







S H I P & R E L I E F





We believe in partnership. Through working together we can see God's kindgom come and His will be done in Lebanon, in the Middle East, and beyond.


It is great to know that we have friends and partners

all over the world who are eager to partner with us in a

variety of ways.

Hadath Baptist Church is a growing missional church,

located in a highly strategic part of Beirut, Lebanon.

Our church borders a number of communities that

represent the religious and social diversity of Lebanon.

HBC’s vision is to love God and to love our neighbours.

HBC seeks to respond to the incredible needs around

us. This includes; caring for those who have fled con-

flict in neighbouring countries: providing hope, love and

community, as well as medical and relief supplies; seek-

ing to educate and train Lebanese and Syrian young

people who are likely to drop out of school; providing a

place of fellowship and teaching to all who would join.

Rev. Dr. Hikmat Kashouh



At the heart of any church is the recognition that we are

involved in God’s mission.

We are committed to being used by God to bring peo-

ple to Him across the Middle East and North Africa, to

see the Kingdom of God made known and lived out in

the lives of individuals and communities from all back-

grounds. With the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19-

20 we strive to make disciples. We do this through small

groups and church planting, as well as through our vari-

ous relief and development activities.

Given the ongoing refugee crisis in Lebanon, one of our

main focuses is bringing much needed love, care and

assistance to those most in need - the poor, marginal-

ised and oppressed, the widows and orphans, of which

there are too many! Much of this work takes place in the

area of Naaba, a significant hub for migrant workers and

the refugee community. We serve among families and

individuals who are: Syrian, Iraqi, Kurdish, Palestinian,

Armenian, Assyrian, Ethiopian, Egyptian and Lebanese!

House groups are emerging within these communities,

supported by members of HBC! People are coming to

faith in Christ, not because of the practical help they

are receiving, but because they are witnessing love in

action. Many Syrian refugees are now attending Hadath

Baptist Church on a regular basis, and growing in faith.

God is doing an amazing work in spite of the dreadful

events taking place in the region. Beyond Lebanon, HBC

is supporting church planting ministry in North Africa.


• That we will truly represent the gospel to those

who we encounter, whatever their need.

• For the refugee community, who are suffering be-

yond belief, and that we may be able to offer hope,

through our loving actions.

• For those who find faith in Christ, that they will

be strong despite very difficult circumstances.




HBC is fortunate to have a num-

ber of medically trained members

and friends within our community.

Recognising that meeting people’s

physical and medical needs is an

important element of sharing and

demonstrating the whole gospel

message, we seek to support those

with significant medical needs.

Many people are unable to pay for

medication they and their families

need. Coupled with regular visits to

the homes of those in need, our vol-

unteers are able to identify medical

needs, and if possible provide some

level of support. HBC also works in

partnership with a local NGO to fa-

cilitate an occasional ‘mobile clinic’

within HBC.

HBC is a large extended family

and we seek to include everyone.

Launched in 2011, our Family and

Couples Ministry seeks to help our

members model healthy Christian

relationships within marriages and

families. By strengthening these

bonds we not only model Biblical

and Christlike family relationships,

we model Kingdom values that at-

tract others into our wider family.

This works in practice by our team

offering support and counselling

to couples and individuals through

personal meetings and regular re-

treats and workshops. We want to

see God honouring relationships

within our community, which also

model Kingdom values.

As with any church pastoral care

is a central element in all we do.

We have a diverse community, with

differing pastoral needs. As such

we rely on our members to care for

each other through a range of ac-

tivities and initiatives. Our Pastoral

team plays a vital role in visiting the

sick, the elderly and those in need,

praying with and for them, and

demonstrating love. The team also

participates in condolence visits

and funerals. Small groups also play

an important role in providing pas-

toral care. HBC has a system to en-

sure everyone has people who are

responsible for ensuring they are

cared for. Please pray that everyone

will feel loved and cared for.





The Hadath Learning Support Project helps young peo-

ple who need significant additional input if they are to

succeed in education and life. The aim is to provide high

quality and affordable education to those who may oth-

erwise drop out of schooling. The project runs five days

a week for three hours a day, providing tuition, home-

work support, life-skills training, IT classes and exam

preparation support, as well as social activities.

The project serves both Lebanese students from Ha-

dath and Syrian refugee young people from Naaba - an

area of Beirut with a large refugee community - who

are either not in school or who are at risk of dropping

out of school. This is a critical issue, as not achieving

in education has massive negative implications for

the future. Social workers, as well as supporting the

young people in the project, visit the homes of the

students and build relationships with their families.

Hope is being demonstrated in a very practical way.

By having both Lebanese and Syrian students together

we are also breaking down social and religious barriers

that have divided generation in the past. With Jesus as

our example, we are seeking to build peace and recon-

ciliation, by helping young people develop deep friend-

ships with those from other communities.


• That the right young people will be able to attend.

• For the staff and students of this project.

• That the LSP will have a significant impact on the

lives of individuals, families and communities.

• For the breaking down of social, religious and cul-

tural barriers and hatre.

• For our Sponsorship Program to both sustain, de-

velop and improve this vital project.





God has been incredibly faithful to us as we contin-

ue to work towards completing the HBC building.

We anticipate the building becoming a hub for the

local community, offering a wide range of services

seven-days-a-week. The building is already used every

day, but there is so much more we could do with

a finished building. Completing the main worship

hall would enable us to build further links into our

neighbourhood and community.

Having the Children’s Ministry Floor and the Youth and

Community floor have already enabled us to facilitate

a range of exciting mission focused projects, such as

Mainly Music, and the Learning Support Project, both

meeting real needs of the communities they seek

to serve. We are moving in the right direction, but still

have a lot of work to do to complete the wonderful

building God has blessed us with.

Given the rapid growth taking place at HBC it is not sur-

prising that we have outgrown our current worship hall

(basement). We are already running two Sunday morning

services as there is not enough space to fit all our mem-

bers, friends and visitors. We anticipate this growth con-

tinuing as people find their home with the HBC family.

As a result we need an appropriate space for regular

worship, teaching and fellowship meetings as well as

other large services such as weddings, training and

mission events. We want HBC to be a truly accessible

place for all members of society, including those with

additional needs.

Finishing the main worship hall will free up

the basement as a venue for new mission activities.

The opportunities are almost limitless!



Lebanon and neighbouring countries, are living

one of the biggest humanitarian crisis of recent times.

The massive influx of Syrian refugees in Lebanon have

strained all elements of the country’s fragile infrastruc-

ture. There is no hiding or ignoring it, the crisis is here,

on our doorsteps.

HBC has chosen not only to aknowledge it, but to re-

spond to it in many different ways. We have welcomed

into our family increasing numbers of Syrian refugee

families who are finding hope, love and salvation in our

midst and we have different projects and ministries that

aim to help and support those most in need.


479.058 Children under 18 affected by the war, residing in Lebanon.

1.3 million

1.024.063Million refugees registered in Lebanon. The true number is even higher (many do not register for fear of political persecution).

Lebanese people affected by the influx of refugees. Refugees and vulnerable Lebanese communities vie for increasingly scarce resources.

Numbers & Figures: 16 April 2014 - UNCHR, United Nations Refugee Agency




Each summer the HBC family retreat for four days into

the beautiful mountains of Lebanon. This is an impor-

tant time of the year for us all, as we come together for

worship, teaching, vision making and the deepening of

relationships. It is the chance for all our diverse family

(literally people from all corners of the world, from differ-

ent social, cultural and religious backgrounds) to get to

know each other more and demonstrate what it means

to be a family. This is a great opportunity for you, our

friends and partners to visit us, to get to know us, to enjoy

Lebanese hospitality, and gain a deeper vision for what

HBC is doing as it seeks to build God’s Kingdom here in

Lebanon and beyond.


• That God will continue to speak powerfully during

this time of retreat.

• That as many people connected to HBC will be

able to attend each year, including those from the

various ministries connected to HBC.

• That people will grow in their sense of belonging

within our church, and as a result participate more

in the ministry of the church.

• Pray that we may have enough funds so that those

on limited incomes will be able to attend.



Mainly Music is an exciting ministry that is drawing many

people into relationship with members of the HBC fam-

ily. The group meets at least twice a month and uses mu-

sic, crafts, free-play, ‘snack-time’, parties and fellowship

with mothers and their young children. Mothers from di-

verse social and religious backgrounds get to know and

support each other, building self-confidence and share

advice about motherhood and childbearing.

Having the Children’s Ministry Floor at HBC makes this

a great place to be if you are a mum, or a child under

the age of 3!

Members of the HBC family witness to the love of Christ

in natural and non-threatening ways, and the children

have a great time of fun and learning within the context

of a welcoming church. Regular parties also provide the

opportunity to share the gospel, such as at Christmas

and Easter.

The leaders of Mainly Music are also wanting to develop

other types of support for parents, such as parenting

courses, social events and Bible studies.


• For the network of mothers and children that has

developed and is always increasing.

• Pray for the development of a committed team to

help with the leadership and for the potential for

the group to become a weekly event!

• For resources to start a new group amongst the ref-

ugee community in Nabaa.

• For deeper relationships and opportunities to

share the love of Christ.

• For wisdom on how to support mothers practically.

emotionally and spiritually.





Within our ministry with teens we aim to grow young

leaders from within and beyond HBC, providing a safe

place where they can come and experience welcome,

fun, and an environment where they can share their

problems and challenges. The teens ministry combines

Christian teaching, worship, discipleship, entertainment

and pastoral care for 13-18 year olds. It now also involves

ministry among those Lebanese and Syrian students of

our Learning Support Project, as well as our growing

Scout group. We also have a very cool ‘Youth Bus’, a

customised 1977 VW bus which we have turned into a

mobile youth centre. The bus has a TV, Playstation, great

sound system, etc. and is fantastic for outreach with oth-

er young people.

The Young Adults Group [Shabibi] are extremely active

in all aspects of HBC. As well as their weekly meeting,

which includes teaching, worship and fellowship, they

are involved in small-group discipleship groups, evan-

gelism, leading worship within the main HBC worship

services, supporting our various relief and develop-

ment activities and all sorts of other things. They are

an incredibly active, and growing group. The goal of the

Shabbibi is to equip young adults (18-25) to be effec-

tive leaders in their own communities (spheres of influ-

ence such as university, work, home etc.) demonstrating

passion, intentionality and commitment to the Kingdom

of God.


• That we will meet the physical,emotional, educa-

tional and spiritual needs of all the young people

we serve, regardless of their age or background.

• For the young people who have witnessed terrible

things as a result of the regional conflicts - including

the civil war in Syria.

• For funds to recruit and employ a full-time youth

leader to support this diverse ministry.

• That we will reach and disciple many more young

people to become followers of Jesus.



One of the most exciting things about being a member

of the Hadath Baptist Church family is seeing the num-

ber of children who are growing up. Each Sunday we

have 80-100 children aged from a few weeks old up to

16 years of age. We work hard at making sure they feel

included in our family both within the main worship ser-

vices as well as their Sunday School classes. The aim

is that our children ‘grow in wisdom, stature and favour

with God & others’ (Luke 2:52). We teach and disciple

children in creative and fun ways, using music, drama

and fun activities to help them grow in faith.

We use a curriculum that is designed to meet the so-

cial, educational and spiritual needs of different aged

children (2-12 years) from HBC families and those from

the local community. We also have a dedicated crèche

room on the Children’s Ministry Floor. As with the rest

of HBC, our children come from many different back-

grounds, including a large number who have fled the

terrible civil war in Syria. Many of these children have

witnessed unbearable events and loss. Our Sunday

School classes proved a welcome break from their very

difficult lives, providing a fun environment where they

can learn about the love of Jesus for them, their family

and their country.


• We thank God for the opportunities to demon-

strate the love of God to children from different

backgrounds through this ministry.

• That we will develop deeper relationships with fam-

ilies in Hadath and beyond.

• For our teachers and leaders, that we will be led by

the Holy Spirit and be gifted by God to teach and

model Jesus in creative and fun ways that trans-

form children’s lives.





Within the HBC family we are blessed with many sen-

iors who bring wisdom and experience to our fellowship.

Some of these people are unable to attend regular ser-

vices at HBC, due to health and mobility issues. We aim

to take holistic (spiritual, emotional and medical) care of

people within the HBC family. This includes home visits,

Christmas food packages and regular activities. There

is always the need to provide much needed medicines

for our seniors who cannot afford their own treatment

costs. This is something we are always keen to explore

how our friends and partners can help with.


HBC is blessed with many faithful women of all ages and

backgrounds. The leaders of this ministry seek to pro-

vide a place for fellowship, pastoral care and counsel-

ling, teaching and worship among the women of HBC,

through regular meetings, supporting them to be active

in the wider ministry of HBC. There are also many wom-

en who have fled the war in Syria who need care.


The HBC sports ministry serves many purposes as well

as trying to keep us all fit and healthy. It provides the

opportunity to engage with other churches in friendly

competition, as well as giving people the opportunity to

be a positive witness among friends. We want to have

fun and live a healthy life. Some of us are more active

than others of course.


Evangelism is part of the culture at HBC. We have a

team who encourage and support people in their ef-

forts to share their faith with others, and make disciples.

We are always exploring new and creative ways to en-

gage in evangelism, including using things like the mobile

youth centre bus with young people.



Presidential Road,

Hadat — Baabda — Beirut,


Email: [email protected]



Online Donation:

Bank Account Details

A/C Name: Hadath Baptist Church

A/C Number: 030/02/300/1500374/1

Bank: Blom Bank - Hazmieh

Swift Code: BLOMLBBX

IBAN: LB 24001400003002300150037410

Add.: Blom Bank, Damascus Road, Hazmieh, Lebanon


Throughout this document you will have seen that there

are opportunities to support the many ministries of Ha-

dath Baptist Church. All of the ministries mentioned

within this document, as well as others which have not

been mentioned really need your prayers. If you would

like to find out more about any of these ministries please

get in contact with us.

Some of the ministries also have opportunities for our

friends and partners to support them in very practical

ways, including through financial contributions.

We would be more than happy to discuss your poten-

tial contributions towards our ministry through Skype,

email, or a telephone conversation. Please let us know

how we can help you in this area. Our website also pro-

vides the opportunity for online donations.



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