
1. And Your Exeter Business Network 13th May 2015 2. Introductions Name & Role in Co. Why you do what you do One book on your desert Island Favourite meal you like to prepare 3. Some background 4. Have fun Have Presence Look for the WOW Your menu choice for the day Seans take of Fish Philosophy 5. What is Networking? Business networking is a socioeconomic activity by which groups of like-minded businesspeople recognize, create, or act upon business opportunities. 6. Brand You 7. K is for Kiyosaki & Key points The richest people in the world grow an build networks. Everyone else looks for work First principle giving rather than receiving The greatest thing that you can give to someone is your full attention To build relationships Be courteous, polite Be respectful and well mannered Feel good about yourself FISH - Remember Give your attention to others listen and be interested rather than interesting 8. er/ 9. The Stages Have you a Plan? Why network? What events? What time of day? What group? Research, experience, testimonials, ask your contacts, invitations Your networking kit 10. Networking kit 11. You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. Dale Carnegie How to Win Friends and Influence People 12. 10 Feel-Good Questions - Bob Burg How did you get your start in the widget business? What do you enjoy most about what you do? What separates your company from your competition? What advice would you give someone just starting in the widget (his or her) business? What one thing would you do with your business if you knew you couldnt fail? What significant changes have you seen take place in your profession through the years? What do you see as the coming trends in the widget business? Describe the strangest (or funniest) incident youve ever experienced in your business? What ways have you found to be the most effective for promoting your business? What one sentence would you like people to use in describing the way you do business? The One Key Question That Will Set You Apart From Everyone Else How can I know if someone Im talking to would be a good prospect for you? 13. Connect and Follow up LinkedIn personal message Connect on Twitter personal message - retweet Gather and Share content Personal email saw this & thought of you Listen to the experts Use Hootsuite to schedule Share profiles on LinkedIn Google alerts, Hootsuite search Phone calls, One to ones Invitation to events you go to Your CPD never ever stop 14. Resource List 15. Resource List Links Easiest way is to type the Books title into and you can old, new and even collectible! 16. Networking is not a quick fix It will take time Be friendly Be helpful Be memorable Enjoy the occasion Your networking lunch is next! Thank you for participating

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