Page 1: Guide to your ultimate call

The Ultimate CallFree For All Guide to achieve your Ultimate Call

Donnabele “Belle” Amgao January 2013

Page 2: Guide to your ultimate call

Ultimate Gifts toward Ultimate Call

Belle’s interpretation of her own gifts , towards her Ultimate Call , based on the movie “the

ultimategift”1. Gift of Work – Waking up early

with positive attitude, being thankful for another day to go to

work.2. Gift of Friends – Keeping the

old ones, acquiring new ones; having friends in good and bad

times3. Gift of Money – Learning how

to value money even up to a single cent

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Ultimate Gifts toward Ultimate Call

4. Gift of Family – Valuing them as they are one of the reason to strive and be excellent

5. Gift of Learning – Explore things, don’t settle for less if you can settle for more

6. Gift of Problems – Treat this as a challenge

7. Gift of Laughter – Aim to put smiles on each person you meet.

8. Gift of Giving – Blessings should be shared, not to be kept

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Ultimate Gifts toward Ultimate Call

9. Gift of Gratitude – “Thank you” is a word that is free, give it often as you can

10. Gift of a Day – Take one day a time, do it now or do it never.

11. Gift of Loving – A hug, a pat on shoulder, a prayer – there are many things to show


12. Gift of Dreams – Dream big. Aim to be the channel of someone’s dreams


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On Leadership

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On Leadership

Position - People follow because they have to.

While I am in the position to lead, I should exercise this carefully, in

order not to create an impression of authority abuse.

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On Leadership

Permission - People follow because they want to.

Building a rapport and creating an open communication is a key to get people’s permission. I should

learn to develop the skills.

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On Leadership

Production - People follow because of what you have done in the organization.

I should live by example, walk the talk. Creating an impactful

contribution to the organization will give a good example.

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