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2020 Kaleidosoul SoulCollage© ExtravaganzaClown Chakra ClassResource Material

Table of Contents:Fool Qualities Page 2

Finding Cosmic Jokes In Your Life Page 2

Clown Qualities Page 4What is Your Humor? Page 4Using Humor for Challenging Times Page 4

Levity -Resources to Raise Your VibrationEmotional Vibration Page 7Live in the Question Live in Allowance Page 8Music Lists Page 8Hafiz Quotes Page 10OSHO Quotes Page 11Inspirational Quotes on Laughter Page 11Childlike Playfulness Resources Page 11Acts of Kindness Ideas Page 11Steven Wright One Liners Page 12

Playing With LaughterTypes of Laughter Page 13Create Opportunities for Laughter Page 14Laughter Mediation Page 16Laugher Yoga, Wellness & Working with Seniors Page 16

Resources Working With Chakras Powerful Affirmations for Women's Self-Worth Page 17Chakra Affirmation Cards Page 18Crystals and Minerals Page 19Chakra Mudras and Mantras Page 20Chakra Beginner, Intermediate and Advance Yoga Poses Page 21

Material Gathered and Credited or Created by Barb Horn, Please reproduce only with permissionEnlighten or

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Page 2: Hafiz Laughter -  · Web viewThe Ha Ha Ha mantra “Mantra” is a Sanskrit word that means “mind-vehicle”. It is traditionally 1 or more words or sounds designed

Fool - Sacred Clown QualitiesFool is rooted in Spirit World (why also called sacred clown). Fool’s role is to remind you that you are a spiritual being having a human experience. Fool focuses on raising you up to your spiritual potential, get out of your own way and fulfill your Soul Contract, to remember you are already fooly realized.

Is considered the greatest of all empaths because… Fool is in service to you being your full self (shine), climbing the mountains in your Soul

Contract, your growth and sees where you need assistance and provides it in a way you can digest (even if you don’t feel it is digestible)

Interrupter, havoc creator FOR your evolution Surprise is focused on the awe, wonder of life, mystery, mystical and awe of you, shock here is a

shake you to wake you shock Barrier breaker and Risk Taker (doesn’t care what others think because connected to a higher

purpose, cosmos, Divine, your Soul Contract- the bigger picture) Catalyst for change, shifts or create space to access a different perspective Robust spiritual flexibility, is in both worlds, any part of your life and in any chakra Backwards, nonsensical and will not make sense to your mind or 5 senses, it is the realm of the

mystical they operate Mirror back to us we are missing or need to see Truth Teller (hard truths, reality) exposes through, Irony, twists, paradoxes, riddles, myth,

metaphor mystery Illuminates illusions of control helping us navigate uncertainty and unknown building inner and

Divine trust If work with the fool when they show up it is transformative, healing, equalizing and alchemy

happens Shadow side is cruel, self-centered and abusive

1. Finding Cosmic Jokes in Your Life:If the Fool’s Journey is to help us evolve and grow, then it can be healing to look at how we have done just that by inventorying the “cosmic jokes” we incarnated into. You entered this world as the collective was already in action. About 99% of what you “landed” into was not yours, but those beliefs, behaviors and choices of those already here. As part of your Soul Contract, you got to navigate living through them to get to the other side. The other side is the punchline to the cosmic joke. The journey through the cosmic joke varies, may have resulted in some good and happy memories but is not your truth. Or the journey may have been painful, challenging and even life threatening. The punchline is usually not laugh funny, but a sense of freedom or relief, a connection to your truth. It is not something to process with the mind but with your mystical self. It can be healing to identify the ways you have shined your light bright in fact after coming through the dark.

What cosmic jokes have you found the punch line? Celebrate.

a. What was the funniest thing about your family? b. What “ridiculous nonsense” were you tricked into believing was true? What did you learn you had to do or be in order to deserve love? What is funny about this? c. What was the funniest incident you remember from childhood? Remember something you used to do that made you laugh. d. When did you first realize life was “serious business?” What were you most serious about?

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Page 3: Hafiz Laughter -  · Web viewThe Ha Ha Ha mantra “Mantra” is a Sanskrit word that means “mind-vehicle”. It is traditionally 1 or more words or sounds designed

e. What was it that you imagined would make you happy – but didnʼt? f. What was your first great disillusionment? What was the “funny feeling” that bumped you out of it? Was there a point where you stopped looking at it as tragedy and started to think of it as comedy? In other words, did you have a moment of fool realization? g. Did you ever find a way to laugh lovingly about this situation? If not, please do so h. What “funny things” happened to you that changed your life? i. Here in the present, what situations do you most need to laugh about? j. If you were writing your life as a Divine Comedy, how would it end? What would most make you look back and laugh? k. What were you “tricked” into believing in the fools’ journey as a child? l. What to you is the Cosmic Joke—perhaps working with now or even overcame?

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Page 4: Hafiz Laughter -  · Web viewThe Ha Ha Ha mantra “Mantra” is a Sanskrit word that means “mind-vehicle”. It is traditionally 1 or more words or sounds designed

Clown QualitiesClown is rooted in the human expression and experience of our spirit, our Soul incarnation. Clown focuses on helping you navigating being in the human condition state. Clown’s work is for your highest good and to grow like the Fool, but the Clown’s tactics help you be human in order to be spiritual, fooly realized.

Surprise is focused on lightening up, being silly, play for play sake, laugh to laugh, be silly to be silly, to re-set perspective, too serious causes dis-ease somewhere

Mirrors to use, helps us process or give voice to difficult emotions, situations or truths (reality) that are part being human, shared vulnerability

Uses humor, laughter, antics, distraction, surprise, exaggeration as an example, interrupts but in a very different way, shock here is more gotcha or punchline

Safety and Protection (Rodeo clown) through distraction, but also when use humor to deflect attention, something uncomfortable, intimacy

A social connector or divider catalyst or lubricant (think of a comedian who does either) Entertain (a version of distraction) Emotional, physical (and even spiritual) release, thus is a seer Tension master, creates tension and contraction for you then guides you to release Shadow side is mean, scary, ignorant, ridicule, abuses power (whoever is funny often holds

power in a room)

1. What is Your Humor? A person's sense of humor is informed by her social and cultural background, intellect, and personality. Nothing can alienate you faster than a sense of humor that doesn't gel with those around you; on the other hand, nothing can endear you more. Here is a test that identifies your humor type in one of the four quadrants in the presentation. If you know your style you can pay attention to how you use it and or build on how you want to use your humor.

2. Using Humor for Challenging TimesWe use humor (of the clown) to help us navigate things that are: Are scary, threatening or fearful.

• Scary, Threatening or Fearful• Are hidden• Taboo• Duality, Paradox, Contradiction• Change• Difficult emotions• We don’t understand• Can’t control, unexpected, unknown, uncertain• Are different • Heavy• Truth

A. Can you identify comedians, politicians, others in your life our how you use humor for any of the above uses?

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Page 5: Hafiz Laughter -  · Web viewThe Ha Ha Ha mantra “Mantra” is a Sanskrit word that means “mind-vehicle”. It is traditionally 1 or more words or sounds designed

Using humor to overcome challenges and enhance your life(From ability to laugh, play, and have fun not only makes life more enjoyable but also helps you solve problems, connect with others, and think more creatively. People who incorporate humor and play into their daily lives find that it renews them and all of their relationships.Life brings challenges that can either get the best of you or become playthings for your imagination. When you “become the problem” and take yourself too seriously, it can be hard to think outside the box and find new solutions. But when you play with the problem, you can often transform it into an opportunity for creative learning.Playing with problems seems to come naturally to children. When they are confused or afraid, they make their problems into a game, giving them a sense of control and an opportunity to experiment with new solutions. Interacting with others in playful ways helps you retain this creative ability.Here are two examples of people who took everyday problems and turned them around through laughter and play:Roy, a semi-retired businessman, was excited to finally have time to devote to golf, his favorite sport. But the more he played, the less he enjoyed himself. Although his game had improved dramatically, he got angry with himself over every mistake. Roy wisely realized that his golfing buddies affected his attitude, so he stopped playing with people who took the game too seriously. When he played with friends who focused more on having fun than on their scores, he was less critical of himself. Now golfing was as enjoyable as Roy had envisioned. He scored better without working harder. And the brighter outlook he was gaining from his companions and the game spread to other parts of his life.Jane worked at home designing greeting cards, a job she used to love but now felt had become routine. Two little girls who loved to draw and paint lived next door. Eventually, Jane invited the girls over to play with all of her art supplies. At first, she just watched, but in time she joined in. Laughing, coloring, and playing pretend with the little girls transformed Jane’s life. Not only did it end her loneliness and boredom, but it sparked her imagination and helped her artwork flourish. Best of all, it rekindled the playfulness in Jane’s relationship with her husband.As laughter, humor, and play become integrated into your life, your creativity will flourish and new opportunities for laughing with friends, coworkers, acquaintances, and loved ones will occur to you daily. Laughter takes you to a higher place where you can view the world from a more relaxed, positive, and joyful perspective.’B. Can you apply this to a current situation or if you could do over a situation?

Furthermore, from Swami Beyondanada:

As you look at your life right now, where is there imbalance? Anything you are avoiding or denying? Is there something you are taking way too seriously? Is there an emotional upset you may be taking too “poisionally?” Any situation that could benefit from acceptance, forgiveness or release? Any mental structures or beliefs that require transcendence or transformation?How can you apply Earth Humor to your situation? Any too-lofty notions that need grounding? Turn it into a butt joke. Whatever your situation, you can use Earth Humor to exaggerate it. How big was it? How bad was it? Etc., etc. There is nothing so bad it cannot be made worse by exaggeration! Exaggerate it to the point where you begin to laugh, and you have achieved fool realization.How about Water Humor? Whatever the emotion, intensify it by exaggerating. If you find yourself suffering, see if you can enjoy that suffering. Create a grumpy grouchy alter ego. Or a peaceful angelic one. Tell your Laugh Story through that character’s voice.

Material Gathered and Credited or Created by Barb Horn, Please reproduce only with permissionEnlighten or

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Page 6: Hafiz Laughter -  · Web viewThe Ha Ha Ha mantra “Mantra” is a Sanskrit word that means “mind-vehicle”. It is traditionally 1 or more words or sounds designed

Something in need of transformation? Call on the element of Fire Humor. Is there a flash of enlightenment that can come from a spark of laughter? What situation in your life most needs to change? Imagine it as the exact opposite of what it is now, and write about that. Embellish and exaggerate. Anticipate a surprise, and then be surprised at what you get.Air Humor is perfect for knotty problems that have furrowed your brow. If making funny faces in the mirror and using your Mickey Mouse or Bullwinkle voice to express your frustration doesn’t help, you might need to rise to a higher level of levity. Let’s say your problem is taxes. Go to the dictionary or thesaurus and make a list of all the words that have anything to do with tax, money, and payments. Then see how the words fit together. Play with the words, and make up new words and concepts. That playfulness will lighten up the entire situationC. Do any of these humor elements resonate with you? Can you apply any to current situation or

if you could do over a situation?

And Just for Fun…..if you know your Myers Briggs Personality Type.

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Resources for Raise Your Vibration 1. Emotional Vibrational WorkTake a few minutes to center yourself in quiet meditation. Set your intention to allow your higher self to assist you in answering the following questions:

1. Looking again at the Emotional Vibrational Scale, what is my “baseline” emotional state on a day-to-day basis?2. What is the frequency of this day-to-day emotional state?3. What are the emotions associated with this frequency?4. What is causing me to be in this vibrational state on an ongoing basis?5. What negative emotions am I feeling?6. Where in my body am I feeling those negative emotions?7. Do I have any pain or disease in the areas where these negative emotions are stored?8. What is the origin of these negative emotions?9. What must I do to heal the origin of these negative emotions? Forgive myself? Forgive someone else? Apologize to

someone else? Express the emotion fully – if grief, cry and cry until you can’t anymore; if anger, go somewhere private and punch a pillow and scream, etc.

10. What kinds of positive thoughts, statements, or beliefs can I adopt so that I can have a more positive perspective going forward?

11. What kinds of actions can I take to ensure that I make these positive thoughts, words, and actions a permanent part of my daily life?

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Page 8: Hafiz Laughter -  · Web viewThe Ha Ha Ha mantra “Mantra” is a Sanskrit word that means “mind-vehicle”. It is traditionally 1 or more words or sounds designed

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Page 9: Hafiz Laughter -  · Web viewThe Ha Ha Ha mantra “Mantra” is a Sanskrit word that means “mind-vehicle”. It is traditionally 1 or more words or sounds designed

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Page 10: Hafiz Laughter -  · Web viewThe Ha Ha Ha mantra “Mantra” is a Sanskrit word that means “mind-vehicle”. It is traditionally 1 or more words or sounds designed

2. Live in the Question Live in AllowanceLiving in the question, finding what feels light is right for you. This is staying in allowance or awareness of when in contraction and resistance, how to move through to allowance. Finding the question that feels light doesn’t mean there might not be hard work or challenges ahead, just that you are on your true path. For example, it may feel light and right to leave a job or relationship rather than stay even if the “work” to actually do that will be challenging. You stay in the question through leaving, in this example. What does that look like? Take a situation or decision that is challenging (brings up lower vibrations) and keep searching for the question (not a statement) that feels light, or lighter or is the lightest you can come up with right now.

For example, paying rent next month if my financial situation is not stable. Asking “I have no idea how I will pay this rent, or where will I live if I can’t pay rent – these are “heavy” statements. Compare them to “I wonder what will arise for me to pay rent this month, or I am open to opportunities to create a rent payment—these are relatively lighter and in allowance versus contraction. The idea is to find open ended, curious questions about your situation. Finding the lightness is finding the light to guide forward progress.

What situation can you practice or apply finding the light question? This is building a muscle and habit where this is your knee jerk reaction.

To suffer means to feel keenly. For to feel deeply and precisely with full awareness is what opens us to both joy and sorrow. It is the capacity to feel keenly that reveals the meaning in our experience.

3. Music (dance and move your body too!)

10 Classic Disney Happy Songs1. Bare Necessities ─ The Jungle Book 2. Chim chim cher-ee – Mary Poppins 3. Everybody wants to be a cat ─ The Aristocats 4. Hakuna Matata – The Lion King5. I’ve Got No Strings – Pinochio6. I love to laugh – Mary Poppins

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7. I wanna be like you ─ The Jungle Book 8. Life’s a Happy Song – The Muppets9. Oo-de-Lally ─ Robin Hood/10. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah – Song Of The South

20 More Classic Songs That Make You Happy1. Banana Pancakes – Jack Johnson2. Dancing Queen – Abba3. Don’t Worry Be Happy – Bobby McFerrin4. Good Vibrations – The Beach Boys5. Feeling Good ─ Muse 6. Happy Go Lucky Me – Paul Evans 7. Home – Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros8. If You Want To Sing Out, Sing Out – Cat Stevens9. I’m into something good – Peter Noone 10. Kung Fu Fighting – Carl Douglas11. Love is All – Roger Glover And The Butterfly Ball 12. Shine – Take That 13. Spirit In The Sky – Norman Greenbaum14. Tales Of Hoffman: BELLE NUIT, O NUIT D’AMOUR15. That’s Amore – Dean Martin16. The Twist – Chubby Checker17. You’ve Got a Friend – James Taylor 18. Walking On Sunshine – Katrina & The Waves 

10 Senior Favorite Feel Good Songs1. Daisy Bell Bicycle Built for Two ─ Harry Dacre 2. I got rhythm – Dorothy Dandridge (*)3. If I Knew You Were Comin’ I’d’ve Baked a Cake ─ Eileen Barton 4. Que Sera Sera – Doris Day5. Sha Boom – The Chords6. She’ll Be Coming Round The Mountain When She Comes7. Somewhere over the Rainbow ─ Israel “IZ” Kamakawiwoʻole)8. The Lion Sleeps Tonight – The Tokens9. This Little Light Of Mine10. You are my sunshine ─ Anne Murray 

Links to Websites With Lots More Happy Songs

2 Song Books We Encourage You To Download (PDF) The sing and dance song-book project The happy song-book project

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Hafiz On Laughter

Hafiz LaughterWhat is Laughter? What is Laughter?

It is God waking up! O it is God waking up!

It is the sun poking it sweet head outFrom behind a cloud

You have been carrying too long.Veiling your eyes and heart.

It is Light breaking ground for a great StructureThat is your Real body— called truth.

It is happiness applauding itself and then taking flightTo embrace everyone and everything in this world.

Laughter is the polestarHeld in the sky by our Beloved

Who eternally says,“Yes, dear ones, come this way,

Come this way toward Me and Love!

Come with your tender mouths movingAnd your beautiful tongues conducting songs

And with your movements– your magic movementsof hands and feet and glands and cells– Dancing!

Know that to God’s Eye,All movement is a Wondrous Language,And Music–such exquisite, wild Music!”

O what is laughter Hafiz?What is this precious love and laughter

Budding in our hearts?

It is the glorious soundOf a soul waking up!

I Heard God Laughing: Renderings of Hafizby Daniel Ladinsky. Mobius Press, Oakland, CA, pp. 125.

More Hafiz quotes on Laughter:

Material Gathered and Credited or Created by Barb Horn, Please reproduce only with permissionEnlighten or

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Page 13: Hafiz Laughter -  · Web viewThe Ha Ha Ha mantra “Mantra” is a Sanskrit word that means “mind-vehicle”. It is traditionally 1 or more words or sounds designed

4. OSHO Quotes on Laughter Millions of people have tried meditation and dropped out of it because they took it very

seriously. Religion has been thought to be a very serious affair — it is not. One has to understand — at least those who are with me — that religion is a playfulness, a laughter. Take it easy; then things blossom without any tension. You are not taking it easy, you are making it difficult.

I would like you to accept only one prayer, and that is laughter, because when you are totally laughing you are in the present. You cannot laugh in the future and you cannot laugh in the past. All those people who have created this retarded humanity have taken away all juice, all laughter, all smiles, and dragged everybody into being inauthentic. And if you are inauthentic, insincere, you can never grow the seed that has been given to you by this great compassionate universe.

I want to be taken playfully, not seriously — not with a long British face, but with beautiful laughter. Your laughter, your playfulness is the recognition that you have understood me. Your seriousness shows that you have misunderstood me, you have missed it — because seriousness is nothing but sickness. It is another name of sadness; it is a shadow of death. And I am all for life. If it is needed for your laughter, your dance, even to reject me, then reject me — but don’t reject the dance and the song and the life, because that is my teaching.

More Quotes:

5. 120 Inspirational Quotes on Laughter, find one a day, a week, etc.

6. Want more Childlike Playfulness?Laughter leads to playfulness, and playfulness equally leads you back to laughter. An easy way to laugh spontaneously more is to play more, because laughter is a natural outcome of playful behaviors. Give yourself permission to play every day!

Here is list of 40 ideas to experience childlike playfulness – the preciousness of fantasy and imagination – as adults. Find the ones that appeal to you and try them! Even if they do not make you laugh upfront, assuming there is resonance they will/should loosen you up and prepare yourself for laughter. Here is 40 ideas to do: resources:

7. Acts of Kindness Raise Your VibrationHow many can you do in one week, do a challenge with your friends. For 130 ideas:

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Page 14: Hafiz Laughter -  · Web viewThe Ha Ha Ha mantra “Mantra” is a Sanskrit word that means “mind-vehicle”. It is traditionally 1 or more words or sounds designed

8. Steven Wright Quotes He is an American stand-up comedian, actor, writer, and an Oscar-winning film producer. He is known for his distinctly lethargic voice and slow, deadpan delivery of ironic, philosophical, and sometimes nonsensical jokes, non sequiturs, anti-humor, and one-liners with contrived situations. He was ranked as the twenty-third greatest comedian by Comedy Central in a list of the 100 greatest stand-up comics.

1. 7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.2. A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.3. A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.4. A conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel so good.5. A cop stopped me for speeding. He said, “Why were you going so fast?” I said, “See this

thing my foot is on? It’s called an accelerator. When you push down on it, it sends more gas to the engine. The whole car just takes right off. And see this thing? This steers it.”

6. A friend of mine once sent me a post card with a picture of the entire planet Earth taken from space. On the back it said, “Wish you were here.”

7. A lot of people are afraid of heights. Not me, I’m afraid of widths.8. All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand.9. Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.10. Bills travel through the mail at twice the speed of checks.11. Borrow money from pessimists-they don’t expect it back.12. Change is inevitable….except from vending machines.13. Cross country skiing is great if you live in a small country.14. Dancing is a perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire.15. Doing a little work around the house. I put fake brick wallpaper over a real brick wall, just so

I’d be the only one who knew. People come over and I’m gonna say, “Go ahead, touch it…it feels real.”

16. Drugs may lead to nowhere, but at least it’s the scenic route.17. Eagles may soar, but weasels don’t get sucked into jet engines.18. Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don’t have film.19. Experience is something you don’t get until just after you need it.20. For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism.21. Half the people you know are below average.22. Hard work pays off in the future. Laziness pays off now.23. How do you tell when you’re out of invisible ink?24. I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.25. I bought a house, on a one-way dead-end road. I don’t know how I got there.

26. I bought a million lottery tickets. I won a dollar.27. I bought some powdered water, but I don’t know what to add to it.28. I can remember the first time I had to go to sleep. Mom said, “Steven, time to go to sleep.” I

said, “But I don’t know how.” She said, “It’s real easy. Just go down to the end of tired and hang a left.” So I went down to the end of tired, and just out of curiosity I hung a right. My mother was there, and she said “I thought I told you to go to sleep.”

29. I couldn’t repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.30. I eat swiss cheese from the inside out.

For more: or

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Playing with Laughter1. Explore Types of Laughter (from Second Laughter: This exercise has many names, e.g., the 20 second laugh, or the "I don't know

why I'm laughing", etc. Whatever the name, here is how it works: Just laugh, because you can. Body Wake Up Laughter: Laugh as you gently slap your body. Start on the left at the shoulder

going towards the hand with the palm facing up, and come back towards your body slapping the bottom of your extended arm. Go down the left side and the outside of the left leg using both hands, then come back up the inside of that leg, slap your lower and upper abdomen and left chest. Repeat on the right side.

Electric Shock Laughter: Imagine that everything you touch gives you a shock of static electricity. Chant an extended "aeee" sound as you approach one finger to your target, then jump backward and laugh each time you touch it.

Energy Raising Laughter: Make an elongated vowel sound as you slowly lift both arms all the way up, then laugh heartily with your hands pointed to the sky. Imagine that your laughter is coming straight from your heart. Repeat with another vowel, e.g., O, A, E…

Gradient Laughter: Smile, then start to giggle, slowly turning those giggles into a laugh. Gradually increase your laughter in tempo and volume.

HA! Tension And Relaxation: Chant “aeeeee” as you tighten and lift up your right arm and shoulder, then loudly say “HA!” as you thrust your right hand downward. Relax and repeat on the left side, then repeat with both arms and shoulders. Repeat this whole sequence with your legs. Repeat this whole sequence again using both a leg and an arm at the same time. To conclude, slap one knee and say “HA!” Slap the other knee and say “HA!” Lean forward: slowly raise and lower one hand as you make an extended “aeeee” sound, then using both hands slap your knees several times in rapid succession and laugh as you hop around. •

Humming Laughter Sounds: Laugh as you hum, mouth closed. Play with the pitch, up and down the scale, feeling the vibrations resonate through your body. As you get more adept at feeling the resonation, try and move it deliberately, through your chest, your jaw, your nose, your sinus cavities, your forehead, to the top of your head, and then back down again.

Laughter Air Tickles: Lift your left hand up, then make an extended “aeeee” sound as you slowly lift the right hand towards your left armpit. Tickle the air around it (no touching!) when you get there.

Laughter Breath: Inhale deeply, then exhale in a combination of quick bursts of air coming out and finishing with vocal laughter. Repeat 5-7 times.

Laughter Cocktail: Hold a pretend glass in each hand. Imagine pouring in as many happy thoughts as you can. Think of times when you were happy and laughing lots. Put those thoughts into your cups. Shake them all around. Now make an extended "aeeeeee" sound as you pour the content of one cup into the other a few times, then laugh as you drink “Aee-ah-ha-ha-ha-ha!”

Laughter Engine: Put an imaginary key into the ignition (O= belly button, A= chest, E= Throat…) Crank it up in four powerful laughs, e.g., if you choose the Ha sound: Ha! Ha Ha! Ha Ha Ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha….

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Laughter Hands Shake: Lift your left hand up and laugh as you shake it vigorously for 20 seconds or so. Relax, then lift the right hand up and do the same. Relax, then lift both hands up and do the same.

Laughter Hiccups: Laugh and add a hiccup every few seconds. Laughter Sneeze: Sneeze and laugh: “ah, aaah, aaaaaaaah ha! ha! ha!” Sticky Paper Laughter: Imagine a piece of paper which suddenly gets stuck to your hands (or

elbows, or knees, or feet…) Shake vigorously to try to get it off, laughing nervously as you do so. Fun Chi Laughter: With palms facing up, inhale, and raise your arms out to the side and over the

head, making a large circle. Then laugh as you bring your arms down in front of your body, palms down, to the area right below the navel. Imagine collecting health, joy and vitality.

Silent Laughter: Laugh silently, mouth closed, with compression. •Transforming Negatives Into Positives: Pretend catching a negative vibration in the air with both cupped hands and with a sharp "Ha!" sound. Bring your hands to your mouth and laugh into them a laughter of transformation, then open your hands to let the (now positive) vibrations joyfully fly away. 10 funny fitness laughter exercises that are really good for you! Physical fitness stemming from laughter is a benefit known to few. When you laugh, all your body systems are affected in a positive manner. It is particularly important for seniors as well as bedridden or wheelchair-bound people.

2. Creating Laughter Opportunities GIGGLE WHEN YOU WAKE UP …or any variation thereof. You could bring your hands to you

as you inhale and create tension in the lungs, then laugh as you exhale.

SINGING LAUGHTER You could sing nursery rhymes or any music of your choice with “Ha” instead of words, e.g., Frere Jacques. See

CONDITIONAL TRAINING? Laugh every time you take a shower, or open the door of your car, fridge, bedroom… Why not laugh when you walk? (You can do this mouth open or closed.) Or how about you start to laugh the moment you put your key in the ignition and turn on your car?

LIBERATED LAUGHTER Stand in front of a mirror and look seriously at your face. Then, begin to practice different smiles - big ones, little ones, crooked ones, quick ones, long ones, pretty ones, silly ones, etc. After smiling, begin to practice laughs. Pretend you are an actor and need to laugh for a part you are playing. Try short laughs, loud laughs, titters, chuckles, cackles and snorts. Work at laughing until you feel it becomes real. In time you will become a “liberated laugher.” Notice how positively it affects your day.

HOLY LAUGHTER A few churches in the USA use laughter for inner healing, and it works for them. Read more about it at holy. Here is what Rev. John and Pattie Chappell recommend you do: “When you are feeling discouraged or have hurts that need healing, close your eyes, force yourself to raise your head, and begin praising the Lord in tongues or English for a minute or two. Then begin saying ‘Hee, hee, ha, ha, ho, ho!’ and repeat it

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several times. If you cooperate with the Holy Spirit, this will usually release a flow of holy laughter. If that doesn’t work, try saying, ‘Ho, ha, hee, hee’ or ‘ho, ho, hee, hee, ha, ha! This is not being silly. It is being spiritual! God takes the “foolish things of the world to confound the wise.” These words are holy words, heavily anointed by the Holy Spirit, and amazingly effective. To the natural mind, this “method” is so absurd, so ridiculous, but it will usually produce holy laughter in anyone.

Laughing when you don’t feel like it: The Ha Ha Ha mantra “Mantra” is a Sanskrit word that means “mind-vehicle”. It is traditionally 1 or more words or sounds designed to take you from the active layers of left brain thinking down into more subtle states or right brain being. In the laughter world the Ha-Ha-Ha Mantra is an exercise where you voice out loud something that is frustrating or painful in your life, and punctuate each sentence with “Ha-Ha-Ha”. This exercise may appear insensitive or even disrespectful to some but most definitely isn’t. Watch the YouTube video at and you will see Gita Fendelman put it into practice. She is a retired tax attorney who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease almost a decade ago while still in her 40s. Gita has never taken medication. Instead she chose to laugh daily, meditate, do healing Qi-Qong and completely review her emotional life and diet. The Ha-Ha-Ha Mantra is about the affirmation of power over, not submission to, what ails you. It is a powerful exercise because you cannot both laugh about something and hang on to feelings of depression and powerlessness about it at the same time. The ability to laugh about your aches and pains is a sign of maturity and brings great emotional freedom.

Laughing while doing things you don’t like doing Why not gently giggle while doing things you don’t like doing, e.g., repetitive household chores like washing dishes, mopping floors, vacuuming, hanging clothes, or cleaning windows? If you have to do these tasks but dislike doing them, this will ease your perspective and make them less daunting. Say and repeat “haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa” for as long as necessary when you start to get upset and it will help protect you from developing a negative mood.

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3. Laughter Meditation"Laughter meditation” is a technical name that describes an exercise that is specifically focused on the experience of genuine, free-flow laughter. It takes place seated or - if you can without pain or discomfort - lying on the floor, on your back, knees bent. Here is how it works: If you are new to it, start with the ho ho ha ha warm-up for a couple of minutes (

After that start by giggling for a few minutes and allow the laughter inspiration to come. For a variation you can do any of the following exercises while you're at it:

Happy Memories Chuckle: Go back in time and find a truly happy memory, typically of a time when you felt safe, loved, surrounded by people you loved, and when you all laughed. Take time to connect with this memory, laughing now as if you were back then. It normally takes 90-120 seconds to start to recreate the associated emotions.

Laughter and Ideokinesis: This is similar to the happy memories chuckle. Ideokinesis means "the idea of movement.” Create a scenario in your head (real or imaginary) and laugh now as if you were genuinely there.

Laughter Breathing Meditation: Close your eyes, relax, and put all your attention on your breath. Smile your most genuine smile as you inhale, and exhale in a series of quick bursts as if you were gently laughing. You don't need to make any sounds. Follow the natural rhythms of your breath. You may not need to inhale immediately after each exhalation, or vice-versa. Appreciate those short periods of breathlessness when they occur.

4. Laughter Yoga & Wellness and Working with Seniors Laughter Yoga, American School of Laughter Yoga, Laughter Yoga Institute , (trainings, events, videos, etc.) Different Laughing Buddha’s meanings, C:\Users\Anne Bennett\Downloads\Seated Laughter Wellness Session With Sebastien

Gendry,Seated Laughter Wellness Session with Sebastien Gendry,

How laughter helps with seniors: Learn more about our laughter trainings at

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Resources Working With Chakras 1. Powerful Affirmations for Women's Self-Worth in 7 areas of life. From Affirmations for

women, Our Connection with the material world:

I am safe! The Universe always protects me...! I am full of energy! I have enough energy and resources to do everything I want to! The

Universe always takes care of me. If I ever created any good in my life, I will be able to create it again.

There is nothing accidental; I am powerful beyond measure! (FOOL)2 Emotional balance and creativity

I am allowed to be sensitive!  I enjoy my life to its full! I am allowed to be joyful! (CLOWN) I am special and unique! I am allowed to be different!  My creativity flows!  Enjoying my life gives me energy and lots of great ideas...!

3 Boundaries and inner strength I am enough! (FOOL) I am enough for my dreams! I deserve to have what I want; I have enough

strength to make my dreams come true! (FOOL) I respect my boundaries and have enough energy to protect my personal

space.  I believe in myself! Even if I don't know something now, I will figure it

out! I have enough resources. (FOOL) The Universe is abundant! My life is abundant! I always have what I need

at this exact moment. 4 Connections with others, acceptance and love

Life loves me! I am lovable..! (CLOWN) I receive love every minute of my life. Where is love, there is life....!   It is safe to take care of myself first. It is safe to say no.  The more I take care of myself, the more I can give to others.  I let go of the belief that someone else can give me the love I need. I am

the source of Love...! (FOOL) I love and approve of myself...! I deserve love

5 Self-Expression, talent and respect I express my emotions and feelings freely and respectfully! (CLOWN) My feelings are heard and appreciated.  I am allowed to express myself! I am allowed to share my wisdom, even if

I am not perfect. My voice is heard. (CLOWN) I don't need anyone's approval, but my own. (FOOL) I express my truth and let go of fear to be judged. c

6 Intuition and Clarity My vision is clear! I follow the signs and guidance of the

Universe. (FOOL) I trust my intuition. I make effective decisions when I listen to my


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When I trust, I succeed.  My vision is clear, I know what I want and go for it! 

7 Our connection with Higher Self, wisdom and guidance I am guided!  The Universe always provides me love and wisdom! (FOOL) I connect with the wisdom of my Soul; it is always there for me! My life is the manifestation of my Higher Self. (FOOL)

2. Chakra Affirmation Cards

3. Chakra Crystals and Minerals

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4. Chakra Mudra’s and Mantra’s

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5. Chakra Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Yoga

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