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© Purcell & Roberts, 2015

Guide to Success: Further and Higher Education

Page 2: Guide to Success: Further and Higher · 2019-03-22 · Further and higher education institutions are large, complex, adaptive

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Guides to Success: Further and Higher Education

Foreword “When I was asked to write a Foreword to Guides to Success: Further andHigher Education, I felt both privileged and delighted. I have felt especiallyprivileged by being on this whole project and meeting fellow neurodiversepeople, being given the chance to swop ideas and experiences with theaforementioned and the facilitators and delighted that of the four subjects wehave covered this is the one closest to my heart.

I am fifty-one years old. I was diagnosed with dyspraxia very late in my life."So why be bothering now?" I can guess you are wondering. Well basically it isjust nice to know. It puts the missing jigsaw pieces in the large andcomplicated jigsaw that has been my life thus far. It doesn't change anything,but at least I know that the majority of the failures that I have had, and themistakes I have made have not been my fault. It has indeed been no onesfault. Just that I was born a bit earlier than the majority of the people who willread this. You who have been given these guides will previously have beengiven your diagnoses. You already have the very first tools to work with.

I didn't do badly at school but I could have done much better with a little bit ofextra help. I also wouldn't have wasted a year trying to learn to type andshorthand! (I cannot type properly to this day and have promised myself oneof those lovely 'speaking computers' at some point). School days are notnecessarily the Happiest ones, but they are the days when you are young, thatyou will probably have the most support. Either from parents or other closefriends and family. It is a time when hopefully you will be least responsibilityfor others. Life is harder for anybody with any 'difference' so value that timeand that help, and if at all possible stay in education and get what you needfor life then. Education later in life may for the above reasons be much hardertime wise as well as financially!

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Foreword (cont)Education is important for all, but when you have a 'difference' a 'disability' orare 'neurodiverse', call it what you will, then education can be your backbone.We are not all Einstein's, you don't necessarily need a Masters to master lifewith. But striving to obtain as good an education as you mentally,emotionally, physically (and these days financially), will enable you to fly ashigh as it is possible for you to do.

Education is a back bone we all have, whether we like it or not. and howstraight and strong it is, is up to you. You have one huge advantage over me,you know, at the beginning of your life what your situation is. You can workwith it and accommodate it. Run with your situation and FLY!”

Good Luck and Best Wishes.

Sheila – Adult with Dyspraxia

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Guides to Success: Further and Higher Education

IntroductionThis Guide to Success focuses on strategies and adaptations that the authorshave found useful in further and higher education settings. These tips andsuggestions are those they have used in either college or university or both.

As an adult we are expected to be able to manage not only the academiccontent of a course but also the necessary preparation for lectures andassignments, as well as the social interactions needed to work with fellowstudents. For some of us this can be tricky, particularly if you have aneurodiverse profile*.

Further and higher education institutions are large, complex, adaptive socialsystems which require an understanding and ability to complete the tasks youare expected to do but also find resources and navigate complex timetabling.This can be hard work if you’re shy or if organisational skills is not yourstrength.

This Guide to Success is intended to offer you a range of suggestions that youcan try out for yourself, some suggestions will be helpful whilst others less so.The adaptations and strategies described have been suggested by the authorsas they have found them to be useful. They offer their personal reflections onways to approach education, with some top tips shared that we all hope youwill find useful. It is also important to remember that not all the suggestionsshould or could be implemented at one time. It will be necessary to choosejust a few aspects of education to work on, and this may take some time. Youmight find that you have to try something more than once to really appreciatethe benefits so don’t give up if something doesn’t work for you first time.

We hope you find the Guide useful.

* A concept where neurological differences are to be recognised and respected as any otherhuman variation. These differences can include those labeled with Dyspraxia, Dyslexia,Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum Conditions etc.

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Guides to Success: Further and Higher Education


This guide is all about further and higher education. Weare defining further and higher education as tertiary (postschool) education.

Section 1: Disclosure and Awareness.… 6 to 8

Section 2: Before the Lesson/Lecture....… 9 to 10

Section 3: During the Lesson/Lecture..….… 11 to 14

Section 4: Outside the Lesson/Lecture… 15 to 20

Section 5: Assignments and 21 to 23

Section 6: Social 24 to 25

Section 7: Resources………… 26 to 27

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Guides to Success: Further and Higher Education

It is sometimes difficult to decide who and how to informothers of the potential challenges you may have during alesson and/or course.

The next section shares the authors reflections on raisingawareness amongst tutors and fellow students aboutdifferences that can impact on learning.

Examples of possible challenges:

“It isn’t always easy to find a sympathetic / empathetic ear”

Disclosure and Awareness


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Guides to Success: Further and Higher Education

Disclosure and Awareness

Find someone with a ‘kind face’ who you are happy

to talk to

Make tutors aware of your differences

Decide who you can and want to disclose to and


People just don’t know how to support sometimes so

help them by being proactive and being clear about

what you need

Sometimes it helps to use humour or levity when

disclosing or raising awareness


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Guides to Success: Further and Higher Education

Disclosure and Awareness

Practice explaining your differences to yourself, or

someone that knows you before you disclose to

someone else

Disclosure can take the pressure off, increased tutor

and student awareness can be a big help

Make tutors aware of your challenges beyond the

academic content of the course, for example with

things like establishing social contact with peers

Have something ready to break the ice, people do

tend to take you on your own evaluations, so don’t

run yourself down – be honest but positive


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Guides to Success: Further and Higher Education

To ensure that you make the most of lessons and lecturesand can fully engage with discussion you may need topre- prepare for the session in advance.

The following section outlines the authors suggestions.

Examples of possible challenges:

“Need time to process information – it can take a fewhours”

Before the Lesson / Lecture


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Guides to Success: Further and Higher Education

Before the Lesson / Lecture

Make sure you’re on the right course for you

Pick and choose what you go to – are all of the

lectures really necessary

Go to study skills advice sessions- use the help on


Make sure you put together a study skills timetable

and revision timetable that can be followed

throughout the course or module

Prepare for lectures / tutorials in advance- download

presentations and/or lecture briefings

Seek advice on how to cope and manage pressure

and deadlines


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Guides to Success: Further and Higher Education

During the lesson or lecture there may be things that canbe done to make the experience more enjoyable andbeneficial.

The following strategies have been suggested by ourauthors.

Examples of possible challenges:

“Difficulties establishing and managing groups”

During the Lesson / Lecture


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Guides to Success: Further and Higher Education

During the Lesson / Lecture

Use pictures (combined words) when taking notes

Use key words to develop a list/glossary of key words

rather than trying to capture everything

Consider using a professional note taker so that you

can concentrate on listening- you may be entitled to

this through Disability Student Allowance.

Voice record lectures (after negotiating permission

with tutors)

Ask for help with additional handouts of verbal

information covered in lectures / tutorials


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Guides to Success: Further and Higher Education

During the Lesson / Lecture

Get copies of PowerPoint slides before the lectures

so you can prepare and use the hard copy to write

your notes on in the lecture

Minimise dual tasking (e.g. either listen or write not

both at the same time)

Group work can be difficult to manage, so try to build

relationships and confidence amongst the members

When doing group work, remember that other

people may be just as nervous of ‘putting a foot

wrong’ as you are


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Guides to Success: Further and Higher Education

During the Lesson / Lecture

Positioning inside the room is really important,

consider sitting in the front to give you a clear view

of the screen / board although being able to hide can

also be useful at times

If you feel you may want to ‘escape’, sit on the

outside. Also, if this is a possibility, warn your

lecturer / tutor, explain why and ask for help with

anything you may miss

Engage in seminar groups or small group discussions

to discuss a topic


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Guides to Success: Further and Higher Education

Much of your learning will take place outside of theclassroom or lecture theatre and so managing your timeand independent study becomes very important.

The authors have identified a range of suggestions andstrategies that they will share with you in the nextsection.

Examples of possible challenges:

“Different interpretations of deadlines – your pacingversus someone else’s pacing”

Outside the Lesson / Lecture


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Outside the Lesson / Lecture

Narrowing your focus down can help – concentrate

on one aspect at a time

Remember procrastination time can be important

allowing you space to think

Use a friend’s notes rather than worrying about

taking your own

When revising use the material to make up

memorable stories to help you learn information and

trigger recall

Prioritise e.g. Study time more important than



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Outside the Lesson / Lecture

After lectures re-write notes in a brief form and

different colour paper

Write summary notes after a lecture using colour


Teach someone else what you have learnt to

consolidate learning

Cannot rely on just verbal based learning, know your

preferred learning style and use it

Do something different i.e. if you’re spending time

reading go for a run, opposite hobbies to your study

Do work in slices rather than doing everything at


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Guides to Success: Further and Higher Education

Outside the Lesson / Lecture

Keep clutter to a minimum, use computer facilities to

keep paperwork to a minimum

Buy a pencil case that has all of your necessary

equipment in it

Use the expandable files for bills or notes

Get expert advice e.g. career path, medical advice

Negotiate the location of group work preparation,

some people might want to meet in noisy places (like

the pub) but this can affect concentration

Give yourself time for consolidation


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Guides to Success: Further and Higher Education

Outside the Lesson / Lecture

To ensure that you continue to look after yourself

during busy period have some signature dishes that

you can cook easily in bulk

Keep laundry up to date and have clothes that do not

need ironing

As the introduction to this section stated, ‘your

pacing versus someone else's pacing’. If you need

more time to study then take it – even if it means

missing that drink down the pub – know your needs.

There is no such thing as an ‘average learner’.


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Guides to Success: Further and Higher Education

Preparing for assignments and examinations can beanxiety provoking. Preparation is the key.

The following section outlines some top tips from theauthors on ways to manage assignments andexaminations.

Examples of possible challenges:

“Working to deadlines can be difficult and anxietyprovoking.”

Assignments and Exams


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Guides to Success: Further and Higher Education

Assignments and Exams

Don’t be afraid to ask for extensions- know the


Use a spell checker or ask a friend to proofread or

use your proofreading parents/partner

Use spider diagrams or mind maps to help organise

material and plan assignments

Break things down to manageable salami slices e.g.

this is the reading material that I’m doing to answer

this bit of the question, create separate folders for

different parts of an assignment

Utilise extra time and / or word processor in exams

Request computer voice activated exams


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Assignments and Exams

Plan assignments in small steps

Revise by creating a question and answer notebook

Extra time in exams (25%) – use it to process carefully

what is being asked but to also check through your


Have all necessary equipment for exam ready in an

exam bag e.g. pencil case

Plan answer questions in a format that will help you

recall them e.g. as spider diagrams

Look at and practice past papers

Allow yourself extra time for assignments and

preparing for exams23

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Guides to Success: Further and Higher Education

Much of our learning is shared with others and so thedaily social interactions that are necessary have to bemanaged by all.

The authors have shared a few of their ideas aboutmanaging the social aspect of education.

Examples of possible challenges:

“Can be very hard to manage social pressure to conformto peer pressure / expectations”

Social Aspects


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Social Aspects

Engage in a range of activities e.g. physical activity, to

break up the day, you will begin to meet others

Be proactive and make suggestions that will help you

and reflect your preferred learning style

Join one or two student societies to get stuck in and

find a common language

Find a mentor familiar with your differences

Don’t take on too much

Avoid too much alcohol

Read a daily paper so you have current topics to



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Useful Resources

Ted Talks

Bright Knowledge

The National Student

Student Discounts

Disability Student Allowance

How to Succeed with Specific Learning Difficulties at College and University


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Useful Resources

Top Tips for Asperger Students: How to Get the Most Out of University and College

How to Study: Practical Tips for university Students

Brilliant Writing Tips for Students (Pocket Study Skills)

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Guides to Success: Further and Higher Education

We would like to thank the authors of this Guide, who gaveup their time to share their expertise and experiences withus in order to develop a series of these Guides. We hope thatsome of the strategies and tips that these authors haveidentified as useful for them, will also be useful for you.

Other guides available:

Activities of Daily Living



This guide was supported by an award from the Richard Benjamin Trust to DrCatherine Purcell and Sally Scott-Roberts (2015).

For further information or to request another guide please [email protected]

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