
Group Process by Example

Agile Tour London

A PO’s and SM’s perspective

Łukasz Aziukiewicz

Scrum Master@aziuk_l

Marta Kossowska

Product Owner@marta_kossowska

● Individuals and their interactions

● Delivering working software

● Customer collaboration

● Responding to change

● with some issues...

➔ no common project goals

➔ scattered team members micromanaged by leaders

➔ “never ending” stories

➔ bug fixing and fighting fires

➔ no contact with client

➔ lack of trust between the team and stakeholders

➔ priorities changed every day

➔ no planning perspective

● 4 phases every group goes through

● no strict time frames

● can be accelerated or hindered

“Bugs yesterday, bugs today

(bugs tomorrow and forever and ever)”

● Product Backlog - what is it?

● unclear business context

➔ building a safe environment

➔ giving them norms

➔ giving examples

➔ involve team to create user stories

“Scrum doesn’t work let’s do Kanban”

● different trials to organize product backlog

● poor quality & most of time dedicated to

bug fixing

● wait it out - don’t go to war

● let them try and fail

● leave space to inspect and adapt

● appreciate productive behaviours

● “let the team destroy everything”

● try different solutions and inspect if they


“This other team uses a cool calendar that helps

them do sprint planning - why don’t we try it?”

● agile product techniques actively used

● improved communication with stakeholders

● give the team space

● show that the changes have an effect

● involve team members in starting new initiatives

● facilitate contacts with business client

● focus on quality

“What can we do to be even better?”

● responsibility for whole product and its quality

● more partnership with business stakeholders

● up the ante - constantly try to improve

● don’t get in their way

● start with WHY and let the team decide HOW

● openness for initiatives

● Individuals and their interactions

● Delivering working software

● Customer collaboration

● Responding to change

1. Build a safe environment so people can start


2. Don’t fight the team in storming stage.

3. Give the team space for norming

4. Reap the benefits of performing


Marta Kossowska

Product Owner@marta_kossowska

Łukasz Aziukiewicz

Scrum Master@aziuk_l

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