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redlandscatholics 9 0 9 . 7 9 3 . 2 4 6 9 t h e h o l y n a m e o f j e s u s . o r g

g{x [ÉÄç atÅx Éy ]xáâá Vtà{ÉÄ|v VÉÅÅâÇ|àç For emergencies requiring the services of a priest, or for funeral needs, please call:

Para emergencias que requieren los servicios de un sacerdote, o por necesidades funerarias, favor llame:





Or, please call the parish office for an appointment / O, favor llame a la oficina parroquial para una cita





MISA DEL DÍA The Rosary and/or the Divine Mercy Chaplet is recited 30 minutes prior to daily Mass. Rezamos el Rosario y/o la Coronilla de la Misericordia Divina 30 minutos antes de la misa diaria.













Olive Avenue

English Masses with ashes:

7:30am, 9:00am, 7:00pm

English Services with ashes:

12:15pm, 5:30pm

Columbia Street

Misas en español

con cenizas:

5:00pm, 7:00pm

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This coming Wednesday is Ash Wednesday! Ash Wednesday is somewhat of a conundrum. It

is not a holy day of obliga on, and yet, we flock

to church as if it were. The giving and receiving of

ashes is by no means a sacrament, and yet, many

of our brothers and sisters go to Mass on Ash Wednesday to

receive ashes and leave before the Liturgy of the Eucharist. For

years I have wondered how much we understand of our faith

when we consider mere ashes to be more important than to

receive the Body and Blood of Christ! Many of us have no prob-

lem skipping Mass on Sunday and yet would not think of le ng

Ash Wednesday go by without a trip to church to be marked

with an ashen cross on our foreheads!

So, how did this prac ce become such an important part of the

lives of so many believers? Who came up with the idea for this

rather odd ritual? How do we explain its popularity?

Ashes, in scripture, are a sign of penitence. The prophet Jeremi-

ah said: “O daughter of my people, gird on sackcloth, roll in the

ashes”(6:26). On the other hand, Isaiah says that ashes are

meaningless if the heart of the person is not truly penitent. “Is

this the manner of fas ng I wish, of keeping a day of penance:

that a man bow his head like a reed, and lie in sackcloth and

ashes? Do you call this a fast, a day acceptable to the

Lord?”(58:8). In the Gospels of Ma hew (11:21) and Luke

(10:13) Jesus talks about pu ng on sackcloth and ashes, a sign

of repentance.

The first recorded Church liturgy for Ash Wednesday which

included sprinkling of ashes is from the year 960. Before that,

ashes had been used as a sign of admission to the Order of

Penitents. Ashes are of course made from the burned palm

branches from Palm Sunday.

The Order of Penitents was the way the Sacrament of Penance

was celebrated through most of the first millennium of the

Church. Those who had commi ed serious sins confessed their

sins to the bishop or his representa ve and were assigned a

penance that was to be carried out over a period of time. During

their period of penance they had special places to sit in church

and wore special garments deno ng their status. They were

often dismissed from the Sunday assembly after the Liturgy of the

Word, as we do now with the RCIA.

The season of Lent developed in the Church as the whole

community prayed and fasted for the catechumens who were

preparing for Bap sm.

Today, our primary focus during Lent and of course on Ash

Wednesday is bap smal. We now understand that Lent is a

season of not only bap smal prepara on, but also bap smal

renewal. When ashes are placed on our foreheads we hear the

words “Turn away from sin and be faithful to the gospel.” This

recalls our bap smal promises to reject sin and profess our

faith. It is a call to conversion, to that movement away from sin

and toward Christ that we have to embrace over and over again

throughout our lives.

As in every liturgical season of the Church Year, our focus during

Lent is Christ. Therefore, even on Ash Wednesday, when we

receive our ashes, we must see our goal as Christ.

I hope that you will avail yourself of the Lenten resources we

are offering so you can embrace the whole Lenten season as a

me to turn away from sin and turn toward Christ.

Grow in your faith,

Deacon Steve

Coordinator’s Corner

This Lent, Holy Name of Jesus is offering you access to ALL of Bishop Barron's award winning programs (Word of Fire Digital)

through FLOCKNOTE… for FREE.

Sign up by visi ng: ‐ OR ‐ send a text (below).

A er registering, join one of Bishop Barron’s groups to receive weekly email OR text messages + videos, - OR - browse the Word on Fire digital library using your smart phone, tablet, smart TV, FireTV, or ROKU.

Drawing on Scripture, literature, and personal experience, Fr. Ron Rolheiser shows us God’s love is unconditional

— God so loves us that he gave his only son. The death and resurrection of Jesus reveal a redeeming God, not a

rescuing one. And that redemption comes through forgiveness.

For each day of Lent through the Second Sunday of Easter, Daybreaks invites us to pray and reflect. Fr. Ron explores the themes

of humility and repentance, being a disciple, jus ce and mercy, the nature of God, faith, the Pascal Mystery, gra tude, and redemp-

on. His daily reflec ons challenge us to be more loving and forgiving Chris ans. Booklets are in the churches!

Daybreaks: Daily Reflections for Lent and Easter By Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI

Fr. Rohleiser is president of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio. He is an internationally

renowned spiritual author and speaker with a PhD and an SThD from the University of Louvain, Belgium.

Lent: Free Digital Resource

Lent: Free Booklet Resource

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Recursos de Cuaresma ‐ Libritos GRATIS

El P. Ron Rolheiser nos muestra cuán incondicional es el amor de Dios —

Dios nos ama tanto que nos entregó a su único Hijo. La muerte y resur-

rección de Jesús nos revelan a un Dios que nos redime, no a uno que nos

rescata y nos revelan también que la redención llega por la vía del

perdón. Él explora los temas de la humildad y el arrepentimiento, siendo

un discípulo, la justicia y la misericordia, la naturaleza de Dios, la fe, el

misterio pascual, la gratitud y la redención.

P. Rohleiser es el presidente de la Escuela Oblata de

Teología en San Antonio. Es un autor espiritual y orador

de renombre internacional con un doctorado y un SThD

de la Universidad de Lovaina, Bélgica.

¡El próximo miércoles es Miércoles de Ceniza!

El Miércoles de Ceniza es un enigma. No es un

día sagrado de obligación, y sin embargo, vamos

a la iglesia como si lo fuera. Dar y recibir cenizas

de ninguna manera es un sacramento, y sin

embargo, muchos de nuestros hermanos y hermanas vienen

a misa el Miércoles de Ceniza para recibir cenizas, pero se

van antes de la Liturgia de la Eucaris a. ¡Durante años me he

preguntado cómo entendemos tan poco de nuestra fe cuando

consideramos que meres cenizas ser más importante que

recibir el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo! ¡Muchos de nosotros

no tenemos problemas para faltar a misa el domingo y, sin

embargo, no pensaríamos en dejar pasar el miércoles de

ceniza sin un viaje a la iglesia para ser marcado con una cruz

de cenizas!

Entonces, ¿cómo se convir ó esta prác ca en una parte tan

importante de la vida de tantos creyentes? ¿A quién se le

ocurrió la idea de este ritual bastante extraño? ¿Cómo expli-

camos su popularidad?

Las cenizas, en las escrituras, son una señal de penitencia. El

profeta Jeremías dijo: “Hija de mi pueblo, cíñete de cilicio, y

revuélcate en ceniza” (6,26). Por otro lado, Isaías dice que las

cenizas no enen sen do si el corazón de la persona no es

verdaderamente penitente. “Entonces tu luz despuntará como

la aurora, y tu recuperación brotará con rapidez. Delante de

ti irá tu justicia; y la gloria del Señor será tu retaguardia.” (58,8).

En los Evangelios de Mateo (11,21) y Lucas (10,13) Jesús habla

de ponerse cilicio y cenizas, una señal de arrepen miento.

La primera liturgia de la Iglesia registrada para el Miércoles de

Ceniza, que incluyó la aspersión de cenizas, es del año 960.

Antes de eso, las cenizas se habían utilizado como una señal

de admisión a la Orden de los Penitentes. Por supuesto, las

cenizas están hechas de las ramas de palma quemadas del

Domingo de Ramos.

La Orden de los Penitentes fue la forma en que se celebró el

Sacramento de la Penitencia durante la mayor parte del primer

milenio de la Iglesia. Los que habían cometido pecados graves

confesaron sus pecados al obispo o su representante y se les

asignó una penitencia que debía llevarse a cabo durante un

período de tiempo. Durante su período de penitencia tenían

lugares especiales para sentarse en la iglesia y vestían prendas

especiales que denotaban su estado. A menudo fueron

despedidos de la asamblea dominical después de la Liturgia de

la Palabra, como lo hacemos ahora con el RICA.

La temporada de Cuaresma se desarrolló en la Iglesia cuan-

do toda la comunidad rezó y ayunó por los catecúmenos que

se preparaban para el bau smo.

Hoy, nuestro enfoque principal durante la Cuaresma y, por

supuesto, el Miércoles de Ceniza es de bau smo. Ahora

entendemos que la Cuaresma es una temporada no solo de

preparación bautismal, sino también de renovación bautismal.

Cuando se colocan cenizas en nuestras frentes, escuchamos

las palabras, “Arrepiéntete y ser fieles al Evangelio.” Esto

recuerda nuestras promesas bautismales de rechazar el pe-

cado y profesar nuestra fe. Es un llamado a la conversión, a

ese movimiento lejos del pecado y hacia Cristo que tenemos

que abrazar una y otra vez a lo largo de nuestras vidas.

Como en cada temporada litúrgica del Año de la Iglesia,

nuestro enfoque durante la Cuaresma es Cristo. Por lo tanto,

incluso el Miércoles de Ceniza, cuando recibimos nuestras

cenizas, debemos ver nuestra meta como Cristo.

Espero que aproveche los recursos de Cuaresma que ofre-

cemos para que puedas abrazar toda la temporada de Cuar-

esma como un tiempo para alejarse del pecado y volverse

hacia Cristo.

Crecer en su fe,

Diácono Steve

Esquina del Coordinador

Un nuevo comienzo - Reflexiones diarias para Cuaresma y Pascua Padre Ronald Rolheiser, OMI

Libritos están disponibles en la iglesia.

Recursos Digitales ‐ GRATIS

Esta Cuaresma, te ofrecemos acceso a TODOS los galardonados programas del Obispo Barron (como Católicismo) a través de FLOCKNOTE... GRATIS.

Regístrese visitando: ‐O‐envíe un texto (abajo).

Después de registrarse, únase a uno de los grupos del obispo Barron para recibir correos electrónicos O textos con videos cada semana, O navegue por la biblioteca digital de “Word on Fire” u lizando su tableta, smart phone, AppleTV, FireTV o ROKU.

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Next Date: Feb 26, 2020 ASH WEDNESDAY

Ash Wednesday is at the Olive Avenue Campus

includes the Academy Mass with Ashes at 9:00AM.

Please arrive early for licensed childcare check‐in

opposite the courtyard door of the church.

Online Registra on is important to prepare materials,

handouts and childcare if needed.

Please tell us you are coming.

For more info ‘connect’ with Mollie Hibbard: [email protected]

Where Catholic Mothers connect in friendship and mutual support to grow together spiritually and to honor God in the family

Monday Evening Bible Study Olive Ave Parish Hall

6:30 ‐ 8:00 pm with Jesse Del Rio

Learn more about Jesus in the Gospels and the stories of the New Testament,

including their historical se ngs in this lecture/power point study

with great people. NO FEE. NO HOMEWORK.

Sign up online, contact Jesse, or drop in. 909-910-7600

[email protected]

Estudio de la Biblia con Gregorio Gomez te invita a nuestro próximo estudio en Cuaresma:

“Los Relatos de la Pasión y Resurrección de Jesús”

Estudiaremos cada escena de los relatos como ocurren en los cuatro Evangelios y porque

hay diferencias entre cada relato. Este estudio enriquecerá nuestro entendimiento sobre

la base fundamental de la fe cris ana.

Nos estaremos reuniendo durante 6 semanas en los martes:

Comenzando el 25 de Febrero; Finalizando el 31 de Marzo.

6:30‐8:00 PM en el Salón #7 de la Academia (localidad de Olive Ave)

GRATIS. No hay costo! Favor de traer su Biblia.

Sr. Gregorio Gomez, Gradúate of Loyola Marymount Biblia Ins tuto (909) 708‐1189 [email protected]

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Almost 400 parishioners have a ended a Renewal Weekend.

They have said:

“The talks have reinforced my faith and hope in the Church.”

“This was a transformative weekend that all Catholics need.”

Attend a FREE Renewal Weekend Retreat

at Holy Name’s Olive Ave loca on. All Adults are Welcome.

Spend me with our priests and make new parish friends.

Learn about the early Church. Dive into the Gospels.

Encounter Christ in a more profound way. Be renewed in Him.

Included: All meals, materials, and Mass. You will go home each night.

Next weekend in English: March 27‐29, 2019

Please register soon. Space is limited and this retreat fills quickly.

Online: t h e h o l y n a m e o f j e s u s . o r g / r e n e w a l - w e e k e n d

By Phone: E m m a M e j i c o 9 0 9 - 8 5 6 - 4 3 4 0

Beloved, come away and strengthen your spiritual life on a Renewal Weekend. Will you accept our invita on?

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Prayer and Faith Sharing - Oración y Compartiendo Fe

Adora on of the Eucharist ‐ Adoración de la Eucaris a Fridays ‐ Viernes: 8:00am ‐ 5:00pm in Lent, Columbia St Church English: Mary Ann Smith 909-793-6191 Español: Jeanne e Burkhart 909-792-2308

Catholic Moms Connect Mollie Hibbard [email protected] 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS monthly, 9-11:30am, Columbia St Halls

Centering Prayer Jeanne e Burkhart 909-792-2308

Cinema for the Soul Brandie Morrison [email protected]

Movies can be our Modern Day Parables 3rd or 4th THURSDAY monthly, 7:00 - 9:00pm, Olive Ave Hall Basement

Consecration to Jesus thru Mary Josette Letson 909-557-4150

Cursillos in Chris anity Jose ‘Pepito’ Banez 909-809-1478

Ejercicios Espirituales de San Ignacio de Loyola Laura Renderos


Grupo de Oración Sonia Mejia 909-735-9157 Josefa Colima 909-682-3198

CADA LUNES, 7:00-9:00pm, Iglesia de Columbia St

Powerhouse of Prayer Parish Secretaries, ext 110 We pray regularly for the inten ons of our parish community. To join us, or to request prayers, please contact the parish secretary.

Oramos regularmente por las intenciones de nuestra comunidad parroquial. Para unirse a nosotros o para pedit oracion, favor comuníquese con la secretaria parroquial.

Rejuvenate Women’s Ministry Kate Troy [email protected]

2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS monthly, 6:30-8:00pm, Olive Youth Lounge

Spiritual Exercises of St. Igna us Loyola Emma Mejico 909-856-4340

Small Faith Communities / Pequeñas Comunidades de Fe

Small gatherings of prayer, Scripture study, and fellowship in parish homes. // Pequeñas reuniones de oración, estudio de las Escrituras y compar endo la fe en casas de los parroquianos.

Karen Grozak 909.793.2469, ext 135 [email protected]

Mass Intentions—Intenciones de Misas C - Columbia O - Olive - Deceased

t h e h o l y n a m e o f j e s u s . o r g / m a s s - t i m e s

If you would like to arrange the sacrifice of the Holy Mass for a loved one who is living or deceased, please contact the parish office.

Dates fill quickly; often several months in advance.

Saturday, February 22 The Chair of St. Peter 8:00am (O) George Correia the Apostle 4:30pm (O) Philip Delia 6:00pm (C) Francisco Ortiz Sunday, February 23 7:30am (C) Matilde Urquijo 8:00am (O) Cynthia Murrin 9:00am (C) Maria THE Nguyen 10:00am (O) Cynthia MurrinBarbara Merlkbach 10:30am (C) Jose Rojas 12:00pm (O) Ana Maria Guzman 4:30pm (C) Filipino Ministry 5:30pm (O) Eileen Madden Monday, February 24 7:30am (O) Josephine Prevost Tuesday, February 25 7:30am (O) Enrique Flordeliza Jr. Wednesday, February 26 7:30am (O) Brian R. Wroe 9:00am (O) Marylyn Ann Wroe 12:15pm (O, C) — Services only; No Mass Intentions. 5:00pm (C) Obispo Coadjuntor Alberto Rojas 5:30pm (O) — Service only; No Mass Intentions. 7:00pm (O) Bill Sandstrom 7:00pm (C) Gregorio Bonola Salazar Thursday, February 27 7:30am (O) Lorenzo Rodriguez 6:30pm (C) Isabel Rodriguez Friday, February 28 7:30am (C) Rosita Luanzon Saturday, February 29 8:00am (O) Ardis Galyen 4:30pm (O) Nancy Varner 6:00pm (C) Jesus Herrera Sunday, March 1 7:30am (C) Suzie Jimenez 8:00am (O) Dominic DeLotto 9:00am (C) Esther Diaz 10:00am (O) Andrew Barboza 10:30am (C) Rafael Diaz 12:00pm (O) Carlos Lopez 5:30pm (O) Dr. Ronald Grazen

Prayer and Faith Sharing Ministries ‐ All are welcome!

Ministerios de Oración y Compartiendo la Fe ‐ Todos son bienvenidos!


May the angels lead them into paradise, May the martyrs welcome them to heaven.

Que los ángeles les llevan al paraiso, Que los santos les reciban en el cielo.

Rose Green-Booth Moises Ramos Rodriguez

Johnnie Walker


Monday: Jas 3:13-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 9:14-29

Tuesday: Jas 4:1-10; Ps 55:7-11a, 23; Mk 9:30-37

Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6ab, 12-14, 17; 2 Cor 5:20 - 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18

Thursday: Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 9:22-25

Friday: Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15

Saturday: Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-6; Lk 5:27-32

Sunday: Gn 2:7-9; 3:1-7; Ps 51:3-6, 12-13, 17; Rom 5:12-19; Mt 4:1-11


Lunes: Stgo 3:13-18; Sal 19 (18):8-10, 15; Mc 9:14-29

Martes: Stgo 4:1-10; Sal 55 (54):7-11a, 23; Mc 9:30-37

Miércoles: Jl 2:12-18; Sal 51 (50):3-6, 12-14, 17; 2 Cor 5:20 - 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18

Jueves: Dt 30:15-20; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lc 9:22-25

Viernes: Is 58:1-9a; Sal 51 (50):3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15

Sábado: Is 58:9b-14; Sal 86 (85):1-6; Lc 5:27-32

Domingo: Gn 2:7-9; 3:1-7; Sal 51 (50):3-6, 12-13, 17; Rom 5:12-19; Mt 4:1-11

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No Money, No Mission

Occasionally, people ask… “why does the Church always talk about money?” Usually, as I listen, I discover

that they think that the Church is wealthy and can do without the financial support of individual Catholics.

Hmmm… Well, if the Church were supported by government grants or by special funds from the Va can

that might be true. But, thanks to the separa on of church and state, the Church in the United States is able

to govern itself without interference from secular authori es. So the principal source of funding for the

Church to perform all its ministries must be all of us. A er all, WE are the CHURCH.

Religious Liberty is a blessing! It is a blessing to fund the ministry of the Church freely… the Catholics in China cannot do

this. The Catholics who were oppressed in the Soviet Union or in Cuba could not do this. We in the United States are

blessed with the opportunity to financially support our shared Catholic mission, Jesus’ mission — locally, regionally, and

worldwide. At mes, this freedom can feel like a burden; especially when we see great need and wish to help. But, we can-

not forget that with freedom comes responsibility. We can choose to complain or we can do

our part. Everyone can give, though not everyone can give the same amount.

We are called to support the Church financially in three ways.

The First is by giving the First Fruits of our weekly labor to the Lord in the Sunday offertory.

This is our commitment to God, and, that commitment directly supports OUR parish’s efforts

to fulfill Christ’s mission. Together, our First Fruits provide the foundation and funding for

OUR ministries, forma on, pastoral care, and outreach — all of the ways we care

for one another right here in Redlands. Our gi s in the weekly collec on basket

ensure that we can sere and be served as Christ calls us.

The Second is by supporting the Diocesan Development Fund— the DDF. By giving

to the DDF, we fund ministries and programs that are too costly or complicated

for any single parish to provide. Our parish cannot solely fund efforts to help peo-

ple in need throughout San Bernardino and Riverside counties, or provide minis-

try leader training for 92 parishes, or fund all of the seminarians studying for the

priesthood. But, we can be part of these larger efforts! In addi on, the more we

support our Diocese, the more we ensure that the Church can train future

priests and provide educa on, social services, family support, and even more.

The Third is by giving to second collec ons which benefit various causes through-

out the world like Catholic missionaries, or Catholic Relief Services — CRS. (Our

children’s gi s for Opera on Rice Bowl fall into this category.) The Church offers

us these opportuni es and we can decide which ones we wish to support.

These ways are outlined in the example to the right.

Lent lasts 40 days. Try giving your First Fruits during Lent, and on Easter, total

your giving in these categories. Celebrate how you have made a difference for

others! You will probably discover that giving your first to the Lord was not

nearly as difficult as die ng!

We, as the Body of Christ, can only fulfill our mission if there is money to fund

the mission. We can consider it a burden, or give gratefully in recogni on of our

blessed freedom to do so. The choice is ours.

Pray + Serve + Give your First Fruits,

Sharon Callon-Schwartz, Director of Mission Advancement

An example of giving First Fruits: John earns $ 52,000 per year.

Annually, he donates 6 % ($3,120)

of his income in thanksgiving to God…

50% = $ 1,560 to the Sunday Offertory;

$ 30/week. John offers his First and

best Fruits of his labor to the Lord.

Transforming souls in our local community.

20% = $ 624 to the DDF; $ 12/week

Comba ng poverty diocesan-wide and

educa ng men studying for the priesthood.

30% = $ 936 to outreach ini a ves that

provide mental health services and shelter

for homeless youth, etc; $ 18/week

In gra tude, John gives $ 60 every week to

build God’s Kingdom = $3,120 per year.

If you prefer to donate online, we offer

weekly, biweekly, and monthly op ons

through the parish website: w w w . t h e h o l y n a m e o f j e s u s . o r g



Our Parish Budget is $ 25,600.00 every week. This maintains our status quo.

Together, we welcome people who seek God. Together, we form people in understanding Jesus and the Catholic faith.

Together, we feed the hungry, clothe the naked, care for the sick, and make Christ real for people in need.

It is time to move from maintenance to mission. When was the last time you gave God a raise?

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Giving Shelter in Christ’s Holy Name

From Dec 1st through March 31st, our Parish Halls at Columbia St will house people in need from 9:00pm until 7:00am nightly. We also provide simple dinners and breakfasts. We welcome pre-screened men or small families. In addition to providing shelter, some members of our team also assists people during the day with appoint-ments that can help them transition off the streets. Will you help?

Oversee them while they sleep… Join one of our teams. Several shifts are available

Prepare meals and deliver them to the

Columbia St Hall on specific evenings To sign up to serve a night shift, please contact:

Deacon Richard Cover 909-648-3429 Rick Ferguson 909-362-2819

To sign up to provide a meal, please register for an evening online:

OR, contact: Deacon Richard Cover 909-648-3429 Rick Ferguson 909-362-2819

This is Jesus all the way. Join us! Your spirit will be re-charged by accompanying our humble neighbors.

Sharing Christ with those who are sick If you have ever been hospitalized, you know how profound it is to

receive a visit from a fellow Catholic who prays with you and offers

you Communion.

40 parishioners visit Catholics at Redlands Community Hospital and

area convalescent homes, but we need more help.

Will you take the Eucharist to a Catholic who cannot come to

Mass due to illness or infirmity?

Catholics who are Confirmed and who are eligible to receive Eucharist

are welcome to serve in this ministry. Be not afraid! We will provide

you with in-person training and assistance.

Please contact: Ann McMahon 951‐316‐0355

Choosing to Serve…

Laudato Si’:

Caring for God’s Crea on Would you like to help us start 2020 by

crea ng a Laudato Si’ ministry here

at Holy Name?

Be part of the team forming a new ministry at Holy Name!

In his encyclical, Laudato Si', On Care for Our Common Home,

Pope Francis describes the great act of love by which God creat-

ed our world and everything in it. He describes the way we can

encounter God’s Crea on, with wonder and gra tude; and, our

interconnectedness with everything in the universe, through our

mutual Creator. Pope Francis also describes humanity’s special

role in God’s plan, and our need to imitate His generosity in self-

sacrifice and good works, as well as the environmental and so-

cial degrada on he sees in the world now, our need and ability

to do be er.

Contact: Marilyn 909.747.5783 [email protected]

Pick up a flyer: 40 WAYS to CARE FOR CREATION

or sign up for Flocknote: to receive daily

ideas resources

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You are invited — Estás invitados

CONNECT and BE COUNTED… using so ware called “My Own Church”.

Visit: You can login to My Own Church with a unique username and password to do the following: Update family and member informa on, add photos, and set privacy preferences;

View your envelope and online giving history;

Download your annual dona on reports; and

Browse the online parish directory to connect with other members.

When you register for My Own Church, you will: Reduce paper and mailing costs;

Broaden your parish connec ons;

Improve the accuracy of your parish records; and

Assist your Parish Staff in helping you!

All who have registered for My Own Church may download their own

charitable contribution statement for the 2019 tax year.

BE NOT AFRAID. The self-serve system offers clear, onscreen guidance to help you request a

your My Own Church account. (You can always call us, too!)

Registering for My Own Church

is only the beginning. Soon,

we will share some exci ng

new ways to connect and


We hope that you will enjoy

the First Fruits of our labor to

assist you with connecting,

building community and serving

others in Christ’s Holy Name.

Your Parish Staff

Monthly Filipino Mass in Tagalog

Sunday, Feb 23rd, 4:30pm, Columbia St Church

Potluck in the Hall following Mass. Bring a dish to share. Contact: Evelyn 909-793-3001, Margie 909-336-8496,

Leah 909-991-8730

Did you know? We pray the Rosary and/or the Divine Mercy Chaplet 30 minutes prior to daily Mass. Daily Mass is 7:30am Mon-Fri and 8am Sat.

¿Sabías? Rezamos el Rosario y/o la Coronilla de la Misericordia Divina 30 minutos antes de la misa diaria, desde lunes al sábado.

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Offer Your Time and Talents - Ofrece Su Tiempo y Talentos 10

Liturgical Ministries ‐ Ministerios Liturgicos .

Altar Servers / Monaguillos Children, Teens who have received First Eucharist are welcome to serve.

Niños, Adolescentes que han recibido Primer Comunión puedan servir.

English: Mike Grothem [email protected]

Español: Rafael Or z 909-521-6173

Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) Martha Plumb, ext 136

Daily A.M. Mass Coordinator Sally Padilla 909-855-6789

Eucharistic Ministers / Ministros de la Eucaristía

English: Web Prather 951-662-9064

Español: Carlo Argo 909-793-2469, ext 140

Funeral Ministry Team / Ministerio de Funerales

Maggie Rodriguez, ext 111

Lectors English: Ed Ferguson 951-313-4942

Español: Carlo Argo 909-793-2469, ext 140

Music and Choirs / Música y Coros Carlo Argo , ext 140

Ushers / Ujieres

English: Dominick Rosse 909-389-4558

Español: José Muñoz 909-557-8436

Coordinadoras de Quinceañeras Maggie Rodriguez, ext 111

Wedding Coordinator Ministry / Coordinadoras de Bodas

Suzie Reeves 909-792-7523

Community Life ‐ Vida Comunitaria Arab Community Dcn Ayed “Eddie” Khader 909-521-4186

Catholics of African Descent Donia Brooks 909-647-7101 2nd SATURDAY monthly, 10:30am-12pm, Columbia St Hall

Cub Scouts Pack 8 Christopher Born 951-522-7512

Danzas de Guadalupe Irma Perez 909-801-9320

Filipino Ministry Margie Alejandro 909-336-8496

Finance Council John Nolan 909-798-4185

Girl Scouts Sarah Bonadiman 909-645-5807

ICF: Italian Catholic Federa on John Guerin 909-222-3372 1st SATURDAY monthly, 9:00am, Olive Ave Annex

Pastoral Council Teresa Nelson 909-800-3190

Scout Troop 11, Venture Crew 11 Ed Bonadiman 909-771-6430 WEDNESDAYS, 6:30 - 8:30pm, Olive Ave Hall Basement

Silver Senior Singles (50 yrs+) Wendy Posjena 909-792-1507 2nd SATURDAY monthly, 5:30 - 8:00pm, Olive Ave Hall

Pastoral Outeach ‐ Cuidado Pastoral Annulments / Anulaciones Sharon Callon-Schwartz, ext 128

Grief Support Ministry - Grupo de Apoyo de Duelo English: Sharon McPeck 909-358-1434 Español: Yolanda Cuevas 909-910-8421

Marriage Prep Couples Joey & Laura Jacobson 909-770-4071

Matrimonios Renovados Jesús y Engracia Sanchez 909-633-8097 Parejas Católicas fortaleciendo matrimonios en las buenas y las malas a través de la unidad en Cristo JUEVES cada semana, a las 7:00pm, Salón de Columbia St

Surviving Divorce Group Francesca Nolan 909-798-4185

Visitors to the Sick / Visitadores a los Enfermos: English: Ann McMahon 951-316-0355 Español: Oficina Parroquial, ext 110

For the Parish School, Religious Educa on or Youth Ministry Offices, please see the BACK of the bulle n.

Para la Escuela Parroquial, la Oficinas de la Formación de Fe o Ministerio Juventud, por favor vea al POSTERIOR del bole n.

Social Outreach & Service ‐ Servicio y Jus cia Social

AJ’s Kitchen Ken & Alice Jolly 909-709-1233 Nourishing the hungry with lunch and dignity on MONDAYS

Catholics Returning Home Dan, Chris na & team 909-654-3193

Ci zenship Classes/Clases de Ciudadanía Rogelio Garcia 909-557-6579

Winter Shelter Rick Ferguson 909-362-2819 NIGHTLY, Nov thru March, opens at 9:00pm, Columbia St Halls

E.S.L. Class/Clases de ingles Carmen Hynds 909-793-0088 WEDNESDAYS/MIÉRCOLES, 5:00-6:30pm, Columbia St Halls

Get On The Bus Teresa Nelson 909-800-3190

Hospitality Ministry Bertha Shotwell 909-838-3430 Catholics connec ng over coffee in a comfortable se ng Católicos conectando con el café en un ambiente cómodo

Knights of Columbus A band of brothers humbly serving

Nino Esparza 909-894-8250 Dennis McCarty 909-557-5493 1st TUESDAY monthly: 6:00pm social, 7:00pm mtg, Olive Ave Hall

Laudato Sí Care for Crea on Marilyn Ko 909-747-5783

Mensajeros de la Nueva Evangelización P. Yovanny Acosta

Quilters for Life Charlene Hall 909-553-5929 3rd TUESDAY monthly, 9:00am-12:00pm, Olive Ave Hall

Refresh & Renew Rick & Kellie Ferguson 909-362-2819 Refreshing the body to renew the spirit (showers for homeless) MONDAYS, 10:30am - 12:00pm, Columbia St Hall

Respect Life Ministry Rose Dougherty 909.793.3101 Kelly Hoffman 909.303.0066

“SHARE”‐ Feed the Hungry Ashley Bean 951-313-7468 Providing dinner and dignity to the hungry every 1st SATURDAY

Social Concerns Committee Azusena Urquijo 909-553-5804 1st MONDAY monthly, 7:00pm, Columbia St West Hall

“Show me your hands. Do they have scars from giving?

Show me your feet. Are they wounded in service?

Show me your heart. Have you left a place for divine love?” ― Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

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2020 DDF Report Noticia del DDF de 2020

Parish Goal: Meta Parroquial: Diocesan Goal: Meta Diocesana: Pledges Made: Las Promesas Hechas: Dona ons Received: Donaciones Recibidas: Pledging Families: Familias Comprome das:

$ 179,200.00

$ 119,200.00

$ 78,884.00

$ 34,714.00

294 = 9.1% of parish families

Diocesan Development Fund / Fondo Desarollo Diocesano: Every parish in the Diocese supports the Diocesan Development Fund with a specific funding goal. Funds donated OVER the goal are refunded to the Parish. Funds that meet our parish’s DDF goal directly support:

Catholic Chari es as well as other ministries that feed, clothe, and assist the poor throughout San Bernardino and Riverside counties;

diocesan forma on and ministry training for adults;

pro-life, family, and youth initiatives;

Catholic schools;

formation for seminarians — our future priests!

Together, DDF Donors in 92 parishes provide resources that help people in need today and form tomorrow’s Church leaders, from children and adults in parishes to men who will serve in the priesthood for decades to come.

Help people in need beyond our parish boundaries.

Support men discerning and studying for the priesthood.

Join our Catholic diocesan mission to impact people’s lives with hope.

To donate online, please visit: t h e h o l y n a m e o f j e s u s . o r g

select Online Giving; select 2020 Diocesan Development Fund

Healing Broken Hearts-One Weekend at a Time CS Lewis said: "Life with God is not immunity from difficul es, but peace within difficul es." Some mes situa ons and decisions from the past can make us feel disconnected and alone. But we know, that even in our brokenness, God's love for us defines an unwavering beauty. If you have emotional or spiritual wounds as a result of a past abor on experience, please consider a ending one of these Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreats:

February 28 ‐ March 1, 2020 Web Site:

Contact: Mary Huber 909-475-5353 or [email protected]

March 13 – March 15, 2020 Web Site: www.a

Contact: Dolores 951-325-7702 or [email protected]

Par cipa on is strictly confiden al. These retreats are an opportunity for men

and women to experience God’s love and mercy as He touches each wound with

his healing grace. Lives are restored and peace is found. Please contact us.

THANK YOU for doing your part

to help meet our Parish Goal!

This report does NOT yet include

dona ons made directly to the Diocese.

Please turn in pledges and dona ons

to the PARISH (collec on basket or office)

OR donate Online thru the PARISH website.




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FEB 28

6:00 PM

English— Olive Ave

Español—Columbia St

S U N - D O M M O N - L U N T U E - M A R W E D - M I E R T H U - J U E F R I - V I E R S A T - S A B

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

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O A L (O / O ) 115 W. O A R , CA 92373

C S L ( / ) 1205 C S R , CA 92374

OFFICE HOURS / Horas de la Oficina: 8:00am – 4:00pm Monday‐Friday (lunes‐Viernes)

Baptisms ‐ Bautizos: Infants through age 6 years: 1st Saturday/month Pre-registration form, county birth certificate required. 1 preparation class for parents & godparents is required.

Bebés y niños a traves de los 6 años: 1 ֯ Sábado de mes Forma de Pre-registración, cer ficado de nacimiento. Los padres y los padrinos deben asis r a una clase.

For children 7 Years or older, teenagers, or adults seeking Bap sm, please contact the parish office. We are happy to welcome you and assist you!

Marriage ‐ Matrimonio: Please call the Parish Office before making arrangements for the reception venue. We require a minimum of 6 months preparation for this life-long sacrament. We recommend 1 year.

Favor, llame a la Oficina Parroquial antes de hacer planes para la recepción. Requeremos un mínimo de 6 meses de preparación para este sacramento de toda la vida. Recomen-damos 1 año.

For Detailed Informa on and Request Forms, visit:

Para Más Información y Formas Requeridos, visite:

t h e h o l y n a m e o f j e s u s . o r g / s a c r a m e n t s

Sacrament Classes for Children ‐ Clases de Sacramentos para Niños: Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: Ages 3—11 years old In these highly unique, interac ve classes, children work with materials that develop their understanding and rela onship with Jesus, the Good Shepherd. They explore Biblical stories, the Parables, Liturgical prac ces, and develop an profound understanding of the sacred nature of worship.

Children in Sacrament Preparation learn in this unique approach with materials that specifically form their understanding and apprecia on for Reconcilia on and Holy Eucharist.

2 Year Sacrament Prepara on Program: begins in 2nd grade Year 1: Sacrament of Reconcilia on Year 2: Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist

1 week of Vaca on Bible School in the Summer

Junior High Courageous ‐ Grades 7 and 8

High School Confirma on program begins in 9TH GRADE. This is a mul -year program. You may choose classes offered in either the Fall, Winter/Spring, and/or Summer.

Special Needs? Dual Immersion? Online Registra on? Please visit our website for program details and videos: t h e h o l y n a m e o f j e s u s . o r g / f a i t h ‐ f o r m a t i o n

Sacred Heart Academy — Academia del Sagrado Corazón Fully Accredited * Innova ve, Award-Winning Teaching

K-8 Arts, Spanish, Music, Physical Educa on

Programs for gi ed students * Jr High Elec ves

Partnering with Parents to Educate the Whole Child

K ‐ 8th Grades: 909.792.3958 Preschool: 909.792.1020 Principal / Directora: Angela Williams

Vice Principal / Subdirectora: Maria Downey (habla español)

School Business Manager: Ana Moreno (habla español)

School Secretary: Ruby Barr (habla español)

A Ministry of the Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Community

Pastoral Staff / Personel Pastoral: Pastoral Coordinator Dcn. Steve Serembe, ext 112

Priest Moderator Rev. Erik Esparza, J.C.L., ext 127 (habla español)

Priest Ministers Rev. Charles “Gino” Galley, ext 113 Rev. Yovanny Acosta, ext 114 (habla español)

Deacons Ayed “Eddie” Khader -or- Antonio Mejico, ext 110

Jesse Robles, ext 122, Steve Serembe, ext 112

Business Manager Peter Szymusiak, ext 115 (dwujęzyczny polski)

Director of Mission Advancement

Sharon Callon-Schwartz, ext 128 (habla español)

Director of Liturgy and Music Carlo Argo , ext 140 (habla español)

Parish Secretaries Nancy Jimenez, ext 110 (habla español) Maggie Rodriguez, ext 111 (habla español)

Maria Butler, ext 118

Custodial Staff José & Maria Elena Muñoz, ext 110

Faith Forma on ‐ Formación de Fe 909.798.4167 Director of Faith Formation (Baptism-6th Grade) Karen Grozak, ext 135

Faith Forma on Assistant Martha Plumb, ext 136 ( habla español)

Director of R.C.I.A. and Adult Confirmation Monica Aguilar, ext 129

Youth and Young Adults ‐ Ministerios de Juventud: Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries Mat Troy, ext 131

Youth Ministry Assistant Teresa Roque, ext 134

Teen Confirma on Assistants Diana Torres, Carlos Uribe, ext 134 (hablan español)


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