  • 8/17/2019 Hack Login Passsword


    Hack Windows XP Login


    Hack Admin Password From User ModeDisclaimer: Use this article for eductational purpose

    !L"#Follow these steps:

    1. Open command prompt (Start->Run->cmd),

    2. Enter the follown! command, then press E"#ER$. Enter the follown command, then press E"#ER:

    compm!mt.msc#hs should open the computer mana!ement console.

    %. &o to local users ' !roups->users. R!ht clc on an

    user and select *set password*.+f ou !et a *access dened* do the follown!:


    then use follown! commands

    1) net user test add (ths command wll mae test nameduser)

    2) net local!roup admnstrators test add (ths commandwll mae test user as admnstrators r!hts)

    and use net user command to reset our admn. password



    hat f u dont now the password of our admn and stllwant to hac and chan!e .. ea u can do t ..n a /er eas

    manner.. chec ths. 0ust follow the steps.. ths doesnt

    reure u to now the admn password ut stll u can chan!et..

    Start >> Run >> 3tpe4cmd ths wll open our commandprompt

    3tpe4 net(space)user(press enter)3tpe4 net(space)user(space)3wndowslo!nd4(space)5(press enter)

      for e.!. : net user 6O7E 5(press enter)

    3tpe4 new password (press enter) and retpe t (press

    enter).. t wll show u confrmaton... cauton t wont show

  • 8/17/2019 Hack Login Passsword


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