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GRIGOR KHACHATRYAN 1952 - Born on November 7 in Yerevan 1985 - Graduated from the PIY, the Art and Culture department 1985-87 - Head of the department of exposition of the Museum of Modern Art 1988 - Member of the Union of Artists of USSR (Armenia) 1987-96 - Art editor of “Garun” magazine 1996 - 2001 - Art leader of AR TV Company 2003 - directore of ART SCOOL home 55-19-65 / mobil 093 61 80 78 E-mail: [email protected] WORKS: PERFORMANCE, ACTION 1972 - Heading of army troops, workday on the 1-st of may: photo with Suren Navasardyan,Gagik Harutunyan 1974 - Physical testing of “Grigor Khachatryan” award: photo with Ashot Hovhannisyan 1975 - Funerals in the institute 1980 - Solemn opening of a WC in the institute Since 1990 - Awarding of “Grigor Khachatryan” award: 1990 - ”Jan Gilan’s price dropping”. Unprofitable resale of tickets 1990 - ”Arates”: gathering of population’s pee in the basket of ANM 1990 - Yerevan, peeing from a bridge over the river Getar with Armen Davtyan, Vahagn Atabekyan and Tigran Paskevichyan reading Apoliner’s“Marabou’s Bridge” by heart 1990 - Nude walking 1996 - Selfsuggestion as a candidate on the post of the president of Republic of Armenia, interviews in the square of the internal and external political platform 1998 - Paris, peeing from the Marabou’s Bridge with Vahagn Atabekyan and Vahram Sahakyan, reading Apoliner’s“Marabou’s Bridge” by heart 2003 – discurs in Writer street .Rencontres Utopiennes / I`environnement du corps...genetiguement modifiable..Erevan–Geneve 2008 - Official meetings/ EXHIBITIONS 1984 - International Poster Competition, Moscow, 3-rd prize 1988 - Biennial, Brno 1990 - MANIFEST, “Exhibition OF A Single Work”,Union of Artists, Yerevan 1993 - ”Armenian Culture Days”, Vienna / Vienculture, graphics / 1993 - ”Object #1” / 2 mirrors facing each other and situated in 5mm distance 1994 - ”Armenian Culture Days” / Boch, Germany / 1994 - ”Pacific” / 3-rd floor, Yerevan / 1994 - ”Play House: enter from inside” /EX-VOTO, Yerevan / 1994 - From my personal collection of my undrawn paintings, I’ll show you / a clean sheet of canvas, 100x80, CCEA, Yerevan / 1995 -”The modern art of Armenia”, Moscow, Russia 1994 - ”I’m not a chair, I’m a contemporary of Grigor Khachatryan” Norayr Ayvazyan. “If I remain silent the chairs will make noise” G.K.: -“TEXT” Yerevan 1995 - The Question of the Ark / The exhibition of the artists of Moscow and Yerevan, ACCEA, Yerevan / 1996 -”Subject-Object” / fenced territory chosen by Grigor Khachatryan/ “E” Art Festival, ACCEA, Yerevan 1996 - ”There are things that don’t depent on me” / a pipe of a vacuum cleaner from the ceiling, CCEA, Yerevan / 1999 - Closed City / HAI-ART, Yerevan

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1999 - Avangard art / ACCEA, Yerevan / 1999 -”Great Atrophy” international exhibition 1999 -Fanatics of body and mind /ACCEA, Yerevan / 1999 - Tree tendencies, HI – ART, Yerevan Armenia 2001 - The World is You, Summer Art Festival, Vien 2001 -Parallel reality is You 2001 - Beyond icons / National Museum of Armenia 2001 - Utopiana, 2003 - §Adieu Parajanov¦Contemporary Art from Armenia 2002 - Afirmativ, ACCEA, Yerevan 2003 - UTOPIANA, Rencontres Utopiennes,vill de jeneve,erevan - Thierry Fontaine HURLOIR, EREVAN ( ARMENNIE), performances sonores 2006 - Alternativ vision, Vienna,Austria 2006 - Art Without Borders, ACCEA.Yerevan, Armenia 2007 - Centre d`art contemporarain de Qumiper 2007 - Erevan Crusis , ACCEA.Yerevan, Armenia 1996-2001 -”City” movie series in AR TV Company City is the root of politics, politeness, citizenship, civilization. Videotape is a mirror memory.Mirror – realisation, see – “Meduza Gorgona” “City - culture” – exhibitions, concerts, films, videotapes, videoart “out door” nature movie series 2008 - The nationalcentre on planning accidents Erevan 2011 - Venice 54 Biennale Armenian pavilion/the Official meetings/ 2012- Es geht um die welt.INTERNATIONAL PLAKATE ZU. DKW.Kunstmuseum Dieselkraftung Cottbus.Brandenburgische Kulturstiftung Cottbus 2012- STIFTUNG DEUTSCHES HISTORISCHES MUSEUM ”From my personal collection of my undrawn paintings” WORDS 1990 - MANIFEST. I’m not a man, I’m Grigor Khachatryan,you are not men, you are Grigor Khachatryan’s contemporary.G.K. a name high and delightful 1990 - ART- The names that are given to earthly things contain too much error / Book by Philip /

1990 - Attention: you may be in the spare of influence of Grigor Khachatryan’s sexual rays, which work in radius of 50000 parsec. The epicenter moves with Grigor Khachatryan

1991 - Sun, sun come, come, be likely to Grigor Khachatryan 1991 - I’m protected by the state 1991 - I vote for the voice of the caller in desert 1991 - The only negative in me is resus 1991 - I’m the one you weren’t expecting 1991 - Happy is the one who believes without believing 1992 - I’m greater than I think therefore I’m modest. 1992 - Nobody, even me, can’t make news, we can only call attention 1994 - I’m the sexual result of my parent’s wants 1994 - At first I thought I would grow up and become an artist, then I thought I would grow into an idiot, now I think I’ll die if I grow more therefore until I die I’ve not become great enough. Therefore when I die I’ll be great. 1994 - All the regressive population of the world the November 7 celebrates as the anniversary of the October Revolution, all the progressive one as Grigor Khachatryan’s birthday 1994 - The temples were changed into churches, the New Years day was changedinto Saint Johan’s, and this is the concept of how the October Revolution’s anniversary turned into Grigor Khachatryan’s birthday (EX- VOTO, Yerevan)

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Grigor Khachatryan is one of those first artists in Armenia who shifted in 1970s towards conceptual art practices (performance, text and photography). The

theme of power is central for his artistic oeuvre. Materials for Khachatryan's artistic production are his own persona, his body and his name. Implicit and

explicit interventions in the printed and electronic media are essential for Khachatryan's artistic strategies.

1990 - زÜÆüºêî. »ë Ù³ñ¹ ã»Ù, »ë ¶ñÇ·áñ ʳã³ïñÛ³ÝÝ »Ù, ¹áõù Ù³ñ¹ ã»ù, ¹áõù ¶ñÇ·áñ ʳã³ïñÛ³ÝÇ Å³Ù³Ý³Ï³ÏÇóÝ »ù: ¶ñÇ·áñ ʳã³ïñÛ³Ý, ³ÝáõÝ µ³ñÓñ áõ íë»Ù

1990 - MANIFEST. I’m not a man, I’m Grigor Khachatryan,you are not men, you are Grigor Khachatryan’s contemporary. G.Kh. a name high and delightful

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1992 - »ë ݳ »Ù, áõÙ ã¿Çù ëå³ëáõÙ 1992 - ÙÇ³Ï µ³ó³ë³Ï³ÝÁ ÇÙ Ù»ç 黽áõëÝ ¿ 1992 - »ë ³í»ÉÇÝ »Ù, ù³Ý »ë ϳñÍáõÙ »Ù, ѻ勉µ³ñ »ë ѳٻëï »Ù 1992 - I’m the one you weren’t expecting 1992 - The only negative in me is resus 1992 - I’m greater than I think therefore I’m modest.

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Since 1990 - Awarding of “Grigor Khachatryan” award: Physical testing of “Grigor Khachatryan” award: photo with Ashot Hovhannisyan

Գրիգոր Խաչատրյան մրցանակի ֆիզիկական փորձարկումը Աշոտ Գրիգորյանի հետ 1974թ.

1 Этот перфоменс представляет собой процедуру награждения конкретных деятелей культуры (или общественных деятелей) за определенные

заслуги в этой сфере. Перформенс заключается в том, что награждаемые должны поднять на руки Григора Хачатряна, который и является их

премией. «Награда Григора Хачатряна» процессуальна, она продолжается по сей день.

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2007-Nadia Tsulukidze

խրախուսական մրցանակ, մեկ ոտքը գետնին / Հայկ Գևորգյանին/,Incentive Award, one foot on the ground

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1995-performance / Finnish bath in Arates/ foto 30x20 Grigor Khachatryan,Norajr Ajvazyan foto 8. 30x20

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Grigor Khachatryans laughter

1997-¶ñÇ·áñ óñ·Ù³ÝíáõÙ ¿ ³ñÃáõÝ: §îËáõñ ¿ Ñá·Çë Ù»éÝ»Éáõ ³ëïÇ׳Ý,Ùݳó»ù ³Ûëï»Õ ¨ ³ñÃáõÝ Ï³ó»ù¦ ³í.Áëï سñÏáëÇ §àí ùÝ³Í ¿ ³ñÃáõÝ Ï³ó»ù¦ê³ëáõÝóÇ ¸³íÇà §øÝ³Í µ³Ý³Ï³ÝáõÃÛáõÝÁ Ññ»ßÝ»ñ ¿ ÍÝáõÙ¦¶áÛ³ /ϳåñÇãáë/ øݳÍÝ»ñÇó ß³ï»ñÁ Ññ»ß³íáñ Ëéé³óÝáõÙ »Ý,¹³ ¶ñÇ·áñ ʳã³ïñÛ³ÝÇ ÍÇͳÕÝ ¿,áñ ³é³ç³ÝáõÙ ¿ ùÝ³Í µ³Ý³Ï³ÝáõÃÛáõÝ ï»ëÝ»ÉÇë: ¶ñÇ·áñ ʳã³ïñÛ³Ý Ò³ÛÝÇ ï»ÕÁ.ºñ¨³Ý вÚ-²ðî 1997 ѳٳ¹ñáÕ Ü³½³ñ»Ã γñáÛ³Ý:Ò³Ûݳ·ñáõÃÛáõÝ,ùÝ³Í ÍÝáÕÝ»ñÇë ËééáóÁ ¨ ÇÙ ÍÇͳÕÁ: §³ñӳݳ·ñáõÃÛáõݦ Üö²Î.ºñ¨³Ý 1997 ѳٳ¹ñáÕ ¸³íÇà γñ»Û³Ý

Grigor Khachatryans laughter 2003- γÝã³ñ³Ý,ºñ¨³Ý-Äݨ /г۳ëï³Ý-Þí»Ûó³ñdz/ Ó³ÛݳÛÇÝ å»ñýáñÙ³Ýë /ÍÇͳÕ/ èáõµ»Ý ²ñ¨ß³ïÛ³ÝÇ Ñ»ï

Yerevan- Geneva, Armenia-Switzerland, sound performance/ laughter/ with Ruben Arevshatyan

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2007- ¶ñÇ·áñ ʳã³ïñÛ³ÝÇ ÍÇͳÕÁ: ýñ³Ýëdz λÙå»ñ ijٳݳϳÏÇó ³ñí»ëï Ï»ÝïñáÝ, ѳٳ¹ñáÕÝ»ñ` ¸áÙÇÝÇÏ ²µ»ÝëÛáõñ,ܳ½³ñ»Ã γñáÛ³Ý 2007- Grigor Khachatryans laughter. France,Quiemper center for contemporary art

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2001- nashional drems ³½·³ÛÇÝ µ³ÕÓ³ÝùÝ»ñ

1997 - performance nashional drems, Grigor Khachatryan,Norajr Ajvazyan,Artak Bagdasaryan,Armen Davtyan

1998- nashional dreams,performance

Grigor Khachatryan,Norajr Ajvazyan,Gevorg Hakobyan. video 3m.30s.

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2001 - ì³Ýݳ ÉÇ×, ¶ñÇ·áñ ʳã³ïñÛ³Ý,Üáñ³Ûñ ²Ûí³½Û³Ý, гÛ-²ñï, ºñ¨³Ý 2001 - Lake Van Grigor Khachatryan, Norajr Ajvazyan

Not a woderful fishing 1998

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The national centre on planning accidents 2008


In March 2008 Grigor Khachatryan established “The Accidents Planning Interantional Center”: Sice then he is planning any accident: from weather to

political events. The represented objects.Documental materialsare witnesses of the progressing activities of the center, which are extended on past,present

and future.

Grigor Khachatryan Dierector of the eccidents planning international center 2008 The national centre on planning accidents,foto100x80

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2011-Venice 54 Biennale Armenian pavilion/the Official meetings/

Grigor Khachatryan, Official Meetings, 2010, documentary photo of a series of performance. Courtesy of artist.

The national centre on planning accidents foto 100x70

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2011-Venice 54 Biennale Armenian pavilion/the Official meetings/

Grigor Khachatryan and Gorgian President Micail Saakashvili

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2009 - Tigran Paskevichyan receives a medal for courage. foto 70x100sm

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2009 - Grigor water walker

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They don’t see anyone and anything. They don’t speak. They are permanent participants of Lenin’s Subbotnik (the day of volunteer work) carrying the log through the cities, villages, anywhere. They haven’t stopped since they have got the order. They are the ghosts from the soviet past.

1 may /action/ video 04m.16s. 1999, 2//action/ /video/ 03m.1999 action/ 3./video/ 03m.46s1999,

Üñ³Ýù áã Ù»ÏÇ ¨ áãÇÝã ã»Ý ï»ëÝáõÙ,ã»Ý ËáëáõÙ,Üñ³Ýù å»ñٳݻÝï È»ÝÇÝÛ³Ý ß³µ³ÃûñÛ³ÏÇ Ù»ç »Ý, ·»ñ³ÝÝ áõë»ñÇÝ` ù³Õ³ùÝ»ñáõÙ,·ÛáõÕ»ñáõÙ, ³ÛÉáõñ, Ýñ³Ýù ëÏë»Éáõ Ññ³Ù³ÝÝ ëï³Ý³Éáõó Ñ»ïá ϳݷ ã»Ý ³é»É:Ýñ³Ýù áõñí³Ï³ÝÝ»ñ »Ý ëáí»ï³Ï³Ý ³ÝóÛ³ÉÇó:

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2003 - ¶ñ³Ï³Ý ÷»ñýáñÙ³Ýë, »ÉáõÛà ·ñáÕÝ»ñÇ ÷áÕáóáõÙ: àõïáåÇ³Ï³Ý Ñ³Ý¹ÇåáõÙÝ»ñ,ѳÛ-ßí»Ûó³ñ³Ï³Ý ѳٳï»Õ ݳ˳·ÇÍ: 2003 - Literary performans. discurs in Writer street .Rencontres Utopiennes / I`environnement du corps...genetiguement modifiable..Erevan - Geneve

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1997 - ”PIONEER”: formerly there were pioneers and was no Pioneer Bar /video/ 20m

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The second congress of a partyof the fools of Armenia 2006, text

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Sous le pont Mirabeau coule la Seine

Et nos amours

Faut-il qu’il m’en souvienne

La joie venait toujours après la peine

Vienne la nuit sonne l’heure

Les jours s’en vont je demeure

Les mains dans les mains restons face à face

Tandis que sous

Le pont de nos bras passe

Des éternels regards l’onde si lasse

Vienne la nuit sonne l’heure

Les jours s’en vont je demeure

L’amour s’en va comme cette eau courante

L’amour s’en va

Comme la vie est lente

Et comme l’Espérance est violente

Vienne la nuit sonne l’heure

Les jours s’en vont je demeure

Passent les jours et passent les semaines

Ni temps passé

Ni les amours reviennent

Sous le pont Mirabeau coule la Seine

Vienne la nuit sonne l’heure

Les jours s’en vont je demeure

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