Page 1: GUIDE TO SUMMER - ONLINE LAYOUTpress on without the Word of the God, without loving and worshiping God, and without loving what God loves. The Psalms teach us to love the Word of God,




8508 Beaver Bridge Rd.

Moseley, VA 23120 (804) 639-2236

© 2019

@parkwayfamily @parkwaymoseley


wherever you are



Page 2: GUIDE TO SUMMER - ONLINE LAYOUTpress on without the Word of the God, without loving and worshiping God, and without loving what God loves. The Psalms teach us to love the Word of God,




I LOVE traveling for two reasons: 1. I enjoy the excitement of heading to and arriving at my destination (missions, family gatherings, visiting friends, or spending time with my bride) and the experiences of meeting new people and exploring new surroundings. 2. I enjoy the longing for and arriving home, because I am coming home to my wife and children.

The best part of traveling is the arrival. It is the goal of what the journey is for. What makes travel FRUSTRATING are the unexpected delays (traffic jams, vehicle breakdowns, sickness) and unplanned detours. Though delays are frustrating, no one would ever give up the journey (especially if traveling home) due to detours and delays. We press on until we arrive, no matter what the trip holds. We press on because we know we are not home yet. The same is true in our spiritual lives. We are on a journey towards home and we are not home yet. We need constant reminders that life is a spiritual journey and all along the road we are so tempted to settle on the side of the road. We must press on because we are not home yet. In Philippians 3:12-14 the Apostle Paul says it this way: Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me His own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on to-ward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. This summer, wherever you are at on your spiritual journey, join us as we press on with Christ. We will be walking through the Psalms on Sunday mornings and discovering just why the Psalms are vital to life and that they show us how to press on. We can’t press on without the Word of the God, without loving and worshiping God, and without loving what God loves. The Psalms teach us to love the Word of God, to love and worship God, and to love the peoples that God made. (For more information about praying daily through the Psalms, see the appendix, pages 21-22). Wherever you find yourself on your spiritual journey and wherever the road takes you this summer, we want this summer guide to help you press on. There’s a Bible reading plan, spiritual activities to do with your family, im-portant things to pray about, events you don’t want to miss, a place for ser-mon notes, and more. We are asking God to help us press on in being real people walking with Christ, inviting others, and serving together to reach our neighbors and the nations with Jesus Christ.

Pressing on with you,

Pastor Derek




HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE ……………………….……………. 3

TIME IN THE WORD …………...…………..……….…………….. 4 PRAYING THE PSALMS …………………..……… 21-22

CALENDAR OF EVENTS/BIBLE READING PLANS JUNE ………………………………..……………………………. 5-6 JULY …………………………………………....…....……….. 12-13 AUGUST ……………………………………………..………. 17-18

BUILDING LASTING CONNECTIONS WALKING WITH CHRIST …………………..…….... 7-8 GET YOUR CRAFT ON ………….…………..…….. 10-11 CREATING CULTURE …….……………..…………….... 16 OTHER ACTIVITIES ………………………………….…… 19

MISSIONAL LIVING SERVING OTHERS …………………………………..…..… 9 INVITING OTHERS ………………………………..………. 14 MISSION MINUTE …….….….…..…..………...…………. 15 COMMUNICATING SECURELY ………………….. 20

NOTES ……………………………………………………………….. 23-26

SUMMERCANBEIN-TENTS PASTOR DEREK, WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SUMMER TRADITION? After Melissa and I got married, one of our first purchases was a tent. Melissa grew up camping and was a patient teacher to this suburbanite. Summertime for the Futrells since then has brought a legit tent-camping experience at different historical or geographical landmarks. We enjoy torturing—I mean teaching—our kiddos that they don’t need a device to have fun! 2 

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HOWTOUSETHISGUIDE This guide is designed to be a help and resource for you and your family as you think about and plan what your summer will look like. There are spiritual and practical activities that have been written with all ages in mind. Most of the activities can be modified for single adults, empty nesters,

families with younger or older children, or for families with kids across a broad age range.

Here are a few tips on how to get the most out of your Parkway Family Guide to Summer: SET REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS. There are more activities provided in this guide than you may be able to do this summer. Our hope is not that you would do all of them, but rather that you would pick those that are best for your family. As you read through the guide, mark the activities that seem interesting and doable and come up with a plan to make those happen. PLAN AHEAD. No one stumbles into intentionality. Take time to think and pray about what you want this summer to be like for your family. At the end of it, what do you want your family to remember? How do you want them to be different? What do you hope they learn about Jesus? What will you put in place to help make that happen? HAVE FUN. No matter what your family’s plans are for the summer—whether you’re taking exotic trips or sticking close to home—have fun! Spend time with your spouse. Enjoy being with your kids. Laugh a lot. Make memories out of even the most mundane moments. KEEP IT HANDY. You never know when the dreaded and often forbidden words of summer—“I’m bored”—will come out of YOU or your children’s mouths. Make sure you have your Guide to Summer handy so that you can neutralize boredom and make the most of your time together.



TIMEINTHEWORD This summer, make spending time with God and being in His Word a priority for you and your family. Set a time and place to consistently read the Bible. Encourage your family to do the same. This will look different for families with children of differ-ent ages and reading levels.

For example, a first grader’s time and place might be: “read with mom or dad for 15 minutes on the couch after breakfast,” while a fifth grader’s might be: “read for 30 minutes in my room before bed.”

Talk together about what works best for each person. Even if your children don’t understand everything they read, practicing the discipline of consistent time in the Scriptures will benefit them as they get older and grow in their relationship with the Lord. Giving them an opportunity to see their parents consistently spending time in the Scriptures will also be very impactful.

We have put together the Parkway Daily Bible Reading Plan for June, July, and August right here in your guide. These can help focus your time with God—both individually and as a family.

Additionally, make a plan for the time you will spend together reading from God’s Word and praying as a family. Consider keeping a prayer journal throughout the course of the summer. Set aside one night after dinner each week when your family will spend time praying. Record requests in a notebook or jour-nal. Each week, look back at the requests that have been made. Make note of places where you’ve seen God answer prayer and praise Him for His faithfulness. Make note of places where you need to continue praying.

What does this passage say about GOD? What does it say about MAN (myself)? Is there a PROMISE or COMMAND to obey? Is there a SIN TO AVOID? How can I APPLY this to my life/situation?


Page 4: GUIDE TO SUMMER - ONLINE LAYOUTpress on without the Word of the God, without loving and worshiping God, and without loving what God loves. The Psalms teach us to love the Word of God,




SUN JUNE 2 Vital: Psalm 111 …………………...… 9am/10:30am

SUN JUNE 9 Vital: Psalm 34 ………………..…….... 9am/10:30am The Gathering (Studentz) …..… 5pm—6:45pm

THU JUNE 13 Father/Son Flying Squirrels Game .... 5:30pm

SUN JUNE 16 Vital: Psalms 127 & 130 ………..… 9am/10:30am (Parent/Child Commissioning)

SUN JUNE 23 Vital: Psalm 23 …………………….….. 9am/10:30am

THU JUNE 27 Bangladesh Team Departs ……..….... 6/27—7/8

SUN JUNE 30 Vital: Psalm 27 ………………..…….... 9am/10:30am Summer Series #1 …………………..……. 4pm—7pm —Core Class: Church Membership —Skills For Living: Overworked/Overscheduled






1  Jeremiah 46-48; Hebrews 4 

2  Jeremiah 49-50; Hebrews 5 

3  Jeremiah 51-52; Hebrews 6 

4  Lamentations 1-2; Hebrews 7 

5  Lamentations 3-5; Hebrews 8 

6  Ezekiel 1-3; Hebrews 9 

7  Ezekiel 4-6; Hebrews 10:1-23 

8  Ezekiel 7-9; Hebrews 10:24-39 

9  Ezekiel 10-12; Hebrews 11:1-19 

10  Ezekiel 13-15; Hebrews 11:20-40 

11  Ezekiel 16; Hebrews 12 

12  Ezekiel 17-19; Hebrews 13 

13  Ezekiel 20-21; James 1 

14  Ezekiel 22-23; James 2 

15  Ezekiel 24-26; James 3 

16  Ezekiel 27-28; James 4 

17  Ezekiel 29-31; James 5 

18  Ezekiel 32-33; 1 Peter 1 

19  Ezekiel 34-35; 1 Peter 2 

20  Ezekiel 36-37; 1 Peter 3 

21  Ezekiel 38-39; 1 Peter 4 

22  Ezekiel 40; 1 Peter 5 

23  Ezekiel 41-42; 2 Peter 1 

24  Ezekiel 43-44; 2 Peter 2 

25  Ezekiel 45-46; 2 Peter 3 

26  Ezekiel 47-48; 1 John 1 

27  Daniel 1-2; 1 John 2 

28  Daniel 3-4; 1 John 3 

29  Daniel 5-6; 1 John 4 

30  Daniel 7-8; 1 John 5  6 

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AT HOME Build a fort—Use blankets, pillows—whatever you can

find at home. Talk about the purpose of a fort—safety and protection. The Bible teaches that God is a refuge for His children. Take time together to thank God for His strong protection. (Psalm 59:16-17)

Make a Memory Jar—Save an empty jar and place it in an easy to find spot. Use pens and strips of paper to record special and signifi-cant memories of trips you take, new people you meet, funny family moments, and more. At the end of the summer, read through your memories together and celebrate the things you learned and did. Praise God for His goodness!

Scripture Memory Fun—Pick some verses to memorize

as a family. Then commit those verses to memory by getting creative! Draw it on the sidewalk or driveway with chalk, make up a song, use motions, or repeat it in funny accents. Make drawings, paintings, or even placemats as a fun way to review the verse together.

Starry Nights—After

sunset, spend some time outside admiring the night sky. Kids can even recreate the sky with dark paper, white paint, and toothpicks. Explain that the same God that placed the stars in the heavens also cares for our every need. (Psalm 8:1-4)

VITAMINSEA PASTOR MAC, WHAT DOES YOUR FAMILY LIKE TO DO IN SUMMER? My family loves vacations at the beach—or anywhere near water and sunshine. One of our favorite places is Perdido Key in Florida. FUN FACT: According to his children, their dad is excellent at body surfing. “Actually–I really am!” he admitted. 7   




Prayer Walk—Take some time after dinner to prayer-walk (or bike) your neighborhood. Take note of ways you can continue to pray for and serve your neighbors. Learn more about how you can begin praying for your neighbors by name at


Spell a Blessing— Whether it is a flight, road trip, or a quick trip around town, make the most of your travel time by encouraging one another (Ephesians 4:29). Using the letters in each person’s name, give a compli-ment that begins with that letter (ex. Gus could be g-generous, u-uplifting, s-sweet). Talk about other ways we can build others up with our words.

Car Talk—Discuss the differences among vehicles (age, color, dents, size, etc.) Each vehicle will have unique

characteristics. In the same way, no two people are created alike. Discuss some of the differences among people, and empha-size God’s unique design. Identify two unique traits or abilities for each person. Thank God for the ways He has made each of us unique. (Psalm 139:14)

License Plate Find—Look for license plates from other states. Let each person share facts about that state and attempt to name towns or cities there. Use the let-ters in the plate to create rhyming words or funny phrases. (Ex. PBC-123 might be “pear, bear, care” or “Porcupine Breakfast Club”). Pray for the un-reached people in each state (or country) you see.

Airport Hangtime—If you spend any time in an airport this summer, check the arrival/departures board. See if you can guess where each flight is from, then pray for the people on each flight & the country/city it’s from. 8 

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In the warm weather there are many ways for individu-als and families to reach out and serve those around them. Here are just some things you can do this sum-mer. YOUNG CHILDREN

Make cards/crafts for neighbors.

Help bake and/or deliver baked goods to others.

Help pass out popsicles on a hot day.

Help plant a garden and share the extra produce.

Pack food for the Feeding Ministry (4th Fridays at Parkway)

OLDER KIDS/TEENS Any of the above, and:

Return an empty trash can from the curb.

Start a canned-food collection for a local food bank.

Pick-up trash at the neighborhood park or play-ground.

Do age appropriate yard work or lawn care.

Offer to walk dog or feed pets for vacationing neighbors.

Attend Feeding Ministry food distribution (with adult; 4th and 5th Saturdays—call church office for details) ADULTS Any of the above, and:

Invite others to dinner/cookout/game night. Offer rides or organize car pools for neighbors. Watch for “For Sale” and “Sold” signs. Help move

furniture or bring a care/welcome package. Assist with minor fixes and maintenance to house or

vehicles (working within your skill level). 9   



You will need: - construction paper/card stock (light colors work best) - bubble blowers or straws - tempera paint in different colors - plastic cups or bowls (for separating colors) - bubble mix (or 1:3 mix of dish soap to water) - optional painters tape/stickers/stencils for “cut out” patterns Instructions: 1) Mix paint (use a lot of paint for brighter colors) with the bubble mix and separate into cups. 2) Dip the straw or blower into the paint/bubble mix. 3) Aim for the paper and blow! 4) When you are finished, let it dry completely (especially before you remove any painters tape/stickers or the paper will tear). 5) Frame your art, or use it to make cards to give away.


You will need: - straws/pipe cleaners - tape or glue - Card stock or construction paper - hole punch

Instructions: 1) Cut leaf and flower (tulip) shapes from construction paper. 2) Fan fold the flower, hole punch the middle, & place straw through. 3) Attach the leaves to the stem with tape or glue.

Summer is a perfect time to get to know some new friends and gather with old ones.

Learn more and Sign Up at

Parkway Women’s Ministry Presents

Summer Sisters 10 

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You will need: - paints, in different colors - paper plates or shallow containers - markers or Sharpie - construction paper or card stock - 9 Fruits/veggies (Apples, citrus, pears, kiwi, celery, pota-

toes, Chinese cabbage, bananas, even strawberries, blueberries (whole), work well) Instructions: 1) Wash fruit and cut in half (or lengthwise or into wedges) and pat dry with paper towels. 2) Put paint onto plates or containers 3) Dip 9 of the fruits into paints and stamp across the paper. Let Dry. 4) Label each “fruit” and write Galatians 5:22-23 on your painting.


You will need: - paper plates (3) - glue - animal shapes - markers Instructions: 1) Cut 2 of the plates—one in half, one 1.5 inches smaller. Color the inside of each plate brown. Color half of the inside of the remaining whole plate in a rainbow. 3) Draw or print and color animals (2 of each). Cut them out. 4) Stack the brown plates (smallest on top) and glue or secure the three plates together along the edges with glue. 5) Place the animal pairs in the ark (tuck them in the plates)! 6) Read Genesis 9:1-17 and remember God’s Promise!

ALLABOUTTHATBASE PASTOR MIKE, WHAT DOES YOUR FAMILY LOVE TO DO IN SUMMER? Our family LOVES going to the beach and going to Flying Squirrels baseball games during the summer. Jillian loves to boogie board at the beach and Landon loves to try and catch foul balls at “Nutzy” games, as he calls them! Julie and I enjoy the time spent together as a family! I enjoy the beach, too, but one year, while on vacation as a teen-ager with my family, I was sitting on the beach after boogie boarding and all of a sudden I felt something hit my back. As soon as this happened, I heard my mom laughing hysterically. I reached back to see what it was and as I brought my hand back around to see what it was, I quickly found out that it was poop from a seagull. 





SUN JULY 7 Neighbors and Nations Day Churchwide Breakfast ….………. 9:00am Vital: Psalm 145 ………….…..…….. 10:30am MON JULY 8 M-fuge Campers Depart …….……….. 7/8—7/12 CentriKid Campers Depart ..……….. 7/8—7/12 Parkway VS Parkway Softball ………. 8:30pm

THU JULY 11 Philippines Team Departs ………..... 7/11—7/22 SUN JULY 14 Vital: Psalm 40 ………………...…... 9am/10:30am

SUN JULY 21 Vital: Psalms 67 and 96 ……... 9am/10:30am Summer Series #2 ...……………..…... 4pm—7pm - Core Class: Starting a Small Group - Skills for Living: From Mess2Success SUN JULY 28 Vital: Psalm 139 ……………….….... 9am/10:30am MON JULY 29—THU AUG 1 VBS: The Incredible Race ….. 9am—12:30pm


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1  Daniel 9-10; 2 John 

2  Daniel 11-12; 3 John 

3  Hosea 1-4; Jude 

4  Hosea 5-8; Revelation 1 

5  Hosea 9-11; Revelation 2 

6  Hosea 12-14; Revelation 3 

7  Joel; Revelation 4 

8  Amos 1-3; Revelation 5 

9  Amos 4-6; Revelation 6 

10  Amos 7-9; Revelation 7 

11  Obadiah; Revelation 8 

12  Jonah; Revelation 9 

13  Micah 1-3; Revelation 10 

14  Micah 4-5; Revelation 11 

15  Micah 6-7; Revelation 12 

16  Nahum; Revelation 13 

17  Habakkuk; Revelation 14 

18  Zephaniah; Revelation 15 

19  Haggai; Revelation 16 

20  Zechariah 1-3; Revelation 17 

21  Zechariah 4-6; Revelation 18 

22  Zechariah 7-9; Revelation 19 

23  Zechariah 10-12; Revelation 20 

24  Zechariah 13-14; Revelation 21 

25  Malachi; Revelation 22 

26  Genesis 1-2; Matthew 1 

27  Genesis 3-5; Matthew 2 

28  Genesis 6-8; Matthew 3 

29  Genesis 9-11; Matthew 4 

30  Genesis 12-14; Matthew 5:1-26 

31  Genesis 15-17; Matthew 5:27-48 13   



Inviting someone new to visit a service or small group on a Sunday morning is one way to connect them with the gospel. But consider some other ways you can reach your neighbors and the nations around you.

Families with children:

VBS—Our theme this year is “Incredible Race” where we will celebrate God’s unique design of all races and nations. We say YES to VBS!

Host a play-date or movie night featuring your favor-ite Veggie Tales or Hermie movie. Your free RightNow Media account provides access to many family-friendly shows and movies (visit and click the RightNow Media link on our carousel).

Sports Camp. An opportunity in August to invite kids in the community to come gain some new skills in basketball and have some seeds planted.

Upward. Registration starts at the end of sports camp. This league is gospel driven and one of our biggest means of outreach to surrounding communities.

Families with older kids/teens:

The Gathering. This is a once a month time for Studentz that includes games, music, food, and more.

Studentz Tailgates and other seasonal activities. There are a variety of opportunities throughout the year to bring and invite friends to participate. For parents and adults:

Start a small group in your neighborhood. Small groups are unique in that they offer a place to read and discuss the Bible, but also provide an environment of fellowship and gospel community.

Skills For Living. These Summer Series offerings are designed as community classes. Though not necessari-ly “gospel” in content, they are missional in intention. See the Calendar of Events for more information.

Host a ‘Live Feed’ Breakfast. Invite your neighbors over for Sunday breakfast or brunch and stream the Parkway Family service LIVE. You don’t even need an account to watch. Just visit 14 

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Gaining a heart for Global Missions starts right here at home. Here are some simple ways to do just that while supporting those from the Parkway Family that are currently on the field.

1) PRAY often for these partners, and the people and places they serve, as well as their families back home.

2) SUBSCRIBE to email updates, newsletters, or Facebook groups to stay connected to their work and prayer needs.

3) REPLY to let them know you’ve been reading their updates. A simple “I enjoyed reading this! Thank you for sending it.” is a great (and secure) way to encourage them.

4) JOIN a care team. Teams meet throughout the year to pray for, connect with, support, and advocate for partners.

5) GIVE to the Acts 1:8 Harvest Offering.

For security guidelines and other info, see appendix, page 20.


Nick and Jem Guarino—Philippines Ben Cornatzer Aman and Shanti K*—S Asia Rhonda Hawks Mike and Jane Nales—Romania Travis Oden Colt and Riley Tacket*—SE Asia Jay Barton Tim and Amy Wisdom—NoVa Greg Ayers 15   



Cultural Transformation is something that a lot of Christians talk about and aspire to. We want to be part of transforming the culture. The question is, how is culture transformed? Does it hap-pen just because we think more about culture, or because we pay more attention to culture? While that sounds nice, the answer is no, that's not how culture is transformed. Culture changes when people make more and better cultural goods. If we want to see culture transformed we have to get into the midst of the human cultural project and create some new cultural goods that reshape the way people imagine and experience their world. Cultural goods are things like music, art, movies, writings, and even food, that we encounter daily whether we recognize them or not.

In his book “Culture Making” Andy Crouch points out that all too often Christians interact with culture and cultural goods in only one of four ways. We:

CONSUME—to take in a cultural good as offered. COPY—to borrow from popular culture and infuse Christian content. CRITIQUE—to analyze goods for lacking and redeeming qualities. CONDEMN—to “turn up a nose” or dislike a set of cultural goods.

Where the Church used to be the driving force behind cultural goods, that cultivation has been left to the secular world.

Crouch argues that the best way for the Church to influence culture is to CULTIVATE & CREATE its own cultural goods. For centuries the church created cultural goods that shaped society from music (like Handel's Messiah), to architecture and art. If we want to transform culture, then the church (you and me) must create more and better cultural goods.

The Parkway Family had an example of that this spring when Pastor Jonathan debuted 10 of his cultural goods in the compilation musical “He’s Coming Again.”

As we press on this summer, we want to continue the trend of creating culture by inviting the Parkway family to create cultural goods around the theme of “Pressing On.”

So, we invite you to take time this summer and create a cultural good (song, drawing, painting, sculpture, writing, poem, etc.) that captures or symbolizes the greater theme of “Pressing On.” In August we will display your cultural good at a Parkway Family Gallery, bringing worship to our great God through the cultural goods we create as a family. We'll invite the church family and greater community to be inspired to press on as we journey on together! 

To learn more or participate, begin creating and check for times and dates!  16 

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THU AUG 1 VBS Family Night ……………………...………... 6pm FRI AUG 2 Montreal Team Departs …………..….. 8/2—8/9 SUN AUG 4 Pas Ethnoi: Psalm 7 ……………. 9am/10:30am Next Steps for Kidz ……………………….…..... 5pm Peru Team Departs ……………………... 8/4—8/11 SUN AUG 11 Pas Ethnoi: Psalm 39 ………….. 9am/10:30am

SUN AUG 18 Pas Ethnoi: Psalm 37 ………..… 9am/10:30am MON AUG 12—WED AUG 14 Sports Camp ………..………… 6:30pm—8:30pm SUN AUG 25 Pas Ethnoi: Psalm 133 ………… 9am/10:30am Summer Series #3 ...………….......... 4pm—7pm - Core Class: Living on Mission as a Family - Skills for Living: Eating Smart


NEXTSPACE This summer, as we prepare for our next space to break ground, be in prayer. As you walk to your car or to the pavilion, take a moment to thank God for His faithfulness and provision to Parkway—past, present, and future. Pray for the ministries and people that will fill the space and how God will continue to move there. And pray for our Next Space team as they plan and guide the process.





1  Genesis 18-19; Matthew 6 

2  Genesis 20-22; Matthew 7 

3  Genesis 23-24; Matthew 8 

4  Genesis 25-26; Matthew 9:1-17 

5  Genesis 27-28; Matthew 9:18-38 

6  Genesis 29-30; Matthew 10:1-23 

7  Genesis 31-32; Matthew 10:24-42 

8  Genesis 33-35; Matthew 11 

9  Genesis 36-37; Matthew 12:1-21 

10  Genesis 38-40; Matthew 12:22-50 

11  Genesis 41; Matthew 13:1-32 

12  Genesis 42-43; Matthew 13:33-58 

13  Genesis 44-45; Matthew 14:1-21 

14  Genesis 46-48; Matthew 14:22-36 

15  Genesis 49-50; Matthew 15:1-20 

16  Exodus 1-3; Matthew 15:21-39 

17  Exodus 4-6; Matthew 16 

18  Exodus 7-8; Matthew 17 

19  Exodus 9-10; Matthew 18:1-20 

20  Exodus 11-12; Matthew 18:21-35 

21  Exodus 13-15; Matthew 19:1-15 

22  Exodus 16-18; Matthew 19:16-30 

23  Exodus 19-21; Matthew 20:1-16 

24  Exodus 22-24; Matthew 20:17-34 

25  Exodus 25-26; Matthew 21:1-22 

26  Exodus 27-28; Matthew 21:23-46 

27  Exodus 29-30; Matthew 22:1-22 

28  Exodus 31-33; Matthew 22:23-46 

29  Exodus 34-36; Matthew 23:1-22 

30  Exodus 37-38; Matthew 23:23-39 

31  Exodus 39-40; Matthew 24:1-22  18 

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Go fishing. Read Luke 5:1-11.

Birdwatch/feed the ducks. Consider Matthew 6:25-34.

Sky watch. Find shapes in the clouds, catch the sunrise and/or sunset, count the stars. Read Psalm 19.


Visit an art museum. Create your own art gallery to share and give away. Thank the Creator of all things.

Try a recipe or restaurant that serves an ethnic food you have never tried. Research the country it comes from. Pray for the people and church in that country.

Learn a new song or try a new instrument. Teach or perform the song for someone else. Read 2 Chronicles 20:1-30. Discuss how song is important to God.


Have a water balloon fight. In light of Ephesians 6:10-18, discuss what battles believers must fight.

“Would You Rather” Bible edition. Ask questions like: Would you rather have seen the Red Sea being parted or Jesus walking on water? Would you rather have dinner with Moses or Paul? Make your own questions.

Write a memory verse on a balloon or beach ball. Try to keep the ball(oon) from hitting the ground. Talk about how we can lift God’s Word in our daily life.

With a small group, try to lay on the floor and create an animal shape—each person is a different part. Dis-cuss how we each have different roles in the Body of Christ. Why is each part important?

RIGHTONTRACK PASTOR JONATHAN, WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SUMMER ACTIVITY? Riding Rollercoasters! I have ridden 65 different coasters in 9 different parks. My favorite is Maverick at Cedar Point. FUN FACT: In his teens Jonathan was in 2 theme park com-mercials. In one, he had to ride the same ride for 20 takes -The Crypt at Kings Dominion. He hasn’t ridden it since!




Emailing Missionary Partners Securely.

“As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.” In writing your missionary an email filled with the simple events of your life, you will be quenching an unseen thirst of God’s servant. They will read you emails, squeezing every drop of joy from the news of their homeland—that far country.

Know they may not be able to return your kindness. They need your encouragement! An e-mail from home provides a great boost. All the while, be aware that they may not be able to reciprocate, and your efforts may only bring an occasional response, and that they may not even mention their missionary work.

When they visit or before they leave, ask for communication guidelines for their country. Remember, they might live under surveillance: Their e-mail read; their telephone calls monitored; their activities might be observed. Your missionary should have suggestions for you to follow, but generally when writing a note do not criticize the government of the host country; do not talk about politics; do not mention missions, witnessing, or evangelism; do not talk about church planting. Don’t mention your missionary’s friends or identify the people they are trying to reach in their host coun-try. Limit your use of “Christian” language. For example: God = father, he, him  Jesus = son, he, him  Holy Spirit = spirit, HS  Bible = word or book  Church = family or community  Missionaries = workers  Missions = ac vity, work, business  Evangelism = ac vity, work, business 

“Well … what can I write about then?” You would be surprised how refreshing and enjoyable your letter describing the activities of everyday life will be for your missionary. Tell of the changing seasons; talk about the headlines; bring them up to speed on the progress of their favorite team; share a new recipe or a picture from your family vacation; tell about your trip to the county fair. Ask them for a description of the scenes outside their windows, and offer them a description of yours.

For more information about how to subscribe, email, and reach out to Care Team leaders, email Lauren G @ [email protected]

Ministry = ac vity, work, business  Minister = ac vity, work, business  Witnessing = sharing, talking  Chris an = brother, sister Conversion/Salva on = change of heart  Prayer = talking, thinking, asking  Teammates = colleagues, coworkers  Gospel = good news 


Page 12: GUIDE TO SUMMER - ONLINE LAYOUTpress on without the Word of the God, without loving and worshiping God, and without loving what God loves. The Psalms teach us to love the Word of God,




Adapated from and “Praying the Bible” by Don Whitney

“God gave the Psalms to us so that we would give the Psalms back to God. No other book of the Bible was inspired for that expressed purpose.

In light of this, I want to commend to you a system-atic approach for praying a Psalm each day. The approach did not originate with me, but I can’t recall where I first encountered the concept decades ago. It’s called “Psalms of the Day.” If you intend to pray through a Psalm, using the Psalms of the Day approach helps you avoid thumbing through the middle of your Bible, randomly searching for a Psalm that looks interesting. Too often, such an incon-sistent process results in omitting many of the Psalms. It also can slow your devotional momentum as you find yourself aimlessly meandering through chapters instead of praying.

With the Psalms of the Day … if you read five Psalms a day for an entire month, at the end of the month you would have read through the entire book of Psalms! … [That’s] based on taking the 150 Psalms and dividing them by thirty days (because most months have at least thirty days). That results in five Psalms per day.

While reading five Psalms a day is a great practice that many enjoy … [if you are busy, you can] take thirty sec-onds or so to quickly scan the five specific Psalms for each day and pick the one that best leads you to prayer on that occasion.

[On the following page you will find a] simple, printable prayer guide that visually conveys all you’ll need to un-derstand what I’m trying to describe.” 21   


APPENDIX Adapted from and

“Praying the Bible” by Don Whitney



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Page 13: GUIDE TO SUMMER - ONLINE LAYOUTpress on without the Word of the God, without loving and worshiping God, and without loving what God loves. The Psalms teach us to love the Word of God,


































































Page 14: GUIDE TO SUMMER - ONLINE LAYOUTpress on without the Word of the God, without loving and worshiping God, and without loving what God loves. The Psalms teach us to love the Word of God,


































































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