Page 1: GT ELA 7 Week of April 13-17


Week of April 13-17

Overview: This week we will be using our three informational writing structures (compare/contrast, cause/effect, and problem/solution) to write about earthquakes, inspired by the March 31st earthquake. You will be using your informational reading (RI.7.2 and RI.7.5) and informational writing skills (W.7.2),

while exploring a topic that is scientifically interesting and now closely connected to your personal experiences!

Activity Resources

MON -Read the provided articles. -Optional: Take notes about info that will be useful in your paragraphs.

-2 USGS Articles -New York Times Article -Eploratorium Article

TUES -Create your own graphic organizers for the three types of writing (listed above). Try to pull information from the articles and organize it into the three types. While you will not write all three paragraphs, planning them is good practice.

-Graphic Organizer Suggestions

WED -Finish your graphic organizers from Tuesday. As you are creating all three, the extra work time will be useful.

-Graphic Organizer Suggestions

THURS -Select one of the three graphic organizers to write a full paragraph on. -Write a draft, with a focus on organization, integration of facts, in-text (parenthetical) citations, and strong transitions. -Begin revision of your draft.

-Text Structure Transitions -Optional Text Structure Outlines

FRI -Finish revision and complete a round of editing, making sure you’ve checked the details. -Write a clean, MLA formatted copy. -If possible, share your paragraph with someone in your family (either in person or on the phone). The experience on March 31st was historical, so help someone you know learn more about the science behind the event.

-Proofreading & editing marks -Informative Writing Rubric (*Included just as a guide.)

Additional Reviews & Reminders

• Sentence Structure Notes & Practice w/Key

• Genius Hour (*Rubric is included just as a guide.)

• Independent Reading

• Get outside and take a walk, run, hike shoot some hoops, dance, cheer, play your violin, sing, etc.

Page 2: GT ELA 7 Week of April 13-17

The Science of Earthquakes • Overview(active tab)

Originally written by Lisa Wald (U.S. Geological Survey) for “The Green Frog


A normal (dip-slip) fault is an inclined fracture where the rock mass above an inclined fault moves down (Public domain.)

What is an earthquake?

An earthquake is what happens when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another. The surface where they slip is

called the fault or fault plane. The location below the earth’s surface where the earthquake starts is called the hypocenter, and the location directly above it on the surface of the earth is called the epicenter.

Sometimes an earthquake has foreshocks. These are smaller earthquakes that happen in the same place as the larger

earthquake that follows. Scientists can’t tell that an earthquake is a foreshock until the larger earthquake happens. The

largest, main earthquake is called the mainshock. Mainshocks always have aftershocks that follow. These are smaller

earthquakes that occur afterwards in the same place as the mainshock. Depending on the size of the mainshock,

aftershocks can continue for weeks, months, and even years after the mainshock!

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A simplified cartoon of the crust (brown), mantle (orange), and core (liquid in light gray, solid in dark gray) of the earth. (Public domain.)

What causes earthquakes and where do they happen?

The earth has four major layers: the inner core, outer core, mantle and crust. The crust and the top of the mantle make

up a thin skin on the surface of our planet.

But this skin is not all in one piece – it is made up of many pieces like a puzzle covering the surface of the earth. Not only

that, but these puzzle pieces keep slowly moving around, sliding past one another and bumping into each other. We call

these puzzle pieces tectonic plates, and the edges of the plates are called the plate boundaries. The plate boundaries are

made up of many faults, and most of the earthquakes around the world occur on these faults. Since the edges of the plates are rough, they get stuck while the rest of the plate keeps moving. Finally, when the plate has moved far enough, the edges

unstick on one of the faults and there is an earthquake.

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The tectonic plates divide the Earth's crust into distinct "plates" that are always slowly moving. Earthquakes are concentrated along these plate boundaries. (Public domain.)

Why does the earth shake when there is an earthquake?

While the edges of faults are stuck together, and the rest of the block is moving, the energy that would normally cause the

blocks to slide past one another is being stored up. When the force of the moving blocks finally overcomes the friction of

the jagged edges of the fault and it unsticks, all that stored up energy is released. The energy radiates outward from the fault in all directions in the form of seismic waves like ripples on a pond. The seismic waves shake the earth as they move

through it, and when the waves reach the earth’s surface, they shake the ground and anything on it, like our houses and us!

How are earthquakes recorded?

The cartoon sketch of the seismograph shows how the insrument shakes with the earth below it, but the recording device

remains stationary (instead of the other way around). (Public domain.)

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Earthquakes are recorded by instruments called seismographs. The recording they make is called a seismogram. The

seismograph has a base that sets firmly in the ground, and a heavy weight that hangs free. When an earthquake causes the ground to shake, the base of the seismograph shakes too, but the hanging weight does not. Instead the spring or string that

it is hanging from absorbs all the movement. The difference in position between the shaking part of the seismograph and

the motionless part is what is recorded.

How do scientists measure the size of earthquakes?

The size of an earthquake depends on the size of the fault and the amount of slip on the fault, but that’s not something scientists can simply measure with a measuring tape since faults are many kilometers deep beneath the earth’s surface. So

how do they measure an earthquake? They use the seismogram recordings made on the seismographs at the surface of

the earth to determine how large the earthquake was (figure 5). A short wiggly line that doesn’t wiggle very much means a

small earthquake, and a long wiggly line that wiggles a lot means a large earthquake. The length of the wiggle depends on

the size of the fault, and the size of the wiggle depends on the amount of slip.

The size of the earthquake is called its magnitude. There is one magnitude for each earthquake. Scientists also talk about

theintensity of shaking from an earthquake, and this varies depending on where you are during the earthquake.

An example of a seismic wave with the P wave and S wave labeled. (Public domain.)

How can scientists tell where the earthquake happened?

Seismograms come in handy for locating earthquakes too, and being able to see the P wave and the S wave is important. You learned how P & S waves each shake the ground in different ways as they travel through it. P waves are also faster than

S waves, and this fact is what allows us to tell where an earthquake was. To understand how this works, let’s compare P and S waves to lightning and thunder. Light travels faster than sound, so during a thunderstorm you will first see the

lightning and then you will hear the thunder. If you are close to the lightning, the thunder will boom right after the

lightning, but if you are far away from the lightning, you can count several seconds before you hear the thunder. The further you are from the storm, the longer it will take between the lightning and the thunder.

P waves are like the lightning, and S waves are like the thunder. The P waves travel faster and shake the ground where you

are first. Then the S waves follow and shake the ground also. If you are close to the earthquake, the P and S wave will come

one right after the other, but if you are far away, there will be more time between the two.

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P Waves alternately compress and stretch the crustal material parallel to the direction they are propagating. S Waves cause

the crustal material to move back and forth perpendicular to the direction they are travelling. (Public domain.)

By looking at the amount of time between the P and S wave on a seismogram recorded on a seismograph, scientists can tell

how far away the earthquake was from that location. However, they can’t tell in what direction from the seismograph the

earthquake was, only how far away it was. If they draw a circle on a map around the station where the radius of the circle is

the determined distance to the earthquake, they know the earthquake lies somewhere on the circle. But where?

Scientists then use a method called triangulation to determine exactly where the earthquake was (see image below). It is

called triangulation because a triangle has three sides, and it takes three seismographs to locate an earthquake. If you draw a circle on a map around three different seismographs where the radius of each is the distance from that station to the

earthquake, the intersection of those three circles is the epicenter!

Can scientists predict earthquakes?

No, and it is unlikely they will ever be able to predict them. Scientists have tried many different ways of predicting

earthquakes, but none have been successful. On any particular fault, scientists know there will be another earthquake sometime in the future, but they have no way of telling when it will happen.

Is there such a thing as earthquake weather? Can some animals or

people tell when an earthquake is about to hit?

These are two questions that do not yet have definite answers. If weather does affect earthquake occurrence, or if some

animals or people can tell when an earthquake is coming, we do not yet understand how it works.

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Triangulation can be used to locate an earthquake. The seismometers are shown as green dots. The calculated distance

from each seismometer to the earthquake is shown as a circle. The location where all the circles intersect is the location of the earthquake epicenter. (Public domain.)

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• Oct. 29, 1983

An earthquake rocked eight Northwest states today, killing two small children here and injuring three other people. The business district of another small Idaho town was devastated.

The earthquake, which registered 6.9 on the Richter scale of intensity, was felt in an area roughly bordered by Dickinson, N.D., Portland, Ore., Prince George in British Columbia, and Salt Lake County, Utah. It was the strongest earthquake in the contiguous 48 states since 1959. The Richter scale is open-ended, and an increase of one point represents a tenfold increase in ground motion. A reading of 7 is a major earthquake, capable of widespread heavy damage. The temblor was also felt in Washington, Nevada, Wyoming, Montana and Alberta.

Tara Leadon, 7 years old, and Travis Frank, 6, were killed by falling debris this morning as they walked to school in Challis at 8:06 A.M.

Two people suffered minor injuries in Challis and a woman was hospitalized in nearby Mackay. State of Disaster Declared

Gov. John V. Evans declared a state of disaster in Custer County to provide for state and Federal aid. Several buildings in Mackay and Challis collapsed, including part of the Challis High School, but Sheriff Ken Bowers said municipal services were operating.

Governor Evans flew to this area in a National Guard plane to confer with local officials on assistance.

Waverly Person, a spokesman for the United States Geological Survey in Golden, Colo., said the temblor was centered along the Big Lost River 110 miles northwest of Pocatello, just west of 12,662-foot Mount Borah, Idaho's tallest peak, and near two mining towns, Mackay, population 550, and Challis, which has about 1,000 people.

Needles swung to their limits on seismographs at the Pacific Geoscience Center in Victoria, British Columbia. Aftershocks Follow in 2 Hours

Within two hours, more than 15 aftershocks were recorded. The strongest, measured at between 5.5 and 6.0 on the Richter scale, came about 2 P.M. in Butte, Mont., officials said.

In Mackay, which is some 50 miles southeast of Challis, all buildings in the central business district were extensively damaged, Fire Department officials said. Clouds of dust hung in the air, a section of highway dropped six feet, and bricks littered the streets.

Tom Shinderling, a Challis municipal employee who was working near the spot where the children were killed, said Sally Leadon, Tara's mother, had just seen her child off to school.

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''She was watching her walk by on the street when the building collapsed,'' Mr. Shinderling said. ''I ran over and started helping them remove the rocks.'' Then he left to get a backhoe. When he returned, the bodies had been found. Federal and State Workers Flee

Workers fled the Federal Building in Butte, Mont., after plaster cracked and a lighting fixture broke loose. The chimney of the Beaverhead County Courthouse in Montana collapsed. Employees at the Idaho Capitol fled to the basement. Students were evacuated from Boise State University so buildings could be checked. The Idaho state police closed U.S. 93 between Mackay and Challis and Idaho 75 between Clayton and Stanley after large boulders crashed down across lanes.

The earthquake surpassed the one that injured 45 people in the Coalinga, Calif., area in May and measured 6.7 on the Richter scale. On Aug. 17, 1959, an earthquake that registered 7.1 occurred at Hebgen Lake, Mont., killing 28 people. Last Death Was in 1971

The last time anyone was killed by an earthquake in the lower United States was Feb. 9, 1971, when a temblor with a magnitude of 6.5 struck the San Fernando Valley in California, killing more than 50 people. Two people died in Hawaii in 1975 in a seismic sea wave caused by a 7.2 magnitude earthquake. A quake of 7.4 rocked a 500-mile stretch of Northern California in 1980, but it was centered offshore.

It was the fifth quake in the United States this year to measure at least 6.5 on the Richter scale or to cause damage or injury.

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Magnitude 6.5 Earthquake Felt in Central Idaho Release Date: March 31, 2020

Department of the Interior,

U.S. Geological Survey

Office of Communications and Publishing

12201 Sunrise Valley Drive

Reston, VA 20192

United States

Phone: 703-648-4460

On March 31, 2020, a  magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck  near Boise, ID, in the

Challis National Forest. Seismic instruments indicate the earthquake originated

at a depth of 6.2 miles (10 kilometers).

During evening rush hour, at roughly 5:52 p.m. local time, a large earthquake struck about 72 miles northeast of Boise.

Perceived shaking for the quake was very strong. The event was widely felt, with close to 16,000 "Did You Feel It?" reports

thus far submitted, but likely to have low impact.

The USGS is coordinating its response with the Idaho Geological Survey.

Aftershock Forecast [last updated April 1]

According to our forecast, over the next week there is a < 1% chance of one or more aftershocks larger than

magnitude 6.5. It is likely there will be smaller earthquakes over the next week, as well, with 5 to 53 magnitude 3 or higher

aftershocks. Magnitude 3 and above are large enough to be felt near the epicenter. The number of aftershocks will drop off over time, but a large aftershock can increase the numbers again, temporarily.

Seismic Setting

The earthquake occurred as the result of strike slip faulting within the shallow crust of the North America plate. The

earthquake occurred in the western part of the Centennial Tectonic Belt, an area north of the Snake River Plain that is undergoing southwest-northeast extension. Historic seismicity in the immediate vicinity of the March 31 earthquake is

sparse; no earthquakes of M5+ have occurred within 50 km of this event over the past 50 years, and the most notable

historic seismicity in the region occurred about 100 km to the east on the Lost River fault zone. This was the site of the 1983

M6.9 Borah Peak earthquake (October 28, 1983), which killed 2 in Challis, and resulted in over $12M in damage in the

Challis-Mackay area, and which was followed by five other M 5+ events over the following year, and most recently a M5.0

earthquake in January 1950, about 60 km to the east of today’s event. The March 31, 2020 event is the largest in Idaho since

the 1983 Borah Peak earthquake.

Page 11: GT ELA 7 Week of April 13-17

San Francisco's TransAmerica pyramid is famous for its architecture. Diagonal trusses at its base protect it from both horizontal and vertical forces. Photos: NISEE

Ismit, Turkey, after a quake in 1999. Many buildings

were not engineered to withstand seismic shock, and so

collapsed. See larger image.

Building for the Big One What do San Francisco, Tokyo, and Istanbul have in common? They are the three most densely populated cities on the planet where seismologists expect major earthquakes. While the events that will inevitably shake these cities may be similar, the tolls they will take on the cities’ populations and infrastructures will be very different. Why? The answer lies in how their buildings and bridges are designed.

Most of the damage we associate with earthquakes involves human-built structures: people trapped by collapsed buildings or cut off from vital water or energy supplies. How a quake will affect the people of a city has a lot to do with how the city, its residents, and nearby governments have engineered structures and pipelines.

It might seem obvious to say that earthquakes do most of their damage by shaking the ground. But groundshaking is actually a complex phenomenon. Engineering the seismic safety of a structure involves the same considerations as any real estate venture—design, construction, and location, location, location.

When the ground beneath a building shakes, it makes the building sway as the energy of a quake’s waves moves through it. You might think that a skyscraper would be more dangerous than a smaller office building, but in fact, the opposite is often true. Here's why:

The taller a structure, the more flexible it is. The more flexible it is, the less energy is required to keep it from toppling or collapsing when the earth's shaking makes it sway. You can feel this same phenomenon while you're riding a bus or subway. It requires less effort to remain standing if you flex your body and flow with the bumps and jolts than if you stiffly try to defy them.

Because shorter buildings are stiffer than taller ones, a three-story apartment house is considered more vulnerable to earthquake damage than a 30-story skyscraper. When planning the seismic safety of a building, structural engineers must design the support elements of shorter buildings to withstand greater forces than those of taller buildings.

When the quake hits Jell-O San Francisco, watch how the different buildings

shake. The movement of the pointy TransAmerica building is more complicated

than that of the much smaller red Coit Tower atop Telegraph Hill. Sculpture and

video: Liz Hickok

This clip is 40 seconds long, the same length of time as the 1906 earthquake.

Of course, the materials a building is constructed from also determine its strength, and again, flexibility is important. Wood and steel have more give than stucco, unreinforced concrete, or masonry, and they are favored materials for building in fault zones. Skyscrapers everywhere must be reinforced to withstand strong forces from high winds, but in quake zones, there are additional considerations.

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The damping effect of base isolators on the movement of a

skyscraper. (More detail)

These two seismograms were taken from different locations in San Francisco during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. Fort

Mason (on the right) is on bedrock, less than a mile from the

other location, which is on landfill. (Larger image)

Engineers must design in structures that can absorb the energy of the waves throughout the height of the building. Floors and walls can be constructed to transfer the shaking energy downward through the building and back to the ground. The joints between supportive parts of a building can be reinforced to tolerate being bent or misshapen by earthquake forces.

Perhaps the most visually recognizable seismic safety feature of tall buildings is the truss. The TransAmerica pyramid in San Francisco is famous for its architecture: a wide base that narrows as it goes up increases the building’s stability. A network of diagonal trusses at its base supports the building against both horizontal and vertical forces.

In addition to strengthening a building against earthquake shocks, engineers can actually reduce the force a building is subjected to. They install what are called base isolators, which isolate the base of the building from the earth's movements. Most are one of two forms. Some are like giant hockey pucks that squish and deform as the building rocks atop them, absorbing some of the energy of the shaking. Others are sets of two horizontal surfaces, plates made frictionless so that they will slide past each other. The building sits on the top plates, the bottom plates rest on the ground. When the earth lurches, only the bottom plates move, sliding back and forth under the top plates.

Location, location, location Sometimes the characteristics of a particular earthquake and the ground a structure is on coincide in just the right (or wrong) way, and the quake is particularly devastating. Occasionally, a seismic wave hitting a building will have a frequency that just matches that structure's natural sway. In physics terms, the building has the same resonant frequency as the wave. When this happens, multiple waves at the resonant frequency pass through the structure, their effects amplifying each other. This makes for a very destructive force.

The impact of resonance was very apparent after a large quake in Mexico City in 1985. Mid-range buildings of 10-14 stories were in resonance with the seismic waves, causing those buildings to sufer more damage than shorter or taller ones. As quake waves pass through the earth, they are filtered in different ways by different kinds of soils. Mexico City sits on a mud plain, which happened to allow waves of a particularly devastating frequency to strike the buildings. Surprisingly, Mexico City is quite far from the epicenter of the 1985 quake. But because of this resonance phenomenon, the city suffered much more damage than some other towns closer to the fault.

So, the ground below a structure can be as important a safety consideration as its construction. Bedrock absorbs more wave energy than sandy soils or landfill, so buildings on solid rock will be much less affected than those built on softer soils. And if softer soils have water in them, they can become a little like quicksand during an earthquake. When seismic waves pass through saturated soil, they give it a strong squeeze. The soil loses its strength and behaves like a liquid, a process called liquefaction. Buildings on top of liquefied soil sink, and often topple.

Testing, testing. . . . How can engineers know for sure that their designs will withstand quakes? The short answer is that they have to see the building through a temblor. Quakes in Los Angeles, California, and Kobe, Japan, saw the collapse of buildings and freeways that were built to strict seismic standards. In recent years, though, researchers have developed shake tables that can subject full-scale buildings to quakelike forces. In 2005, engineers at the University of California, San Diego tested a seven-story, 275-ton building to see whether it could withstand tremors like the ones delivered by the 1994 Northridge quake that hit Los Angeles. They can use the same shake table to test models of other new building designs.

Seismic strengthening tricks are great for new buildings, but most structures in earthquake zones were built before seismic engineering was developed. What about the beloved Golden Gate Bridge, designed by engineers using slide rules? And critical freeway overpasses vital to a city's traffic flow? For that, we have the after-the-fact fixes of retrofitting.

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Witness liquefaction in action, and see for

yourself how sand, water, and a little jolt can

make bricks—and buildings—fall over.

Engineers can strengthen freeway overpasses in a number of ways. (See larger image.)

This overpass hadn't been retrofitted when the

1994 Northridge quake hit it. (More detail)

Fixin' for the Future

Los Angeles is a mythically expansive tangle of freeways passing over and under each other. In 1994, the Northridge quake lurched the earth beneath the city, twisting the aging overpasses. Some of them absorbed the shock. Others collapsed, killing drivers and cutting residents off from vital thoroughfares. What made the difference?

Some of the older freeway bridges had already undergone retrofitting, the process of adding features to a structure to strengthen it against the forces of earthquakes. In this case, the California Department of Transportation had begun dressing the support columns of existing bridges in a dapper jacket of thick steel that kept them standing during the quake. All the overpasses that failed during the quake were still awaiting their retrofit.

Older overpasses are supported by vertical steel rods embedded in the concrete of the pillars holding up the highway. If these rods are bent by the pressure of the freeway rocking above them, they lose their strength and continue to bend outward. Ultimately, the pillar can collapse. The steel girders prevent these rods from bending too far outward, helping the pillar retain enough strength to support the freeway above it.

Along with adding steel girders, engineers can add size and weight to a bridge’s footings, and anchor the footings more securely into the ground. Thick cables hold sections of the freeway together and secure it to the support pillars.

One of world’s most famous spans, the Golden Gate Bridge, poses a bit more of a retrofit challenge. It’s not just the magnitude 8 threats posed by the nearby San Andreas and Hayward faults that make the job tricky. The entire 2 miles (3 km) of bridge, much of it over water, is being strengthened without interrupting the flow of cars, bicycles, and pedestrians admiring the view it offers. The work is

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Engineers think a magnitude 7 quake could tumble the world's

most famous bridge. Retrofitting the Golden Gate is a $400

million, 10-year project that will strengthen it to tolerate an 8.3. (More detail.)

happening in several phases, over at least five years. When it's done, the structure should be strong enough to withstand a magnitude 8.3 quake, with hefty foundations, approaches resting on base isolators, and roadbeds linked together to flex as one fluid piece.

The freeway collapses during the Loma Prieta and Northridge earthquakes prompted a massive retrofitting effort in California that is still under way. When it’s complete, over 2100 spans will have been strengthened.

Live Eye • Great Shakes • Quake Basics • Damage Control • Active Zone

© Exploratorium

Page 15: GT ELA 7 Week of April 13-17

Possible Graphic Organizers

Venn Diagram for Compare and Contrast






Cause Effect





You may use

one of these


organizers for



or you can

design your

own for each

text structure.

Page 16: GT ELA 7 Week of April 13-17

Possible Transition Words for Each Text Structure

Cause/Effect Problem/Solution Compare/Contrast

Therefore As a result

Resulted from Due to

Because Because of

Since This led to

May be due to Consequently Reasons why

If/then So/that

Thus The cause The reason

Dilemma Solution Problem

Challenges Difficutly is Problem is Puzzle is

If/then Reason for

A consequence

Compare: Similarly Similar to

Similar Compared to

As well as Alike

In common Comparable

Likewise On the other hand


In contrast On the other hand

As opposed to However

But Unlike

Different than

Page 17: GT ELA 7 Week of April 13-17


to introduce your text evidence:

According to the

article/story/text, etc.; As

reported by the author; The

author states; For example in

(insert title of article/story here);

On page __ of (insert title or

article/story here)

Words to help you EXPLAIN why

your text evidence is relevant:

(the author) says this because; This

proves that; This shows that; This

explains; This exemplifies how;

This demonstrates; This illustrates;

This suggests; This describes


introduce your points: first, next,

last, finally, in addition to, one,

another, lastly.. CAUSE & EFFECT

SIGNAL WORDS: so, because,

since, when, consequently, as a

result, therefore, if/then, due to

(Topic Sentence) _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ (Transition + Point) ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ (Evidence) ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ (Explain) _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ (Transition + Point) _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ (Evidence) ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ (Explain) _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________

(Transition + Point) _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ (Evidence) ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ (Explain) _________________________________________________________________________________



Cause & Effect Outline

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Topic Sentence: ______________________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Transition + Similarity) ______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Transition + Similarity) ______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Transition + Difference) _____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Transition + Difference) _____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________


to introduce your text evidence:

According to the

article/story/text, etc.; As

reported by the author; The

author states; For example in

(insert title of article/story here);

On page __ of (insert title or

article/story here)

Words to help you EXPLAIN why

your text evidence is relevant:

(the author) says this because; This

proves that; This shows that; This

explains; This exemplifies how;

This demonstrates; This illustrates;

This suggests; This describes


introduce your points: first, next,

last, finally, in addition to, one,

another, lastly.. PROBLEM &


because, causes, as a result of, in

order to, so that, one idea,


(Topic Sentence) _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ (Transition + Point) ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ (Evidence) ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ (Explain) _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ (Transition + Point) _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ (Evidence) ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ (Explain) _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________

(Transition + Point) _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ (Evidence) ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ (Explain) _________________________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________________________ (Concluding Sentence) ___________________________________________________________________________________


Problem & Solution Outline

Page 19: GT ELA 7 Week of April 13-17

Topic Sentence: ______________________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Transition + Similarity) ______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Transition + Similarity) ______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Transition + Difference) _____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Transition + Difference) _____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Concluding Sentence: _______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________


Compare & Contrast Outline


introduce your points: first, next,

last, finally, in addition to, one,

another, lastly.. COMPARE &


“Text Structure Transition

Words” resource.


to introduce your text evidence:

According to the

article/story/text, etc.; As

reported by the author; The

author states; For example in

(insert title of article/story here);

On page __ of (insert title or

article/story here)

Words to help you EXPLAIN why

your text evidence is relevant:

(the author) says this because; This

proves that; This shows that; This

explains; This exemplifies how;

This demonstrates; This illustrates;

This suggests; This describes

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