eco friendly day out for all ages.

Ongoing S.Bence and Environment club

Ongoing See red folder for details.

Eco pupils do a Saturday sponsored walk for world vision (12miles).

Ongoing S.Bence and D.Swinfen

Ongoing See red folder for details and conformation.

Bird box camera set up and science classes did lessons watching the birds in the nest.

“ “ “

May-June when blur tits were in nest box

“ “ “

Environment club and science staff.

“ “ “


“ “ “

See red folder for details video recordings made and pupils.

“ “ “


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Video was recorded of the birds in the nest box to show round other groups.

Ongoing Environment club Ongoing See red folder for details video recordings made and people involved.

Video of birds in nest box was projected in the front hall at parent’s night.

Ongoing Environment club Ongoing See red folder for details video recordings made and people involved.

Eco group with Kilbride hospice, home economics and health group raise a large sum of money for hospice.

Through out year

Environment club completed See red folder for details.

Eco group did a bat walk in grounds.

Ongoing S.Bence and Environment club

Ongoing See red folder for details.

Photograph garden and orchids in build area.

Ongoing Mr. Philips, S. Bence assisted by Environment club

Ongoing See red folder for details.

Survey all orchids Ongoing Mr. Philips, S. Bence assisted by Environment club

Ongoing See red folder for details

Survey of recycling and school resources used.

Ongoing Janitors and cleaning staff.

Ongoing See Janitors and cleaning staff.


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Help scout district cubs get through there environmental badge.

Ongoing S. Bence Ongoing See red folder for details.

Get Mr. O’Neil’s camera group involved in taking photographs of meadow.

Ongoing Mr. O’Neil’s and S. Bence

Ongoing See Mr. O’Neil and photographs.

Check for £9000 given to kilbride hospice.

18th June D.swinfen, S.Bence, School, HE and Mrs. coutes

18th June See red folder for details and display check, room in hospice called after school.

Grow herbs and vegetables in garden.

Ongoing Environment club Ongoing See red folder for details.

Continue taking weather readings.

Ongoing Environment club and L.MacKey

Ongoing See red folder for details and NASA wed site.

Standard year planer made up.

Ongoing Eco Gran Ongoing See red folder for details.

Many other tasks and projects ongoing and going to be carried out see other plans.

Ongoing Environment club Ongoing See red folder for details.


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Play ground regularly litter picked.

Ongoing Janitors Ongoing See red folder for details and Janitors.

Local areas leaves recycled. Ongoing Amec Ongoing See garden and See red folder for details.

S.Bence achieved an outstanding young scot award.

June S.Dyer June See red folder for details.

Health group joins with health group.

Ongoing Environment club and health group. S.Dyer and G Mac Alley

Ongoing See health folder and See red folder for details.

S.Bence gets school David Blair award.

19th of June School 19th of June School records.

More recycle bins requested from council.

Ongoing Janitors Ongoing Janitors and See red folder for details.

New worm liquid fertilizer composter purchased.

May Environment club Completed See red folder for details and composter in garden.

D.swinfen and S. Bence get June S.Dyer June See red folder for


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council endeavor awards for the Eco Group


School recycles old print cartages.

Ongoing Mr. Mac Cloud Ongoing See red folder for details and certificate achieved in notice board and computing staff.

Survey of all animals and young conducted

Ongoing S.Bence and Environment club

Ongoing See red folder for details.

Foxes and cubs (about 12) shown to classes.

Ongoing S.Bence, Environment club and science staff.

Ongoing See red folder for details and staff.

English department make global worming posters.

Ongoing P.T. English Mr. Goldie

Ongoing See posters and See red folder for details

English do environmental solo talks.

Ongoing P.T. English Mr. Goldie

Ongoing red folder for details and pupils

The group carries out many more activates and the action plan is constantly updated. The group works with any other school, centre, church, youth group, nursery and anyone or place looking for help for health, the environment, enterprise, citizenship or charity.


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